(By Telegraph.—Parliamentary Reporter.)
The Public Works Estimates for the year ending 31st March, 1899, were laid on the table of the House to-night.
Undei the head of railways £217,100 lis set down for railways, and £200,000 ! for additions to other open lines. .For the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and other public works, £300,000. Development of Goldfields, £45,000. Purchase of Native lands, £50,000.Telegraph extension, £32,000. Public buildings, £126,000. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences, £11,570. Rates on Native lands, £9,000. Contingent defence, £ 25,000. Total Public Works Fund liabilities |on 31st March, IS9B, £391,427; estii mated amount required to be voted £1,077,040; amount voted last year, I £992,777; expended, £5G5,538. Government loans to local bodies, £50,000. RAILWAYS—NEW WORKS. 1 Construction and land, £171,600; | permanent way and other materials, : £45,000; additions to open lines, i £200,000. Whungarei-Kamo extension, £ 7,000. Helensvilie, northwards, £3,500. Compensation to . McLean Bros., in full satisfaction of all claims, £3,500. Grahamstown-Te Aroha, £25j£00. Marton-Te Awamutu, £40,000. Eketahuna-Woodville, £ 1,500. Midland Railway, £35,000, less estimated credits, £5,000. ■ Otago Central, £30,000. Sui-veys, new lines of railway, £3,600. Permanent way: materials, £45,000; timber, iron, etc., £500. ADDITIONS TO OPEN LINES. Kawakawa, £ 18. Whangarei, £1,037. Waikato-Hamilton to Paeroa, Morrinsville to Lichfield, Hamilton to Cambridge, £3,356. Interlocking signal gear, £5,000. Rolling stock, £ 118,232. Gas-lighting plant and fittings, £17,140. Workshop machinery, £5,546. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Settlement roads, bridges, and other public works, £300,000; roads on goldfields, £60,000. ROADS AND WHARVES. Ahipara-Herekino, £ 200. Awanui-West Coast, £ 100. Herekino-Whangape, £200. Kaeo-Whangaroa, £200. Kaitaia-Ahipara, £ 200. Mangatoetoe, £50. Mongonui-Taipa-Awanui, ',£ 250. Maungataniwha, £500. Mongonui County roads, £200. Mongonui parish: Awanui main road, £S00; Oruru-Hikurangi, £91; Takahue Village, Victoria Valley, £150; Takahue-Kerekino, £400; Victoria Valley main road, £800; Victoria Valley-Kaitaia, £250; Kaeo-Wai-mate-Whangaroa. £117. Kaeo parish: Mongonui parish main road, £400; Whangaroa coast road, £100; Whangaroa-Kaeo (widening, bridging; etc.), £300. Whangaroa County roads, £200. Hayter's-Morrows', Bay of Islands, £50." Hakerenui South-Waitotu Valley,: £200. Main road, lot 2, Block 14, Hekenui Survey District, £21. Main, north road, Waitotu Block, .-£ 225. Motatau, £50. Hekerenui-Kaeo parish main road, 3 600. Ngapipito, £300. Opua-Waimate, £240. Okaihau-Kerikeri, £100. Ohaewai-Okaihau, £ 100. Ohaewai-Kaikohe, £150. Pungere settlement, Kerikeri, £150. Ruapekapeka-Waiotu bridge, £ 300. Ramarama Valley, £200. Road through native land near Waihoi, £40. Towai-Ruapekapeka, £ 52. Utaknra road deviation, £500. Waitangi-Kaikohe, £ 100. Kaihohe-Taheko, £200. Auckland special settlement, Mangakahia, £300. Hokinnga country roads, £200. Herd's Point-Takahue, £450. Herekino, £200. Kohukohu-Tukahue, Herd's Point, £ 200. Kohnkohu-Rakautapu, £ 250. Kohukohu-Motukaraka, £200. Marlborough Association, £300. Manganuiowai, £200. Ma:iuguru-Mangakahia, £ 200 Manganui-Owai-Whangape, £ 300. Oinanaie-Hokianga Heads, £300. Omanaie-Hokianga Heads, £300. Okalhau-Oreke, £ 50. Okaibau-Victoria Valley, £300. Part Block 7, Waipoua Survey District, £300. Part Block 7, Waipoua Survey District, £300. Punakitere settlement roads, £400. Re Awaroa North, £300. Taheke-Otana, £ 100. Wannamuku settlement, £400. Waimamuku, £300. Waimaniuku-Pakanae, £ 200. Whangape section, £55. Block S,- £200. Waimamuku-Punakitere, £ 365. Caves'-McLaughlin's, £100., Gile's corner, Great North Road, £70. Grahamstown-Parua Bay, £200. Hikurangi-Jordan, £200. Hikurangi-Otonga, £ 250. Hikerenui-Waiotu, £200. Hikerenui, Blocks 10 and 11, £160. Jordon-Hekerenui station, bridge, and road, £ 150. Jordon, £200. Kauerangi, £ 120. Kaimaku, £200. Kauri Mountain, Patana, £100. Maungakaramea-Tangihua, £ 150. Manu-Maungatapere - Maungakahia, £300. Maunu-Otahe, £200. Maungakahia, Block 4, £200! Okaihu, £ 300. Scarrott's Wharf, £ 1 for £1. Te Kopuru Wharf, £100. Tangihua, £ 50. Te Kopuru-Tikini, £200. Huketere, £300. Kaiwaka-Mangaua, £200. Matakohe, £300. Matakohe-Mangonui, £ 300. Mareretu, £105. Matakohe-Tokatoka, £200. Hakuru-Waikiekie parish main road, £SOO. Paparoa-Mangaturoto, £ 200. Pahi-Maungatoroto, £200. Pahi-Waikiekie, £150. Raupo Wharf, £250. Tokatoka post-office, £ 100. Topini-Maungaturoto, £50. Valley Road, Paparoa, £100. Ahuroa-Komokoriki, £100. Dairy Flat-Lucas Greek, £200. Hoteo-Waiwhu, £16. Hoteo Valley, £100. Hoteo Valley-Tearai, £100.
Kaukapakapa-Port Albert, £250. Matakana-Omaha, £ 100. Matakana Ranges-Tearai, £150. Matakana Wharf, £100. Mafcarau railway station, £150. Makarau bridge, West Coast, £200. Matakana Ranges, £200.
Waiwera-Hakaru main road, £80.0. Port ..Albert to Wellsford Junction, £ioo:, ■'■•
Piihoi-Warkworth, £ 50. Tauhoa, Blocks 10 and 11, £400. Tauhoa, £100. Toarai-Mangawhai, £ 100. Warkworth, £70. Kaipara Flats, £50. Warkworth-Matakana, £ 100. Warkworth-Wellsford, £ 50. Warkworth Wharf and Courthouse, £100.' Warkworth main road, £150. Warkworth-Kaipara Flat and Tauhoa, £300. Hoteo Valley-Mangawai, £100. Great North Road,-Waitemata, £100. Henderson, £150. Mangakahia, G, Block 14, £200. Marsden Point to Waipu, £100. Maungakaramea-Ruarangi, £55. Mangapai-Waikiekie, £300. Mangapai, £200. Mareretu-FinlaysonVWaipu, £ 200. Waikiekie Parish-Hukerenui main road, £400.
Opuavvhanga-Otonga East, £100. Whangarei, Blocks 111. and IV., £.100. •
Old North Road, £40. Opuawhanga-Whananaki, £IGO. i urua-Taheke, £100. Parua - Ruatangata - Maungakahia, £300. Ruakaka-North River, £300. Three Mile Bush (repairing), £150. Tangihua No. 2-Tangiteroria, £200. Tokatoka-Mangapai, £ 200. Waipu, £200. , Waipu road and wharf, £250. Waipu Mareretii, £ 150. Waiotu bridge (Hutchinson's), £100. Avoca special settlement, £200. Arapohue, £150. Dargaville-Aratapu, £100. Dargaville-Kaihohe, £ 500. Dargaville-Tangiteroria, £300. Mangawhare-Oponaki, £ 250. Mangatu special settlement, Mongonui Bluff-West Coast, £300. Mititai-Tokatoka, £200. ' Opanaki-Hokianga, £ 1,500. , Opanaki-Mongonui Bluff, £100. 'Omu wharf (Avoca), £75. Henderson-West Coast, £ 100. H enderson-Swajison (metalling), £150.
VOTES FOR WAITEMATA. Hula West Coast, £250. Kumeu Main Road-Rewiti, £150. Lucas Creek Road, £100. North Shore-Waiwera (main road), £800. Rewiti-Parkhurst, £ 150. Swatison-West Coast. • £ 300. Track to Kauri Foz-est, Waitakerei, £400. Upper Waiwera Road extension, £100" Upper Waiwera-Wade-Wainui, £100. West Coast Road-Waitangi, £100. Woodville-Parkhurst., £ 100. Wade Village-Orewa, £50. Wade-Lucas Creek, £ 100. Wuiwe'-a Springs, £130. Wainui-Kaukapakapa, £ 150. Waikomiti West, £150. Wa.fkcmiti-Swii.nson, £ 150. Waikomiti-Huia, £110. WORKS, MOUNT EDEN COUNTY. Rangitoto Mountain, £1 for £1, £20. MANUKAU VOTES. Aka Aka Otan, £100. , Av^Jitu Road and Wharf, £295. Hunua Road, £300. Hunyia-Ararimu, £258. Hunua Railway Station, £400. Otahuhu Wharf, £100. Otatt, £500. Patumahoe-West Mauku, metalling, £ 100 Pan mure Wharf, repairs, £100. Pollock to Wharf, £100. Pollock Settlement Main Road, £ 150. Wa^roa River-Ota.u, £315. Waiuku-Pukekohe, £350. Otahuliu-Bombay (main road), £ 450. RAGLAN DISTRICT. Awaroa Block XL, £400. Aotea Wharf Road, £100. Bre^men's La.nding, Tuakau, £ 150. Bregmen's Landing and Mercer, £100. Himtly-Kahumhuru, £200. K.LMro'a Pakaka, £200. Law-son's Hill. £250. Main Ror.d Pukikawa, £100. Main Road West Coast, road through Block VI., Wairoa. £ 250. Main Road to Blocks VII. and IX., Karioi, £100. Mangapiko-Maire, £50. Matakataka Cutting, £ 100. Onuvhero (Sections 128, 129), £55. Raglan-IJaupuki, £ 200. Raglan -Wai pa, £400. Raglan District, Tuakau, Raglan, £ 500 Tup.kau-0-rma.tai-Kahuruhuru, £ 1200. Aot'eo-Raglan, £200. Waitetuna-Aotea., £300. Waing-aro Omata, £300. WaLn<raro-Ng-a,ruawahia, £ 300. Waltetuna-Waingaro, £ 300. Waerenga Station-Waerenga Settlement,, £100. Waitetuna Kauri, £300. Waitetuna-Wha.tawha,ta, £ 300. WAIKATO DISTRICT. Blocks X. and XI, Rangiriri Survey District, £00. Kimihia-Huntly Education Endowment., £100. Rangiriri-Oambridg'e (main troad), £350. " Ohinewai-Matahura, £ 100. Road to Briscoe's Section, Awakino, £100. Road to Section 485, Wha.ngama.rino, £100. University Endowment, Kimihia, £100. WaJpuna Valley Road a.nd Whang-a-marino Paxish, £100. Waikato and Ma.nukau-Bombuy-Rang-iriri Main Road, £200. ROTORUA COUNTY. Arahiwi and Maiuaku Railway Station, £36.*. Ngong-otaha-Bishop's Section, £ 100. Okoheriki, Survey District, £300. Rotorua-Ngons'otaha, Mount, £100. Rotorna Wharf, £400. Rotorua-Wairoa, £-300. Rotoiti- Tarawera, via Okataina, £300. Taumata, £182. Galatea-Ruatoki, £100. Rotorua-Te Toko, £ 1000. Rotorua - Galatea - Waikaremoana, £8000. Rotowhero, via Waiotapu Wairakei, £1000. Ts Arohpj-Rotorua Road, tihroug-'h Okauia Block,, £300. Tiru (Oxford)-Rotorua, £591. KAWHIA COUNTY. Alexandra-Kawhia, £ 45. Hauturu East, £500. Kinohaku East, £500. Pirongia West, £1500.. Tokanui-Wharepapa, £300. Te Kuiti- Awakino, £400 C. Waitomo Caves, £40. Wharauroa, £100.
KAWHTA AND TAUPO DISTRICTS. Kawhia-Aotea, £110. Maungaka, A.1.A., £.280. Otorohanga-Pirongia, £200. Paemako-Ohura, £ 400.. Kihikihi - Otorohanga, -Te Kuiti i £300.Onewhero No. 2 and Puketarata, • £38. Kihikihi-Waiotu, £200. Wharepuhunga No. 1, £745. TAURANGA DISTRICT. Ake Ake. £75. : ' Maketu Wharf, £ 100. Otawa, Nos. 1A and 18, £200. Pye's Pa, £100. Papamoa Special Settlement, £400. Papamoa No. 1, £200. Tauranga-Cambridge, £100. Maketu-Rotorua, £ 500. Pongakawa, Rotorua and Rotorua Road, £200. Tauranga-Runanga, £ 2000. East Tauiao-Atieamiiiri-Orakei-Kora/-ko, £250. Otarewa-Waipapa Stream (Ro"binson's Road), £200. Orakei-Korako (tracks), £300. Tauhara Mountain,, £100. Tokaarm-Taupo, £ 600. Tokaanu Road and Wharf, £300. WHAKATANE DISTRICT. Galatea-Te Teko, £160. Matata-TetekOj £200. Nukuhou-Maraetotara, £500. Otara Bridge/£IOO. Otara River-Papamoa, £300. Omarumutu-Te Whaiti, £ 100. Opotiki-Otamamaku, £200. Papamoa-Omarumutu, £ 150. • Rangitaiki-Ruatoki-Waitoha, £ 130. Te Teko-Opotiki, £700. Waimana-Ohiwa, £ 200. • Waioka River, Waitohi Block, £300. Waireka (Blocks 2, 3, 4), £750. Waimana, £500. Waiotahi, £500. BAY OF PLENTY. Sundry roads, £ 100. Village settlements, £450. Contingencies and ' Engineering, £1109. WANGAWA AND BAY OF ISLANDS, Bridges and approaches Paeroa Stream, £100. Maitangi, £200. Waikerikei, £100. HOKIANGA AND WHANGARE7. Hokianga, £40.-Purua-Wairua River, £77. Whangarei, £ 100. Wairoa-Tangiteoria (to account), £400. Waipuku (damage by floods), £100. MISCELLANEOUS. Mangakahia (to account), £800. Wairoa (Dargaville), £300. Hardies Bridge (repairs), £150. Manguwai (to account), £300. Hoteo, £100. Matakana, £125. Makarau, £200. Mahurangi (Warkworth), £400. Puhoi, £~200. Upper Makarau, £100. : Orakei (repairs), £500. Oakleigh Creek, £1 for £1, £300. Mangere, £ 105. Tamaki (Panmure), £SSO. Tuakau (to account), £500. Waipa (Ngarua.wahia), £1582. Cambridge (repairs), £1 for "£l, £ 100. Whathvhatihoe Bridge, £100. Puniu,£loo. Kniti, £200. Kaituna Stream, £ 150. . Morea, £600. Waikato-Waiotapu (to account), £1500. Whakatane County, £1 for £1, £200. Whakatane County: Repairing1 and constructing, £500. Hokianga, Knwhia, Whangarei, etc. IMPROVED FARM SETTLEMENTS. Awatunu, £512; Katui, £600; Mangatu, £300; Rangatira Oppaki, Hokia.nga, -£980; Paemako Karuotewhenua), £1150; Teraumoa, £600. OTHER PUBLIC WORKS. ICg-ungrrru Ferry, & 100. Waipu River (£1 for £1), deepening, £100. Toka Tcka Swamp drainage, road and tramway, £3000. Aka Aka Swamp, drainnge and road, £ 150. Otau Swamp, drainage and road, £ 100. Manukau. Raglan, etc., Maiora Swamp, drainage and road, £230. Churchill punt on Waikato, £200. Mercer, punt, drainage and road, £ 200. Whatawhata Swamp, drainage and road, £100. Te Aroha Sanatorium, Hot Springs and Domain, £1000. Te Aroha and Waitoa drains, £243. Taupo Domain, plantation, paths, etc., £400. Tokaanu Baths and Water Supply, £ 500. Tauranga County, flood damages, £ 10. Rotorua, works at to account, £7000. Rotorua Water Supply, £500. Waiotapu Springs, improvement. £500. "' . Whakarewarewa, baths, paths, and supervision (£22), £200. Rotorua-Whakatane, £200. > Total, 114,293. GOLDFIELD WORKS AND ROADS. Assistance towards the construction and repair of roads, tramways and tracks in mining and mineral districts: . i Prospecting and minor works for the development of the mineral resoairces and for the extraction of metals from the ores, £15,000. Roads to open up mineral lands, £ 250. ROADS ON GOLDFIELDS. WTiangarei: Whakapara to Puhipuhi, £200; Kiripaka to coal mines, £100. Coromandel District: Cape CoMlle, £400; Tairua-Whenuakite, £200; Coromandel to Cabbage Bay, £ 300; Tokatea to Kennedy Bay, £500; Coromandel to Kuaotunu via Matarangi, £700; Tiki to Kaimarama, £300; Tiki to Manaia, £300; Tiki to Opitonui, £1 for £1, £400; Manaia to Waikawau, £700; Mercury Bay to Whenuakite, and Boat Harbour, £200; Kuaotunu to Mercury Bay, £250; Whitianga to Gumtown, £200; Goromandel to Whangapoua, £400. Kikowhakarere to Cabbage Bay, £300; extending Wharf Road, Coromandel, £500; Bridge King's Road, £250; Taumatawahine Bridge, £300; Tokatea to Matamatahareke, £100; Cemetery Road Kuaotunu, £100; Whitianga - Kaimaramarai, £150; Mahakirau Goldfields Road, £100; Tiki-Matawai, £150; Tiki-Te Koumu, £100; Opitonui Road, £200. Thames District: Thames to Waikawau, £500; Thames to Hikntaia, £300; Upper Tararu Road, £250; : Pux-iri to Tairua, £600: Tapu Creek Extension, £250; Road Turua to Netherton, £050; Hikutaia-Whanga-mata, Wires Track, £500; Puru Creek Road, £300; Matatoki Road* £250; Wharepoa Settlement Road, £200; Whangamata Harbour to Wharekawa Road, £950; drains Hiku-
taia, £200; repairs Mata, Bridge, £300; Waiomo to mines, £200.
Ohinemuri District: junction-Waihi |Eoad to Waitekauri, £200; nikutaia ito Waihi, £800; Waitekauri to Golden ;'Cross, £700; Waihi to Whangarnata, I £300; Paeroa to Te Aroha, £200; Paeroa to Waitoa, £S00; Kornata Eeefs to ; Paeroa, £500; Ivomata Reefs to ; Waitekauri, £400; Hikutaia to Waitekauri, £400; Waitekauri to Wharei kirapunga, £400 ; Karangahake Bridge (£1 for £1 subsidy), £40S; Bridge over Waitekauri Creek, £160: Grace Darling Road, £150; Roads Netherton, £200; Mangaiti and Waihoa Road.and Punt (subsidy), £150. Piako District: Thompson's Track, £500; Waiorongomai Road, £150; river protective works, Te Aroha, £200. Tauranga District: Roads Tauranga County, £730; Waihi-Katikati Road, £500; Papamoa-Te Puke, £150; Blind Bay-Whangaparapara, £1 for £1. Development of goldfields races reservoirs and waterworks on goldfields, £50,000. Assistance towards prospecting, £5000. Prospecting deep levels, £12,000. Compensation arising out of proclamation of rivers and resumption of land, £8000. Kelly's Terrace tunnel, £1200. TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES. Telegraph extension, instruments, material and labour, £24,000; poles and arms, £2500; telephone exchanges, £4000; new cable, £1500; total vote, £32,000. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. General, £20,000; judicial, £10,560; postal and telegraph, £8425; customs, ■ £150; lunatic asylums,, £20,000; 'school buildings, "£23,400; school ; buildings (special), £25,000; agricultural, £1885; hospitals and charitable ! institutions, £1000; total, £126,420. Government House, Auckland: Reipairs and improvements, etc., £2500; refurnishing, £1000. Parliamentary buildings, £25,000; furniture for same, £500; renovation, 'repairs and painting, £500. Departmental buildings, Auckland: Strong room in Deed Registry Office, £200; purchase of additional land, £2000. Expenditure on court, houses and gaols: Thames, strong room, £100; Coromandel strong room, £100; Paeroa, £200; Auckland gaol, £750. Police Stations: Auckland (estimated cost, £9000), £2000; Coromandel, £100; Thames (new quarters), £350; Ivarangahake, £200; Mercer (repairs), £150; Te' Aroha (additions, etc.), £140; Hamilton West (repairs), £100; Te Kuiti, £450. Postal and Telegraph: Mangonui (additions), £195; Auckland (renovations), £400; Otahuhu, £475; Waitekauri, £150; Waihi, nil; Hamilton (additions), £250. .Lunatic Asylums: Auckland, £2000. Total, £20,000. School buildings in newly settled and native ' districts and general, £25,000. Technical Schools: Buildings, apparatus, etc., £25,000. Thames Hospital, £600 (conditional on £300 voluntary contributions). Harbour Works, etc.: Lighthouses, £4220; harbour works, £2350; harbour defences, £5000; contingent defence, £25,000.
Government loans to local bodies: Among- these are Auckland special settlement block (£269) and others; total in Auckland district, £1G,597.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 229, 28 September 1898, Page 5
Word Count
2,098PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATES. Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 229, 28 September 1898, Page 5
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