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THE EYES PtffjiMi they require the assistance of SPECTACLES must be injurious. '■•*k«Ey«scan be accurately fitted with Speol and every defect of refraction remedied by 1% pEACOCK, Ophthalmic Optician, ■ *• Shortland-streot. . Spectacles in every variety of shape and i Artificial Eyes of all colour in stock. Consumption or Phthsis ;' constitutionally wasting disease ,in \\ the lungs are gradually destroyed fB-T,rhid deposits of tubercle and conse--I?pi ulceration.To the bacilli of'mTOWNßND'S CINNAMON CURB ■ nShly antagonistic, and, in the early ■■**« of the disease, is sufficiently • orful to overcome and destroy the fS* in which the progress of the diss Aeoen&s. Apart from this the valu•Tqoothlns properties of traS cure are 8 I as to speedily ally the racking *" h and so promote the patient's re- *"%' It is a certain cure in ordinary recent cough, loss of voice, bron- * ffi! bronchial asthma, whooping *% rsßd croup, while its soothing and "SXiridal properties render it of the S list'value in influenza and pleurisy, and catarrh. Sold everywhere. f*e*?.6^. . •■--'. J. latest discovery in medical science ■rnwnend's celebrated Cinnamon Cure » "nnsumption and kindred diseases of '? nassages, coughs, colds, loss of *L bronchitis, bronchial asthma. TEning cough, croup, influenza,pleurisy, g^ce^or^ 11- S°ld eVery" Tnwnend's Cinnamon Cure is the latest ■«Ji most certain remedy for bronchitis, !wMal asthma, whooping cough, ooup, etc- Sould everywhere. 2s 6d. W Tames Gale, settler, Arahura, Hoklrt, writes:-'Mr W. Townend,-I feel 'fmv duty to thank you for the benefit t have received from your celebrated nnnamon Cure. I had bronchitis for »,m. months, and had to sit up in bed laif the night. The tubes in my throat MMoed Stopped up, and I could hardly She I had two doctors, and so long Tt stopped in the house and took their r Jicinc I got a little relief, but never "l e a to be clear in my throat, and my Kyng was very short. If I went Kde I got bad a"am- Seeing your Kteement in the 'West Coast Times,' t thbutrht I would buy a bottle. It gave ii? relief at once, and I have only taken Km bottles and am all right in my iwpthing The medicine brought up •nawful lot of phlegm from my stomach »?d lungs, but I am getting all right dnca the phlegm is up, and my appetite r .oniing' back; I thank you again.' price 2/6 per bottle, chemists or storeConsumptives or persons suffering from weak or delicate chests should not fail to try Townend's celebrated Cinnamon Cure. A sure remedy for ordinary iolds recent cough, loss of voice, bronrhitis. bronchial asthma, whooping wilier' croup, influenza, pleurisy, pneumonia, and catarrh. Sold everywhere. price 2/6. Mr Tom Harte, View Hill writes:—l caught a severe cold with a bad cough, jud resolved to give the Cinnamon Cure a fair trial. A few doses relieved the unpleasant feeling of tightness in my chest, and after taking two bottles my cold is quite better. It is undoubtedly a mosi effective remedy.' Townend's Cinnamon Cure cures with astonishing rapidity catarrh, coughs, eclds, influenza, hoarseness, loss of voice, and'all affections of the chest, throat, and lungs. Sold everywhere. Price 2/6. ITHE MIGHTY HEALER"I^ JiOffIMItEOF WBAPPEB ABOUND EVERY BOX. Te Rongoa-Nu?, The Mighty Healer. TESTIMONIALS. MANGAPAI, Auckland.—Dear Sir,—To you, mtenefactor of your species, I must return my best thanks, for whilst all medical advice and other treatment were of no avail, that angle box of your Ointment cured . entirely a large sore on my ankle, the consequence of an accident, which for more than six years had laffled all care and appliances, yet in. four TOks the wound was covered with six square inches of healthy skin, which justifies me in doing all I can to spread the fame of your Oint- • ment-FalthfiiUy yours. J. MURRAY. I MR, MATTHEW SMEATON, Stiuth DunMia, writes: My wife suffered great agony from f« eyes. She was almost blind,, and for the last sir months had her eyes wrapped up in cloths. She was three months in Dnnedin Hospital without benefit. Her case seemed lopeless, and she hardly cared what became dier, die suffered such pain. As a last reMwce she came to you, and you gave her the ™d Cross Ointment. To her great surprise, wet using it only four days she was able to Mtheclothsfrom her eyes, and, after using only one small box, she is now, thank God, PtewelL I know others who have received tie same benefit. 2BICIS: Is 6d, 2s 6d and 4s 6d FROM ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES. _PETER DUTTOW •^swSTiMAIN ROAD, SOUTH DUNEDIN. |j ' D G A H, THE DYER, WELLESLEY STREET, AUCKLAND. Gentlemen's Clothes Cleaned, Dyed, and Well Pressed. Ladles' Garments receive careful attention. Feathers Dyed or Cleaned. yKTORIA BOOT for Women's Leather S,(u ,? pers from 2s 6d pair. Men's from » Men's Bluchers from 4s lid to 8s 6d; S? Watertight Bluchers. 7s €d. 8s 6d. Hen's Watertights. hand-closed &5..113 Gd and 12s; Boys' and Girls » Boots, for Men's and , Women s &Hsh Boots and Shoes. No Sham 5; but good value ail the year round. "B." HOLDSWORTH, 42, Victona-st. |f ADAMB LLOYD, Ladies' and Chilneflf n ? r? n' s Hairdresser "(taught by emiiCfOfessors). Greatest selection of real ■?S ,Hair. Tails, Switches, Fringes, ceh? ln all shades. Country orders reKa Z Wompt attention. Hair Combing oittcp üby new Process from 2s 6d per cS; ? alrdressing for evenings trom Is. tut m? s Hair cut for 3d. Ladies' shorr iag.V^Scutls; Singeing. Is; ShampooLlLlf'^y lady attendants. Madame jffi^ s- gair Tonic, Restorer, and Curling are unsurpassed. A trial is splicit--147 vm ls Per bottle.—Note the address git B V-a. r angahape Road, Newton (oppo- ■ Office).

■ ■ ■ '■',-■ i A CONUNDRUM. y^ BENJAMIN GUM like a hardboiled egg? Because It is HARD TO BEAT! That precisely expresses the opinion of an who have used BENJAMIN GUM. There is no Cough Medicine like it. Introduced into Canterbury only, last winter its success was immediate. Thousands of bottles -were" sold' in a few months, and hundredis of sufferers wrote gratefully to the proprietor of their Speedy .Cure. ■ >!- I V It is not a catchpenny Quack Medicine. It is made by a fully qualified chemist, who knows his business. ' It contains; the same ingredients - as FRIARS' BALSAM, which was first made t>y the monks and friars of Europe in'the days of old. Friars' Balsam has been used for 600 years for healing/cuts and wounds SPENCER VINCENT'S- BENJAMIN GUM is a compound of this Balsam, with other ingredients, prepared by a special process for internal use. ■■t Are you troubled witli your chest? BENJAMIN GUM will heal the Jungs. It will not heal them at once. It must be used" for some time, and used regularly in old-standing- cases. Have you a, Cold, in the Head or a Harsh Cough? BENJAMIN GUM will heal the inflammation of the throat and passages of the nose as Friars' Balsam heals cuts. Coughs disappear with this inflammation which causes them. BENJAMIN GUM is not a chewing gum, but a- very palatable liquid. The bottle contains almost twice a3 much as any other Cough Mixture in the market. It is the KING OF ALL. PRICE, Is 6d .and»£s ®n. Chemists and Stores. SPENCER VINCENT, CHEMIST, CHRISTCHURCH, PROPRIETOR. VITADATiaT IMPORTANT Notice -to those who Suffer.— VITADATIO. the Great Blood Purifier, cures 90 per cent, of those who give it a fair trial; bo none need despair. Try it has been proved to cure Bnght's Disease Cancer, Hydatids. Consumption, Liver and Kidno} Complaint, Rheumatism, Eczema, Indigestion, etc., etc. VITADATIO will cure after all your eminent doctors liive failed, so it is worth a trial. For testimonials of those who have been cured, write or send to the local agents, P. M. Dewar. No. 51, Grey-street. A well-known Draper of Te Aro House, WelliWfnn writes-—No. 11, Marion-street, Weiu2ftoS:NJZ. To tho Agent for Vitadatio Mr S A Palmer' Dear Sir,—For many years I havt sSd from Indigestion after every meal and tried all sorts of medicines, but of no avail, and was advised to try the remedy V tadatio and took one large bottK which quite cured roe.—l am, yours, W. A. CHAKLiuiN. Aak your Chemist or Gfroccr for it. LOCAL AGENT: ' "P. M.' DE WAR, 51. Gket-st. Auckland. r CHOCOLATE WOUi > TABLETS Children take them readily. Need no aperient. In boxes, Is each. - PINK- COKN CURE. Painless—Safe—Effectual. In large bottles with brush, Is. Thefiiist.

J^OTICE OF REMOVAL. M. McDERMOTT. PLUMBER, etc., of. Victoria-street. Begs, to notify, his customers and the general public that he is REMOVING TO MORE CENTRAL PREMISES, 135, QUEEN STREET (two doors above Bank of New Zealand). Plumbing and Gasfitting of every description Electric Bell Work a speciality. Estimates given. ; M. McDERMOTT, PlumDer, Locksmith, Gasfltter, etc. Telephone 626. V- JOHA^SEI^ & CO. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. SOLE AGENTS for English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Belgian, and Australian Manufacturers of Goods of Every Description. SAMPLE ROOMS: MINING CHAMBERS, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. JT1 *M c X E N N T, TAILOR, Albert-street, Auckland. BEST FIT AND WORKMAMSHIP GUARANTEED. Known by his Customers to be all he claims. . . Established over 20 years. "DRAY AND BOHALD PRODUCE MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. CITY. MARKET. Always on Hand. POTATOES, ONIONS, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, BACON, CHEESE, Etc. Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery. CALL AND SEE THE IMMENSE/ STOCK OF TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, At less than half price. Reductions in all lines. Blouses, Costumes, Underlinen, etc, etc., all at ridiculously low prices. Come and be convinced. iMRS BENNETT, Victoria-street. r\ COX, CITY MARKET, AUCKLAND, Has on SalePrize Poultry and Eggs, Pigeons, Canaries, Talking Parrots, Fancy Finches, Children's Pets, Cages, etc.; Ferns, Cut Flowers, Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets, Pot Plants, Flower Pots, etc., etc. Pigeons supplied for shoots. All kinds of Dogs. Orders by post punctually attended to. "\ST MARTIN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Watches Cleaned and Repaired. Old Jewellery made into new and fashionable designs. Every description of Jewellery work done. Electro-plating and Gilding. Old Gold and Silver Bought. CHARGES MODERATE. VICTORIA STREET, AUCKLAND. Two doors below Sargood, Son, and Ewen's i A. PARTRIDGE, * PIPE HOSPITAL, LOWER QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. Late of Victoria St. East. Briar Root and Meerschaum Pipe Manufacturer. Repairs a Specialty. JS T E V E N S. • BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, Holds a large Stock of Boots and Shoes at 20 per. cent, less than any other house in the trade. Inspection invited. Ladies' and Gent's Hand Sewn Boots a Specialty. Note the Address — CORNER KYBER PASS, AND SEAFIELD VIEW ROAD. ALSO AT MOUNT EDEN. TGI OR PICTURE FRAMES AND PICGo to the AUSTRALIAN ART PHOTO, CO., • SHORTLAND STREET (Next to Winks and Hal!.) Lowest Prices. Finest Work Guaranteed. mHE MONOPOLE BICYCLE. The Greatest of English Wheels. A limited stock on hand. To be sold at cheap rates. The best place in Auckland for repairs— HOILAND BROS. & CO., Marine ChamDers, Quay-street. y D. KELLEY AND CO., ' 97, VICTORIA STREET, PORTRAIT ENLARGERS And GENERAL ARTISTS, PICTURE FRAMERS, etc. . E DUNNE AND CO., • Junction Pitt raid Grey Streets. Telephone 545. House Painters, Paperhangers, Sign Writers and General Decorators, Picture Frame Makers. Cheapest house in town. Jobbing' work a specialty. First-class work. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' THOS. IMPEY, Manager. juSTOP E N E DTHE tIV6LI~"HAIRDRESSING SALOON. . Right up to date. Everything new. ■ American styie. . Shaving, 3d; Haircutting, 6d. Best Saloon in New .Zealand, DURHAM STREET EAST (near QueeO Street). __ EDWABD MAIIOJNE'Y ASD SUIT, ARCHITECTS, Qyzsx Stsest, AUCKLAND,

T PEACOCK, Optician, Etc., Shortland. p street. : Nautical and-Surveyors' Instrument? in Stock and Repaired. The sight tested by most improved methods, and SPECTACLES accurately fitted. Waterproof cart covers. Any size supplied. Waterproof canvas, 36 and 48 inches wide. A. .YOUNG and CO., FORT STREET. "jty|" ORGAN . & SONS. HIGH-CLASS CASH TAILORS, 208. KARANGAHAPE ROAD. AUCKLAND. Our Motto: Small expenses and Cash Customers allow Small Profits. Credit' necessitates charging those who pay for those who don't. mHE GREATEST OF. THEM ALL. "SUNBEAM." THE NEW ENGLISH CYCLE. Just to hand. LATEST IN EVERY DETAIL.' i Sound, Rigid, and Swift. Built like a watch. ON VIEW AT THE NEW CYCLERY, . CAMPBELL & MAYSON. . ■ Sunbeam Cyclery Depot, HQBSON STREET, AUCKLAND. Near Pitt-street. Repairs a Specialty. .1 ALL .WORK GUARANTEED. , MM U R C H I E, • TAILOR and IMPORTER, SHORTLAND ST. (Established 1866). Begs to announce the arrival of his Autumn and Winter Goods per s.s. Ruahine, which comprise all the newest designs and colouring in Harris Homespuns, as also all Scotch and West Tweeds. Dress Suits a specialty. Selection of Waterproofs (all sewn seams). An inspection invited. No connection with any other firm. TUT ISS ■ A. HAMERTON, DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY. HIGH-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. Charges Moderate. 21, WELLESLET STREET WEST. DOGS! Dogs of all kinds, big and little, are better for an occasional dose of Jefferson's Alterative Dog Mixture. It produces a smooth and healthy coat, cools the system, cures skin eruptions, prevents distemper and worms, and is the best allround dog medicine; 2s per bottle, from J M. Jefferson, Chemict, Symonds-street and Newmarket, and Haslett, Chemist, Queen-street. J. M. Jefferson has in stock Spratt's Worm, Distemper, Cooling Powders, etc. p HAS. ~E~ BROWNE. TAILOR, 10, WELLESLEY STREET WEST. Opposite United Service Hotel. Prices to meet the times. "DARTON, McGILL, £c CO., BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS, 422, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. Requisites always in stock. Fine-Stock of Tournament Cues. X h a rvi c; CARRIAGE AND BUGGY BUILDER. Specially—PONY PHAETONS. Repairs of all kinds done properly, at Moderate Prices. Free Stabling During Repairs. UPPfiR SYMONDS-ST., AUCKLAND. CALL AND VISIT THE BARKER'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT For EXCEPTIONAL VALUE in Men's, Boys', and Youths' Clothing, Shirts, Hats, Ties, etc. Address: FORESTERS' HALL, Karangahapo Road. REMEMBER— WB. MELDRUM & SON, o THE TAILORS," Are still at ... , .-, . ;. 40, SHORTLAND STREET. Best Work and Fit Guaranteed. Prices to suit the timss.MISS CA'LLAGHAN For HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY. PARIS HOUSE, '. , 264, QUEEN • STREET. ' j F, B R O- W N, -WHOLESALE BRUSH AND BELLOWS ■ MANUFACTURER. All kinds of Machine Brushes made to order. 59, GREY STREET. AUCKLAND.

' WEAR THE EQ.SUCCEBS 6QRSET. /g||s'^3». HEALTH, COMWmP'«® mHk <t FOKT AND SUP/SissS* storing andlmprov■ffin i(OT«?v ><iL^§i«*f Shapes and Forms /wl flmESt^SfeSplSll' mcist carefully i \llMfc WMI I Hygienic Figure- \ v^mm \m\ \ satisfaction jd^ itf/ii llilfe^A GUARANTEEr>Jlir^Slfsis! Self-measurement slips on application. , E. ABERCROMBIE & C 0.,. BON-TON HOUSE, 21S, QUEEN-ST. 1 (Late E. Goveb and Co.). THE METEOR IS JIIKG. I am so glad it is the Meteor, King of Wheels —Swiftest, Strongest, and most Rigid Machine made. Every machine guaranteed. Inspect these before selecting your mount for next season. They are absolutely the best. Cycles of every description repaired on the shortest notice at most reasonable charges. . Newton Cycle Manufg. Co. KARANGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON (OPPOSITE JEWISH CEMETERY) A. M. CHTVERS, Manager. NE PLUS ULTRA. Of the five thousand Bicycle Firms in the world each claims to make the best. : THE HERCULES BICYCLE COMPANY IS ONE OF THESE FIRMS. SATING IS NOT DOING. WE DO BOTH. Owing to our Small Expenses we are in a position to GUARANTEE TO EXECUTE REPAIRS and sell accessories cheaper than any firm in town. B. S. A. EADIE, or American parts as desired. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. ARNOLD HARE, ELECTRICIAN AND CYCLE ENGINEER, Karangahape Road (Opposite Lambourne's). In connection with the above we Make, Sell, and Repair aU kinds of Electrical Machinery. CELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. £5 -- - - GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL, KINDS OF DRAPERY. ; _——— i IMMENSE REDUCTIONS FROM MY WELL KNOWN LOW CASH PRICES. GIVING UP BUSINESS. J. H. HANNAN, IMPORTER, VICTORIA AND CHAPEL STREETS, AUCKLAND. Q CIIiNTIFIC MASSAGE. MRS McDONALD. Masseuse. FRAU KOPSOU, Fo Fo Lomi Lomi. No. 210, VICTORIA ARCADE. The above Ladies notify that for the convenience of the Public they have secured Rooms at 210, VI 0 TORiA ARCADE, where they can be consulted from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. All Nervous and Muscular Diseases treated. Persons suffering1 from Insomnia derive great benefit from this special treatment. Face and Head Massage a specialty. This treatment will be found an Unfailing Remedy for removing1 roughness of skin and purifying1 the hair. Patients treated at their own homes. Note the AddressNo. 210, VICTORIA ARCADE (Second Floor). TJJ£i QUSTAVE ROTH (LATE MR HERMANN ROTH), 309, VICTORIA ARCADE, Can be consulted free, of charges, be--1 tweei. 10 a.m.—l p.m. and 2.30 till b p m., tor any kind of Rheumatism, Gout. Lum- ■ bago, Sciatica, in short, all ' Muscular Nervous, and Joint Diseases. Fac- and Head Massage lor Neuralgia. Headacne, and Insomnia, a specialty, anci curt! guaranteed. Reference, with kind permission, to Mr scobuo MACKENZ.'K,. M.H.R., Dunedin. Superfluous Hair ami Mcles destroyed by Electrolysis, the on- -- remedy, as it absolutely destroys the follicle of the hair and root o£ the moie. A SK YOUR GROCER FOR For Breakfast, Lunch and Picnics. Makes delicious Sandwiches. SAUSAGE Equal to Ham at a quarter the price. • SIXPENCE PER POUND Everywhere. A. SANDERSON, VICTORIA STREET, Auckland. J>. U T T O N ' . BROS., CORK IMANUFACTUREES AND IMPORTERS, 396, QUEEN STREET. Wholesale and Retail. IMili immmr— —*—^Mi»yim^iwi.inai«iiiiiw*BWM»a^wmm .■»«mmhhiwii«iii'M

GEBAT .V OF : '• Clothing, Hats and Mercery Rugs, Blankets, Trunks Portmanteaux, Umbrellas Mackintoshes, &,c., &c. NEXT TANFIELD, POTTER & CO.'S, NEW SEASONABLE GOODS AT SAiE PEIOES. :0; Being Overstocked in Many Lines, and Large Consignments now being Snipped to us for the Coining Season, we have determined to liold a GKEAT CASH SALE OF WINTER DRAPERY GOODS S4 FOR |4 DAYa 14 The Whole Stock has been MARKED DOWN ; in fact, all Goods are Marked at sack Prices as MUST MAKE THEM GO. UsTO'Vvr IS Ti3IJS a?I3VLE TO BUTNEW, FKESH AND FASHIONABLE GOODS AT | | m ,Q . WILSON, McOULLAGH 8c C 0.,, '248 A^D 250, QUEEN STREET. ; , PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS AS PERFECTION " —:O: ; DON'T FOEGET—They are built by Mechanics "with 15 years* Continental Experience in Cycle Building, Our First Machine Woa the Thames Wheel Race and Big Handicap on Easter Monday. I BUILT ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PRINCIPLE FROM THE BEST MATERIAL* OBTAINABLE. WE CAN PROVE THEIR SUPERIORITY. RTSWiF/R & YOUNG MARKET ENTRANCE, AUCKLAND.

"T\|~RS WALKER. Karanprahape Road, For excellent value in LADIES' & CHILDREN'S MILLINERS. Also, a good variety in Fancy Tweed and Striped Flannelettes'. ■ Our own make Underclothing a specialty, "pj"ILLIAM COOPER, V V BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, WTNDHAM STREET, Auckland. N.B.—MONEY. TO. LEND. TTILL ' AND ; CO., KARANGAHAPE ROAD, CABINET MAKERS AND WOOD TURNERS. Turning done for the Trade. W" W .1 N N, GROCER, etc., KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Opposite Tabernacle, GIVES THE BEST VALUE IN GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, . FOR CASH.

••;— • ,- , •■- • ■ fllllill^ PIISIK EMMMl«a«!li^^

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1898, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1898, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1898, Page 7


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