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Article image

* i • ' '' ' ,^^^ r^^^~^^==^ 1 — ; 1... - - „,. oe | Conveyances. Medical. Medical. Booksellers. Public Notices. !__..- " f or 3^2^- . WILDiiiI&LYELL just arrived: i -■&~l W^ /-PSk ~f Just Arrived. Direct from America, rnrrv TRIUMPH IN GAS SAVING 1 iiE. 'X't-'^vX^-r, Wl^sT^ Ml IJ ETA O L Grand Assortment of xa-a mi.vuii.xi. •^^__^___t»^^^_^»^' Body, and Shortens the Attack. . „. . PUZZLE and PICTimB BLO CKS, -«—■..,*. .PBBBraMCia «*gQ I V * ...L--..C--- A Victim X XirX,XXX patent burheb capi W^-e^teatfa Storekf-kpkrs. **■*- Games at 1/-; Posted 1/3 from Te.w^jC Train for Auckland at. Tgiauaauato+rtt*****, of SS, o**, h__....- Sggf-gS*. ™--'*™T raRII!TIKB . &g£&-2-^-ss&4£ SLMt'Sffa.^rSJSs Functional Disease. te' Ge?s"" ssssttiSaß m*™»*£s%_z_ m ™<»> £A*2sS&iS-iS£tti ; Road, .South Yarra, Melbourne. 1 UMUWWMCU iilkJUUO'i/e Q V me of Qld Maid Game of Klymo EXTRA CONSUMPTION. SafisY E GALLAGHER. YOUNt-J MEN, write to tao fur valuable Game of Tik Tok " ~ \ Free Book concerning, yourselves. _ £. j|tlff|. Madame Morrow's Fortune-telling Cards, THE CHEAPEST THING AmUmA Ageafe* t TBDa. MMX A¥P WW, ! &•*■«. 'a^SSaa Uepn,ann ' s^oMisi G°m»a « tfQfr*X , V- V6?poXvß IN THE MARKET, /feg^tet i. Mw».M»»bourne. __ *_j_3L**a <A x 4 <*W Game of Nations, 1/6; posted, 1/8 — - [ '■{ OTrog°^^°M^°M^m^' " "-"V fe^ fe >-'' **•** -?. A Grandma's Games, 1/6; posted, 1/9 ~ZXtX-r^ nrrATiTI m__EVONPORT AND TAKaPUHA; Cycle Makers. \*,* 7** J ROBERT TUDEHOPE. & 'Bl_s_i.B- - mX ■-. '-V ■ffiw-a-irA*- y™^-u»™»™-. «Buo._«-.««n_i_t iil"1 ' f jS -.■>"■'< j", IX^'Sy.y - -"■' —•"-" JV^^^, ]f" U*"" YY/f c,\- ';/>-./"- \} GA MRS AT 2/-; POSTED, 2/3. -...j.-jey STREET WEST. COACHES s<£s2L\ JU^. J y-*: •»'-*.•. Game of Mars, with board WELLEStEY S T X-__. A-x v? ■«-- J%^mk\' M@s^Tt%>. <f ' .-. S \ Game of Kono, with board Leara L»•£• /mffiimi JWm />% /A...' Game of Scrimmage with board TRAVELLERS and AGENTS wanted. Deroavott Milfori Ro**. heron's Goner AtS&lMXO^^^FftlX^^ y'. / - " ' i Trump Halma, with board aka.yM^uiao^ uuu. m- _ _ it^^Mf^i^M^ tti-^^^^M ■ J' ' - / . ' -*-. Round the World with Nellie Bly, . _ —- g'go ~ 7.45 a.m, 7.55 ei.aa. IP^'.Yt. Y^Yh. Wi...--^--YV?YY/f fX-'^ st- y':'::X-J V" *"'•"'V? with board , , -rwr va t iv nr T? IT =. EFTJ L 10 20 ~ &■& <- *9-0 » wX^it^M^W m^AXV^f ,y" '■■■■y^' Game of Lucky Three, with board WHAT MO R Js. USHiui o. c . 10 io ~ 10.20,, W/A\W -"* ' •>■« • Cupid-s Dart Fortune Telling YV p„--„f 12 50 n na. 11.10 .. *n.2Q %::,•>' And mere Buitablo as a HoasoUokl Present IZ.w P*™. vz m o.«t. 12.5b p.Ja. .^*me^aatt» **v,'* Double Eagle Anaivrams, 2/6; posted, 2/10 than airood Barometer to foreleli the weather.' H*ou .» 140 .. ' 1.50 .. „, ._._. „^__ «^, «- Lotto, 2/6; posted, ?,/- M Those can be had hi great variety from *-™ » 2bQ i 0 > §. g% A fl Jr YYF W V TkfiX GniiKi of Fishponds. 2/(1; posted, 2/10 T. PEACOCK. OFTMi-U.. uzt Z 3.40 . 3.50 Albert wcles Aj, ;\ g || An^ss ieof™^—^; Alsoin «ssu T^ io.: JfcW - M *»,* WERE FIRST AND SECOND JL± XXXI , ~V, JL&. %J Ml, AmUan Game ot Fishponds, 4/6; CUulca.^rc^. Dn^.^ 1^ 8 . Bath 5.«.. ; - IN EVERY RACE AT THE FRIENDLY WB!^.W _„ Ksasnawmß American' Game of Magnetic Fishponds, Opposite tho Post Office. SATURDAY night*. , -*»JSS™ AT :'; -~"- — * A^TSS-r.. k iM , <B,m„a 3 , m: *»>_.. If *_"* j C©KOMAISD*i.b, i)0(i(l 7/. 10.40 „ 9-° • 91t> •> I WINN-NO Tin. 4 MIM HANnrOAP ANI> WfWtt F/\P Q A^ XflVfc Onmo 6t Ascot tG horses) 11/6; posted, 12/3 rvflTTW p T >T r TH¥ TP p ATIFS " WEDNESDAY NfO FIT, 1 li Mile Handicap from scratch. "fcl,u! L""J ' Halma.V---^/- £. Add 3d tor pos^go » T^ENQUNCING THE TREATIEb. lf)40 p-m . _ . 9 . 16 P . M . a Blocks. Picture Hlocks, ficiuit, g p SUNWATS > „.„_,.,. mr U i? Tv t'TTTi a PPTaDTCAMENT Cubes, etc., from 9d to 6/6 each To so ,n C people this phrase, recently _ «iq q o_ m I ALBERTS EVERY TIME. IN -LCH .. PRE.ICAMENI. BMi(|Ue , DraughlSiJ^ jh ess at all prices from En^^eonyeys jg *.-. . -| «. ml^^Y — VICTORIA AROADE, ffig^ggln.; intentions re,ardin, U. 50 L 0 P-. «« | ; PETER SMITH 'r°SUFFEnf;I f7" Apnr SHORTLAND-STRBET^ It is not nnke^o^v er^.as that.Jt MO.. jj» ;; "» ;; ' I *IL AOa MIOI/l /I MH °"':' v U'"'J)A('-"U' J — ~ "most favoured nation" clause they now 9.20 „ - - . ■:. Lower Albert St., AUUKUNU. »;;;XxXXX.„ w CWAMPTALffIIP & COOPER'S g£rJ2A^%s& S%V±& i XS kfc, too^^^T^. _ i,!Lv;„,.w.,oANn worucq OK irr FPTRTCITY colonies will be permitted, if they choose -8 <T%f\F~ CONSTIPATION, WORKS ON RJLECTRIIIJ. __■ tQ chß _ T g Q higher duties on foreign than Farcs _singla. Is; Return, Is 6d. Tickotsiv JM 6W" 1 iO<-*J/» ifc is "A friend in need and a friend indeed." ~♦«■*« „ 1' dn ' ° Fo/instance, the majority of theiP'anos '"JJfJciafarrangoßients for Tourist*, Picnic an* ___=_™=_ m .„,..»,,.„„ lr .. A i j-fi; a-i***yr-u'.vi.Javcii"< A-llsop'S Electric Wght Fitting... ■- ° ; imported come from the Continent. Beet fs^* Parties. Ai>_-st_,..i i.,.i), ... ; n.n-j.... AIU.-V- A]lsop F c.-Electric* Bell Construe- i SU gar Is another article, and upon which J,j?£™£ Brakes, Bn^ies. Sadrtla naofcis. We*. r* i»-*oUil:-*-.00. '■•..■Lr.'.r.- i; :? imcumim v:, .v.;-. ti.m .....................^ 8 the German Government pay high boun- ~ Funeral Carriages on hire »t shot-tost f 1 *. •&, incuts ; d; '....'.".. (/t :.•.:! h.novni . Allsop's Electric Hell.1" itting.......... *-*•« ( ties, sc as to compete with sugars from „'"f c *" I W *~*\~A »orionp'vii»-tl,«*c--" rrvALA::i;:r isthohct... Allsoj). Ie C.-lelephones and Con- , Maurltlus and Queensland. . All kinds of Express Work done. V\\ _f% ,t?^\ ¥\\ rfc \C^ t" 10 ."Y -:"...-;. .":. .. T _ ,;,,„. 17 .,- A „K{rucU on A cl r c- v --;: ••■•>*.*.•,•,; §«■ Mr Chamberlain's commercial raind has 0 v p , Do i irery t0 Taferapunu, Icar* ¥!\mpWl ;, ; -V: XXXXXy\XXX:X:X\:J^ SZ.^«fe :™,^ B I^^^^ to Uoh but lo l.hor.'i«*M.;- -.mfM-vn-c.?/.'.-.-?. >.ocri, m ent Waking 30; y^IXTzH recently shown ingratitude to ~,.,«„ JOS. CARKIE. Man««r. A is required v,h;:e-.,-::-,•:;-;. 1...h.rr-1-r.tinlcrfo Bottone, fc\ R-Electric Bells Sanf by ar anqing with foreign July&.Zß97. <V&> .vilh hecliei,!.,::.:., -..*.-:-, :t-..a.-.ndpro.lac J" one S R - ...lo cAne Motors . 3 » railways, and Mr Chamberlain wL.-^»-,>^ — jn*nP ",Gctricity and Masn^M:"T^;!?h^o;:n^;^n l ;t'!l:lfe I^^^^^«iw^. t*^,^ ■—«.^:.., _-„-, .«. ~ - . Tovce S-Eleot'rVcai'En-ineerinK 50! Ml Ri'imturn. Tea la rrrov".. It Ib without and Batnr«_»y»nt »•«-». „„ „ , . AT AVIIW © K-mn O-A t.-rn*itine'currents 4 6 exception the most invlgomtinp for a Great rednctien in faroa far two or mow w_2. SSr^S£."2if ALAXLJ cvi e^. %VWM Sht - x 3i M«S^|S practical experience in American Cycle En- Bi!iouSr , ess . Biiious Hoadnche, DV Maxwel.Y p ; eatise on BlectricUy.... T6 ; ProhlbH r^rrm^ on the nrodueUon^f COOK fc SONS, Bgggigg Agea^ ginccring, embodying aU tho latest up-to-date Cosiiver.oss, Sour Stomach vi kieu-.s Ports live loie, tV-icity .':::: 2 6 Savon lorethor thrnrijrhoiit th« BrltWi "OICKIT AND fia^H improvements. zine_>s, , Poole's Telephone Handbook 3 6 Fmniro wish something better than mere V/ l|i ,H, ' Loss of Appetite, Coated long-uc Routled-re. R. -Electric Lighting.... 3 6 ; sentiment." , KOTAL MAIL IJNE OF COACHES Terms, £24. Cash, £22 10S. - Indigestion, Dy^psia, Flatulence |' = ;s Toy M^in, ..:..... 4 . w^n^i.n^^^^,^^ S^rtSr^^S Heartburn, Pai.-s and Distress after Thompson's Dynarho Electric Machi- ? _ that^ wonflflrfully .^X^ pSSSS. WoihJL -S^l^StekwSl^ «■ 130G models WHihE THEY last bating, and all Functional Derange Th^goiY^-^^^^ 15 o PF^ton r Of' brttt.t-tfj, g^O f ,^^^^^^^l^,^ CASH, £21. TERMS, £22 10s. ments of the system of nutrition. Tho™£ m. s.. P. o,. yp.^. ._..„" .12 0 man Womchtnl-SE SOIL. Tiidwßataa.iß. w^*faJ '^ DEXTER & CROZIEK, w=II .--,-, ( , v,,0i0 ~,„„ or, Urq^Srt;j 3 6 SEED OATS 7T~ !^^S_^SW?a_ft3rf VICTORIA STREET EAST. hurtan being imty l.c ;vr/ C r« tf «.w».«i. uml yol T , ins ............... ....... 7 6 &tt U UA I i>. /f\' Waihi, Waftetamru and^To A«^D^F.*g | _ through (lorangoincnt or weakness tho T T\f™ vt' J " XTX..^. ........ B 0 Black tad White Tartars /^V/ Saves Tanrao|pi~tor Ttema»-3hiaß_l__j»^ 1 e^^MAnumgiA bimi rtWif-B re oi" the bocly "uiy '''--'''"'*''' Lhcir fi-'i-ti'.n;! '■■' TTrriulrirt. J. W—Electric LVgrlVt".'.".'.".'.' 7 G Daß«,Sp»rroTvbilloandC(uiadi«i /\J / Frito/fc f,| EilO CTIO MS IN l_s"bLfc,d-. xXx^^ev^^^^^Ah^r^w^y,^^^.. T'rnuh.-irt. .1. W.-~ Electro-Plating.... 5 0 CAPE BARLEY / /. C^rriafffts.TJrsJna M.4 ?«^«rj«*^S!?S !"l L_JUI-.nUI-.-J b«* «*»■»» ~„„„,;,„ .-,,, ~...,..-.,,...-• , „ !;„„.».... Verity J. 1 ..-Electricity Up to Date 2 6 n-nwr wn»'*T _/,-._. /# 'trivesrs, tboi-ooylihr acqi-aittted-wd th atfuMitKrf | _ or«ippclito...ndau.i-,.,iUL... i ..m,..,,. »»_-<>;;-■ - vrulUer's lOicoirie Lighting for FOWL WHB.AT ✓ Q±, / ▼ u ,e Qoldlield ;^i_d Saddle Horsw eta be Wat I „„„,,,.„, ~n Vp received iehinoiit of tho*o bcu.,-.. bue;i a comlu:; Wni{. A. -Electro Deposition 9 0 MAIZE / / at. tho Compagr-t-Stablea. at Tha-noa.HnrT.MJa, I KSffSJ mpr hSals to sell causes liumsauds ,;f people to fancy that Uk.' W" mual of Telegraphy 10 6 (Crnahed a»d Whole,-/^ _X^S?f K.muMfahake. WaihJ, Wattrioaii,-^ ,1 instructions fmnm^pn i are consumptive, while ihoy nro vcrJly only h WormoJl 1.-Electricity in the Ser- Z^/ FLOUR Arohaand »«,«»» MMamA-M I DIAMOND BICYCLE fOP £14 Cash noeilol.. ■■.M.cdytob^ 11.*., ca T , n. .i t.,0 bo,. SHARPS /ny Aj^ktaad Eookinjt Agaai--mo&.CXKmjm 1 ■UA_aaw«w f^ workin-harmoniously. Uo..»*_n ~.: !lit :* Lo tv.-. Add 2d tc the Is for Postage. CUAFF /. W/ OATMKAL. SON. % QtW«^*^Aack^_l__^^ n . 1 ~,_,„ , TT . essential ipialitios in a rea.o.iy for uiin purpose. &r ..„ -,„ /60 /X-iBM HJCKXI! -I_sn» CdU-nSHtetMSeU | ANNUAL CLEARANCE &ALE . .••;,■„:■.;;., for fi.0.1. and i.t Li*: fTjilF^^-^TfREET /.SY j-otaTOKS , I IN BOTH SHOPS *" "■,■'., ,--,^' ~t Wit,' XWUr" M -3 Bm_&BD, /"\ / AHD ONIONS 1 WOOL (KNITTING). FANCY GOODS AND -- , !.u m l ulcro'.nSiy wout AUCKLAND. /VVsJEES POTATOES TimbCP MePOhailtS. STATIONERY NOW ON. bo worse liru, useless, but, with boil! it become: * //^/ (rarions kind,,) * ' § W.SPEDDING.'iA^NGAUAPEROAI, apowerforia,ahs., ;el o,eo:l ALAXUI.U * Rp SPRIECKLEVS /Q/ P^S*ST 3 _^r t, » -ho only medicine wh:«li oonibuie.. liioao t W . jjsT OP NEW PUBLICATIONS. X / . BONEOUST ,-THE- — - —-*: ■' ' -- ■ =sar qualil ies. It is n ii.ilural .".ppctincr, and its fir..: f\ •/ AND _ . . action ia to cre.iio hi::i~or. After the appetite Pall Mall Academy Pictures, now ready, /4A / SPECIAL MANURES. W k tTDJ WJM T)Tj-T) HfXXF Painters. ,_. t;;ili: ., io[ i lt;!(i:;i: ;,,, ; , u ,, oll ~b e !;loma( . h)liV( , n. m. posted is m IvA I H lIMDJLJiV uUlt 1 • „„;,.,,,'<.,,. Cassell a Academy Pictures, 5 parts, each CUSTOMS St., AUCKLAND »-*«*-*•*-'XVJL AAJii^ia-j >_/v xt . ~n,i Kin.!(__..., (.(..,.,].., .i ~ ..ii cucic 1.1..L.J-. * X ...^ posted Is ;.d - •** n i ... _...., - -jgninA _&. or. n w '.ii.l cxeitiiifr tboiu luiicfiviiy. The Kj-atera the:. Cassell's Academy Pictures, volume hand- ——— — _LiM.ll H.I). %. RHB OIIhI B Hallll«k™ «a PflEv ' -five, nutr'iion an-i ii"\v Vi« iv.-v\ Vie worn somoly bound, cloth, gilt edges, 7s 6d, wo™ 'F ms B-^tf-S _. 182 IH***!*'_?••_- Mt «\* II S sva '■■> ,• .• ~ ,■ - , ■ i • * posted Ss 3d -Established 1879. .-. ... . . ■ ■ j g' KB B HllS HB D H tla "-Sb RBh X I.H •■■■..i.idation ol the (~.u ; atiu wucre there is n. . nN > /w, ■■ b-_. n■ a _*•_, ««» I lIOTArV-O OT WfICT flllPHorin i® a i BII&»E»SB 8 y»yi@ ;:: ,nic oisease ho,hh r.^ follow^ This i. A New Work, for all Classes. ' !|f CJCDIfIOE nnVMAirCD VUSXOmS-Sl. WeST, AUCKianO, 149 and 151, QUEEN STREET, common sense and cannot be { THE QUEEN'S EMPIRE. MB AfftMß |■ B" IS-jAiIaR^LII 1 A Pictorial Representation of Life and B ■ W 9UI IH§Sj &» ■ KEEP IN STOCK -1 Have just opened up a larffe assortment of Accept no subr.titnte (hat maybe rcco*.*- Scenery throughout Great Britain the ' -nßAnir-. J __.„,,„,, ,_, i,„ ...-,. ~,.,)■• ti ,„.,v i, n ;,-,■■•■ Colonies and India. Part 1 now ready. In FOR ALL URAIJES. . g CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS, men—t to U jiul.-... ~out n n../ t_.»_. .-, Monthly Parts at Ninepenee. Will be com- AGENT AND SUPPLIER FOR S 000 000 FEET of SCRIMS. .rJ^/fr-.ter.i,.-.. f .t:. hotter proul, b::. pleted in about Twelve Parts. ITOOT RTEVrNSON ato SONS' -S.VUU.UW TtCI Ol ■ in such an mrtanco tho dealer is not too on. —-- PATENT METAL SBGED BOXES, SEASONED TIMBER, I who needs help. Paper 2s Gd Cloth 3s 6d PSINTBD, Embossed or Plain. w »»_« w w i-« «-w * »*y» »-«»- « | POLISHED, SILVERED and ROUGH Departinentaf Ditties— Rndvard Kipling KAIIA.NG.AHAPE ROAD. 1 PLATE SHEET and ORNAMENTAL Captain Shannon—Coulson Kernahan —— _ ■p.^-r™,.-.,.,™. , . .-- 1 WINDOW GLASS. '--*>"■,--. .^ Ford ham's Feud—B. Milford -_, „r, i,, MlJnl .™r, o.t-k. ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS desirous to g WIXMDUW U-uaop t ,„:__..^ Christine of the Hills-Max Pembertown |^OR IMMEDIATE SALE, maintain a repute tion for good work should 1 Zoraida—W. LeQueX -*- ata vory low fl^nro. , „ n «nifv tttvtt!T!*w m nnpixrr t ttjtkg. ;: TTTA-r. OTT-. TTmpq Ppora ail C_._omS.st3 and Store- The Great War in England in 1597-W A nice little HOMESTEAD, 9 aeras o. good BPecify IIMBER, If LOORII.G, LiiSIKW _.g WHITEIbIiAP, 01-Üb, 1 UK. to LeQuex Land; a superior House of 6 ros»«s. tcnuerr, MOULDING, DOORS and SASHES must be | VARNISHES and all Kinds 01 ■-• ■- -*• Andria—Percy White dairy ami other outbuilciinprs. orchard, etc, KU T3T)lied from the t-TATTRT TIMBER "COMPAINTERS- MATERIALS. At tho Gate of Samaria-W. J. Locke Onlj oae hotir's drir. from (own. PaSy ffmrrir™ I The Folly of Eustace-Robert Kitchens Apply to JOHN SOPPIST, PAN V (LIMITED). The Dancer In Yellow—W. E. Norrls House and Land Agent, „_,„_,_, „„„„„„ . VT _ „ TmT ,.- m rMfl S .„_„-_,„, Tho Pirate Junk-J. C. HutCheson 24 Qucon Street. HOUSE -OWNERS AND INTENDING A REQm srr ES „l" T™ E r SD ES CRtp T ioN ?_o I"£,Kr R ? E ,SI,^S£ „ ! 22^^^JESTS_5SS E TOROIL*N A 1? N ?^? SCOLODK- a,yA,l" t"",'eH,J*"OLD SCRAP IRONi_TT_ZSS.S™S» For tho White Rose of Arno-Owen nmnwi , ,-,„.-._-.._ ' I PANY (Limited), who have at all times large i Rhoscmyl CRISTAL WINDO\\ and , TKnpoTirprT.Y SEASONED . Phroso-Anthony Hope GREEN BOTTLE GLASS i PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS. ,: J^ o^^L.l ith-M^ Corelli WANTED. TJ^ER' . V /f^t^^^^^W4^^ The Eye of Istol'-w- LeQuex j fl C'T ASS SHADES /=? \k A* If< 9 ilk TurphZ-i^ry^Werman EVERY DESCIUPTION OF BOTTLES i 1 ir~^nX n 'rrX^~a7 X ' ;" s:4"«-*S— SScS"' 0B I Q'B. AMD GO ;' I IJ^BIPICF}??!!! // ' (1 ;-^ ''{I The Fascination ot the King - Guy ' : *«J B? nl^ UHIJ J. HtNUtiIOUH, fevY^Yfoll « "l^,- llltllels W. HILDRETH & SON IWBER m^ch^t, EsTABr.TSiTKD IE6O. flP;?!K AP^ i M '"^^^tWM ' WASTE PRODUCT MERCHANTS, n.TMmr.n m a -rr-iro r> a prr-Pir a vpifr? ! - ' '* • *.- ~' v-"J The Windsor Magazine, Pearson's Maga- f .,-.T?Mi7^ nr7c*nr.-\.--_* r vTeTAoi. o Architraves. Skirting, Mouldings. Timber PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPICK-iANGMi, t.; ..',-, ~ , ,- * )Y/ zino. Strand Magazine, and all the most COIIJNEIi CUbTOMb _v' \ICTORIA STS. Joinery, Bricks and Lime, at very SIGNWRITER, DECORATOR, &c, *A_* < 1( . f -r j Popular Monthly Publications on Sale AXD lowest prices. : '} ! Hid SHEET. V- ' ■ !•' XrMW Agent for the E"^^ Type^iter- LORNK STREET> Wellington. large stocks oT^asoned timb^. - \itl^M*JJuJjL|iJk^lF D' U+ M i 4.1 n x nic • Manufacturer Wire Blinds. Lead Lights, Glass \, h " *'< | r / ' <:X t].'y'}W \\\Qj\l IMGXt Ltl6 IOS t UltiCfi TT T^ "«_t- t -». t AU orders receive our personal supervision, SigM' otC' H^ s ; " vj r -/^^ ° SHORTLAND STREET ' II Jl JN N I N G Mixed Paints for House and Shi, übc. A^cilisgET> Re-Rubbers, Re-Lines, tepair, and " I FY! AWH O'RRiFN it Hfl 1 I SPECIAL BLACK FOR SCHOOL BOARDS * ■= ===== makes Pneumatic Tyres LLI L/AN.U, UDnSLj^, Od UU-, | N.8.-The above ox«mtad at very moderate TOWHEND'S Brewers, EtO. R-d^lchoof i^pen^romTain.- STEAM, SAVi, AND PLANING MILLS, ' „ v "m^ oß' . CELEBRATED *< '- '- "weK'davf f^'iYrtlLlo^*,™* o ',! Customs Strkbt West. Aucki^sd. I Esti-aßte*- Furnished. * «-«.-i—^_.--rf%i c„ ™ ? i^y^ , • baflies or>!y. 2 p.m. till p MBb BiSRH Jl ffi^S ifllS i 1 1 S ffft B" : <*?■ ,-?*^ <f^ .^^ ROT FS. E™ 3r* ?-,- m-,. La"y teacher in attendance. .. _________________ i: ; : === -"- *r Ir| Mli Aft Pi 11 11 IHi IMh : S ©O«" BE S e^^?JiX, ail? T School-OLD ZEALANDIA " UsP IHi ilflTliSloJ 11 -U y alls ? IV Arl_? rG' RINK, STANLEY STREET, lOA'ff»lhrßffßS S Atßjßira «? f*l% V: Saddlery. F^ riPARBXUTQ ALES beiow supreme court. ' IrAiKiKllifj, LAotB & Ov« __ CONSUMPTION and j- -j fI~FIJ\TC H tisvsser merchants, ■/ J. WISEMAN & SON, ™ c "r;™ Dl «™ T = UNRIVALLED STOUT " "coal n^ aat , " - onSTOMS ST. mn. AUC_._-_m / ' CHESI COMPLAINTS.! made from the receiving & forwarding agent I Wh„l**»b nriri Rrrnil THE MOST VALUABLE DISCOVERY j BEST MALT AND HOPS Rauavay Cartage and Coal Contractor f Wholesale and Retail IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. Nz R AUCKLAND TIMBER, JOINERY. ARCHITRAVES Manufacturers and Importers of 1 Destroys tbe Morbid Deposits of tho m ™ ren , w . ' TXT ' mTTT . „_ „ • ' ' " MO OLDINGS. SKIRTING j e«J^l««,r cmA Wov.*..-..-.... • LungS. 1 UKLbi WAILLIJS THE WOKLD. Covered Waggons and Spring Carts, with ex : VJffiNKERS OF FANCY NZ. WOODS V baClCUery ana rla,riieSS, overcomes the Racking Cough and —: Penenced men, for Removal of Furniture. PURIIiI PO-?T<. rrtptt*. ivn T.rMB W _^n d .or /. i. ai i j \ ■ Spitting of Blood *v All kinds of Carting, etc., undertaken at short. - ruluttA roblfa. BKItAb AND LtlMB. m 159 & 165, Queen-st, Auckland. PHCAT HfIOTHCDH DOEWEDV n est n?tlc,f -Storage for Free Goods. AT rnitriß «m FRrrM r ™. -pZ ~ _™ IIEICAI NiUn I HtKN BKEWeSIY Cargo rocoiyed from ship's sido and forwarded AT LOWEST PRxGES, i . iS&i. ___ J*. jQi to all Parts o£ the world. i * TOfl^TT^Tv^ Bvm^^mnn^. KHYBER PASS, AUCKLAND. Manufacturer of! Bricksi.Lime, Fire Bricks, AU Orders receive our Personal SnperViJi^ ;. 1 TEH "FOLLOWING EXTRACT FROM Tiles, Drain Pipes, etc, TO IPPIESEEVE THE IjIYES "THE WEEKLY PRESS." i ~~- —™___ Wool, Flax and Chair* Dumped for Shipment. WIBW i,r>4pZT"_-o»nT**TiTr I JL give them -CJ "It has been clearly demonstrated that this' " VVIDE BOARDS A SPKOIALITY. , | ASSISTANCE WHEN REQUIRED new remedy is not only highly efficacious in tho Member of the Institute of Surveyors HEAD OFFICE : TELEPHONE. 825. T _ tT lflSI?,!T», H iftSKfeCifSit^S-Sihl 2° SS.Sr lea *v,th lhe ABOADE, FORT STS.EET, AUCKLAND i 1 T. PEACOCK, Ophthalmic OpticiajSl, i these lesser maladies as quiuino acts against : Authori-. P d " ~ Ws& R|sV¥TO^ LIVERY AN» I Shortland-street. ! Intra™ «c nt fever It is equally efficacious in MINING AND LAND TRANSFER "OURE RONP-nrram wl^r*. STABLES, *i and other defects corrected by t !• SURVEYOR. iKAIsSFBR J^ U PURE BONEDUST T* /Bp8*Co»«» of QUEEN ST? **.j Ar^cTifS^! VSaSffffS,* affiiS hlS»^^^ ! ' TrtSfa Surveys. TO PALMERS ™ OTHERS -fIZT KARANGAHAPE ROAD. | Art OppoStUp^O^iot. I S^tod dStoitoe SS^'^to b^iTSiiS Planf lr °f, Mi? i? s Pr°P^ties and Reports f^us^ln^eil &Tf-X °f£f rin*t their HORSES AND VEHICLES OF EVBR^ I ___ — l-S^Srt£SES^^S^SS^ aja^t^Ja^ PreparGd [ 0e ra^Sfflu°e- c market' SofeußT 1 anTVpE^ITL S^ RE °i DESCRIPTION ON HIRE. 1 jg&SS^ y?S%S3^\ I - . ' ' _ 305 VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND mml?l^^ prices:- Per Ton. VIBStS RATE TURN-OUT GUAUANTEBIf' J^P^^^fX^M^ft Frfee - !Pi«S ftd. Manager-James Simms. iv^AJNIJ- PURE BONE FLOUR £7 0 0 Moderate Char R e ß . ' Wiila ' QMr v r. Au v.tho^ ed a^ d Licensed Surveyor. ,>,^t 700 W. FA WCETT. Proprietor. Xymg^yJ V^feS^T 8 Sold-Everywhere. Branch Office-Otorohanga, Kin? "fel nrSM SKii 60 0 — ' p_ — \^^^T , I t . __ Country. & £X^^&%F 5 10*0 __. f_\ J-* opSolA,-,... ° c K-Kempthorne, Prosser &Co.s & ! ss?&s,l.__3S•^s 1 ,,• SsTHr* s—:—«*'" ""yga^SS*l N^jr^^rS. .„c. | NEW Z™ D f RUe co- TO^SiTiIHOKEY asp soy; ,-JS^i SiSSg|":::'::^;:^: Sll S <&££ieL*^»»> ""22^, I Th- .-_m .. „™ rf »Pa*«.<*. (LIMITED), JJj Discounts-All prices at less 2S pi cent HKSCTf^^\ Qtt«S^ i ™^ 81 lSriProved methods, Dunedin, Chl%te.Utrell, Wellington ARCHITECTS, . . . Discount for Cash. • V<jKv Braßch-K_m»s«J«»P 4i.1 and SPECTACLES accurately fitted. ZI AiioirlanV. S v,AT^i? sls an,d Samples on application to Road. • ; and AueiOand. QyifflN Street, AUCKLAND. warnock toos'DUßHAM'street, Caah«defc«sdWm«nti. Hustratodp^ • *" ' AUCKLAND. Vigts trea. . .... -— -** B_\

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897, Page 6