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Coromandel Mining New.


The monbh'B operations for August have been nobeworthy for the number of returns from different mines, which have on the whole boen very satisfactory, and will no doubb have the effecb of sbimulabing faith in the district. The most imporbanb amongsb these is undoubtedly tho Royal Oak, who have had already one splendid crushing yielding ovor £3,500 worth of gold, while the presonb return should olso prove highly remunerative. This Company would appear to havo discovered anobher of bhose runs of gold which made in pasb days bhab section of the Tokabea so famous, and tbe chances are thab, wibh skilful management, bhe present find will nob pan out much inferior bo bhe former ones. Pasb discoveries in this locality havo certainly shown thab shoots of gold here are generally prebby extensive and are, as in this case, nob confined bo small leaders alone. The fubure development of tho combined properties may bo regarded as likely bo produce regular returns of gold, and should bhe gold be found to exist in payable quantities below the No. 7 levol in th<4 Tokatoa, as ib is believed it does, khan the success of the mine is assured for a long timo to come, very largo and extensive blocks boing ready for (toping out on the main reef. The Success Company also appear to have struck somt-thiniif good, the last return of ovor ]30oz_. being decidedly handsome trom a small parcel. Blagrove's Freehold made v start this month with a f-m_.ll crushing of four tons, taken principally from tho small leaders on tho east side of the ground, which returned 31oz of gold, a vory encouraging result, and ono which hus determined tho manager to undertake* more active operation** in this quarter. Bunker's Hill, the ■ ii'y local company which crushed, cum:: out of its shell, metaphorically speaking, und the 10 tons general dirt and 401 ba picked atone, which produced 570z gold, surprised moat pooplo, who did not expect anything so good. It has taken a long timo to get the crushing togothor, but it proves the rceftt in Bunker's are gold bearing in a practical manner, and no one can cay when a di.covery may be made. Welcome Finds should bo heard of in tho near future, as the No. 2 level has tupped the Southern lead ab last, and in cutting through gold was soon in tho atone. Rich oro in the natural order of things must bo got in working this block between No. 1 and 2 level?. Hauraki North are busy sinking their shaft for No. 3 levol. No. 2 loader cut in tho crooecub off No. 3 levol looks good enough for hotter things lo come. On the beach great activity is being displayed in the Golden full, Hauraki Main Lodes and Union Reach. The former's muchinerj* is all erected, and sinking tho shaft will bo resumed at an early date. The Lodes aro driving crosscuts! from tho 180 ft level to intersect their reef**, and Union Beach are cleaning out (shaft preparatory to opening up their 180(b level. The Bay altogether presents a very animated appearance, and tho future of Coromandel ib in no small degree centred upon this particular locality. Tho Hauraki, wonderful to rolate, still producos its monthly, quota of bullion, the last return being slightly better than the preceding moobh'B, though both wore ovor the 500oz. The new machinery at the main shafti should soon bo erected, most of it being on bhe ground, foundations, obc, all completed, and brick chimney for boilers in course of erection. Tho sinking of thin shaft will bo prosecuted bhon with allopeed. In bhe Waikoromiko districts things look as bright as ever, and continue to justify the good opinion hold concerning the place. In the Four-in-Hand tho rise from the No. 2 to No. 1 level proves the gold to exist above, while in tho drive on tbe roef ab No. 2 good stono ia being encountered. It is widely felt bhat a plant is now required, and I believe stops are being taken to carry thi<- into practical effect. One thing is certain, that without a planb the Company or tho public will never know tho capabilities or valuo of tho mine. It is to bo hoped, moreover, that tho Four-in-Hand Company will profit by the mistakes mado by other local companies, and nob fail, if they decide to croct a battery, to carry ib through, and make it as complote and bb perfect as possible. Tho Cuirassier and Tandem, adjoining the latter mine, aro also meebing with encouraging prospects, the former having already quite a nice little-parcel of picked stono on hand, which haa been securod in tho dovolopmont of a branch of tho Four-in-Hand roof. In tho rest of the minos, both English and local, bhero ia libtlo change of importance to relate; but, from a general, all-round view of the district, we can at lensb content ourselves with tho fact that wo aro not retrograding, while, if tho matber of actual returns bo considered — and thoRO are certainly tho outside criterion —bhore has boen a vory perceptible advance during the month. BLAGROVF.'S FREEHOLD. - A trial crushing of four tons, taken from tho leader now being developed on the eastern side of Blagrovo's Freehold, has beon treated ab tho Kapanga buttery for a very satisfactory return ot 320z 3dwts retorted gold, which on melting will amount to about 31oz, valued at £3 per oz. Approximately bhis is the first return obtained from this mine, but if proapecfes conbinue as ab present, is only tho fororunner of others from the eastern section of the ground. Owing to bhe excellent results obtained from the several loaders on tbe east side of the ground this quarter will now claim the most abbonbion for some timo co como. lb will be remembered bhat the above mentioned leaders were intorsocted by a Burfaco crosscut which of course gavo bub it, limited amoußt of backs, conßoquontly in view of systematic operations which would be necessary bo opon them up thoroughly, ib was decided to sink a small shaft. This was taken in hand and sunk by hand labour to a depth of 80 feet, when tho water becoming too heavy, it was iound advisable to erecb machinery. Preparations aro now being made to resume sinking with the aid of a 8 horßß power tubular boilor and steam winch, which with bho poppob lege, fittings, etc., are already on the ground, and will bo ready for work in tho course of a few days. In bhis way the work will be greatly expedited. The intention is to sink this prospecting shaft deep enough, i.e., aboub 130 feot, to allow of connection being made with bhe main filiation the wesb side of tho property ab the 200 feet level. By bhis means splendid venbilabion will be secured for fubure workings, and greab facilities ensured in bhe mabter of transport of mining requisites, ore, ebc. The main crosscut ab the 200 feet level from tho engine shaft is now in a total distance of over 872fb and is penetrating good connbry. In the intermediate level from the winze sunk from tho surface No. 2 reef has been cub recenbly ; and driving is now proceeding north upon ib. No gold has yeb boen scon in it, bub the quartz is very congenial in appearance I and is encased in good country. The company are unquestionably deserving of success, and ib will be a mabter of genial surprise it they do nob meeb with ib before very long. BUNKER'S HILL. A crushing of ten loads of general dirt and 401b of picked stone from this mine has just been finished at the Kapanga Company's battery for a return of 570z sdwb of gold, valued aboub £172. Mosb of bhe ore treated was taken from between No. 1 and No. 2 levels, where colours and dabs of gold are occasionally seen in tho stone.

COROMANDEL FREEHOLD PROPRIETARY. Mr ,T. Marshall, who is supervising developments on bhe Coromandel Freehold

Proprietary ground, is laying off a scheme of works which will embrace re-opening several levels on the Home Rule and other reefs in bhab section of bhe properby which yielded a largo amount of gold in the early days. The inbermediabe lovel bebween bhe Home Rule and Blackmoro's lovel is now being extended, and a continuation of the old run of gold ab bhis poinb is being soughb for. The reef is a fine body of stone, and stands practically intact bebween Blackmore's and the inbermediabe level, backs, moreover, up to a couple of hundred feeb being gained as bhe reef is driven on. In bhe Union section a fine reef is also in hand, and bhis being v crosslode will be exploited and connecbion effected later with bhe Home Rule workings. This particular localiby produced splendid stone in bhe old claims, and a recurrence of the same is expected as developments proceed. Surface prospecting is also being carried on, while ib is intended shortly to com menco operations in the Libble Nell and Golden Bolt quarters of the ground, good prospects having boen met with ab thab point.

This Company's properby, which comprise-* an area of ovor 500 acres of mostly auriferous freehold ground, really contains within its boundaries bhe majority of bhe old claims which made bhe Tiki district famous some years ago. The present Company was floated in London by Mr J. A. Marshall, who in the first place took ib up and put. it into a local company'who, however, had not tho capital to adequately develop such an extensive arost. Mr Marshall its now supervising operation* on tho ground on behalf of the English people, and I recently had the pleasure of visiting and inspecting the works now underweigh, in company with him. It has been decided primarily to opon oub ab selected points in tho old sections of the ground where the bout gold was obtained. Thus in tho Homo Rule section ab the No. 2 or road level a drivo is now boing extended through JJlacl-tnore's section, in hopes of picking up tho ricli runs of gold formerly worked by thab Company. Tho reef in bho luce of tho drive it' at present over three feot in thickness, and is a fino well defined body of stone, which contains every indication favourable for gold. The extension of this drivo will give over 200 feot of backs, ho that ample scope exists for tho encountering of rich oro at any timo. In j tho Union section driving is proceeding on the reef of thab namo, which varies from i>ix to 12 inches thick, and which right overhead produced good specimen stone. ,In tho Libtlo Nell or S.W. section of tho properly throe men uro now employed in driving and pronp.cting leaders and reefs traversing this portion of tho ground. Home of these show gold freely in bhe atone, and the others prospect well. In addition to this work prospecting on the surface towards the S. and E. boundary in being actively prosecuted, with the reiiulb that como looi*e stono has boen picked up showing gold in strong dabs and blotches, which has ovidonbly been broken away from caps of reefs in the vicinity. The intention now is to locate and pick these up if poKbiblo, whon, judging by the looeo !>tono, something good will ba forthcoming. Every facility exists on tho ground for carrying on mining operations on an economical basis, while an unlimited supply of valuable timber abounds. The battery site will in all probability be located at the lower and southern end of the proporty, which ,i» easily acceeeiblo from any working poinb and is peculiarly well situatod, while the number of sbroams and natural fall will supply all tho motive power requisite. When tha ahares in tho new Company are allotted and final arrangements filed up no doubt a greatly extended scheme ol work* will be drafted i out, but in tho meantime the right course is being pursuod in carrying out the oporations above mentioned. 1 might mention bhat Mr John Bremner, lato of Hauraki North mins. who is woll acquainted with tho Tiki district, is in charge of tho Freehold under Mr Marshall* THE TOKATEA OF HAURAKI, LIMITED. Mr Godorfroi D. Ingall has received advico that this Company is now in liquidation. Tho liquidator writes to him : Each shareholder is entitled to an allobmenb iv the Royal Oak of Hauraki, Limited, of exactly the same numbor of sharo* ho holds in this Company. Any shareholders thab aro on the London register as well as on tbe Colonial register, will receive the formt in rospect to their shares on bho London register direcb from mo; thoy must on no accounb include on tho forms dealing with shares on the Colonial register thoir shares on the London rogister, in short, separate forms must bo uaod for shares on either register. If holders desire to have their Royal Oak shares "shunted " to the Colonel register, forms for this purpose may be obtained at Mr Ing&ll'a office, and be will be pleased to afford auy information in his possession. GOLDEN SHORE. This special claim at Coromandel, reference to which has on several occasions been made by our special correspondent, and which tho Johannesburg and Now Zoaland Exploration Company, Limited, hold an option, haa been formed into a company. The following gentlemon havo beon elected directors: Messrs E, W. Alison (chairman), W. D. Holgate* Max Epatoin, Hugh Davis, and J. B. Rocklifl ,* J. 11. Harrison, legal manager ; Whitaker and Baume, solicitors ; and li. G. Pades, auditor to the Company. Operations will begin at once, and 88 the Company is in possession of a valuable reef which has been traced for a considerable distance aRd which has yielded excollenb results from acsay, important developments may be looked for when the shaft is sunk the required depth. FOUR IN HAND. The annual meeting of bhe Four in HanGold Mining Company was held ab Mr D. G. Macdonald's office, Mr Malcolm Niccol presiding. In bheir annual reporb bhe directors congratulated bhe shareholders on tho steady improvement/ in the prospects of the mine, and on tho largely increased value of the proporty, resulting from tho recent discoveries in bhe low level tunnel. Both reef and leader bhore had proved to bo goldbearing tiiroughoub. They might reasonably hope soon bo be in a position to make steady returns bo the shareholders. The question of erecbing a battery was under consideration. Tho cost of a fivestumper would be £2,000. Several offers for options had boen made, bub bhe directors had declined bo negotiabe excopb on a cash basis. The sbabemenb of accounts showed receipts for the six months ending July 31st was £1,336 18s 9d, exclusive of a balance brought down of £154 5b Sd, and the bobal expenditure £1,355 14s 9d, including a dividend of £750. There was a cash balance in the bank and on hand of £105 9a Sd. Tho Chairman, in moving the adoption of tho reporb and balance-sheeb, said that ab presonb bhey were negotiating wibh another party for the sale of tho properby, and something definite might be expecbed in the course of a few days. The report ond balance-sheet were adopted. Messrs E. C. Browne and Jas. Mays were re-elected directors, and Mr A. R. T. Ha'ultainwas re-appoinoed auditor. Tho advisability of erecting a battery was discussed, and eventually bhe mabter was left in the hands of bhe direcbors. PREECE'S POINT.

Pending bhe resuscitation of bhis Company operations on a very limited scale are being conducted in bhe mine, consisting entirely in fact of a crosscut being driven from the drainage or adit level to in.ersecb a specimen leader which yielded golden sbone in the upper workings, and by survey should be met wibh in another 10ft.

Several small stringers cub in this drivage gave some sbone showing Bbrong dabs of gold and ib is considered bhab bhis fact augurs well for bhe golden character of the main leader when bhe same comes to band. The plant, which is one of the besb in bhe disbricb, is employed in keeping bhe mine clear of water, and ib is to bo hoped thab ere long arrangements can be made to start underground operations in full swing again. KATHLEEN CROWN. The development of this Company's mine is steadily proceeding. The main 200fb level crosscub is in over 105fb in a westerly direction from the shaft, and it is computed thab another lOOfb of driving should bring Argall's reef to hand. The country has been very hard for some distance, bub the drive should be through ib Bhorbly, a change being now apparenb in the face. The drive on No. 1 reef soubh has been advanced 123 ft, ib averaging aboub 12in in width, of kindly stone, bub no gold has yeb been seen. Drive norbh on No. 1 is in 125f fc. and bhe reef at present is splib up inbo stringers, which must make into a solid body again before an improvement sets in. A rise up now over 20fb is in progress on the junction of No. 1 reof wibh a cross leader, bhe bwo combined averaging about 15in of quarbz. This rise is going up under the old workings, whore good gold waa formerly obtained. In Thompson's section of tho mine a crosscut going south ie being extended. This is ir* over 96ft, and Blagrovo'a No. 2 reef, which runs parallel to that now boing worked on the eastern side of bhe latter Company's ground, has beon intersected. When cub through it proved to be intermixed a good deal with mullock, bub has since made into a fine body of stone loin thick. Sovera! stringers aro dropping into the hangingwall which contain stone carrying visible gold, in consequence of which good results aro anticipated when this reof is further opened up. The prospects of the Company as a whole aro encouraging, and several promising reefs are now in hand, upon which comparatively little work has yet been done, TOKAIEA CONSOLS. The mine manager reportg as follows :— Low level, east side : Since lasb reporb we have built a shoot in tho bottom of the rise and put a ladder down tho winza, in the upper lovel, in order to get down to work. VVo aro now engaged in driving from the bottom of the winze and from the top of tho rise whore wo holed through. The drivo is now in 13fb. Reef from 6 to 9 inches big, showing a little gold occasionally in the atone ; rather tighb country and requires to be blasted. It is a good description for gold. Intermediabe crosa lode, east sido : Wo havo stopod out 40 feeb along on the leader and 20fb high, and have gob fairly good prospeebs all through. This is where 10 tons of the lasb crushing camo from, and now we are accumulabing for another crushing. Tho leader is small, from two inches to four inches wide, and the counbry Ib rather bight, which makeß ib slow for working on. Upper level, oast side: I have one man working on a leader which runs norbh and south. We also obtain gold in the etono hero. This loader is also small and is encased in a fuvourablo class of country, and ia likoly to mako a patch ab any bime. Surface leader, oast side: W"6 obtained ono and a half tons of very good dirt, and also soma picked stone, from hero, which went in tho last crushing, but we have aeon nothing since of any consequence. Wo have driven BOfb on ib, and have put a stope 40fb along over tho drivo and a second stope 24ft. No. 2 drive, west side : This drive haß boon extended 12fb since lasb report, making , total distance 257 ft. Wa obtained gold about 12fb from the protteno face by washing in tho dish, but we have got none since. Tho roof looks woll nnd is from about 12 to 15 inches wido, carrying splendid walls. The number of mon working is eight. KAPANGA. Since sinking tho main shaft to a depth of 1,000 feot, bho Kapanga Company, in addition to tho gonaral work of development in different parts of the mino, have boon ongagod in further testing the country rock below tho I,oooft with the aid of the diamond, drill, which has to date penetrated ISO f«et bolow the latter level. The nature ' of the counbry passed through has on the whole boon favourable, albhough a broken formation was encountered for some distance. Tho last cores, however, taken up prove that settled country of auriferous character has onca more been reached, so that it is quite probable we may hear of other reof systems being discovered in bhe near future. The importance of this work is far from insignificant, as ib demonstrates practically the possibilities of the counbry ab bheso unoxplored depths, and so forms a guide as to the advisability, or otherwise, of further shaft sinking. Tho Kapanga Company are thus rendering invaluable i assistance to the science of geology—as ) applied to the Thames peninsula—and a-ro doaorving of every support in this highly important undertaking. In the mine most of the work consists in opening up various reefs ab difl'orenb points. At the 1,000-feet level a crosscut W. is being driven bo intersocb certain reefs known to exist in this quarter. It is in over 620 feeb, the last 40 feet being through couutry very broken, which requires heavy timbering, owing to tho lima ib conbains causing tho ground to pwell; A change for the better is looked for now any foot. Driving on Hartridge's reef at the 940 level ia Htill boing pursued, bub during the last 25 foot no gold has been seen. It is hoped, however, that ab tho junction of bhis body with the Kapanga reef some distance ahead something good will bo met with. Hartridge's reef varies from ten inches to three fest in bhickneas, and is a fine body of atone, well defined and carrying good walla. It will bo remembered thab it waa in passing through this reef in the shaft thab tho specimen stono was obbained. Sboping is abo in progress on the reef, but so far nothing of any importance has eventuated. A winze has been sunk below the 940 feob lovel, and connection effected with the 1,000 feet level, in this way securing good ventilation, a very necessary precaution, at such a depth below.1 the surface especially. In the winze the reef was very much pinched, but ib is inbended to further prove it by stoping along east from the winze. Ab tho 900 fooblevel a rise _b being pub up on the same reef from the back of the main drive. Here ib measures about fivo inches in width, and colours of gold ore occasionally seen in bhe quartz, which would indicate an improvemgnt ab any timo, tho country rock being very congenial. At tho 420 feeb level driving south on bhe Kapanga reof is in progress. At present it ia very much pinched but carries a good hangingwall, and the manager is in hopes of its making strong again shortly, The face ot the drive is now well under bhe run of gold met with on bhis reef ab bhe 300 feeb level, consequently ib is a mabter ot some disappointment that; better results were not forthcoming ab the 420 feet level; the inferior character of the reof here both in size and quality may, however, be attributed solely to the broken nature of the country at tho latter point. At the 300 ft level the Kapanga reef, in the drive north which is being extended upon it, measures over Ift in thickness,- composed of solid quartz and pug, which shows a little gold when broken down, lb i*i anticipated thab another reof will be inbersecbed a litble further ahead in this drive, when an improvemenb may seb in. In tho rise above bhe 300fb ib is somewhat smaller, aboub sin in thickness, bub still remt\ina low grade oro. Corby eectieu : Scotby'a reel is here being opened up south of bhe eastern crosscub from bhe shafb. lb has been rabher disordered labely, bub should eventually prove a payable reef, as on the surface ab

the outcrop excellent results were obtained. On bhe soubhorn side of the property surface prospecting is being energetically carried on in hopes of picking up the Kapanga and Scobty's reefs in bhis quarber, where theground is entirely virgin. The whole of the mining plant is working smartly and well, no hitch whatever having occurred in carrying out the works. HAURAKI GOLDEN BAY. This Campany consists of an amalgamation of the Stanley, Beatrice and Kaka Special foreshore claims, aggregating a total area of 280 acres. They aro eituated bebween Preece's Poinb and the Hauraki group of mines, and embrace practically the whole of the foreshore bebween bhese poinbs, from which ib can be seen that they lie directly in bhe auriferous belb running through to the Tokatea. The Company have already made a start iv the direction of developing their property, «nd it is understood that English capital is to be employed in furthering and carrying out this work, cerbain arrangements being now considered to bhis end. Near bhe Eastern boundary a shaft has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet by hand windlass, when the waber becoming too heavy work had to be suspended. Tho shafb for 25 feefc down has been double bimbered and securely puddled against the intrusion of sea water, it being surrounded while bide is in, while for bhe remainder of the distance it haa been constructed simply in accordance wibh the requirements of a prospecting shaft. Files have been driven and a largo and substantial platform erected for the reception of a steam winch wibh which to conbinue the work of sinking, and this will be one of tho first requirements, the shaft being now nearly full of water. The country in bhe bottom is of an easy working character, being a soft white prophylibe, and when solid rock is reached will be found bo be auriferous and reef bearing. Several reefs aro known to braveree the ground, bub so far libtle is known concerning bhem, no work having yet boen dons. They, however, prospect well at bhe outcrop, and no reason exists why they should nob prove gold-bearing when opened up below the surface. NEW GOLCONDA. A special meeting of shareholders in the New Golconda G.M. Company was held on September 1 at the office of Mr D. G. McDonnell. Mr A. Wright presided. A resolution was passed authorising the directors to sell and dispose of the new shares of the Company at such price at they should think fit, a clause in a previous resolution, which fixed bhe price at nob less than 6d, being rescinded. LORN A DOONE. The annual meebing of shareholders in the Lorna Doone Goldmining Company was held yeeberday afternoon, as tho office of Messrs Twentyman arid Montgomery. Mr J. S. Porber presided. The dirocbors' reporb stated that the mine had been under absolute protection since last month. All wages had been paid in full, and.the present liabilities of bhe Company were very small.* The opbion held by Messrs Porter and Hampson had not yet resulted in any sale being effected, owing to the continued depression of tho London market. Tbe mine manager's report suggested the exbenßion of the low level crosscub, where he thought good payable ore would be obtained. The statement of accounts showed total receipts by sale of syndicate shares £1,000, calh. received £45, total £1,045, expenditure £1.038 7<j 4d, including mine wages £464 3s lOd. The report and balance-sheet wero adopted. Messrs C. C. Fleming and W. H. Skinner were elected directors and Mr Carbines was reappointed auditor. NEW YEAR. The half-yearly meeting of shareholders in the New Year G.M. Company waß bold yesterday afternoon at Mr D. G. McDonnell's office, Mr A. Wright presided. The directors' report stated thab a nice reef had been discovered near bhe top ot the range, the assay value of tho ore from which was £8 per bob. Other reefs bad been cub, and tho results of operations bo far conducted were very satisfactory. The balance shoeO showed receipts £407 4a 7d, expenditure £278 8-; 2d, loaving a credit balance of £r__S 16s sd. The report and balancosheob wore adopted. QUEEN VICTORIA OF HAURAKI. The statutory general meeting of shareholders in tho Queen Victoria of Hanraki Goldmining Company was held yesterday afternoon ab Messrs" Twentyman and Montgomery's offico. The balance-shoot showed a credit balance of £345 Is lOd. The Chnir* man (Mr J. H. Porter) said that he wnd Mr Evans had visited the mine, and were very favourably impressed with ita appearance and prospects, and hopes weio expressed that the present operations would end in successful results. Meeare G. S. Kissling and Bell wore elected directors, and Mr J. Bridgewater was elected auditor, BRITANNIA (HAURAKI) GOLDMINING COMPANY. Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Lindsell, R.E., Associated Institute C.E., Chairman of London directors ot tho Britannia (Hauraki) Goldmining Company, is at present on a visit to Auckland. He leaves for Coromandel this evening to inspect the property. This Company was floated aboub six months ago, and the whole of the* capital, £25,000, was actually subscribed, and is lodged to tho Company's credit in London. Mr J. H. Harrison is manager of tho old company, the attorney for thta new company being Mr Laurence, of Coromandel. Lieutenant - Colonel Lind.ell returns to London by tho 'Frisco mail boat on Saturday. WYNYARDTON. A letber has been roceived from Mr It. A. Escott, who holds an option ovor this Coromandel property, in which he states: " I placed bhe few particulars I had before a house bhab fancied Coromandel. They offered to find £10,000 working capital and give the vendors 20 per cent, of bhe sharps." MrEscobb is forming in England an Kxploration Company to take over and develop his properties, and spend £100 por month. Power of attorney waa forwarded by the 'FriBCO mail to Mr Escott in respect to the Wynyardton property." GOLDEN PAH. The new plant is now all but completed, the boilers are bricked in ready for getting up steam, and bhe last connections are being made on the pumping and winding engines. The whole is all housed in, and it is expected in another week a start will be made, and the sinking of the shafb resumed. HAURAKI MAIN LOoES. Crosscuts are being driven from the 180fb level in the shaft in soubh-wesb and northerly directions, passing through a fine class of counbry, and bhe reefs should be ab hand ab an early date. '".Che water in bhe shafb has decreased in volume considerably of labe, thereby eaainj.* l.h*i pumps

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 205, 2 September 1897, Page 7

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Coromandel Mining New. Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 205, 2 September 1897, Page 7

Coromandel Mining New. Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 205, 2 September 1897, Page 7


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