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MEDICAL. MEDICAL. ' ' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT- I MERVE> bloods I * «SK"IN DISEASES TTnd_Tth_>di»tln^i»JMdprtroiiaCTofß___l_jiJ(u*y th<_ Ktaffof <_»JTVM I S-* «w__-_*_f *»«*sww Italy, v per comimuiloitlon made by Milliter for Foreign Affairs CURED BY TAKING through tbe Con»ul-Geu«ral for Italy at Melbourne, March 14th, w w * 1878. Awarded Diploma at the Amsterdam Exhibition, 189S, TTTTnTI T» tOfIIIITFt fl (T TD VTTfI Acknowledged by Mwlical CUmics and Universities all over tho HH X X KuWMtWHNN Olobe. T_h ar« imitation, oi Eucalypti Extract In the market, fl hJaJA i\il 0 0 ill U0 U 111 11 V products of simple distillation, forming crude resinous oils. In order that these crude oils may not be taken for our Pure (Tbe Celebrated Daaish Herbalist) Volatile Eucalypti Extract, which is rccogni-sed by the medical division of the Prussian Government to be of perfectly pure E •■«___■* origin, as per information forwarded to us through the Consul II T TT fl I Tn| fj» at Melbourne, Maroh 2.1878, we state :—" Itis proved by tests l\ ___{__} iillLftEl made by the Medical Clinics of the Universities at Bonn and JTI Qriefswald, Prussia, and reported by Dr. Bchnlx, Professor of ■ ** Pharmacology at Bonn, and Professor Dr. Moaler, Director of m w HV the Malical Clinic at Grio/swald, that only products that aro 1 Innnil llPrUßnrkinfl saturated with oxygen and freo of acids, resinous and other W WW U fl J kf V W W I) J If V substauces, adherent to primary distillation, win develop the I 8 ill A _ __> it il 1\ A_l iU Ul/A ii U sanative qualities proper to the plant. All crude oil, or so-called Jail && Eucalypti Extracts, are to be classed according to the named mntnatßrfA) authorities among tho turpentines which are of insignificant uvßginvotou. __.__, g3^^^ torJS^S^l3Ss^ A PERMANENT CURE FOR NERVE, ■ 1. liy their deficiency in pungont odour, which our produot, bluf), Afli) D llUl/I/ JJluliAblllJ. the only geuutuo Eucalypti Extract, develops most freely _-___.-.«, ,_, . nmurTrnmnir through Its surplus of oxygen. HSRR RASSMUSSBN 2. By their alcoholic, thin, and mobile appcaranoo being _ _, ~ ~„ .ltii__.ii. inn reduced In specific density through the presence of acids. The Celebrated DuniEh Herbßlißt and UoW 8. By their taste, tho result of the contracting tendency of ModAlint, of 01 LaSTlbtOll Qll»y» WOlreslus and touts, lingtcm, and 547 OKonor. Stubet, Stdkky, Ktkw* cn>*»"Us, ot so-o-JlwS Duo&lynM Bxtowrta, _ur» appli___l in world-renowned for the kv mtsUfcs In ««• oj oroup, bronoMtta, diphtheria. Internal TUin 11 RA W _~*?i OP CURFS fillamnwtiaas. dysentery, «tc. th. consequences s_r« mcrt. ay- I HOUWAWUS "f " po_Mn«. Bpsdfy Bander and Bobs Product, ov alas worthless oill which have boon effbctod by hlB HBKBAI. Sui ba'_«•—m*-4. t* ummmmmi i>r •«weiT'i-.„„„„ __„„ Rkmedies, and tho ___-__su___£ Buna. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS .-—» Hjioak for themselves as to thaimmenso virtuofi £**■ r/\ ot those Herbal Remedies. W^^VM ALFALINE VITALITY PILLS K|-^j iJp-aS Are a Certain Care for Weak Nerves,Depreswed V Spirits, lability, and WoftkneKfS of the Spine, \ Jwn ft Ul-aill, and Ncirver. Special Powerful Coureo, «<3aJL^«_s\ k_ _Ku. Gd.; Ordinary Course, 2Uf>. 6d.; Smaller >^*^fraf^WW M ltor.u,i, 12a. und Ba. }><__.te<i. Send for Free /hl\wi- •^'iw^ViX^S ALFALINE BLOOD PILLS /'■ •'<• ''jr hW' ■"•'"/••'■"*''livWN* '''■ iB-^ffl arc iujsurp_u__.(Hl as n Blood I'urifiarand .Blood f' '•»'*• •ll'-'■''•'.'• ■''■ :'•;'■ :*H}' ','■'/.'•'.:J^&__ Tunic, ac'l will eradicate: the most obstinate V.- %'•_ . ,j\-'A..'A.A.A'r%nJ 'J.VJ'JwWr Blood and Skin Afleotioiis, Price, same aa Sll 7'\-#^ViV''-?;:/^V \hjtfrj3r 'iJU Al)»lm« ITiiiverail Pills for Female \-'/f'?^i' \«V( -'•'w\ftk.*SC' '•<¥ CoHipininU, lUM-omatio Pillfi, Ambina and Vflt'" T A- '^^rNjffWV^fei W dmiih I'ilia, Fat lt< rtucing Por/doro, Variooceiu \/i-V yflJ 4i^\ (M\ x^Ur Pov.tlcr:!, Onri'le, Flcali ProdncinK / )w,\ Po-.Jden., Worm Oak.-', Uoth Tablet*, BuCft\jyj /*»\\ i lypluil Oil end Jujubiß, Hair lUstot-er and -faf/ /C>'.jA -____. ! c.o_:_p_ ox ioi! Urautitior, Liver and liidney Pilln, "— ~~Mh'% ~ V"sV^^i^^3> •"1;l1 I' 1"1""' Headache Curs;, are all simply VIS? '""^ Send for hfa Pre© Book, which contaiuß »ll i>aii.icular« m>& many UKeful hinli. and The best preparation for preserving, ™w*£^*?^ rcßforing, and beautifying the bair is a' !liiy- a'ld aa,ln,ra AYCr S * * *fi ■ 81 Lambton ©uay •^ WELLINGTON, N.ZHair Vigor. > 1 . It keeps tbe'scalp free from daudrulf, j T7o^, COUGHS, COLD??, jmONCHITTS heals troublesome humors, and pre- i^ /.siKJiA.ISFLUK.vj'.A^ONSUMI'nON^c..** , ~ , , ... ' ..' 'T. AYVS COMPOUND ESSKNCE OF LIN. vents the hair from falling out. When }\ siIKD, Auiacoa, Konosra, Squill, Tolu, Ac. the hair becomes dry, thin, faded, or C,.-. ui'iON.—S))in-iouM iiniutionu ore being oflored. <rrav \i -estorea the oriL'inal color aud 1*r AY' S COMPOUND, a demulcent expoo. gray, it .estoies tne original coior duu _|_^_ torant>forCon p hßi Colds, and Cheat Complaints, texture and promotes a new and vig- jy AY'S COMPOUND, for Con^hs and Col da, orous growth. Wherever used, Ayer's •» *- is eq"a"y eorriccabia for Horaos und cattle. -r-r • ,r' 1 . ii .v„_ ,1 _„_._. i "S/"AY'S TIC PILLS, ft specific in Nenralffia. Hair Vigor SUpplautS all Other dress- : j-^ FttCo . aobo , Ac . Certain Qmnine, Iron, Ac? ings, and becomes at once the favorite I T INUM CATHAETICUM PILLS, digestive, •it i„_^:_,_- „„,i _,_,^ttr,mon oiilro -»-^ correctJTO, and agreeably aperient, with ladies and gentlemen anne. /inirrnvir r> ~ .flu 1 i __• i ° / iOAGu LIN K.--t emnnt for Hroken Articlos, , _ 1 <• ; H'lld JSverywlaare, ___«_au_ActO-7 a Btockport, Iyer's !~ !M£ NEUROL / prepared i)T j t iteijerefl tho Hoadaolie and tho P&in» in the OR. J. C.AVER SCO, lOWell, MaSS., U.S. A. Body, and Shortens the Attack. -» 2« PER HOX, FROM AfJ_, CHKMISTS AND GOLD MEDALS t\ tho World's Chief Exposilions. 1 storekeepers. The Life of a Baby. It's in the wriggle and twist, the laugh and the dimples. When baby is thin, pale, lifeless and weak, we say it is "delicate." When it is rickety and has crooked legs or some other form of curvature, we say: " Poor little thing." When itis scrofulous we are afraid it can't live. We use all sorts of expressions and forget the remedy. Scott's Emulsion *mgßyffi___mM_wsEP ,mim:mssj^ahis^^sis^^ssmw I Q.SAy.C--i^- is as good to-day for babies as it was a quarter °*- a century ago. Nobody has equalled it yet and ' probably never will. It has so many beneficial Mmsj'-_i()^L: effects that even comparatively well babies show Improvement after taking it. Ask any mother who iWiM^ ~ has ever tried it, or ask your doctor. Both will WjS^^A praise it. Baby will love the taste of it, and you I \ "ij^^ ; w'^ soon see the dimples, the laugh, the twist and the wriggle, and know what they mean. .■__i,; ''li__-.-__j_;'-___iiZ!iJ Trada Mark. Scott &. Bowae, Ltd., London. All Chemists. WTJV QTyTr'Kl"lT,|riJ LONUER bho ineonvonience md burdon of JJL JL ij UJT J JLL-JLk' corpulonco when, by taking a ehorb course of OR. STEIMMEYER'S CELEBRATED ELEGANT FILLS, You can epeediiy, permanoatly, und «nf«ly roduci yoanelf bo normal veieht and diroen eions? Dr.. STKINMKYEK'S ELKGANT PILLS «re absolutely re'iable, require no cbaDgo in diod, nro a^reoab'o to take, nml aro porfectJy harmless. Thoy never fail t. improTo both health snd Heure, and may bo depended upon to efface a permonen reduction of 51b to 7lb weekly. Thoao who oro most delicately coiißtilutsd need hr»v_ no hesitation in j»iviii(f thorn o trial. Price per box, 7s 6d, to the full course (3 boxes), 20s. Sole Australian Aeenbs—Tho Parisian Drue Company. Sent to any bddreaa in <-.-■■ boien by parcel post, poßtftsre p^id. with full directions, on receipt of postal noto or pout olßoe order for the amount). PLEASE NQTE-OUR ONLY AUSTRALIAN ADDRESSTHE PARISIAN DRUG CO., 161, PHILLIP STREET, SYDNEY. IRON. IRON. IRON? "DEDIUQTCQ" RJIIMFRAI VA/ATi-R AB SD Invigoratinjr tonic ib in unenrpemeed, and should be in every house. Tfce ps®. pertiet Qt these Waters are so well known fer their curative powers that they oaod do oommento. Bold by all Chemistß and Stoa-ekeepors, &c 6d. Wholesale bf lotjoh soisr sc co^c^^.3^r"2r:-i. dart. Insurance Bulldlnt?». Auemasm \_Sma RmsussavsAnfu m *»* AvmutMuut Colohibs. S" CIiL_^ N0™CEMENT- T he WIFE'S WS-r^ S5 . . _. , . • than all tha year* you've Tbe undorsignod hara {treat pleasure m ii. ,«.-. B-apr Hred. - Write PItOIT. wc/iuciug to tho public of New Zealand fjjf £j,|f j4SIB_U ROUT. HEKM AN N, <•% CAKNALL'S WORLD-FAMKD RHltl; ColUaoPlaofibAUUwwaM. MATIC CURK AND OOLOEN OIL. And a host of Household Requisites in tin _ ~~Z_ r „_ _, ~ shape of TJJTARRIED Ladies should send 4 penny DRAWING-ROOM CREAM POUSH TM i.TJ_ stampa for pamphlet. Valuable inforNKWEB, FOR POUSHING OLD AND NKV mation.—J. L. Saunders and Co., 555, Punt KURNITUKK, Road. South Yarra, Melbourne. GOLD. SILVER, COPPKR AND ELECTRI: FLUIDS, All of which will bo seen bj their trade man. B PURE KONICDUST and aateuiahinff twtimonUlß are not to be TQ pARM E Rfi AN D OT H ERS ' WARN©CX UROS. are now offering thsir .__.. > .. _.• « j . various and well-known Brands of IiONIC. tfZMctftl Attention is town to our celebrated DUgT an(J SPECIAL MANURES at the WATERPROOFING FOR BOOTB &SHCKS. followinsr prices :— Per Ton. . . ~ PURIS BONE FLOUR ..£7OO A preparation which will not rub vposist tne PURE BONli! DUST 7 0 0 sea water bat the inroads of ihe mineral vraters Al BONE DUST 6 0 0 of the colony, which has been it life's study i oi Bl BONK DUST .'! _.' 510 0 tho inventor to ovar.come. OI BONE DUST 5 lb 0 WHEAT & CORN MANURE 6 15 0 BOOT MANURE .. .. 6 15 0 To be had from all Warehousemen, Saddlers TURNIP MANURE .. .. 6 15 0 and Storekeepers. POTATO MANURE .. .. 7 0 0 GRASS MANURE .. .. 6 15 0 T? ra-RV AT T MAIZE MANURE .. .. 6lb 0 n,. \j &n. _t> au v, Discounts - All prieos at less 2i per cant. Sole Wholesale Agent, Discount for Cash. „ „ „„_,„,„„ Analysis and Sninplns on application ti BOHEMIAN HOUSE. WAKEFIELD-St. WARNOCK BKOa . CwkuaH SSHKitS, Auckland. ' AUCKLAND.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 203, 31 August 1897, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 203, 31 August 1897, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 203, 31 August 1897, Page 6


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