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Another rise has taken place in flour. Auckland and Southern millers intimato elsewhere an advance of ten shillings per ton to-day. Bran and sharps have also advanced 5s per ton.

" Brett's Auckland Almanac, 1897," is now in the press and will shortly be published. Secretaries of all descriptions of societies wishing to have their officers published in the " Local Directory" of the Almanac should rovi.e them and forward bo bhe Stah OlEce at an early date.

Ab the meeting of the Devonport Borough Council on Tuesday, the M/.yor, Mr M. Niccol, will movo: "That tho Council declare tho private etrcafc loOfb wide laid out by Mr Isaac James Burgess in tho year 1865, oxtending from Stanloy-streeb to Vauxhall Road, to be a public street under the meaning of the Municipal Corporation Act, 1886, and thab the said street be named Redpath Avenue."

Quito a number of the larger mining companies are following the example of tho Waibi Company in providing their batteries with electric light. The Crown Company have just had a new electric lighting plant erected at their babtery at Karangahake, tho installation baitig successfully completed last Tuesday. The plant consists of a 200 light " Electric Construction Company's " dynamo, driven by a Pelton wheel. Besides tbe battery, the houses of the Company's manager, engineer and mine managor aro also lighted from the same dynamo, and sufficient power is still available for lighting tho new 40 head battery wliich the Company are about to erocb Tho work of lighting has been carried onb by Messrs Chambers nnd Son, of Fort-street, who also have in band the lighting of tho Woodstock and Talisman batteries. In addition to using oloctricity for lighting purposes, the latter Company purpose using ib also for transmitting tho power necessary for driving the bordans and pumps at the cyanide plant to be placed at tho other side of tho Wakawheta River, opposite to tho battery. This will be the first instanco ef the transmission of power by electricity in tho district. The snmo firm above mentioned have secured the work of lighting the forthcoming Auckland Exhibition by electricity, and their electrician, Mr E, j. Fenn, is already busy making preparations.

Ib i_i intimated elsewhero thab the time for receiving entries for handicap .events of the Eight Hours Sports has been extended until Wedoo-clay, November ISth, at 9.30 p.m., at the Metropolitan Hotel. Tho entrios received for these sports on Saturday nighb aro more than double any previous year.

A. road of considerable importance is about to bo formed connecting the Mount Roskill and Mount Eden Roads in a straight line just boyond Cueksey'a store, tenders for the formation of about 44 chains of which close to-morrow. Plans and specifications are to bo seen ab tho office of Messrs Baker Bros., land agents. This road will cut up Ro.edale, a property thab has been tsubdirided into some seventy buiiding sites shortly to bo placed upon the marks.,

The police want an owner for a gold scarf pin found in one of tho streets.

In tho Western Park, Ponsonby, yesterday afternoon, a largely attended prohibition meeting was held, womo hundreds of people being present. Forcible addresses wore delivered by MrR. French, the Rev. G. 11. Mann and others. Mu.ical selections were given by the Union Free Church brass band, under the leadership of Mr Muldouit. In the evening a second nineting wa- bold ab the G.ey-~treob tirebeli, where Messrs Hamilton, XV. J. MacDe.motb and (Joekerofb tiavo Close on five hundred people were present and formed an attentive audience.

Tennis tnice from 5a 9d a. D.S.C—(Ad,)

The Hon. T. Thompson was in attendance to-day at the Ministers' room, but no business of public importance came before him.

This morning a boy namsd Sydney Cross fell out of a trap ab the corner of Cook and Hobson streets, through the horse starting before Cross had seated himself, and one of the wheels passed over hia left leg, bruising ib severely.

At tho Police Courb fco-day, before Mr H. W. Northcrof., S.M., Wm. Inster, for a third offence of drunkenness, was fined 40s, with bhe option of fourteen days, and one first offender was cautioned. Lizzie Pernell and Dora Meadows, on bwo charges of vagrancy, were remanded bill Wednesday. Theresa Mackay was fined 40a and costs for having, on November Ist, negligently driven a two-wheeled carriage in QueenBtreet. Mr W, Inder appeared for the defendant.

Judging by the phenomenal acceptances received on Saturday evening last for the various events to be decided at the thirtyfourth Athletic Carnival of the Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club, there should be a large attendance of the public in the Domain on Saturday next to witness tbe sports. Of the large number of entries received, the only members who failed to accepb were L. W. Graham in the IOOYds Handicap, F. T. Preston in the One Mile Walk, and C. Palmer for all cycle events, the latter owing to indisposition.

The anniversary services of the Christian Endeavour Society connected with bhe Pitt and Edwin streets Primitive Methodist Church wero held yesterday, the Rev. G. 11. Mann preaching in the morning and also conducting a floral service in bho afternoon. In the evening addresses were given by Mr David Goldie, Mr Abel and Mibs Frith. Special hymns were sung by tho children. Tbe anniversary services of bhe Pitt-streeb Wesleyan Church were also celebrated yesterday, and were well attended. The Revs. H. R. Dewsbury and W. J. Williams preached, and an address to school children and parents was given by the Rev. W. J. Watkin in the afternoon.

The anniversary services of tho Parnell Wesleyan Church wero held yesterday, and proved very successful. The Rev. W. J. Williams conducted the morning service, and preached a sermon on " The Love of God." The afternoon service for tho young was conducted by the Rev. H. R. Dewsbury who based his address upon the conversion of Saint Paul. At the evening Borvice the Rev. A. Mitchell preached upon " Daniel: Prophet, Patriot, and Prince; or from Prison to Palace." Mr Mitchell sane' in a most expressive manner the solo " When Nighb is Darkesb the Duwn is Nearesb." Miss Davies sang very beautifully tbe solo "Bub the Lord is Mindful of His Own," and Mr Jones sang " Remember Now Thy Croator." The choir sang several anthems, assisted by a good orchestra, the principal solos being taken by Mr E. J. Schofield. Mr H. Schofield conducted. The congregations were very goosl, especially in the ovening, when the church was crowded. Tho annual soiree will be held on Tuesday evening,when a choice programme of music will be rendered.

Entries for competitions in connection with St. Barnabas' Garden Fete, to be held in Mr A. Heather's grounds, are open till November 30th, and will be received by Mrs G. W. Robinson, Knighton, Valley Road, or any of tho committee.

In connection with the Auckland Provincial Agricultural Associabion, Professor F. D. Thomas will deliver" a lecture on " Milk and Milk Testing" in the University Buildings bonighb ab eight o'clock, Admission is free, and all interested are invited to attend. The subjecb iB one of particular interesb to farmers, and those engaged in tho dairying business.

The first annual meeting of the Auckland Bowling Association was held on Friday afternoon. The report stated that arrangements had been made for inter-club matches between tho local club 3 during the present season for a pennant flag, to be held by the winning club for one year. An abatractof the balance-sheet showed receipts £278 2s 4d, and expenditure £270 10s Id during tho past year, leaving a balance in hand of £7 12s 3d. Officers for tbe ensuing year were olected as follows : President, Mr J. J. Holland; Vice-Pro~idcnt, Mr A. S. Russell ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr A. W. Thomson ; Match Committee, Messrs Gorrie, Russell, Holden, and Secretary, the atter convener.

Tho popular musical comedy of "My Sweethearb " was repeated at the Opera House on Saturday night for the laßfc time. All those who take part in the comedy are so familiar with their respective parts, owing to its frequent production, that overything went very smoothly. Mosb of tho musical itoms were encored.

Tho third concert of the Auckland Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin Club will take place on Monday, December 14th, in aid ef the Jubilee Kindergarten.

The West End Tennis Clnb will give an entertainment on Thursday, the 26th instant. Ib will consist of theatricals given by well-known amateurs, preceded by a 9hor_ concort of exceptional merit. Tne entertainment is to be given with a view to raising funds for the Club, and undoubtedly will meet with liberal public support.

The Remuera Musical Society's performance of tho " Rose Maiden " takes place to-night in St. Luke's Hall, accompanied by full orchestra.

J. Tonson Garlick's new carpet showroom on ground floor now open. Floor coverings laid superbly.—(Advb.)

Colonial tweed suits will bo found exceptionally good value ab Smith and Caughey'o.—(Advt.)

Ladies' umbrellas and sunshades, best value in Auckland ab D.S.C—(Advb.)

Bush rugs and blankets. Big job lines in tho above now showing ab Smith and Caughey'a.— (Advt.)

Oilcloth and linoleums two yards wide at Court Bro_.' from Is lOd yard. Special line extra heavy, four yards wide, from 5. lld.~(Adv..)

Smith and Caughey have cleared a warehouse stock of linoleums in good patterns. They will oiler those ab Is lid, usual price 2s lid.—(Advt.)

Our calicoes direct from tho mills cannot be equalled. Customers may rely upon getting all the well-known standard makes ab warehouse list prices from D.S.C.— (Advb.)

Our famous Kaiapoi all-wool one guinea euib is remarkable value.—Smith and Caughey.—(Advb.)

Hundreds of dozens of Turkish towels and othor makes now opened from Tongariro to ba had ab Courb Bros.'—(Ad.)

Sterling stainless hoaiory direct from m.nufacturerß ■to bo bad at wholesale prices from D.S.C—(Advb.)

Tho selection of millinery this season at Wilson, McCullagh and Co.'s i_ simply unrivalled : a fact admitted even by their keenest competitors.—(Advb.)

Our one guinea inen'^ tweed suit ia par excellence the best in tho market. Before buying elsewhere inspect ab D.S.C.— (Advb.)

Country visitors should certainly call ab Court Bros.' before thoy return. Beautiful assortment of dresses and cheapest in town. —(Advt.)

A big shipment of lace curtains, ex s.s. Tongariro. Smith and Caughey have received a special shipment of tbe above, in white and ecru, bought by our Mr Caughey on exceptional teems. The above being in excess of our usual indents, we shall clear at our well-known low cash prices.—(Advt.)

Kid gloves, reliable makes, wide choice, from 2s 3d to 3. 3 Id.—D.S.C. -(Advt.)

The,complete returns in connection with tbe Auckland Agricultural Association Show are nob yet complete, bub we learn that the takings show an advance all round, and bhe total receipts exceed those of any previous year. Over £300 was taken on Saturday, and £70 on Friday.

Tho visitors competing ab bhe cycling sports on Saturday were entertained at a smoke concerb on Saturday evening ab the Prince Arthur Hotel, Wellesley-sfcreet. The captain (Mr H. Young) presided, and amongst those present was His Worship the Mayor (Mr J. J. Holland). The evening was spent chiefly in drinking toasts and in presenting the prizes won ab the carnival. In replying to the toast, proposed by Mr James Stewart, junior (bhe general secretary), of *• Hia Worship the Mayor and the Town Clerk," coupled with the name of Mr R. Yates, the carebaker of the Domain, the Mayor expressed tbe pleasure he felt in taking part in the gathering, and promised to do his beat in socuringa enibable cycling brack tor Auckland, co thab this city would nob bo behind the Southern ones. Ab the conclusion of the toasts, bbc prize money won in the various events was paid ovor, the principal winners in the cycling events being :—A. R. Barker, £22 ; F. Hunb, £21 10s ; A, C. Forbes, £8 10s; A. Campbell, £7; A. C. Wilmob, £3. Mr E. Norden, the starter of the Club, was presented with a silver-mounted pipe by Mr A. C. Willmot on behalf of the visitors, and also with a silver-mounted Malacca cane by Mr H. Young on behalf of tbe Club members. Tbe recipient) suitably acknowledged the gifts. In the coarse of the evening musical items were contributed by Messrs Carter, Norden, Willmotb, Yabes, Rowe, Robinson, Hutton and Barker, and altogether a very pleasant evening was spent.

Mr F. Hunt, one of the visiting cyclists who competed ab the Auckland Cycling Clnb's Carnival lasb Saturday, was to have made an attempb this morning to lower the record for the ride from Papakura to Bishopscourt, Parnell. The machine he was riding, however, broke down, and as another was nob procurable the attempb had bo be abandoned. The preser.b record, which is held by Mr G. Henning, ia 1 hour 7 minutes 15 seconds.

One of the mosb novel and interesting items of the coming floral f&te is to be a masical ride on cycles, ridden by 24 of the leading lady and gentlemen amateurs of Auckland. It will be much on the same lines as the famous musical ride of the Scots Greys. The bicycles are to be florally decorated, and the riders to wear white costumes with bab ribbon and ties of the same colour their mounts are decorated with. The drilling and formation of the figures to bo performed have been undertaken by Professor Carrollo. In connection with tho fdte, ladies winning prizes can have either cash, or orders upon any leading draper to the value of tbe prize.

This evening a conversazione will be held ab the Choral Hall in honour of the occasion of the consecration of Bishop Lenihan. Tickets, price 2s 6d, may be obtained from Mr F. J. O'Meara, hon. sec.

The benefit to be tendered to Mr James Anderson (Leonard, the gymnast), ab the City Hall, has been postponed bo November 28th.

Large shipment of white shirts ex s.s. Gothic, from 3s lid to 8s lid, oil linen fronts and cuffs.—Smith and Caughey.— (Advt.)

Special line tennis shirts, unshrinkable, warranted to wear, at 3s 9d.—D.S.C.— (Advb.)

Children's lawn handkerchiefs from is 6d per dozen, ladies' hemstitched do., from 2s lid per dozen ab Wilson, McCullagh and Co.'s—(Advb.)

Boys' washing suits and blouses from is 6d ; serge sailor suits from 3s 6d ; Kaiapoi KB suite from 7s lid.—Smith and Caughey. —(Advb.)

Everyone who wants a dress should see the stock ab Courb' Bros.' before deciding, beautiful designs and colonrings in special dres* lengths, 4s lid, 5s lid, 6s lid, 7a lid to 29s 6d.—(Advt).

Always ask for the Waterspray brand of calicoes, longcloths and sheetings ; famous for purity, for reliabiliby in wear ; always keeps a perfect whibe, and can only be obtained from Smith and Caughey, sole agents.—(Advt,)

Australia v. Auckland. Gloves and sunshades for the great crickeb mabch, ab D.S.C.—(Advb.)

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 272, 16 November 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 272, 16 November 1896, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 272, 16 November 1896, Page 2


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