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" Brebb's Auckland Almanac, 1897," is now in the preas and will shortly be published. Secretaries of all descriptions of societies wishing to have their officers published in the "Local Directory" of the Almanac should revise them and forward bo bhe Star Office ab an early date.

A successful trial of an improved pro-peller-shaft and steering gear invented by Mr T. F. Perkins, of Auckland, took place at Garden Island, Sydney, recently, in the presence of a large number of gentlemen, including Fleeb-Eogineer Fincham, of H.M.s. Orlando. The experiment was carried oub wibh a 35-foot launch, fitted with v 2 h.p. engine aud without a rudder. By means of her moveable propeller she was taken round and betwoen a number of piles in a manner which ib was statod would have been impossible wibh the ordinary sboerit-g gear. She went through a number of other evolutions, always turning wibhin her own lengbh. Anobher patent on board waß a fan bo mako a .oread draughb, also invenbed by Mr Perkins. Those presenb wore much impressed with the utility of tho propeller-shaft and steering gear invention, and bhe Admiral promised to give the patent a trial on one of tbe navy launches.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a red letter day ab Avondale. The Avondale Rifle Volunteers who are in camp for a week held a church parade in tho morning. The whole company, undor command of Lienb. Potter, and headed by bhe Auckland Garrison Band, marched to the Anglican Church. The church waa crowded to excess. Tho Rev. F. Larkins, the vicar of tho parish, conducted the service and preached an excellent sermon for the occasion. The eervico was bright and hearby, . singing and music boing exception.. >y good. Several volunteer officers irom bown attended tbe church parade. During fcho afternoon a large number of people, including many ladies, visited tbe camp, where the band kindly played many appropriate and beautiful selection.. In the evening the company attended the Presbyterian Church, which was also crowded to excess. The Rev. Mr McLean conducted the sorvice.

Mr J. E. Taylor, of Water Lea, Mangere, has carried out wibh success some experiments in connecbion with the utilisation of the action of the tide as motive power. The work has been carried on in one of the tidal creeks ot the Manukau Harbour above tbe Mangere Bridge, where Mr Taylor had erected a strong embankment of stone and concrete and puddled clay, which is quite waterproof. Ab bhe end of the first portion of the embankment, near the middle of the creek, a large concrete pier was erected, and on thi_ pier a strong door is hung, closing.,; against another concrete pier. The flow of the tide opens the door withoub other help, and tho rush of the ebb tide closes it again, t tho pier, thus entrapping the waters within bhe basin, leaving a head of sea water inside of five feeb, when tho tide has fallen two hours. This water is then turned on to an undershot water wheel by means of a vertical sluice two feet wide and six feob deep, which is swung on a central pivot. The wheel is 15 feet in diameter, and develops from six to ton horse power, the greatest power being available ab Bpring tides. Tho wheel develops power for about eight hoars out of every twelve, the power being replenished by each incoming tide. Mr Taylor's main purpose is to show that there are thousands of tidal horso power goiag to waste at tho Mangere and Panmurq bridges which could easily be made available, and that this could be utilised for raising large quantities of freeh water to the reservoir at One Tree Hill, or to any of the hills at Panmure, sufficient to supply the local population. Ib could also be used for generabing electricity for motive power and lighting the streets.

Mr J. H. Baker, who is retiring from the position of Assistant Surveyor-General and Commissioner of Crown Lands in Wellington, in order fco take up his residence in England, on Saturday, received a presentation of a handsome gold watch nnd n beautiful illuminabed addre.s from the officials of fche Wellington Branch of the Lands and Survey Department.

The North Star and Sb. George's Rowing Clubs have nominated Mr Seymour Thorne George for the office of Vice-president of the New Zealand Amateur Rowing Association for the ensuing season.

On November 9th fche s.s. Clansman will run an excursion trip to Coromandel. thns affording Aucklanders an opportunity of paying a holiday trip fco fche goldfields. The annual sports of the Court Coromandel, A.0.F., will be held in the township in the afternoon of the 9bh. The fare has been fixed ab bhe moderate rate of 5s return, and no doubb the excursion will attracb many holiday-makers,

Messrs Baker Bros, reporb the sale bo Mra Ockenden, of Lots 37 and 38, Prospecb Terrace, 100 ft by 238fb, for £110 cash:

The annual meeting of the Home Missionary Society was held on Friday evening in the Onehunga Wesleyan Church. Mr C. C. Fleming occnpied the chair. The Rev. S, Lawry read the annual report. Addresses were delivered on Heme Mission work by the Revs. 'W. A. Sinclair and W. J. Watkin. Anthems were rendered by the Church choir, and by a band of Maori Btudents from Three Kings^ College, ably conducted by Rev. J. H. Simmonds, whose parb singing was evidently enjoyed by the audience. A collection was taken up at the close, the proceeds to be devoted in aid of the Home Mission and Church Extension Fund.

The Auckland Old Chums and Schoolfellows' Association will hold their halfyearly re-union in the Choral flail on Friday evening nexb. Those re-unions are always looked forward to with pleasure, bringing together as they do old friends and schoolmates of years gone by. A firstclass programme of vocal and instrumental music haa been prepared and will be executed by some ef our best performers.

At tbe close of the choir practice at Sb. Benedict's Church on Friday evening, the Roy. Father Gregory, on behalf of the members, presented Mr W. E. Baxter with a handsomely illuminated address, tho work of Mr W. Gulliver. Father Gregory referred te the pleasant relations thab bad always existed between the members of the choir and Mr Baxter. The address skated thab very deep regreb waa felb by the choir ab loosing Mr Baxber's services as conductor, as ib had made great progress under his charge, nnd by his untiring zeal a very efficient orchesbra had been established. Mr Baxter in suitable terms thanked hia friends far bhe handsome way in which bhey had recognised his services.

The Fausb-Lawton Novelty Company attracted a large audience to the Opera House on Saturday nighb. Throughout, bhe various items of the programme were well received, and enceros were the order of the evening. Tho Fauab family are particularly clever. In addition to their usual clever violin playing and acrobatic feats bhey wenb through bheir ; whibe marble etatoary act. Thia proved very effective. Mr Mike Maher was seen to advantage in Irish comics, and Mr Alf Lawton's humorous songs pleased the audience immensely. Kadamo made his appearance, and performed a number of difficult acrobatic feats with a chair, whilo Mr Allan Kerr, the clever trick cyclisb, aleo gave a clever act. The London bellringers played a number of popular melodies, and tho farce' " Faro, bbc Banker," concluded a clever variety enberbaincuenb. The Company appear again to-nighb, the prices being 2s, ls, and 6d.

The Auckland Cycling Club have prepared an attractive programme for their carnival which takes place on November 14th in the Domain, the large sum of £1,105 being offered as prize money for the various cycling c. d pedestrian events. Some well-known ridtrs are to compete in the cycling races. The committee aro conducting an art union, the three first prizes being handsome bicycles.

The special services in connection with the Newton Congregational Snndayrschool anniversary ab bhe Choral Hall yesterday were very well attended, many having to be turnod away from the doors owing to the crowded state of the aodiencei. The hall was prettily decorated for the services. The preachers were tho Revs. G. Burgees, F. Warner, and W. J. Williams, and special hymns were sung, assisted by a powerful orchestra, under the couductorship ol Mr E. Wood, while Mias Wood and Mr A, Rowo sang salos, Tho collections for the day totalled the handsome sum of £53 ss.

For his last recital, which takes place on Wednesday evening, Mr Monbogue has arranged an exceptionally attractive programme, an oublino of which appears in our amusemenb column. In addition toother selections he haa decided to recite the brilliant " Screen " scene from Sheridan's comedy " The School for Scandal." There are five characters in thie great scene, and Mr Montague has on previous occasions won bhe highesb praise for his wonderful impersonation of all these.

Tho members of St. Benediob Club will hold their closing social evening in Sb. George's Hall to-nighb. Tickets can bo had from friends and members of the Club.

Tho Auckland Kennel Club havo received splendid entries for bheir annual show which opens on Fridny nexb. Tho entries total 240 againsb 194 lasb year. Those wh. have nominated dog-* oubside of Auckland aro Mr The.. Turvey of Addington (Christchurch), Messrs F. Rogan, Harrison, Horrax and W. Parker (Wellington), and Messrs Brodie and Dunlop (Invercargill).

Mr George Aldridge is advertised elsewhere to visit Onohunga to-night, where he will lecture in the Public Hall on "Prohibition."

The new Belle Vue Gardens, North Shore (near tho Victoria Wharf), will bo opened on Wednesday evening nexb with an open air concerb and promenade. The gardens will bo brilliantly illuminated by myriads of Chinese lantern., etc., and the Newton Brass Band has been specially retained. Boats leave tho wharf at 7 and 7.40 p.m., returning from the Victoria Wharf, North Shore, ab 10.40.

Court Bros, beg to notify bobelkeepers, bonrdinghou. e-keepers and tho public that in opening up late delivery of 700 pairs blankets as advertised in Star on Thursday last, they find included a .pecial bale double bed blankets, which will be cleared ab 4a 6d bhe pair.—(Advt,)

Our special three guinea . uib to measure for cash only ia Al value—Smith and Caughey.—(Advb.)

No houso in the trade will supply you wibh a calico or longcloth equal to Horrock*' or Crewdson's at any given price. Court Bros, are by far bhe largosb importers in the city of this superior make of cotton goods, and they sell at less than wholesale list. The enormous demand for those good, proves thoir exceptional value.—(Advb.)

Tennis shirts and straw hats a specialty ab Smith and Caughey's, gents' outfitters. —(Advt.) \

Court Bros.' have now opened up many very special lines in fche dress and print departments. Latest novelties in lustres, lustrines, .hob goods, sicillian, grenadines, and new effects in black materials. A magnificenb selection in special dress lengths.—(Advb.)

Second shipment of needlepoint sunshades and Fox's summer umbrellas. New deßignß i* handles. Beet value ever offered, ab Wilson, McCullagh and Co.'s, Queen-ab, —(Adfc.)

Large shipment of our well-known white shirts jusb fco hand ex s.s. Ruahine from 3s lid to 8s lid—Smith and Caughey.— (Advt.)

Decidedly the besb value in white calicoeß and long cloths is to be had at Wileon, McCullagh and Co.'s, Queen-street.—Adb.

Big shipment of blankets and rugs.—ln response to a cable Smith and Caughey have opened ex s.s. Gothic 500 pairs of blankebß and 300 bush fugß. White, single bed blankets, 4s lid, 6_ lid, 8b lid por pair; bush rugs, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid, 6a lid each. The above are direct from bhe manufacturers, and worth the attention of hotelkeepers, boarding-houses, etc.—(Adb.)

Smith and Caughey have opened a large shipmenb of tapestry and chinille table covers all sizes, also new carpeb squares, tapestry and Brussels carpeb., bamboo blinds, hearthrug*, door mats, and all modern furnishing drapery all marked in plain figures for cash only.—(Advt.)

On Monday evening, November 2nd, a grand complimentary concert is to bo tendered in bhe City Hall to Mi.s Leaf (Mrs Edwards), who will be well and favoarably remembered by Auckland concert-goes as having sung here with success a few years ago. An excellent programme has been arranged for the conceit, and the leading musicians of Auckland will appear. The box plan is now open, and the prices have been fixed at the reasonable rates oi 2s and ls.

The brnth well onb.—Court Bros.' are the cheapest—A special parcel of lace curtains now being offered ab ls per pair, good range ls, ls 6d, 2s lid, 3s lid to 25. the pair all taped.—(Advt)

Entries for the Auckland Agricultural Show are being taken at Messrs Hurst and Go.'a up to Friday next.—(Advb.)

Ladies requiring stylish millinery should vi. Ib Wilson, McCollagb, and Co.'s. Their millinery is pronounced by experts to be the best, and is guaranteed the cheapest in tho ciby.—(Adt.)

For holiday blouses. Pretty goods in drills, .sateens, cambrics, ginghams, etc., just opened at Wilson, McCullagh, and Co.'s, Queen-street.—(Adb.)

Smith and Caughey direct attention to their stock of boys and youths' clothing. Kaiapoi K.B. suits from 7a lid; boys'washing suits and blouses from ls 6d.—(Advt.)

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 253, 26 October 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 253, 26 October 1896, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 253, 26 October 1896, Page 2


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