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Tho officer in charge of tha Auckland Telegraph Office advises us as follows: " Perth reports north line interrupted beyond Condon,since 7 a.m. yesterday (26th)."

Information reached Sydney lately from the Islands that an outbreak of smallpox had occurred in German New Guinea and New Britain. The disease is said to have been introduced by the Asiatic labourers recently imported into the territory, and had evidently pot a firm hold. When bhe pchonner Lark left New Britain ib was reporied that the natives of an i.iland some 60 milee from Horbertsboh —the chief port of entry in the Group—were dying off like rotten sheep. .

There was another short sitting of the Police Court this morning. A first offender for drunkenness was cautioned. Alex. McNaughton, charged with drunkenness and damaging a waterproof coat to the value of £1 149, tho property of Constable Miller, was remanded till to-morrow. Defendant eaid thab ho wished to call a witseas. Messrs R. Hobbs and G. Kent were the presiding jueticas.

In tha case Sheehan v. the City Council, claim for £500 damages for the. loss of the plaint.iil'n . Hon, drowned in tbo Saltwater Btuhs, which resulted in a rerdicb lor the plaintiff for £125 at the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon, His Honor Mr Ju«Hce Conoily gava costs on the lowest scale, with extra costs of counsel for two il»yg nb ten guineas per pay. Mr Cotter askerl for a stay of execution till after the first basico day after the civil sittings, in order t.hati he might apply for a new trial. His Honor agreed to this.

-iMr Alex. Logan, eon of Mr Robert Logan, yachfc-builder, of feho North Shore, died yesterday at the early ago of twontyfour years, from inflammation of the stomach, caused by hia accidentally coming into contact with a post at the entrance to Potter's Paddock last Saturday. The decaaeed was well known in athletic circles, and hia untimely death isdeeply regretted by his acquaintances.

The Postmaster-General is to be asked by Mr Lawry if he is aware that clerks in the Poeb Office Savings Blink are allowed an annual grant of money to cover losses cnupod through errors in dealing with public deposits or disbursements, and, if so, is he awaro that telegraphic clerks in some of the large centres of the colony have to take risks equally great bub have not privileges as indicated above-ho meet lodges they may sustain from any error for which they are in no way blamable.

An inquest was held this morning ab Gleeson'e Hotel, before Dr. Philaon (coroner), to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of Frank Cork, bricklayer, who lost his life yesterday by a fall troin a scaffold at the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company's Office, Queen-street-. No fresh facts were elicited beyond those published in last evening's issue. David Murray, a fellow workman, deposed to Cork falling from the scaffold. The distance from the scaffold to the yard beneath was about 35fb. He found deceased with his skull smashed in. The deceased lived.for about 30min., and died in Dr. Sharman's presence. The jury returned a .verdict.- ".Accidentally killed by fall from a fcaflold." Deceased was a native of Norfolk, England, and 47 years of age. He leaves a widow and eight children, Sergt. Black represented the police ab the inquest.

The firsfa appearance of an American comedy: company in Auckland will bn* made on Monday, when the much-boomed " Trilby" will be introduced to the notice of local playgoer* by the fall strength of Messrs Palmer and Brady'B specially selected American Company,.who have since last Easter been delighting Australian audiences with their representation of the dramatised version of Dv Marnier?! remarkable work. In Melbourne the succeal of " Trilby" wan quibe phenomenal, anda return season was played there last week prior to the .departure of-the artists for New Zealand. In Sydney the comedy had a brilliant run oi six weeks, ia Brisbane the theatre was crowded throughout the season, and in Adelaide the company achieved a record in the way of attendances, every seat having been booted before the doors opened, while the receipt! for the week exceeded anything hitherto known in that city. The run through New Zealand has so far been most succeeaful, 11 Trilbyiem" appearing to be as rampant over here as in all other parts of the world, and judging by the reports renewed from the South ail the praise bestowed both upon piece and actors appears to be fully deserved. The Company's Wellington season closes to-night, and they will leave per Takapuna for this city to-morrow, arriving here on Saturday night. The box plan was opened this morning, when there was a.very brisk demand for seats.

An accident h'apberied at the warehouse of; Messrs P. Hay man and Co., corner Fort and Commerce streets, about half-past eleven o'clock this morning. Ernest 6. Whitley, an employee, about 15 years of acre, a son of Mr, W. S. Whitley, of Queenptreet Wharf, wan engaged on the second floor of the warehouse putting a case on the lift. The lift went above the floor, with the result that Whitley fell down to the bottom floor, a distance of about 37 faat. Dr. Mar sack attended to the sufferer, who was conveyed to his home at Parnell. ," "

A storekeeper at vVaikouaiti was charged at Dunedin yesterday under two informations with being unlawfully in possession of a sealskin, blubber, etc., and with-un-lawfully taking and killing, a seal during tha close season.: , Defendant p'eaded guilty, and said he had found the eeal oa the beach and shot it, not thinking that Rorb was protected. Mr . Chamberlain, Collector of Customs, said as defendant had doubtless acted in ignorance of the law he would ask leave to withdraw the information under section 46, which provides for a penalty of £500. Leave was granted, and a fine of £5 and costs inflicted. The Collector pointed out that the, public should know all seals were protected.

'Mr James Jamieson has been nominated as councillor for the Karangahape Ward in the City Council by Messrs J. A. Bradstreeti and Wm. Williams. . :

A large company assembled at the social gathering of the members - and friends of the Onehunga Cricket) Club which was held Uf>t night in the Onehunga Foresters' Hall. Songs were rendered by Miss Layer and Messrs J. E. Taylor, Harrison and B. J. Gatland, the Misses Mulkere acting S8 accompanists. Mr Taylor also gave a selection on an English concertina, and Master Gatland a violin solo. The two trophies given by Mr E. D. O'Rorke, President of the. Club,- were presented 'to -Messrs R. Layer and R. Hunt for the best batting and bowling averages. Mr j. E, Leahy acted asM.C. ■■-■~" ' ,

The eighth anniversary of the' Presbyterian Mission at Edendalo was celebrated last)-evening., by a soiree and concert, pre.sided over by the Rev. R. Scott Went, and on the platform with him were Messrs MePherson and Murdoch, elders, and Mr Trcgaskis Secretary, who gave a verbal report of progress attained. proceed^ ings, as on past occasions/ were tbojronilhly enjoyable from beginning to end, . After the large audience had done justice to.the good things presided is aver by texarfiwi the ladiss of the congregation, addresses Were given by the gentlemen named", and the following programme was successfully gone through : —Instrumental quartette, Missel McNab, and Messrs Bouskill and Gilbert; song, Miss Hurley; part eong, St.'David's choir; song, Mrs Braditreet; flute solo, Mr Philpott; vocal duet, Misses Pateraon ; quartette,. "Sweet and Low;" song, Miss. I.aing-;. piano solo,' Miss Craw* ford ; song, Mr.Robertson ; part song, St. David's choir; eong, Mr Edmonds ; eong, MrG. Warren.

An enjoyable entertainment: entitled " Picture and Song;," was held last evening in Sfc. John's vVesleyan Church. Mr H.-.H. Smith exhibited by means of his excellent limelight lantern about fifty pictures of sacred subjects, and the Rev. H. R. Dewsbury gave the necessary description of each picture as it was presented. la the course of the entertainment the following; sacred songs were rendered: — "Eve's Lamentation," Mrs Goodison ; "Entreat me nob to Leave Thee " and " There is a Green Hill Far Away," Miss Wheeler; "Absolora,", Mr Clarke Johnson ; "Nazareth," " The Shadow of the Cross," "Lea Rameaux," " Gethsemane," Rev. A. Mitchell; "Consider the Lilies," Mrs Sinclair; "Come Unto Me," Mies Bin White ; " 0 Resb in the Lord " and ." Ha Was Despised," Miss Butler. Mr Horsley, Misses White, Eva Bull, and Peak played the accompaniments. At the close a hearty rote of thanks was accorded to the lecturer and singers for the excellent entertainment they had provided. >

A plain and fancy drees ball in connection with Sancta Maria Branch, No. 2, Hibernian Society, was held last night in the Catholic Institute, Wellington-street. There was a crowded attendance. The ball opened with a grand march. Mr A. Marriage's string band provided capital dance music, and Messrs Jam. Smith and P. White proved efficient M.C.'c. Mra Little lent valuable assistance in connection with the ball, the Committee who brought ib to such a'successful issue consisting of Mesßrs Nerheny (Chairman), J. B. 8.. Stead (Hon.. Secretary), M. J. Sheahan, Swarm, O'Sullivan, Duffin ; Ladies' Committee, Mra Little (Secretary), Mra Leonardo, Misses Smith, Marlin, Little, Hawkes and Knight. The proceeds of the social are tq be devoted to the piano fund of the Sancta Maria branch.

Last evening an entertainment was given in St. Bonaventura's Hall, Parnell, in honour of the Rev. Father Lonihan, and of the anniversary of his ordination day as parish priest) of Parnell. Tbere was a crowded attendance, and an excellent) musical programme was contributed to by numerous ladies and gentleman, and the Roman Catholic (school children. Thosa who contributed musical items were Misses McCafferty, Rita Tolo, M. White, Robinson, Winnie Hogan, E. Cussen, V. Atkins, M. O'Sullivan, Kilfoyle, Mrs H. Wright, Mrs Blaikie, Messrs Sch&tz, Caoier, and Inneß. • Mr A. P. Nsrata contributed* recitation, as also did Miss F. Robinson. During the eveniog Father Loniban was presented with an illuminated address, which was read by Mißi Dornaty.

A meeting of the executive of the Onehunga Prohibition League was held in the Wesleyan Schoolroom on Tuesday niehb, when the question of a candidate for the Manukau electorate ab the_ forthcoming general election was considered. Mr J. Roberts tendered his resignation es assistant Secretary, which was received with regret. The necossary arrangements were made for holding the annual meeting of thw League, and for a temperance mission to be conducted in Onebunga next week by the Rev. L. M. Isitb.

j| r G. Mueller, Commissioner of Crown {and* has £T°ne °P *° Rotorua on business ilnnecW with the proposed improvements m the Government township there. The officers of H.M.S. Rapid, now lying , n t he Manukau, state that the ship had ' extremely rough passage round there : ffl Auckland, a succession of gales being Inconntered. Off the North Cape the Rapid waa hove-10 *or Romtimes in &S. W.* (file. ■fVe remind our readers thab the firafc concert of the Auckland Ladies' LiederL ranZ takes place this evening in the npgra Honse. An attractive programme h»Tbeen prepared for the occasion. H'M.S. Rapid leaves for New Plymouth ; to-morrow afternoon, her departure having been delayed t» allow the Onehunga resiSenba an opportunity of visiting her. The iteamer Weka is to leave Onehunga Wharf jtg 30 a.m.« to convey a party of visitors in Coriffallia Bay, where the Rapid is now lyingA lecture was given last night on the i> persecution of the Stundists,'' in the Oaehnnea Congregational Church, by Mr Joaepb Neave, a minister of the Society of Friends. The lecturer gave an interesting .cconosof his journey in company with Mr gallotfes, of Wlasgow, through Russia and over the Caucasus range to visit the exiled gfaiidist Christians, and the attempts they agile to obtain from the authorities a mitigation of their privations and some degree of religious freedom. A number of ijoelißht views of the country paused through and of the most important build, injrs in the larger Russian cities wa» shown, tbealidea being manipulated by Mr Jeffries of-Bay of Island". The Rev. B. Rhodes presided and there was a large attendance of the public. An adaptation of Mrs Henry Wood's realistic novel " East Lynne " will be produced at. the Opera House to-morrow and Saturday evenings, in aid of the Ladies of Auckland Benevolent Society. The cast, which has been carefully selected under professional supervision, embraces all the members of the amateur club who recently performed successfully the comedy "My Sweetheart-," also Mies Marie D'Alton and Misfl Hettie Howarde. Everything" ha 9 Wen done to make the production thoroughly successful, and judging from the preliminary sale of tickets and the well filled box plan, crowded houses are anticipated. The Mayor and many other leading citizens will ba present) to-morrow evenTomorrow ab 2 p.m., Messrs Samuel Virile and Sons will offer by auction, without reserve", a good building site ef 7 acres, fronting the Great South Road, close to Penrose Railway Station, also at the same time a valuable and highly improved farm it Rama Rama and a farm of 305 acres at TeArai. The promised lecture by Mr Joseph Neave on his "Journeying in Russia and tha Sfcundista " to be given in the Graf ton Road Wesleyan Church this evening, has been unavoidably postponed till Tuesday trening next, at the same place and hour. Mr Garratt's Committee are invited to ttteod ab the Pitb- street Baths this eventog at eight o'clock.; * SO DARKEN GREY BAIB. rLockyer's Sulphur Hair Restorer, fiickeet, safest, best; restores the natural leoloar. Locbyer's, the real English Hair Restorer. Large boctloe, la 6d, every Siljero.—iAdvt.l .

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 202, 27 August 1896, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 202, 27 August 1896, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 202, 27 August 1896, Page 4


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