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The ordinary, meeting of the Waitemafcl County Council was held yesterday, '. Captain McMahon presiding. With regard to the Gumdiggera Bill proposing to give the county franchise to gumdiggers, ill wu resolved to object to the Bill as unjust and unnecessary. It was resolved to call for offers to take charge of the goods-shed at tho Wade, ab £5 per annum, with the right to charge Id on all parcels delivered after 8 p.m. A. fl. Winder's tender, £67 lOa» was accepted for cutting and filling at Karekaro, on the West Coast Road, Mid the tender of John Todd was accepted at 5a 3d per truck load for carting scoria from New Lynn and Waikomiti station to the adjacent roads. Howell and ThorburnV tender, £10, was accepted far a bridge o« the Upper Waiuai.

The Workß and Tariff Committee of ths Auckland Harbour Board has decided t* visit Northcote and Birkenhead Best Thursday, to inspecb the wharves and reclamation, and feo recommend the Beard to call for tenders for the construction oi Quay-street Jetty No. 3. The Committei will recommend that the present building used sa a fish market should be removed and re-erected on the western Bide, of w Railway Wharf. It was decided to replf to Messrs Nearine and Co. and others that the Board is nob in a position at present to undertake the coat of a float ing crane. Ito was decided to recommeEO that the Ciby Council be asked to takeover Quay-atreeb from the Board, the Council & state terms. Messrs Roas and Ansenne* tender for shipchandlery and ironmongery, and Messrs Wright and Jacques'tender for printing, were recommended for accept* ance. It was decided to instruct the Foreman of Works to conaulb with the H»rboarmaster and submit to the Committee a plan and estimated cost for a floating sfc&BO o* other appliance for landing and embarking cargo and lire stack in connection with tb« ferry services ef the harbour, at a site ires* of the North cote ferry tee. ~./ The " Bible Standard " for this montM contains the gist of Mr Gladstone's article* on the " Natural Immortality of the SouU also " Natural Immortality .Defended, being an answer to a series of sermonl recently delivered by the Rev. G. B..Moaro, of St. Luke's Church, Remuera. TM "Notes," by the Editor, are, as usual, rarj interesting, while the extraction article* have been selected with care.; The half yearly sessien of tn*. Gf** d Orange Lodge of New Zealand was bald » the Protestant Hall, Newtoi, Bro. a* Stewart, D.G.M., in the absence ofu* R. W.G.M., in the chair. The death of tea ©rand Secretary of Ireland having been | anneuHced, it was resolved that a letter x« forwarded to his relatives through m Grand Lodge of Ireland, .«F"f£ condolence with them on the death otw highly respected and honoured a o"110" of the Orange Institution as Bro. vy. ». Caldbeek, who held the position ofGiw*. Secretary for so many years. In order w brine the Institution before the Pno" c ' organisers were appointed to tmIJWJ lodges, instruct the brethren "»|h B«eere»8 «cere» work of the order, and hold public meet inga where necessary. The matter of t" annual picnic to be held was eoß«dW6d, and a strong Committee appointed to m** arraneements for the same. «w" decided to hold the Grand Lodge «•"■«» » January- 7, 1897. - The annual soiree w»* be held on Friday next, and the anniversary services in the Choral Hall on Sanday u» 12bh inst. _ One trial of Mother G»w»'"W«p« .»J terminator will convince yon that it W' * equal as a worm medioine. Buy • MfJ* and ace if it) does not ploiuo yon.—(A«»*

'^T^nethe "Glorious Fourth" of 10 ■'5 thel2obb anniversary of the ' Jolj s°." o f American independence, tbe led"? 8." q^ipes were conspicuously dis■■■^•/Xmtfieoffice of the United States t W atrtbo Victoria Arcade and ab several S.M., preaided at the f four'n this morning. Cbas. Bouteli, ?"lice. ■„ of H.M.". Goldfinch, for being 1 °f ft nd disorderly in Queen-enreeb, was JraS in. or in default 48 hours1 imprisoni"W M ar garob McKenzie, who had been 81 ■» Aon warrant for failing to maintain ' hiki v&s ordered to bake charge of her f..fZi mainta-n him. Several cases jeA Cs3titute perßOnß Act were bli° d«! David Boath, of the well-known firm .ita'Y Schiesß and Co.. of Melbourne, SiKak a* the Helping Hand Mission on Sunday evening. \. J- Andrews, corner of Rueaellm» ana Pensoaby Road, wishes to call l nitv CoudcU'b attention to the disgracef?2e of the Ponsonby Road. Ho says : Iffa cannot cross the road from one side "■ l, o ther withoub getting through about .krseorfourißches of mud and slush. Ib ' tandine monumeat of seme one's grcod "iksod abilities! While the Council A Tramway Company sleep and slumber, j are buried in mud and made mud ' ir r 9, Blanckby handbill and advertise--j jo to-night's Star, informs the resist, of KyberPasß, Newinnrkeb, Remuera, Bojom, and Parnell, bhab he has commenced -^Snes's in Newmarkeb as a fruiterer and -Confectioner- He also ksepa colonial-made tineoad all kinds of garden seeds. Having jjopled. the wine ourselves we can reeompand ibTba Auckland Foobball Association »nd Public Schools* Foobball Association combioid | )a ve decided bo hold sporti at the Domain Crickeb Ground on Saturday next. In additional attraction ab the gathering irill be an Association football match jetween Auckland and Coromandel. An jonoußcemenb with regard to the sports is pads in our advertising columns. A pleasant enterbainmenb was held lasb liljAtfa the Hall, Wellington-street, under 'the auspices of the St. James' Literary Society- There was a large attendance, lid Mr S. C. Brown, President of the Society, occupied the chair. The first part jf the programme consisted of the following, items :—Soag, "The Toilers," Miss Dinn; dweb,. "Maying, 13 Mr and Mrs \jiit; reciWtioD, " Afber Marriage," Mr pollock; song, "Good-bye, Mavourneen," jliu Wheeler ; song, " Powder Monkey," Mr Charles M arson ; and "Scene From a gooojBioon," Miss and Mr Pollock. Alter jhs interval, an amusing comedietta oniitl!d"Love and Electricity," was given, ihs parts being taken by Mrs Leea, Miss l'bompion, Messrs P. Mackie, Lees, and V. .Haiife'

Dating the week evangelistic services WTO been held in the Alexandra-street primitive Methodisb Church, and practical jddreasea have been delivered by city ministers. Miss Alice Riminer and other isdies contributed appropriate gospel eolob. Itae interesting services will be concluded ifi-morrow, when the Bars. Ward and )lann will preach. A week of similar ierricea will commence to-morrow in the Pitcand Edwin Streets Primitive Methodisb Jlwreh, Newton,

Messrs Arthur Tooman and Co. announce jhrcugh our auction columns a large sale of jorsery Btock for nexb Wednesday, comnencingab 10.30 a.m.

The programme to be given on Monday Wening ab the Ciby Hall, promises bo be of jiceptionul excellence. Mr Cooper's new leriea ot views of the Auetralaeian tour are j vety fine collection, and the subjecb a

popular one, viz., "The Lands of the Moa jwijfongaroo." The musical items are in tspttHe hands. Tha first? appearance of Miii Mary Doy is looked forward to with iiteresb in musical circles. A humorous ifcetch, entibled "The Chemist's Expenses," is to be given for the. first time. imongefc other artists, we note the names llines Birdie Butler and Celia Dampier, Hrsßingwood, and Messr3 K. H. Buttery, 1, E. Ringwood, Leslie Dix, Alex. Smith, i. Stephens, and Alfred Barbley.

A lecture on "The Men that Move the . Iforld," will be delivered by the Rev. F. ffarner on Tuesday evening in connection >Hh the Ponsonby Baptist Mutual Improvement; Society.

Msssra Smith and Caughey intimate thai; king the past weak they have been isafale, in consequence of the great crowds hi thronged thoir warehouse, to bring iorward many special lines in all departlantj. These goods are elsewhere referred ft, and trill be submitted to the public on Monday and following days.

_ The attention of parents and guardians -J directed to the opportunities provided 9? Mr T. Harle Gilea for the preparation if boys for commercial pursuits. Mr Giles lolionly thoroughly educates his pupils in mry little detail of business routine, bub (han fife assists them to obtain remunerate employmeßb. The sound practical Mining given to boys in Mr Giles' Business "oljege is well known in commercial ilrcles, and employers are not clow to wognise the fact and prefer to take their inniora from an institution which adapts M. curriculum to the practical requireMnts of the business world. For the MBTenience of adults and youths who iwnot attend during the day evening ■ila»»e3 are held and special facilities are librded to ladies who may be desirous of entering upon a business career. Students Bay-enrol at any time, and the quarter 'seins from date of entry. Prospectus lid terms may be obtained from Mr Giles A the College, Lower Symonds-street, or '}• Andrew's Lodge, Alfred-street, next Stall Hall.

Messrs Ruehbrook and Co.'s big clearing j*'» of drapery and clothing continues. •wwds-ef persons are in both shops daily. |M tiro page circular in this day's Star jrtber eet3 forth the genuineßP of tfce sale. J»ewhole select stock of T. Varnom nnd ■>»nia being offered to the public, as well ''the stack in Messrs Bnahbrook's own ' lloP' The departments must bs cleared to c&ke room for extensive alterations in a *" weeks. :

Jta full programme of Mr John Fuller's ™ertainmen6 next Tuesday appears to-

Special reductions in men's waterproof ™>. during; our 21 daya' fair. We "Mantes all our coats for two years.— iln»thiind Caughey.—(Advt.) toConrb Bros.'s sale to-nighb, real silk J«we lace handkerchiefs, Is 8d ; all »»r handkerchiefs greatly reduced.—Ad. •toCoorb Bros.'a sale tonight, 4-button f and brown kid cloves. Hid pair. price reduced—Advb. Jen ' an(* Kentß' beots and shoes have ,S™ narked at positively clearing prices. '^ 00(J3 being quite now, and by standard *»r», we guarantee the beet value in foob- *''«««* Smith and Caughey'e.—(Advb.) Special line of 900 pairs tf men's tweed r *K>g trotters from 3s 6d per pair during JAd»f teat fasr-~Smifch »nd Caughey.—

Bros.'s sale to-nighb there will nti! 8 Sny delay- Doors always open, and ■ jjpera 88rve( j with despatch.—Adrt. arei? be? *» draw special attention to our fio»,» °.? k of b°ys' and youths'clothing. Iron!. ? r Buifcs 2s 6d, youths' long 11* 6s lid.-Smith and Caughev. >ilk-?M R our fair special job lot of Surah Smith t a, chine silk> l 8 ll& per ysrd" '"^(Ai? auKhey'B sale is now proceedH»tCoi W f toroS"' Bale to'^gll* ? you cannot {le— (Al t °Bl> *or ca^Coß an(^ eheetings,

A sale of town and rural lands at the Dißferict Land and Surrey Office yesday. Tho following sales wore effected :— Town of Opua.—Block IV. : Section 1— Area, 26 perches (up»eb price, £4 10s); Section 2—Area, 1 rood (upset price, £5); Section 3—Area, 1 rood (up'eeb price, £s)— bought by J. Stew&rb for J. D. Kirkpabriek ab upaeb price. Hokiar-ga County. —Parish of Pupuke : Section N.W. 112— Area, 76 acres (upaeb price, £375)— Bought by Kauri Timber Company. Rough bush land, containing about 1,©00,0001b of kauri timber, eituatsd about 12 miles from Whangaroa.

A very successful soiree was bald lasb Thursday in the Bevonporb Presbyterian Church, io welcome the new pastor, the Key, R. Ferguson. An exeellenb boa was provided by the ladies of the congregation in the schoolroom, and the public meetißg was held in.the church, which was filled. During the proceedings several presentations were made. The first was the gift of a handsome, gold watch and chain from the congregation to the late minister, the Rev. J. Hill; The watch was inscribed as follows :— to the Rev. J. Hill by the Devonporb Presbyterian congregation, as a token of their high appreciation of bis faithful and successful ministry during the past seven years." In reply to the Rev. R. Ferguson, who made the presentation, Mr Hill said that it was with great regret he had resigned the charge of the congregation, and he hoped occasionally to have the pleasure of preaching to them. He thanked them sincerely for their kindness in bestowing on him such a handsome gifb. Mr Hill then presented the pulpib gown 'to Mr Ferguson, and tbe lafeter replied in suitable terms. Mr Sibbon, in the naino of tbe congregation, presented to the Ilev. T. F. Robertson a number of book 3 for his efficient aod successful discharge of his duties as Moderator during the vacancy. Tbe meeting was addressed by the Revs, Headrick and Crump. A fins selection of mwsic was rendered by the choir and others, the Accompaniments being given by Mr J. F. Bennett, organist of tbe congregation, and Misses Law, Player and Crump.

A meeting of the Show Committee of the Auckland Provincial Agricultural Association was held yesterday, Mr G. B. Hution occuping the chair. The following reply to a communication forwarded by the Association to the Government re fires caused by railway engines was received from the Hon. A. J. Cadinau, Minister of Railways: —With reference to your letter of the 6th insb., addressed to the Hon. tha Minister for Agriculture, forwarding a resolution pasted by the executive of your Association in regard to tho amount of destruction by fires caused by i ail way engines, I have the honour to inform you that all the fires reported to this Department since Ist April, 1891, have 'occurred during tho months of January, February and March. There were no fires reported in 1891 and, 1892 owing to the summer not being so dry as usual, while this year the summer was very dry. The Department has the best known appliances for the prevention of sparks and great) vigilance to prevanb firoa is exercised during dry weather. The use of Waikato coal does nob involve more risk than would the use ot any other coal of a similar character in the colony, and if Wesb Coast coal were burned during dry weather ib would nob entirely obviate the risk of fire from sparks. —I ana, etc., A. J. Cadman, Minister for Railways. The reply being considered unsatisfactory, the Secretary was instructed to communicate further with the ©apartment upon the matter. A copy of the proposed Noxious Weeds Bill was discussed and finally referred to Mr V?. Gardiner to report on ab the nexb meeting. The reports of the sub-committees appointed to revise the horticultural and pig sections of the prize lisb were considered and adopted I with slight modifications.

Lodge United Service No. 10 (New Zealand Constitution) held an installation ball at St. George's Hall, Newton, last night, between 40 and 50 couples were present. The hall was decorated with evergreen^ ferns, and mirrors in an artistic manner, and it reflected great credib on the Decoration Committee, which included Bros. Thwaites,Finlay,Larsen and Koesing. Burkes string band provided capital dance music, and the duties of M.C.'s wore efficiently performed by Bros.. W. Johnson, Geo. B. Thwaites, A. T. Hookey, and J. Hewson. Bro. E. Waters served up a firstclass supper.

The full description of the talented artistes included in the Delobery, Craydon, and Holland's Elite Company, appears elsewhere, and the lovers of variety should look forward with pleasure to Tuesday, the opening nighb of the Company, who will arrive on Monday per s.a. To Anan. Theatre-goers will have no cause to complain of seeing the same faces over and over again, as with two exceptions the performers are entirely new "to Auckland audiences.

Ab fehe City Hall Variety Carnival tonight the seventh change of programme will be given, and popular prices will be charged.

Considering the very unpleasant) nighb, there was again a large attendance at the Opera House yeßterday evening, when Professor and Madame Davis repeated their clever and interesting entertainment. The season will be brought) to a close this evening, when many items will be inserted in the programme which have not yefe been submitted here. Nexb week the Professor will commence a tour of the country districts, ab the conclusion of which he will leave for Australia.

The Rev. R. Forsyth has been appointed by the Bishop of Auckland to take charge of the parish of the Holy Trinity, Devonporb, during the present month. ,

Professor White lectures nexb week, on Monday night in Wesley Hall on " Haw to Take care of Number One," on Wednesday and Thursday, in St. John's School, Ponsonby, on " Physiognomy and Phrenology," giving free readings of character and prizes after each lecture.

A. meeting of burgesaera is to be held in the Public Hall, Onehunga, tonight to consider the advisability of purchasing a piece of property ab Hillsborough for a cemetery for the Onehunga borough.

Ab Court Bros.'s sale. Hem-stitched silk handkerchiefs, with worked initial, Is each.—(Advt.)

Smith and Caugbey are offering black Bilk laces at Id, 2£d, 3£d, 4£d per yard, during the sale only.—(Advb.)

At Court Bros', sale bo-riighfc. Fancy silks, suitable for Blouses, from la per yd. —Adrb.

580 bearskin door mats, Is lid, 2s lid, 38 lid each, at Smith and Caughey'e great fair.—(Advt.)

At Court Bros.' sale to-nighb: Blankets puitsible for everyone from 5a 6d pair.— (Advb.)

Our great fair will continue for 21 days, during which the whole of the stock will be offered at greatly reduced prices. Smith and. Caughey.— (Advt,)

At Court Bros.' sale to-nighb: Ladies' corsets, all eizes in traveller's sample*, Is lid, worth double.—(Advt.)

Ab Court Bros,' sale to-nighb: A line of dress tweeds just) opened, must go into the sale, Is lid the dozen.—(Advt.)

Ab Conrb Bros', sole to-night. The new flannellon for dressing gowns and wrappers, 4Jd per yard ; extra heavy make ab s£d, splendid patterns. —(Advt.)

Ab Court Bros', sale tonight. Dressmakers should buy linings in black, white and grey at Hd per yard; silesiaa ab 1b lid the dozen.—(Advt.)

Mr Lawson, the railway engineer who was drowned on the Napier-Taranaki section of the Government railway on Thursday night, was a son of Mr Laweon, Official Assignee in Bankruptcy ab Auckland. Mr Lawson left for Wanganui by the s.s. Glenolg yesterday in connection with the fatality.

Mr N. Alfred Nathan "has received a cablegram stating that Mr James Russell and MrL. D. Nathan are expected to arrive in London from NW York to-morrow.

At the Magistrate's Courb yesterday in Kempbhorne, Prosser and Co. v. A. A. S. AJaxwell, claim £7 0s 6d, defendant ordered fco pay the ainounb due (£4 2e 6d) forthwith. Hia Worship gave judgment in the caseL. H. Neumegen, A. Earb en« H. Harb v. Elizabebh &arnaub. This wa« an action for reno and recovery of possession of premises ab Parnell, of which the plaintiff's were the mortgagees, and the defendant bhe mortgagor. The evidence was taken previously, when Hia Worship reserved his decision to consider questions of law raised by defendant's counsel, bhe real question being the right of the morbgagee to recover as a landlord. Mr Northcrofb now nessuibed the plaintiff, stating that he had no power to order the possession of the premises. Mr Nicholson appeared tor plaintiffs and Mr Mahony for the defendant. In the case Kauri Timber Company v. Sam Tani, claim, 18s 3d, judgment was given for plaintiff for 9s 3d, with costs 10s 6cJ.

To bhe Editor: Sir,—The Hon. W. D. Stewarb suggests' that any person dissatisfied with closing of 'streeb or road should have bhe righb bo appeal. Bub many useless roads tbac should be closed are kepb open through petty jealousy. 1 suggesb thab the objecbor should pay the cosb of keeping such street or road clear of all rubbish, and nob allow them to be a nursery for all kinds of weeds.—l am, etc., Jain.

This morning & presentation was made at tho Magistrate's Court Office by the officers to Mr C. R. Walker, solicitor, of a gold pencil case. Mr Walker was till recently a member of the staff, but was transferred to the Wellington Supreme Courb. However, he resigned frcm tha service ft few days ago to bake charge of a branch office of Mr C. J. Parr ab Goromandel. Mr R. S. Bush, S.M., in bhe absence of Mr Northcrofb, made the presentation, and in suitable word* convoyed the good wishes of the officers of tho Magistrate's Courb to Mr Walker, and wished him all Borts of success in his new sphere of life. The recipient suitably replied.

The annual meeting of the Poneonby Bowling Club was held last evening, Mr A. S. Russell presiding. The report referred to the various matches played and the progress of tho Club generally. The income for the pasb year was £158 8s Bd, which was all expanded. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—President), Mr D. B. McDonald; Vice presidents, Meesrs J. Court and J. Coe ; Secretary, Mr J. Blades; Treasurer, Mr C. G. Brookes; Committee: Messrs Hudson, Littler, C Brookes, and J; Edmisbon; Green Superintendent, Mr R. Ballanfyne; Auditor, Mr J. W. Stewart. The prlzea wera presented to the various pmowinnora during the season, and voces of thanks were accorded to the donors of prizes, and ladies for refreshments during the season, to Mr J. Stitchbury, the retiring Treasurer, and other retiring officers;

Mr E. Hickling, 86, Hobsonsfcreeb, wishes to state in reply to a correspondent, " Merino," who mada an inquiry in last night's Star re the largesb hosiery manufactory, that if " Merino " will communicate with him he will give him the information desired.

A Crown lands sale waß held yesterday at the district laqtia of£ce, when threo small sections in the township of Opua were purchsed by Mr J. D. Fibzpabrick for £1410s. A block of 76 acres in the parish of Pupuko, Hokianga County, containing about 1,000,000 feet of kauri timber, was bought by tho Kauri Timber Compauy for £395.

The annual meeting of the members of tha New Zealand Educational Institute, Auckland branch, was held yesterday, Mr R. D. Stewart presiding. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :— President, Mr J. Armstrong; Vioepresidents, Messrs R. D. Stewart) and R. Horiot; Secretary, Mr W. R. G. Walker ; Assistant Secretary, Miss Hoald; Treasurer, Mr Clarke; Executivo Committee, Misses Mellhone, Bell, Weston, Messrs Purdie, MeInfcosh, Bailey, Fisher, OhlsoD, Lippiatt and Scott. A voto of thanks was given to Mr Stewarb, the retiring President. In reply to the Institute's letter askiug for an extension of the time for testa in arithmetic and geography the Chief Inspector stated bo would arrange to increase the time for geography to forty miautes, but in regard to arithmetic he could nob allow a longer time. The matter was remitted to the Executive.

A demonstration of shorthand and the advantages of shorthand was given in the Auckland Technical School la«b evening, by Mr J. H. Colwill, instructor ab the school. There was a good attendance, considering the inclemency of the weather. An exhibition of Bpeed, and readings from shorthand notes were given by Mr Colwill'a pupils. The new term commences on Monday next, and intending students should lose no time in enrolling. Last term a number of would-be students in certain subjects were unable to secure places coneequenfc upon their delay in enrolling. Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, Mr J. H. Mackie, ab the school, Rutiand-ssreet, each evening. Mr Mackie will attend an the school office on Monday evening next ab 6.30, in'order that students for classes on that evening may be enrolled before the hour fixed for their starting. An advertisement respecting the above appears elsewhere in this issue.

The departure of the e.s. Kanieri for Waitara has been postponed from to-day till one o'clock on Monday.

Mr Theo. Cooper will commence a series of Sunday afternoon addresses at the V.M.C.A. Rooms. The theme to-morrow will be " Have we a genuine record V

Mr Burton, studenb, speaks ab the City Hell to-morrow evening.

Mesßrs Donald Dinnie and Sutherland have opened a school to teach wrestling, and will receive pupils till the end of next week.

At Court Bros', sale to-nighb. All the hosiery is reduced to sale prices.—(Advt.)

Immease value in corsets ab fche clearance sale of Varnem's stock at Kushbrook's—3s 3d corsets for Is lid pair; 3s lid and 4s 6d for 2a lid; better makes equally reduced in price.—(Advt.)

Rusbbrook's sale. Men's brown duck jumpers, slightly spotted, usualiy 4s 6d, clearing at Is lid each. Everything reduced.— (Advb.)

Hats ior the million at the eale of Varnom's stock at Kushbrook's. Untrimmed hats, 3d, 6d, 9d each ; trimmed hats, Is lid and 2s 6d. Rare bargains. Flowers and feathers at nominal prices—(Advt.)

Great clearing sale at Rushbrook's. 194 dozen gents.' linen collars, shapes as now worn, all clean, new goods, clearing at 2s lid per dozen, any sizes; sold by the dozen only.—(Advt.) m

Ruahbrook'a sale—Small boye' overcoats for 3s lid each ; men's heavy tweed overcoats, 16s lid ; boys' tweed knicker Buits for 3s lid, grand value.—(Advt.)

Ruahbrook'B sale — Lace curtains. Is lid and 2a 6d per pair up ; heavy twill flannelette shirting, 2£d yard ; white and grey calico, la lid dozen yarde. Everything reduced.—(Advt.)

Great sale of Varnom's stock, wonderfu lot oi ladies' Bilk handkerchiefs at 6d each Belfast linen handkerchiefs, 3d each ; lacj handkerchiefs, 3d eac ; ladies' fancj handkerchiefs, from Id each.—(Advt.)

Captain Edwin wires 1 p.m.: "Same indications as already wired. Glass ri*e."

The Alameda with the English mails of June 13bh, lefb San Francisco on Jane 25th due date. The Mariposa, with the colonial mails arrived ab San Francisco on July 2nd due date.

Yeefcerday afternoon while Mr R. A. Ellison, grocer, of Parnell, was driving dawn Manukau Road, bis trap collided with a 'bus, with the result) that Mr .Ellison was thrown heavily on the metal road. On being pickod up he was found to be unconscious and his face severely cut. A man named Nicholson, with greab forethought, lifbad the sufferer into the cart and drove him to the Hospital, where he was duly attended to by the medical aathori&ies. We learn to-day that Mr Ellison recevered consiousness soon after his admission to the institution, and chat no bones are broken. He is now on a fair way to recovery.

Applications for the position of returning officer for the municipal elections will be received up to 3 p.m. on Thursday, 16th inst. The conditions of appointment are on view at the office of the Town Clerk.

In another column Bycrofb and Co. announce an alteration in the price of their biscuit tins:

To-morrow afternoon steamers will run at short intervals to the warships in harbour, first steamer leaving ferry tee at aquarter to two.

We are requested to draw attention to the sale of nursery stock to be held by Esam and Arthur, Tuesday next at 11 o'clock.

No old stocks to slaughter. George Fowlda sells boys'suits 3a lid, men's suits, 17s 6d ; working trousers, 4a lid ; overalls, 2a 6d ; colonial flannels, 2s lid ; regatta shirts, 2a 6d, wifch two collars 2s lid.—(Ad.)

Everything fresh and cheap. Boys' caps 6d, men's hard hate 2a lid, 16-rib umbrollas 3s lid, litjon cuffa 6d* braces 6d, belts 6d, working shirts lOd, knitted sox 6d, at Geo. Fowlds'.—(Advb.)

Cheap geods for all. Warm undershirts Is 6d up and Is lid, colonial wool sox 9d, boys' overcoats 9a b'd, men's oil coabs, guaranteed not to stick, at Geo. Fowlds'.— (Advt.)

Go to Rushbrook's great sale of T. Varwom and Sons.' stock for ladies winter jackets, immense value, 4s lid, 5s lid.— (Advb.)

Open untiflO o'clock tonight the clear ance sale of drapery and clothing ab Rush' brook's. Bargains for all.—Advt.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 156, 4 July 1896, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 156, 4 July 1896, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 156, 4 July 1896, Page 4


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