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The tone of business on the Stock Exchange was a little more buoyant to-day as tar as shares in mining companies were concerned. Cardigans advanced from Is 5d to Is lOd, owing to a new reef being cut in the drive. Victorias, after Belling as low ao 3s 9d, suddenly were in demand, and sold up to 4s Id, with buyers at chat figure, and no sellers under 4s 3d. KapaiVermonta were firmer, sales taking place at 7a lOd and Bi, with no further sellers under 89 3J. The fact that a cable had been received from London asking that the Haielbank mine should be again placed under offer for two months caused buyers to offer 2s for these shares. Moatiataiariee also sold up to 6s and Grace Darlings at Is 3d. For Waihi : Silvertons 58a was again offered, but sellers were firm at 603, so no sales resulted. After being neglected for a while, Imperials to-day sold at Is 3d. Coromandel stocks were not in request.

Tha Mayor has given notice of the following motions for next meeting of the City Council :—"(!) That this Council request the Governor to make provision, in the first session of Parliament, for permanently closing the Symonds-atreet Cemetery ; and (2) thab the Stanley-street sewer, which at present crosses Grafton Road, be extended up the Cemetery Gully aa far as needful to convey the drainage from the graveyards."

Mr H; Ferguson, the Inspector under the Shopa and Shop Assistants' Act, has been notified from Wellington that the appointment of Wednesday for the half-holiday in Auckland was gazetted on, the 30th of January.

A meeting of the University College Council was held at tho Registrar's1 office yesterday afternoon, when there were present Bishop Cowio (in the chair), Rev. Williams, Messrs J. Hall, U. L. Peacocke, Jackson Palmer, J. MacLaurin, R. Udy, F. E. Baume and J. J. Holland. In connec tion with the certificates of associates of the School of Music it was decided to allow Btudents who had previously attended music lectures to start afresh for the certificates. Professor Thomas wrote that it would be much better to offer, the Gillies Scholarship for three instead of two years, so as nob to interfere with the course ot the student securing the scholarship. Professor Thomas's recommendation was agreed to, and it was decided to offer a Gifties -scholarship for (10111061511100 in. November" riext, tenable for three yen'rS. The recommendation of the Committee re the issue of the calendar was agreed to. The Finance Committee submitted accounts for the year ending 31st December, 1895, which showed the receipts to have been ; £4,706 14s, and the disbursements £4,093 Q* 9d, leaving a surplus of £613 13s 7d for the year. This surplus was used to reduce the debit balance ot £652 9s of tho previous year to £38 16s 4d. A motion was passed expressing the satisfaction of the Council at the state of the finances as reported by the Committee. Benjamin Kendall, steward on the Corinna, was presented at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday with the Royal Humane Society's silver medal and certificate for his .gallantry in rescuing life at the wreck of the Wairarapa. An inquiry was held by Captain Jackson, coroner, at Winslade, Mauku, on Saturday, February Pst, into the' cause of the death of Mr Richard Lewis Garland, whicb took place on January 31st. A jury of six were empannelled, Mr H. Crispe, J.P., being chosen foreman. Evidence was given by Wm. L. (Vest, manager at Mauku for the deceased, by John Chandler, caretaker of the deceased, and by Dr. Cloutson. The jury returned a verdict, " That the death of Richard Lewis Garland was caused by an overdose of chloral, taken by himself while suffering from temporary insanity." The deceased was followed to hia last resting placo at the cemetery at St. Bride's Church, Mauku, by a large number (150) of the settler* from the surrounding districts. Messrs. W. L. West and W. Hockin are appointed as executors in Mr Garland's estate. —(Own Correspondent.) Do not rush to other sale 3, bub wait for Court Bros.' The cheapest in the trade, commencing on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.—(Advt.) Rushbrooks' sale, men's braces, 6d pair, worth Is 6d ; fashionable ties, Gd and 9d, all sound and new.—(Advt); The best value ever offered to the public in tennis shirts, will be found at Geo. Fowlds' sale of Birkett's stock, white and regaMa shirts, 2e lld.~U.dvt.)

At the Police Court to-day iSf" Reardon charged with barin^S, 1' nsb. stolen a bag of clothing?from t¥ Clyne, was convicted and rtS elli« Thomas Normoyle, Swf ffl : or having travelled by the M^ from Sydney without paying hfcPOllri ordered to pay £2 5s lOd or serve hard labour Alfred alias ThoAipS* eon was hned 5 8 for drankennesi .ft" for having assaulted Con-table O«Bt£ I 1 alternate to be 7 days'. T™ mh' 'dr"nks" were also disposed of \?T W. Northcroft, S.M., presided. "aThe noted Maori chief Wi Maihi tolU • kaheke, whose death is reported £»2SP? toru to-day, was one of the leading n iT" of the Arawa tribe. He died at 8 t?f« hou, on the western shore of Lake Rnff* 1' whither he had been taken from fe Island recently. A big tangi &to be h'S over his remains. Wi Maihi («L5 known asMaior Marsh) was the prhS chief of the Ngatirangiwewehi mVhT* 1 the Arawa tribe, and he was of high n? C amongst the Maoris. He was f b ?§ years of age at the time of his death wi, Sir George Grey first came to New Zelh, !? and paid his first viaie to Rotoruain lSao*' Rangikaheke became a tirm friend ofV 8 and supplied him with much of the infow'1 tion contained in his «• Maori MytholocvT!i Superstitions," and also corrected .5 revised a number of the legends suddliJ 1 Sir George Grey from various 0 To the loto Mi John White also S „ n plied much interesting ancient Maori hlf which Mr White utilieed in his •• An,!;.! History of the Maori." In the EaaX War of IS6B-70 Wi Marsh ren d 2 valuable help to the Government,,and U his tribe against To Kooti and his fnl lowers, for which services he received % rank of Major in the colonial forces. Hi only son was killed at Qmaranmtu, on th' Eaßt Coast, in one of Te Kooti'a raids i! 1869. il*

Pollard's Opera Company, whioK arrived from Sydney yesterday, to-day left for Z Thames, where they will play for a short season until the Opera House is available Mr Poiiard.broughtijwith him increased repertoire and some-new talent including, we are informed, five or fix magnificent young voices trained byino besb masters in Sydney.

During the passage of the s.s. Manaponk from Sydney, a lecture was given by Uj, Harris, and the collection taken % amounting to 189 9d, was, on arrival handed over to the Sailors' Home. . ;' The Royal Burlesque Company repeated " Cinderella " last evening at the Opera House. There was a very large attend. ance, downstairs being crowded, while ths dress circle was well filled. The.variojji items were well received, applause (being frequent and recalls numerous. ".Blueeyed Susan" will replace ''Cinderella" this evening. , :• . -^ i

Ab Napier yeoterday Joseph Ronlston, licensee of the Albion Hotel, was fined 4,1 and costs and had his license endorsed for Sunday trading. The defendant, six>da;g previous to the offence, sold out, but ths transfer bad not been signed by the-S.'Mi, and though. Roulston was absent in tbs country when the breach of the Act waa committed, the Magistrate held him liable.

At the annual meeting of the Wellington Gas Company the report, which. reoom< mended the usual dividend of 10 per cent,, and that £1,900 bo carriedforward, w»Y adopted. The Chairmau announced thai despite the competition of the electric light and the reduction in the price of gas, the receipts showed an increase for the year, It was, he said, proposed to extend the works, end for this purpose it was intended to call up £4 per share on 5,000, the lasb issue of shares, to meet the cose. • .-,;,,

Part seven of that) artistic publication " Beautiful Britain" has just reached us. The first plate is a lovely picture oianold English house, OcksweU's Manor, whicbis perhaps the most beautiful specimen o{ permanent process work that has yeUp< peared in this book of gems. "?'1

A meeting of the One Tree Hill Road Board was held on Saturday evening, whoa Mr Stewart meb the Board in connection with lha proposed electric tramways. la the absence of Mr Morton, Mr Devereiu was voted to the chair. The general proposal to conbinue the tramway line! to Onohunga, was approved so far as It ailected the Board. • ■■ -■.

At the usual monthly Committee meeting of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children, held yesterday afternoon, Mr Wilding presiding, it was unanimously resolved on the motion of the Rev. Hi Bull "That tho Society desires to express its deep regret afc the death of the Eight Rev. Bishop Luck, one of the VicePresidents of the Society, and to recognise the valuable supporb rendered by the departed Biehop to bhis- Society during hii lifetime." Twelve cases were reported M having been dealt with by the Society eince its last meeting. ■

The Cape of Good Hope Agricultural Commissioners yesterday were ihownovei the Art Gallery and Free Library by tba Town Clerk, Later in the day-they also visitod the Museum. This-morning .Metin liaise and Visser left for the Waikato apjl 'Rotorua. ; < ■

As a result of Mr Yatman's mission^ large number of persons have, signified their intention to join the Helping Hand Mission. A meeting is to be; held this evening in the Hall at Freeman's Bay, W welcome these young converts, and any others who may wish to identify them' selves with the Mission. Light refreshments will be provided. "•„■•

The Elite Musical and Comedy Upmpan/ gave an entertainment lasbj jiighi jn A' City Hall to a rather smajl audience. M J|iJ performance was an interesting obe>. isj eluding a comedy, " The German.Pririoese, in which Miss Hottie Howarde and w Harry Thomas took the principal p»^ and a farce entitled "The Wrong One. During; the evening a hornpipe ond,;hlgli* land fling were danced in admirable,stp by little Miss Evie Uinnie. A fire skipping ropo dance by Mies Ida McDonald was.ajso well done. ~Mses Celia Dampier'plavw selections on the violin, and songs werf contributed by Measra Charles Moore, ; Harry Thomas, W. Sylvan and MM, Howarde.

Dr. Coom,, for many years favourably known as a medical practitioner in Aocs* land, and specially in connection with tw : Oddfellows of Auckland, has decided to resume pracbice. He now resides in Wj premises, Karangahape Road, immediaW opposite the Jewish Cemetery. . -~ It is now 52 years *ince the M.Ui/ Wfl' fellows wore established in Auckland. S'o^ then they have made very substantial Pr greßS. They have a membership of .tm. 1,400, with'funds amounting to clnso'» £50,000. Arrangements for the flnnjpicnic at Motutapu are in an adv* fc . state. Brethren md friends w'!lS? brought from the Thames by the Gaul oc». and Waiotahi, from Coromandel by j. Rotomahana, from Warkworfch W^ Rose Casey, from Howick, Turanga wee*' Panmure and Otahuhu by the Victoria*" Planet, and from Auckland by tbo^e"' Fleet. Those who visited Motutap" * year will remember the substantial »^ expeditious landing erected by Alison for the Oddfellows. Similar arrant menta have been entered into for this y^ outing. '• '"' i Court Bros.' premises in Queen-etreet^ Karangahape Road will be closed |f^ o'clock tonighb until 10 o'ck-okpn™ k day morning, in order to mark doff» 8 for monster season sale. v^^«f:' Exquisite printed mu»lins, . ft'«g-ijj^<'"' yard, at tho annual sale of the V 1 ' (Advb.) |iB J, Rush brook's sale. Please shop [) avoid the crush, secure the barg« • (Advb.) ; •

= ''" Trinfofcer of Labsnr ha» issued inTK M, St the reeistration fee for ,# uC. - n w h!ch nob more than two hands '|jctof" B. j ff ;|i in future be 1b instead of »rf «»fSo. Tboee wfco haV° already KKwEw 'co can obtain a refund of 4s W Stbe to local Inspector. J^ sF£ Grimes, who has been in Auck. I the past fortnight in connection 1 death of Bishop Luck, left by the j * ari tbie afternoon for Christcburch. ; DBPlj the accused at the Police Court i* ■ f BS a young man who had been (t^'frl on the ar nval of the steamer '"•" ««ri yesterday a9 a stowaway IUMP Sydney. •He was a strong, Afhodik intelligonb - looking young i « whom one would expect to be able iemploy.n>entl anywhere if he wanted rl Hi« Worship accordingly questioned •"■* His sbory was that ns he had been "^•nff in Sydney he thought he would do ''"f,if be^otftoNew Zealand. His home was ■ fl hurt "Tasmania, but hia father ("whom ! fj! d quarrelled with) lived in Sydney. ffi preferred Sydney to Hobarb boB *i 5 was even more difficult to get suitc v Dmnlovment at the latter place than in 1 Sr "No doubt I could," he said, Egob employment at Hobarb, but it (jfldßOfbaW paid me. Ib would have "S only 8i per week." H IB Worship said ■r-Lifar better'to take work of any I'd fl«n though the wages were low, iv!n to starve, or to travel as « :' «away. A lot of young fellows seemed ! Imaeine that because they could geb no Sto'iro-to the "gaff" they were lining. As In the numerous other cases '' stowaways from Sydney, disposed of icsotk accused was ordered to be imfSned for 14 days' bard labour, in de;ifia!liof payment of hia iare. Mr Stephen Moulden, an old employee of ;., jfjiiffay Department at the Auckland Railway Station, celebrated his golden ■mddioe last evening, when he and Mrs ilonlflen entertained a party of guests at Lj r residence in Vincent-street. Mr MooldeD and bis wife first arrived in Aucktod in 1862, being passengers by the atyp Mitlldtt Wattenbacb. They went to ilberfcland, where they remained for six months, and then returned to Auckland. HrMoalden lerved in the militia at the tins of the Waikato war, and subsequently joined tbe firm of Giln'llan and Co., with JliciD h"e remained for fourteen years. Sines then he has been in the service of the Railway Department, in which employ he iairemainsd seventeen years.-

The following teams have been chosen for (jj cricked match Licensed Victuallers v. City, to be commenced tomorrow afteri6ba'.' Licensed Victuallers: C. Stone, A. Seccombe, J. Seccombe, S. McPherßon, 'ThompaoD, Foley, Elley, Quinlan, McLeod, fliltipj, J3allir&n. City : Rowland, Burto, Twiname, Snedden, Hopkins, Hubton, Morgan, Simpson, Whelan, Fitzpatrick, Court. -Emergency: Morgan. Play will ■itirt at 2 o'clock.

Ataoogit the names of the successful andidatea at the recenb Trinity College ■B|iical examination, senior division, pia.nobrtj playing, ire tho«e of Miss Lily Thorniw, and Miss Margaret Spooner, both of lboaare pupils of Mr W. H. Webbe, ol Kyberfaßußodd.

Meisrs Court Bim, wbo have been ex ctediogly unfortunate during the past 12 .maths in regard to - thefts from their ttanei! premiiea both in Queen-street and Emngahape Road, were the victims of author robbery at an early hour this mulog. Aboub 4 o'clock the corner window of their shop in Karangahape Bosd was smaihed and two pieces of drees mttrial, and probably some other goods, ten extracted. Ib is said that a man had too teen.loitering about the neighbourliod byjho-nighb watchman for com« tijhts previous, and that)-after the latter loomed the window broken, he saw a itspleioas looking man a few yards away botheßhop, bub nothing could be found Ri htm. '

114Gr»tam»r School foundation scholarllipiexamination commences to-morrow in tin Grammar School buildings. For the primary scholarship 62 candidates will compete, and for the secondary scholarship inetreU candidates.

Variety and originality were marked tares of Rev. C. H. Yatman's methods in cadacting the recent revival eervieo», and II ii evident he carries this, style into his witinga. Mr Yatmen gives eomo quaint hri-toond adtice to his coi^erts in an Rticle he hai contributed to tho current 'limber of tho •< Helping Hand." The «6ideiaheaded "Some Keep Outs, Keep DpMnd Keep Ins," and is prefaced thus : "Ihare learnod to love Auckland people. Mr help in the mission held by work ttd faith and prayer haa brought under God* glorious victory. As I go, I leave ■wind, through' the "Helping Hand," > word ■ of, cheer and advice that My perpetuate the work begun in »msny new hearts. Bub first let ■Mbereexpresi ray profound gratitude to laaHelpingHand Mission. Their band of Wrkerahas been to the front in the whole "(the battle. May God requite them as He tolycwandaßHe surely will." Thepre«nt number of this excellent journal con bidsmuch that ia interesting, helpful and Mttby of a wide circulation. We notice jw.the proprietor* offer tempting cash Nncements to canvassers for pushing the wcnlatioD, and in addition £5 in gold prizes w the highest number of new subscribers JwlMd within a given time. A £2 2s i"tm " aBo l? c R'ven f°r Rn article of W words. For a purely undenomina--2m6m 6 pBR6 papor beautitul|y illustrated, ;L™P 9rannum, including postage, the aelping Hand" it a marvel of cheapness, jaehoald ba in every home. It can' be AMp frOm *l! tho booksellers or at the •«.P. Buildings, corner of Queen rind v'?tona.Btreetß. • ■ ... Tn? B .i fflßfflWs of the Fox Memorial 'Sii Btnple * a G-T" held fcheir ÜBual .'y meeting lit evening in the ff- • treet|- *chool-room, when the y*M officers were installedby Bro. M. V'b i8lJlT" "Misted by Sis. King and J ft don LM-'8 aT-» Bro- H- CartT to- l" Br2: w- Mincham ; Sec, Sis. B'Jt , -: Sis- v- NJnolson ; M., ™.Lockley; 0.0., Bro. R. Cook ; D.M., 'H* ri? ckl«T; AS., Sis. E. Nicolson; '**. Sis. M. Mincharn. ii « butcher»' annual picnic, to be held aost. • p L u to-mo"ow, should be tho «i»f? y?: ble outin X oJ tfae kind yet held ''tatfiiKl"" 11* of the holiday - A ■*«»!ti in' / n d°ne the man*£'™g kiut In. order to render it as success'iltlJluL Processors, and there is '«liiu , thati ib wUI Pr°^ so pro'ssential fi avoured with that all-important 'We fnl .? ne. weather- Steamerß will Hj'il o 7? l? ]*ni a* 9 »nd 10 o'clock, i °ck> Ak tho la"er hour the lottfiefil ?for Motub aP«. and thence 'lhke l S n'?l?roil"d»' To induce vißitor 8 "tin? °^ .!^ ereab ln this Potion of th 0 •N k , th. r? olillted P'Pe will be *«!SUie»f «I horman who secures th c thaih 'v nd ftt°bacco pouch fo r NseJ'7' No Mbra charge will b e M 7 Compet6 or t0 co 0" board. % S; MeBB/ 8 S' Cochrane and Son Seni, k - B fonr -roomed cottage and '^•"•ttreel flDß*u fc frontaKe of 30fb t0 Cteat i ' umof£l3o> ""ythini :° f ÜBhbrook's stock now on ; 6»quick,iCk reduced in P"ce t0 !iCBeu h! a! i9 f ryetover.Bo y°« BHllff«n Geo T f, e 6or Bfcr^ hat ai'™ S»tock h °W uldß while he i 8 Belii "c BAd\M ' °Ught for 12a 6d tho £■ *L^St\?mb be cleared ab6d, j. "'Hrol- {Adyb') fei'tVol Black French Grena-

According bo a Hsb prepared by Mr Ferguson, the local inspector under the Shops Acb, we find that the number of shopkeepers in Auckland and suburbs who havo given notice to close on other days than Wednesday is 317. Of these 291 intend closing on Saturday, 5 on Monday, 6 on Tueeday, 13 on Thursday and 2 on Friday. With regard! to thosa who intend closing on Wednesday, the number can be arrived at only approximately, as there has been no need in their case to give notice. It is also somewhat difficulb to ascertain how many shops nob previoHsly subject to the half-holiday provision of the Acb, come within the meaning of bhe amended Act, but according to a rough calculation the number is estimabed to be fully 1,000. The City Council authorities inform v? that the Alberb-sbreeb Public Baths will shortly be filled with salt water for bathing porpoees. The cross-country horse Disturbance was shipped for Gisborne this afternoon by the Manapouri. Hen- Louis .Tufcgchka, the well-known musician, is to be tendered a benefit concerb in the City Hall on Monday evening next. Herr Tutschka is suffering from a mental affliction which totally prevents him from following his occupation. He very often gave his services for charitable objects, and now that he is in need himeelf it is hoped thab the public will remember hia claims on their sympathies, especially as his family are in very straitened circumstances. To-morrow svening a high-class concert with an unusually attractive programme will be given in the Gladstone Hall, Northcone, as a complimentary benefit to Mrs Lee, whose husband waa drowned ab Mercury Bay some time ago. Miss Lily Thomson, Mi«s Birdie Butler, and a number of leading amateur musicians, ladies and gentlemen, are giving their assistance, so that the concerb should be a marked success on the parb of Mra Lee's musical friends. Nodoubbthe attendance will be large as Mrs Lee is widely known ab Northcote, and the concert programme is a well-arranged one. All wool coloured crepons, 44 inch wido, ordinary price 3s 6d, to be cleared at la 9d, ab the annual sale of the D.S.C.—(Advt.) Mothers go to the sale of Rushbrook's stock tor clothing for the boys. They are giving immenee bargains in boys' wear.— (Adrt.) Sale of Ruahbrook's drapery stock. Please shop early : close at one o'clock on Wednesday.—(Advt) To those aboub to shop. Don'b. Bub waib for Courfe Bros1, sale, 10 o'clock on Thursday morning.—(Advc.) Ladies' blouses and shirbe, Is 6d, Is lid, ,2s lid, all new goods, ab Rushbrook'B clearance sale.—(Advt.)

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 29, 4 February 1896, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 29, 4 February 1896, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 29, 4 February 1896, Page 4


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