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The excellenb and lifelike portrait! of the late Mr. Adam Porter, has tnis week been hung in the Harbour Board room. The portrait has been painted by a local company, the agent) in this instance being a lady who is well known in business circles in this town.

A meeting of the New Zealand Natives' Association was held last nighi>. Mr T. Henderson presided. A paper on " Forest Culture" was read by Mr M. Niccol. The members agreed thab special legislation should be introduced to prevenb the wholesale destruction of New Zealand bush by tire and otherwise ; that the present forest reserves should be increased and protected, and that a system of re-foresting be adopted. It was decided to send a copy cf the resolutions to the Premier. Fifteen new members were elected.

The Council of the National Association meb yesterday afternoon. Mr J. Batger (President) presided. Mr Mennie, recently elected a member of the Council, was introduced by the President. The President explained the steps taken to concentrate the organisation of the various Ward Committees. It wae agreed to hold bho fourth annual meeting of members on Thursday, September 26th next. Six new members were elected. Mr Copeland, grocer, Parnell, is carry" ing on business in the premises next door* until the necessary repairs are made result" ing from the fire. Cavour Cigars.

We learn -from, Mr John, Bourdon, the local manager of the Victoria "Insurance Company, Limited (Fire, Marine, and Fidelity Guarantee), that the Company* financial year, which closed on 30th June last, was a mosb successful one. The fortunate shareholders received a dividend of 4s 6d per share, which represent* 40 per cent, on the paid-up capital. The reserve and contingency funds amount to £70,000. The continued prosperity of this popular Company is ample evidence of .the care exercised in the selection of risks and in the general conduct of ite business, and cannob fail to secure for ib the confidence of the insuring public. The Company's (Auckland branch is ab No. 81, Queen. ! street. ..,,..■■

Ab the ordinary meeting of the Devonporb Borough Council next Monday evening, the Mayor, Mr E. W. Alison,* will move :— I. (a) That a fountain be erected in the triangle, ab a coeb nob exceeding £30 • (6) that) paths be formed through the triangle, cost nob to exceed £5 ; (c) that a suitable hedge be planted around the boundary, and an inner fence erected to protect same ; (d) thab the carrying oub of the above works ba left in the hands of tho Streets and Works Committee. (2). That name plates of streets be prominently fixed in each of the principal thoroughfares in the Borough.

A young man, described as being neatly dressed and apparently respectable,'attempted to rob a Mrs Richardson, wife of Mr Richardson, tram conductor, yesterday while the latter was in Messrs Cochrane >: and Sons' auction mart. Feeling her pats* being withdrawn from her pocket, Mrs Richardson turned round quickly, and'juet caughb aighb of ib going into the pocket*of a man beside her.l. She at oticei demanded-'

her'purse back again, bub the'man denied having taken it. Thereupon Mrs Richard* eon caughb him by the coat collar, and threatened to hand- him over to the police if the property were nob instantly handed over. The purse was then given up, the stranger disappearing amongst the crowd before Mrs Richardson could recover from her surprise and give him in charge.;' v.

One of the series of the winter course of' lectures In connection with the V.M.C.A. was given last evening by tbV Rev.* F. Warner, who gave an able and interesting address on " The Men Who Have Mered the World." There was a large attend' ance, and Mr Thos. B addle presided. Mr Warner first mentioned the preacher, de< ecribing bow Whitfield had moved Eng< land and America as men had nob beta moved since the days of the Apostles. Then bespoke of the Missionary, referring particularly to Carey, the pioneer mission* ary to India, and Moffabfc (Africa), next of William Wilberforce, who .fought so hard for the abolition of slavery and finally, triumphed; of Bishop Hill, whose name, he said, could be seen '.high, up on the monument of that*, worldwide Association under whose name they met that nighb; of George Williams,, whose name the nation had delighted,to honour, the founder of the Association. Of men in literature, who .had moved the world, the speaker mentioned R. X. Stevenson, John Wateon and J. M. Barrie; in poetry, Tennyson; in the realm of action, the Duke, of Wellington (soldier), George Stephenson (engineer), and John Bright (patriot). Before the commence* men I of the address. Mrs Warner'tang, "Home : They Brought Her Warrior Dead"; Miss B. Buttler, "The Holy City" and as an. encore " Calvary;" and _ab the close Mr' «Abel eang "ThePilgrini FafctiereCi" MrC. W. Hemery ,acfceda«> accompanist. On the motion o! Mr Steele,, a vote of thanks was passed with acclamation to Mr Warner for his able lecture, and to . the singers for their services.- ~: ; •;,.,; fc^;^**' Next Wednesday, in the St. BonaveK tura's Hall, _ Parnell, a grand concert and 1 dance .will be giverMh aifr oftßeaooideiit and general fund of the Parnell Volunteer JEite jßrig*de Tl programme hie been arranged tor' the occasion, and as the objecb is a very deeerving "one, a bumper house should be accorded them. ~ ' Mr Albert Richardson notifies that the rehearsals for " Maritana " and the " Bohemian Girl," will beheld in future at Mrs Sowerby's Hall,' Great Symond-*treet,'on Tuesday evenings at 7.45, and all privati lessons at his reeidence, Tichmounb, Wel« lesley-streeb East. - The fancy skating carnival to be held a' the Columbia Rink on Wednesday next gives promise of being most successful. A number of prizes will be given, including* lady's silver watch for the beet dressed lady, and a silver bunting watch for the best dressed gentleman. Other handsome prizes will aleo be given. ' The-prizes will be on exhibition in Mr Kohn'e window on Monday next. ' The Pitt-street Weeleyan Literary Society met in the schoolroom on Thursday evening last. Mr S. J. Ambury occupied the cbair, and there was a good attendance of members and friends. Mr' Herbert Scott reed ah able and *cry interesting paper upon George Eliot's " Adam Bode," also giving a resume of the life of this gifted author. Readings from this book were given by Miss Reid, Messrs Forbes, Pollock and Wilding. During the evening mueical end vocal items were rendered by Mrs Sbackel' ford and Miss Probert. " - ,'• By- advertisement in another colonic Messrs T." Henderson and T. B. O'Connor are convening a meeting t)f old Auckland football representatives for: Monday after' noon at 5;30 ad the Metropolitan Earn Queen-street, for the purpose ofarranging for a match with the Auckland rep. team on its return from the Southern tour. ?..All old reps, are particularly requested to Dβ present. Professor Loisette's recent vfsio to fcbif rcplony, and. the results achieved within a few is the best evidefcfi'.Sf tbe.preaß value of his memory system. Those wno have nob participated in the advantages 01 the five-gninea claeses are now wviwa py the New Zealand'agency, coednctedpy_ wr P. B. Dis. of Coombea' Arcad*. to Bbare the benefits of the systematlhe low charge of 24s for each person. . To-morrow afternoon steamere wi». wb at short intervale to the warsWpe w harbour, first ebeamer learing ferry tee »■

a-quarter to two. At the Choral Hall to-morrow r nighfe, »J. first of the Rational Sunday Concert* w , be given. Mr Archdale Tayler, Mim* L. Featon and Mr John Fuller are •■«.«•£ The latter gentleman will e»»g T the J, e l difficult recitative *nd air from "JePfSfr "Deeper end Deeper Still," end w». Her, Angels, Through «»• "Ora Pro Nobis," and in Rose'B * trum Ergo" with Mr Archdale W» • The full programme ie published tonw-

Cavour Cigars. Smoko Cavour Cigars. .. Froseard'e Cavour Cigars, 8 for 1/A-t*.. Elsewhere will be found details ot . annual musical and elocutionary cob arranged by the Auckland Band of juj Union, comprising competition »n and instrumental music, elocution, eu».

pronouncing bees. , ,» aB Two hundred and fifty dozen lad* kid gloves Is lid at the D.S.C.-lAdJ™ " Under the Palma " (with « ult fLir, corations) by St. James's Cantata, with orchestra, in St. James's Ha ; i,°, th9 and 30th irist. Proceeds in am

church funds. .< , s 4 t Carpets, linoleum, and floor do wholesale price, D.S.C.—(Advt.) ( A grand afternoon performance of * » children, entitled " Beauty and Wβ" ii e ; (an afternoon in fairy land), by performers, will bu given in ■*?* cMtM Institute, Wellington-street, on 3 afternoon next, at three o'clock. A clear savinp of 20 per cent, purchasing furniture at the U.aM

■ Business was remarkably brisk on the gtocK Exchange this morning. This may igvo been due to the fact thafe private *able news from London quotes Waibekauri ibaree at £4 2s 6d, and Haurakis. at 14s. Following on this 72s 6d was offered for Waitekauri shares at noon to-day with no sellers under SOs. Business wae fairly distributed over the various sections of our 'goldnelds, and in many instances slighb advances took place. The most demand pai for Upper Thames stock.

f Lsdy Glasgow and party, with Captain Clayton, left Wellington for.Auckland'yosterdsy afternoon.

■ About 4.15 p.m. yesterday a girl named Catherine Craig,, aged 12, the daughter of Hr Craig, employed by the D.S.C., was ac.cidently run over in Walleeley-street East, 'j,y a spring cart driven by a lad named Ernest Kelly. It appears che little jrirl was 'crossing the street just as the cart was turning out of Lorne-streer, but not notic<ln'g the cart, she ran against the horse's head, with the result thai she was knocked !doffn, and run over, one of the wheels of ,the vehicle going over her back. She was 'picked up by an on-looker, and carried into the'ebop of Mr Neil, herbalist, where Dr. Girdler attended her. Sho was afterwards able to walk home. The driver ©f the cart Kelly, who is employed by Mr Peet, grocer, IB said to be in no way to blame for the accident.'

. The monthly inspection parade of the 'Auckland Naval Artillery was held last evening in the Drill-ehed, there being an excelleat mu3ter under Lieutenant-Cor-n• 'mander Little and Lieutenant Clemens. In the absence of Lieutenant-Colonel Goring, Lieutenant-Commander Little inspected the corps, which was subsequently put through a course of infantry drill. ..

ft Percy Plank was sentenced to three years imprisonment for robberies at Wairarapa. Thomas Schofield was tried for the same charge and acquitted, and a nolle prosequi was entered on otbier charges.

Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. have introduced last year a first-class garden manure made up into handy 141b bags, which can be had from any seedsman or storekeeper for la 6d. It is a perfect fructiSer, produces sound and W3llgrown vegetables, "and/is a boon to flower gardens. "The demand by amateur gardeners and email plot cultivators for this manure has been simply enormous. The planting season is now on, ■and no one who values their garden can afford to be without the Weatfield garden manure. Further partienlara are given by special advertisement in another column.

On Monday, the new Metropolitan Hotel, which has taken the place, of the old Nevada at the corner of Queen and Dur-ham-streets, is to be opened under the •.management of Mr and Mrs Jack Gallagher so longwellandfavourably known in connection with the British Hotel at the opposite -corner. The outside of the building gives one no idea of the extent of the interior, .but once inside the visitor is aatODished at the extent of the rooms and the splendid arrangements. There are 37 bedrooms in which 60 boarders can be accommodated if necessary, a billiard room With two of Thursion's latest tables under the care of Mr N. Simpson, a 'tine commercial room for the use of farmers and others attending the markets, and a very large drawing-room over Queen- . street, besides numberless sitting-rooms on each. of the three floors. This hotel ie intended to be the headquarters arid Rendezvous of those connected with eporfc 'in any of it branches, a chief feature of the - bouse being a splendid club room, capable of seating at least one hundred persons, with its walls covered with photos of vieiting and local, teams of athletes. A Bffialler room is set apart as a club room for members of the Kennel Club and ,■ Poultry Association. Baths and lavatories areVfo be found'all over the house; , and a ■ bydEanlic lift, as well as a grand staircase, give access to each floor. The kitchen is on the very top storey, entirely isolated, thus carrying off all the unpleasant odours of cooking. The public bar is at the Queen- : etreet end of the building, and is entirely •separate from the residential part of the ■' bouse. Mr Arnold, the architects, prepared . the plans, while the building was erected by Messrs Philcox and Sons, and it certainly does all connected with it infinite credit. The name of Mr J. Gallagher is sufficient guarantee of tha quality of the 'liquor supplied, and boarders can be sura of every comfort and attention in the hands ■of such an experienced hostess as Mrs Gallagher.;

Last evening the annual social of the ' Ponsonby Naval Artillery Corps was held *ia the Foresters' Hall, Newton, and was a • most successful and enjoyable affair. The hall was prettily and appropriately , decorated. There was a crowded attend- : ance and a pleasant evening's dancing was •held. Amongst the visitors were Colonel and Mrs Goring. Petty Officer Leikis and ' Gunner D. Nees acted as M.C.'s, and R.eid and Davis' band supplied the music. In . the course of the evening several songs were 'sung.

A juvenile concert and "butterfly " ball fill be held in St. Beuedict'a schoolroom on Thursday next, commencing at 8 p.m. The affair promises to be a success. ■ Cavour Cigare. r

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 196, 17 August 1895, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 196, 17 August 1895, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 196, 17 August 1895, Page 4


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