- The market for .mining stock, opened firm on the Exchange this morning. Waihi-Silvertons again advanced' in price, Sales taking place as high as 40a/ Bfe Friday these shares were offered at 288. Coromandel stock, though well held, did nob show much change in value. Bunkers Hill shares sold at 4s 3d, Harbour Views up to Is, and Southern Cross atlOd. No other transactions were reported,; neither were there sales of Kuaotunu stock, bub ho Try Flukes were. ,offeresl.; ; under.B^ Lower Thames stock .were in more demand. May Queens soiling" as high as, 7s 9d, while Norfoiks advanced to la lOdj and Whoius.feo Is 6d. Upper Thames stock, generalJy. were more enquired for. For. Crowns, 35s wasl'1 offered uhavailingly, while Wopdstpcks' changed hands at. 25s 9d. 'Wealtli of Nations fetched is 4d, •iyhile Imperials and United sold ab Is and Is Id, ' Victors ajso changed, hands ab 3s 4d. Grace Darling shares reached 2s, wibh no "further sailers, while Waitekauri No. 4 shares fetched Is 3d, with no other sellers under Is 6d. ..,
. ..As meeting of the Trades? and Labour Council was held in the :Forestera' Hall, Karangahapa Road on Saturday, evening.f Favourable replies were received -from Messrs Button and Crowther,,M.H.R.'s, re labour legislation. . A new delegate irotn' the Gumdiggers' Union,- was: present, and took his seat. Trie Gumdiggers' Union asked for ; information .re. registering under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acb. The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr Tregear for. information. A letter was received from the acting secretary of the Central Council: notifying the Council of a special meeting fco be held in the Foresters' Hall, Newton, on Thursday evening, to receive report; of special committee to consider Labour Bills, etc. The Council's delegate to the Techiiical College Council made a report, and some discussion ensued thereon, but ithe matter was deferred till next meeting.
The R.M.s. Warrimoo, of the CanadianAustralian lino, arrived in port yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, after a pleasant passage.' By the steamer a mail bearing Che date of London, June Ist, came to hand; and; the Mararoa from Sydney yesterday afternoon brought over a large English mail dated May 24th. ;
A letter received by the Industries I)9---partment from a Hawera resident who haa recently returned from America, suggests Chat the Government should forward to New York a email experimental consign" menfe of doors and a few articles of furniture ar»(Je of rimu (red pino). 'The writer thinks if a vessel load of picked red pine were sent to New* Xtirk, together with a Bmall consignment; of red pine furniture, it would be the fdreruirner Of. an extensive trade. He points out ttjat in, sending red pine'_home for Btreet-bavidg purposes, competition'ib meb iwith "from quite one hundred -'other woodß,'bub there would beTeryiittlecbmi petition in the furniture line.
The Auckland Amateur Athletic -and 'Cycling Piab 'Jb'fty.e decidecl to hold -ssraffi r country race at Epsom bn Saturday, ole(i August. As the event will be open to.all amateurs, whether members of the Club or noti?a large fltfrnbe'r of footballers intend to compete.
" A meeting of the executive committee of the Suburban Eou.ltry Fancjers' Club; was held on Friday, Mr Mdfpetbj president of the Club, in the chair. Mr C. Barley; treasurer, presented'a rough statement of recaipts and expenditure, arid that after paying all expanses connected with the late show, amounting' to £239, and. prize money to over'£loo, there'is a eubstantial balance* carridd ,forward towards next year's show.
In the Supreme Court, Ayellingtqn, on Friday, Mr Justice Richmond gave judgment in tho case The Queen against Kemnant, in which the question was whether a contractor could recover from tho Crown a sum whicb it bad paid to a workman for wages by virtue of an attachment order under the Workmen's Adages Acb. The Magistrate had given judgment against the Crown, and this .was now upheld, the appeal being dismissed with costs. , ' ' ' J;.: ;'";. ■'.'.
A four-roomed house at Wateryiew,near Avondale, owned and occupied; by : Mr Eccieß, warder in the Avondale Lunatic Asylum, was destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. The house was insured for £75 in the Royal Office, and the, furniture for £50 in the same office. , ;
Mr Charles Symonds, of Qnehunga, while working on the Weka yesterday, sustained a -severe fracture of an arm. Dr. Scott set the injured limb. ~ : r
Tbe funeral of '■ the late Rev.: James VYallie, Wesleyan missionary, took place yesterday afternoon in the Symonds-streeb Cemetery. A mortuary service was held prior to the interment in "the Grafton Road WesJeyan Church, the Rev. H. H. Lawry conducting the service, assisted by the Rev. W. J. William?.' Mr Lawry gave a brief address, in which he referred tp_ the valuable labours of the deceasedv iniasionary amongsb che Maori race since the year 1835, and to hia own acquaintance .with Mr vYallis, extending over 50 years. An the grave, the Rev, D. McNicoll read the concluding portion of the service, and the assemblage sang the hymn, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." A number of old ■ setclers ftorn, various parts of tbe district .were present at the funeral," the chief .mourners being Messrs William . Wallis i>ii,d R. M; Walliß ■ (sons), ahfl Mrs MoKb.berts (daughter). At Grafton Road and Piri'-streeb .churches thei pulpits were draped in black, and the ''Dead March in Saar," was played t>y the organists at both chubrC!,'aes afc the morning service, pub of respect1) to the memory of the deceased. :
OaJuxly 6fcb, at Tuakau, a little boy, son of Mr Gt,wrge Brown, was playing, when he accidentally goc hie fingers in a sausage machine crushing one severely. The father took himi to Pukekohe, and Dr. Carolan, who lias recently returned from Papakura, found ib Jiecessary to amputate, which operation ■■ was immediately performed, chloroform jawing administered.
Several persona were prosecuted this morning una'ei* the Public Health Act for neglecting ti/'\ have their children vaccinated. An order was made by the presiding Magistrate to tlie effect tbab the children were to be vacena ated by the 30th September next. ; We nu'y point oub for the benefit of parents that is compulsory in New Zealand, '.and the Act) must be strictly complied wlfch.
Pollard's Lilipattm Opera Company give a farewell pacfoEmiwce ac the Opera House this evening, when Gilbert and Sullivan's favouritt", opera, "The Gondoliers," will be , produced. The JLiliputians leave for the South to-morrow, and.a bumper house,is expected to bid farewell to the Company, who have always been favourii»s with theatregoers. By special request, during the evening a , violin soio willt bo given by lions. Wilainofi', who has aridned considerable reputation in Australia by hia playing.
Immense reductions in ladies' jackets and 'waterproofs, at Court Broß,',sale.—(Advt.)
Mr John Blyfch, whose credentials • have seen, has just arrived in Auckland "and ib ibe authorised representative of the In colonial Investment Company of Sydney* ! His object! is to dispose of block" of :;.n.h n * '! the city of Perth and Albany. Ify ' that anyone now investing in those eilie* ' will be in exactly the same position as ths t early day land purchasers in and around Auckland. City lots £30, suburbanhalf.' acre lots £15; Mrßlyth's preeenb addrew : is Hellyer House, 116 Grey-street. SeVh'Wi|§§ advertisement in another column. A meeting of subscribers to the Tarv " natci Relief Fund is to be held in the office' of Messrs v Brown, Campbell and Co.,'to*'' morrow, to consider what »hall be dona with.the surplus money from the fun>{. Information has been received that Can*• it1 tain JSfewby, of the ship Helen Denny, tuVp <•■' ''• on the voyage from Auckland to London. He had a severe illness while the vessel was in New Zealand, and Buccumbed ti complication of diseases within sis weeks'".'{t of the end of the voyage. ' -}i It is announced by advertisement in an.! ?|| other column that Mr W. J. Nnpior is, to"^lf deliver an address before the WoWn'a'f% Liberal League to-morrow (Tuesday) even-■';»•]& ing at 8-o'clock on "Problems of thel)e«.;-v mocracy."'- The-public'are^nvitedl'V^^^ll^lp In spite of the inclement weather thera ' ;'■ was a crowded house ab the City Hall to "r'* witness the first production of " Aladdin "'l,%' by Misa Amy Vaughan and company. "Mjhj ','"[„ Amy Vaughan appeared as the \onn^ J scamp Aladdin, and played her part with much grace and yivacitv,1' being recalled1 ■ Beveral ti f 'mea for her songs. Miss Ivy R6y r , as the -Princess Dadroulbandour looked' ■ pretty, and spoke her'linea nicely.1 hit. Thomas enacted the parb of the WidoW: :: Twankay, keeping the audience in roars of', ' laughter whenever he was on the stage. >: The part of the'Etnperor was euccQßSfally^ impersonated by Mr, J, Hartley, whwa'''" excruciating puns were greeted with much, laughter. ,MißS!Daisy "Thornton as tha ' slavo of the ring introduced a coupla'of1 dances, 'which seemed to hit the bublie * ?' taste. The other characters wero fairly' ' v' filled, bub in one or two cases there was a'.' noticeable stiffness of manner, and a',want of knowledge of the author's lines. 'Anuinber of popular songs were introduced bt«' v ./, tween the acts, which were well received. \* A word of praise is'due to thewch'esK'ai^S under Mr Burke, which-'c'ertainly ■ added^tcT^^g the enjoyment of the evening. ~ M Messrs Baker Bros, will auction, a /■ Wednesday next, residences in Pcit, y and Surrey Hills, some sections in Runei-' <\ man township, and, by order of the Regie-' ■?/' trar of the Supreme Court,m property in § ; p Nelson-street. ' ' , ,\s£s! Wo are requested to correct an error >'i;, which appeared.in the advertisemetifcre-':'>';;: lating to ;the" grand cycloramic lecture, to,1 ' be given at; the Union Free Church' h\: ■ • morrow evening. Miss Rirmrier,- Misses- *: Woodman and Mr Higgob will sing/appro-^ priato solos and duet at that entertainment, ; and nob ab the Japanese War lecture, aav v advertised in Saturday's issue, ~ )'' , The annual re-union of Sb. James's Prea-; byterian Congregation will take place in St. James's Hall on Thursday evening next,* ' when, after tea there will be presented'1 a good musical programme,. including itenn by Miss Lizzie Warreu and Mies Alice.,,. , Rimmer. ■, , , , The Orangemen-'of Auckland-yonterday marched in procession from the Protestanb ' • Hall, Karangahape Road, to-the Choral Hall. West's Newton Band headed i c ' procession.. -At" the Choral Hall there was "•'. ! a large gatheping, the annual' BBrmpnvbein^^^ preached by. the Key. F. Warner, paeto^-otpvlj the Newton r Congregatiogal Church,; wßtip: \ B.b shorb notice cousehtod to take the place: ': of the Rev. H. Bull, who was prevented 5 y &jqknosß from attendir/g. Mr..lVor|ier' to<<\ for\hiei textj " Stand fatib therefore In the liberty wherewith' 'Christ hath njado ■ free.'1 The preachor rofai red to tin i.i-< f cr, cal events connecrcd with "thii.^r;v-> vi William and Mary,- and urged ,upOH hin hearers' the necessity for maintaining bbb. " 4. liberty won by their forefathers. Mr McKeown'B stock and furniture,' destroyed--by ■ fire' this " morning;;: are insured 'in the' National Fire Inahr t - Office for £200. Messrs L. D.'Nathan and CoY, have the 'block covered in tho X', .. Insurance Company. ■ v > . ; A popular concert will bo given in 4'ii City i Hall to-night, by Mr John Fuller. The programme promises to be a first-ch** one, several new artistes making their firrft appearance. The second part consists ot Offenbach's charming one act opera, "Roto of Auvergne." To-morrow night. Mr Fuller/, "■ and a company appear at Onehungtt,'when , besides the concerb programme the "Roeu cf Anvergna". will be again produced. Our Premier.—Truly the premier cigars . are Froseard's Cay ours. Mild and fragrant,1 "r fl 8 for Is 3d,—(Advt.) The new curl trimming in all colours, ; " reduced to Id per yard. Beaver trimmiDgs ' at 3fd yardi ac Court Bros.' sale.—(Advt.) , A grand line of ladies' black cabmen). . hose, 6jd, all wool; ribbed, do., 9d: all . ■ better makes miich reduced ab Court Brew,' sale.—(Advb.) ■ \ - ■:-■■ •■ ,■- ■■■■, - ■-' ••!'';'■■/••"';:.- ;
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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 161, 8 July 1895, Page 4
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1,919Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 161, 8 July 1895, Page 4
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