• Among the r/assengers booked for __ h,\ to.Euglhndl by the R.M.B. Ophir to-morlf j is A-rD.Neil.son, from Onehuiga&s]&,, ■ welLknowas a successful colonist'of tortv years' standing. Before .eavih&OQahm___. ! Mr Neilson (broker of:,:'MrSStl Balmain, New South Wales) was^ccMdadF' a public banquet, and presented wlth'ta^' illuminated ad-dress, among, the.gentlemen* taking, part, being Sir George' Maoffi»sf O'Rorke, Speaker of the Kw Z«& House, of Representatives. Miss Neilson who,: is . awjompanyiog hor. uncloVdurm? a trip /through Europe,. wakiH bhe recipjionfc of, a valuable poid chain' arid other, souvenirs, as marks of esteem and rojipeob , in : . which: tbey'are held in/Onehunga. . On arrivingin Sydney-" bhoir friends set; .-about jjiviti<»;_ thoro \ fitting, welcome and send-off, and.oWWid. nesday a.pavty of-50 ladies .audgentieme" with i tho -.two guests, onjoyed a day's cruising about tho many inlets of Sydney Harbour in the. launch Little .Violet. A sojoavn was mado above : fche ; Rydo Bridge Paramatta River, and. luncheon being con' eluded, Mr Howie asked the company to drink, yon voyage to Mr and Mus Neilson to, which Mr Neilson feelingly replied'" After a'most enjoyable day's outing an ad>jburnmenb was made to Mr Howie's house where the host and hostess most hospitably did their best to bring to a rinieh'-the day's pleasure. : After tlie ordinary busine's of the"Hcg. pjtal and Charitable Aid, Board had besa disposed of yesterday afternoon.Mr.;Gor-' don made application for a copy of tho evidence takoa .by the Committee'affljlt recent Hospital inquiry. The' Chaiirtaifi'^ said tho" request should' bo sent. j« tlta Houso Committee, who now had the evidence. Mr Gordon must not say anything aboub it at present. He would'geli*ilf, Gordon a copy if he could.. In answer fo a, further question: by Mr Gordon aa :d whon the report.would coma 'up for diH-. I cuss'ion'at. the Board, the Chairman eaid they would havo to awaiti the leisure of the' gentlemen now reading ib. '.TW/mwefjl then dropped. , . . .Tho Colonial Secretary of Ceylon has applied to the Government of this colony for. ; a copy, of the Gsvei-nment Advances to . Settlors Act, also of any regulations or re- . ports which may illustrate itsoperation, Mr J. L: Bond, Mayor of Cambridge, has.; wired to Mr J. J. Holland [Mayor of Aucic land), stating a special children's^excnreiifM leaves Cambridge for. Aucldabd. cmF^id/i)' ,next. Ho asks the Mayor to arrange'fdr free admission cf-children to the Society of Arts Exhibition, and.* to"reqfie9t tho Vfyk' port Ferry-Company to put on 8 sfeswrfi? at a low fare for water excursion.' Mr Hoi;-. land communicated to-day with lis Com-'. mifctee of the Society of Arts and-Benin-port Ferry Company, with the ob/cc) rf carrying-out the wishes of .tbe|M»ypr*rf>: Cambridge. < ) Officers for the ensuing year were el«Ui at a meeting of tho auxiliary branchoUho.,;' Auckland Society for the Prevention:. o^ Cruelty to Animals held last ni?ht at. Onehunga. As the president, Dr. Scott, declined to continue in/ that .office, tbe, j Mayor of Onehunga, Mr D. Sutherland ra ; elected to rill the vacancy. ~-Messrs £ j Sfa'ortland and Wynyard were4ft»icted hon. solicitors, and tho following cornmtes . was appointed : Drs. Scobb and Ereou, and1-, Messrs W. Woodward, C. V. Hill*■'iWl Kolsail. t J, Robertson (J.P.).T. Smith. M Collodge, Oilman, Ternahan and m > ministers of all Onehunga religious WJjl Mr Jeffs wae appointed hon. aecretaiy^vOM the motion of tho Chairman ib VVM^J.WM "That a letter of condolence be sent tofflg Clark, expressive ■ of, the high s|P rßo)|jjj|i of tiie Society of the services readaiß-'pjf| the late Secretary, Mr,'P. Clark, *-o*^M pressing sympathy with herein i6r-fif*j|j bereavement." .-:.. Mr T. F. Fitzgorald (one of _ the 'proprietors of Fitzgerald Bros', circus arid menagerie) arrived -hare 'this- moraing M the Monowai. It is. the iotention ot taa proprietors to lay up thair show in -winter quarters here for live months, while tbe two proprietors go for- a trip around the world. This will be a pleasure trip ac wellas a business one, as the brothers, who ere. native born, have nob been out of Ambralasia yeb. The new season will open'»■ Auckland on or about September next wM a new company, which will be brotigi" back on thoir return. They uo from h.re on the 20th via 'Frisco through-to M York, thenco to-London, Dublin, Scotland, through tbo Continent andioubfroia WfM . AU tho principal cities will be visited. W wherever thoro is a show to.be seen WJ' will boo it. The Fitzgeralda sh9« !li m us something, worth seeing. _ Anoldswagman named CharjeirMgi had a sensational experience on the j™, garatta (Victoria) Railway Bridgeon W nesday. A train was approftchinjt;M.w man was crossing, and, seeing hie|P.? rl'^ dropped his swag and ran. /ho V, slowed down, but still over took him rapw : At length tho affrighted man threw«. ovor tho side of the bridge, and;hun|« holding tho rafters by his hande.but^ train caught-him and badly fractnreW skull. The poor fellow is not expect*» recover. A number of tbe members:-of the> ? Barnabas' Association assembled ;!**'. J-| at the residence of Dr. Kinder for the B| pose of .meeting.Bishop Wilson of «?, nesia. This Association was.--;s»Sffl| Auckland in 1880 for the purpose.otgßg the Melanesian Mission work. _ V™iaM Bishop's visib he has been starting wwk| of this Association throughout "the ..wUjj Ab yesterday's meeting, -now ■■ "irjlf submitted "to the members. Ifcl?Js|M to form adulb and juvenile branches o Association in every parish itv we wm The General Secretary is Canon|g| murray, while Archdeacon officiates as General Treasurer.; A^; thanksgiving service in connection v^ Molanesian Mission takes place to-n* Sb. Matthew's Church. ( , Mr J. A. Brineley-Sheridan, tbo2^ grandson of the famous author 0.t.--School for Scandal" and "Tto.tfFM at present on a visib to'"Aucklana- J( recently he made an eighteen :M?sEm i in South Africa, and is now; tour of New Zealand, prior to retaras ms his home in Liveroool. The "^'.^jji. Sheridan's travels is to be embop' book, to bo published, on hie J9\^, MacMillan and Co. He leaves tor*. - by tha Monowai to-mcrrow. Mr W. E. Payne, tho City^<' leaves for Sydney to-morrow >« ' Monowai on a month's holiday.
A reporb has been in circulation far Borne '•'weeks pasb that a trade in live cattle is bo r« opened up between Australia and New Zealand. We have made inquiries and 2nd there.Js no ground for the rumour. In the firsfc P,ace the local quarantine arrangementsare almosb prohibitivein bhe. case of landing" cattle here, so that there is no eauee whatever for alarm among farmers, butchers and others interested. "The Harbour-master at Picton reporb? the existence of a sunken rock wibh a depth nflSfbof water on.ib, lying about) half a mile S.S. W. ! W., S. 31deg. W. from the eotitern head of Blackwood Bay, north Bide pf Queen Charlotte Sound. ..-" We are requested to state that''Mrs Washer of Mangere, who had an operation performed a fc Now Plymouth ia doing well. The operation was performed at.har home and nOb ab bhe hospital,' 'as previously 'stated.; _ .' ;; In our reporb of yesterday's proceedings 'ib the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aidßoard: ib wa3 stated that tho Board agreed to pay a -claim for £18 mado by the Cnristchurch Hospital and Charitable-Aid gbard for hospital maintenance of Daniel O'Brien, of Auckland. We are reGuested by MY J. J. O'Brien, a brother of Danioi O'Bridn, to state that a demand was also made upon him for the game amount./ He thought ib was excessive, and wrote asking for a reduction. This was refused, and a claim for bha full amounb was made on bhe Auckland Board,, that body being liable. Daniel O'Brien ■was an Auckland resident on a visib to Christchurch, -where he has. since diad Mr .L J. O'Brien says he has no intention to leb the cost of hia brother's Hospital roainbenance fall on any public institution, and he has forwarded the Christchurch authorities the amounb claimed; •
- Preparation.? are being made for the Easter encampment of the volunteer corps comprising the Auckland garrison, at'the North Shore. A meeting of officers commanding local volunteer companies was held lasb evening ab bhe Drill-shed, Lieutenanb Colonel Goring presiding. Mr "Millar, late Capbain of tho Ponsonby Naval Artillery, was unanimously recoan■i;mended to be quartermaster.7 Ib was decided to call for tenders for canteen, meab and groceries for the camp. Tho men will go into camp the nighb before Good Friday for four day 3. Tho usual weekly master of bho Ponsonby Naval Artillery W as held lasb evening, the Corps proceeding over to Fori , Cautley, - where they were exercised/ at big gun drill. The rifle competition for ■Mr' J. M. Clark's cop, which took place on the Mount Edon Range on Saturday, resulted in P.O. G. Spinley, of .'the Ponsonby:Navals,''winning tho cup, with an aggregate score of 113. .The next highest scorers were Sergoanb Doughty, 109 points and, Sergeanb Cox, 107 points.
' Mr sJohn Fuller, tho popular tenor, returned to Auckland . yesterday, after a twelve weeks' sour in Australia. . Mr : Fuller bss combined business with pleasure during this period, and in' addition to enjoying a well-earned holiday, has had somo excellent professional engagements. He -has broughb back a splendid selection of :gongs comprising the latoab American, .English and Australian compositions. Mr Fnller proposes to resume his weekly ; popular concerts at- the City Hall on Monday next, when howill have bhe assistance of bHebe3b talent available. Mr Ben ; Fuller, vocalist and humorist, will make hia firsb appearance on this occasion.
; Mr E. Stevenson (late violinist at the ..Goldenebedb concerts) will sive a faro well /^concerts at the City Hall on Thursday night next. A .first class programme has been prepared for the occasion. MrA. H. Gee, ithe popular baritone,, and Misses. Warren, Sampson and Maxwell: are: among those who wilLeantvibufco to the programme. , In '«4dditiori >'b'rie^W'aiaba quarte'bto c tribute swneof their best yooal efforts?. .' '"■■'' .<? full programme la announced-,to apj-. t!o----mariov,'. Popular piicos,. 2s, i», s.uu od will be charged.
The firat convention of tho Australasian teflon of the Theosoohical Society is to bo held in Sydney ci*. April 12 and .13. Mrs flraffin leaves by tbe s.s. Monowai a 8 delegate of bhe Apcfciand branch of the Theo.EOphica,! Society.
•She usual fortnightly meeting of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was held lasb evening at tbe Drill-shed. -A course of Stretcher drill was gene through," after which r* business! meeting was held to finally arrange matters for the Easter encampment. Io was? agreed that tlio Brigade should obtain uniform caps for tho.se going into csmp, and a'wj icr* members to wear •it ordinary drilli.. Surgeon Major Dawson then informed the members of tho arrangements that had been made for the Brigade ab the camp by the volunteer authorities.
Tho waxworks exhibition continues to be well patronised, and as the season hero is now drawing to a closo ib behoves all who wish to visit this really admirable show to do so within tho nexb few days. An additional attraction has been added in the shope pf a grand illusion known as the mysterious head, which is aa interesting as It is puzzling bo the onlooker.
A moat successful concert and dance was held in the Taupaki Hall, on Friday evening; March 29th. Songs, recitations, violin solos, hornpipes, otc, were rendered by the following ladies and gentlemen, viz.: — Misses Laura Johnson, Heron, Holmes Russell, and Messrs F. Lorrigan, P. Robinson, J. Heron, Follas, Russell, and Carl Johneoh. After the concerb, the hall was cleared for dancing, which was kept up with greab spirit till daylight, the music being supplied by Messrs Frank Lorrigan (piano), and P. Robinson (violin). Mr John Johnson, J. P., occupied the chair.
Roys' navy blue jerseys from Is 6:1; large Whibe handkerchief, 3d ; Turkey handkerchiefs, Id : bonnet boxes, Is lid; portmanteaux, 7s 6d : linen collars, latest shapes, -5s dozen : elastic belts, 6d ; boys' sailor suits,; -3s 6d, ab George Fowlds', Victoria Arcade/. —(Advt.)
'.Stylish tweed suits, 17s 6d and' .193 6d. (splendid value); Beaufort suits, 25s ; _ stiff felt hats, latest shapes, 3s lid ; boys' twee/d caps, 4d; plush caps, 6d ; knitted undershirts and pants, 2s 6d; men's elastic braces, 6d; boys'braces, <M ; bath towels, 6/1, at George Fowlds', Victoria Arcade.—(/».dvt.)
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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 79, 2 April 1895, Page 4
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1,987Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 79, 2 April 1895, Page 4
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