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According to » telegram from Dunedin, the local Chamber of Commerce Committee reports that the ad valorem system of dues proposed by bhe Hai'bour Board cannot fail bub bo be oppressive on some classes. They recommend more consideration being given to the differential rata-

The natives of Abiu (Cook Group of Islands) are collecting 6,000 dollars, in copra, with which to purchase a, . Cali-fornian-builb schooner for tbe Island trade. The natives of the neighbouring island of Aibutaki own bhe schooner Te Upokuenua, an American-builb vessel, now tin Auckland.

Ab bbc Police Court, William Henderson has been sentenced to 14 days' hard labour in Auckland Gaol for travelling from Sydney bo Auckland by tbe s.e. Tarawera wibhoub paying bis faie.

Before the proceedings in the alleged libel action Miss Anna Wrigley v. T. Fisher commenced ab the Supreme Courb this morning, Mr C. F. Bnddle asked if His Honor would fix a day for tbe case of Goseetb v. Gossebb. His Honor said thab the libel action would probably last the whole of that day and Thursday, and he would nob take Mr Buddies case unbil Saturday.

We have been requested to state thab the man John Grant, who was brought before the Police Court a day or bwo ago on a charge of forgery, is in no way connected with Mr Granb, the well-known Adjubanb, formerly of Thames, bub now of this city.

The unemployed are still engrossing attention at Christchurch. At a meeting of the Lin wood (Christchurch) Borough Council a scheme for settling the unemployed as State farmers was submitted and adopted; Ib was resolved to forward copies of the scheme to the various local bodies, in New Zealand, to the Government, and to the members of Parliament.

The Minisber of Marine, yielding to representations, has remitted the fines imposed on the s.e. Tainui'smen ab Lyttelbon, for having cigars in their possession on which the duby was nob paid. The goods seized will be reburned. The Minister was assured that they were purchased in Teneriffe for the men's own übo, and the Lyttelton Custom-house officers were informed all about them.

Mr H. Parker, formerly Captain of tbe Auckland Naval Artillery Volunteers, is raising a new naval volunteer corps, which promises to become a success. Some 70 mon have already been enrolled, and Mr Parker considers thab tho corps wiLl soon muster a hundred members. An iutimabion is made asking all those interested to attend the firsb meebing to-morrow night in tbe Drill-shed. The intention is to make bhe corps wholly a torpedo company. The name chosen will probably be tbe " Devonporb Torpedo Company."

Ab the Police Courb yesterday afternoon, Frederick Frowein was commibteil for trial on a charge of alleged dishonestly receiving stolen goods at the Kaipara.

Aba meeting of the InvorcargHl Band Contest Committee, last nighb, ib wHs reported bhat Messrs Frost, proprietors of the " Orchestra, and Brass Band News," and Mr Bulch, Melbourne, would presenb a four-guinea gold medal to bhe bandmaster of the band that makes mosb points in Hound's tost piece, and a copy of the paper bo each member of tho band winning Bulch'-_ selection piece. Mr Bulch also gives music to the value of two guineas to the band winning the march contest. The prizes are fixed ab £100, £50, £30 and £20. The solo prizes are not yeb arranged. The entries for the band contest close not later than the 14th of July, fee bwo guineas; and on the 3rd of July for quickstep, fee five shillings.

At a largely-attended meeting of Dunedan publicans and bhose inboresbedin bhe liquor trade, it was resolved to prepare a monster petition to Parliamenb, praying bhab bho present Licensing Acb should not be interfered with this session, but thab it should be given a fair trial. A vote of sympathy was passed to those unfortunate people who, without"* any fault of bheir own, had been deprived of bheir licenses and the means of livelihood, through .the act!oh of the Licensing Committee. Those presenb pledged themselves to support an antiprohibition league.

The Auckland Crown Lands Board proposes to throw open various waste lands in this provincial district. Ib is proposed to opon a quantity of timbor lands on the eastern watershed, between Tairua and Obaihu Rivers. The Board have also decided to declare open, as unsurveyed lands, an area ab Rangiruru, Mongonui County, and also 550 acres in the Rodney County, 1,975 acres at the Manukau, and 7,250 acres ab Tauranga.

There was an »unprecedentedly large attendance of the members of bhe Loyal Good Intent Lodge at their annual meebing on Monday evening lasb, when the following officers wero elected : —Deputies to the district meetings for the noxb twelve months, P.G'e. McLeod, Ballantine, Townley, Pennalligen ; Bros. Good, N.G. ; Wheably, V.G.; Tyke, E.S. P.G. Ballanbine was re-elected audibor. The Good Intent Lodge iy a branch of the Manchesber Unity, which recently celebrated bhe jubilee of ibs inauguration with 9uch pronounced success. The Lodge is making very marked progress. Ib has initiated fifty new members in a very shorb space of timo.

The winning numbers in connection with the Newton Pigeon and Canary Cinb's Art Union will be found in another column of this issue.

Despibe the facb bhat the Board of Education now sib weekly sufficienb business is found for bhe mombers to sib bhe whole of the day. A lot of routine business was transacted yesterday. In connection with the reporb of bhe Chairman and bhe Rev. J. Babes relative to corporal punishment, Mr Wilding moved "That head teachers be requested to furnish a return showing the names of assistant teachers to whom they have delegated bhe power bo administer corporal punishment." Ib was agreed by bhe Board that bhe return be included in bhe ordinary quarberly returns. During the day Mr Wilding gave notice of motion to the "effect that the Chief Inspector being appointed, the Board notify one member of the inspecting staff thab his services as an inspector will be no longer required. Correspondence relabive bo a complalnb from Mr J. H.. Wibheford with regard bo alleged ill-treatmenb of hia son at the Northcote School was read, also a resolution passed by the Northcote Committee. A sub-Com-mittee of the Board was appointed to go into the matter. . .

Last evening the quarterly meeting an"* election of officers in connection with Court Victoria, No. 6699, Ancient Order of Foresters, took place in bhe Foresters' Hall, ab Devonport, Bro. E. Charles, P.C.R., presiding. The following officer? were elected : -C.R., Brother James Stillwell ; S.C.R., Brother Hines ; S. W., Brobher Bowerman; J.W., Brother Ingham ; 5.8., Brother Denby ; J. 8., Brother Ramsay ; Secretary, Brother Alford (re-elected) ; Treasurer, Brother Webb (reelected) ; Auditor, Brother W. J. Napier.

At the ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Parnell Borough Council, held on Monday evening, Cr. Witby gave notice thab he would move ab nexb meebing, " Thab bhis Council petition Parliament to pass into law bhis session a Bill providing bhat after the 31st day of March, 1895, all local bodies shall levy rates arranged on the rental valuo of the land within their boundaries, exclusive of improvements."

Our Thames correspondenb wires bhat the Thames Rugby Union has decided to reply to the Auckland Union's proposal to play a match on July 14bh, bhat it will not be prepared to do so till some time in August.

At the Supreme Court this morning, His Honor Mr Justice Conolly, in Chambers, admitted Mr C. E. S. Gillies to practice as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Courb of New Zealand, on the motfcv of M«* W. B. Colbeck,

Another effort in the direction of the gaol-breaking championship has been m»de by the aboriginal prisoners of Wyndham (W. A.), gaol. A native boy picked up*" ! handcufl-key in bbc sbreeb and introduce ib infcq,bhe gaol. Then the occopants, to the number of 17, unfastened each other's handcuffs, removed a few sheets of iron, and walked oub. MrC. E. S. Gillies, who enters into part nershipwith Mr W. B. Colbeck, has. stw. cessfully passed the barristers' y agj.!;' solicitors' examination in New Zealand Mr Gillies holds bhe degrees of B.A. and L.L.8., and was some time ago called to tbe English Bar. This morning in Judge's * private chambers, Mr Gillies was admitted < a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court. The Epiphany Schoolroom will now hold i 200 comfortably since its removal and enlargemenb. Ib is expected to be filled on Thursday nighb to hear aud witness Canon Haselden's beautiful pictures and instructive lecture. The choir will assist, Tha. subjecb is •• The Life of Chrisb." Lasb evening bhe Rev. De Witt Talmage the famous American preacher, delivered his final lecture in Auckland ab Abbott! > Opera House, to a crowded audience. T_,s | lecture, which was entitled " House Hunt- f ing, or Happy Homes," was exceedingly humorous, as well as pathetic in parts, 1 But the house was never long leTft'-'in;)?! sorrowful mood. With inimitable power and humour he put everyone in tho house on the broad laugh in an instant; and roars of merriment greeted every genial sally of the talented divine. He thanked the Auckland people for bheir kind reception of him, and for the manner in which they bad greeted him every evening be had appeared in public. The reception he had been accorded in Auckland, was, he said, y far warmer than he expected, and he must Bay that he never met more kindly nor~ looking round the theatre—more lovely people. Of course the house applauded this sagacious remark to the echo. For an hour and a-half thereafter Mr T_tlmage kept the audience spell-bound with interesb; for not a second did he weary his listeners. He had a good stock of apropos; anecdotes, and some of these and the' quaint manner in which they were told were irresistibly amusing. Dr. Talmage goos hence South, and then to Australia.

At the meeting of the Board of Education yesberday, Mr Lambe moved, "That bhe Board's resolution for tbe payment of members be amended by the substitution of the words ' two shillings and sixpence* for ' five shillings.'" The motion wai carried with the following words added :— " As regards Messrs Luke, Woodward.and the mover." Mr Woodward moved, " That hereafter no work be undertaken by tha Board until we have the money to pay the contractor, unless in cases of extreme emergency." The mobion was lost by 4 bo 3.

A special fruit soiree and holiness meeting wan held lasb night in the Salvation Army Barracks, at Otahuhu, Mrs Colonel Bailey in command. The chief interesb was the table of fruib, jellies, and confections presented aud supervised by the Otahuhu Football Club. A numerous assemblage was present, and the most cordial feeling was exhibited by all. Mrs Colonel Bailey and Captain Koala and others were on bhe platform and gavel earnest addresses, and the affair was a

great success throughout.

A mosb enjoyable social was held last evening in Ponsonby Hall, under the auspices of the Ail Saints' Crickeb Club. Bebween 60 and 70 couples were present. The hall, nicely decorated with flags arid banners, presented quite a picturesque ap- ;. pearance, whilst the supper table, which; J bad been neatly arranged by Miss Merritb with blue and black, the colours of thai. Ponsonby Football and Cricket Clubs, was well provided with refraahments supplied by the ladies in attendance. Dancing was kept up with greab zest till aboub half-past one this morning. "$ '•...■. A fair audience assembled last nighb ia St. Mary's Parish Kail, Parnell, to hear Mr :, Herbert-Jones repeat his lecture Upon "Australia." As before, the views were shown by Mr Charles Cooper's lantern, and the graphic descriptions given by the lecturer were evidently appreciated. At • the close of tho lecture Bishop Cowie ex- ' pressed the pleasure ho had experienced during the evening, and said ib would be desirable and also of advantage to the colonies if Mr Jones gave hi 3 lecture on Australia in tbe Old Country.

The usual weekly meeting of the Athen_eum Literary and Debating Society w_»s held lasb evening in the V.M.C.A., when Mr M. R. Keesing read the Society's "Journal," which contained the following articles :—Editorial, " The Future of Our Colony;" " And Yeb Anobher Pauper:" " Pulex Irribans;" "The Union Parliament, by our Special Reporter ;" " The Voices of; Nature in the New Zealand Forest;" ''The Piano;" " The Education Question." An interesting discussion took place on. the above articles, Mr Keesing being complimented on his good journal. Mr John Gillies was elected to tho Union Parliament.

Ab the usual weekly meeting of the / Auckland Catholic Literary and Debating Society, held last evening in St. Pabrick's Hall, Wyndham-street, the President, Mr E. Mahoney, occupied the chair. The ; business of the evening consisted of a debate on " Whether Early Marriage is Conducive to Man's Happiness," the principals being W. Nolan (affirmative) and '. W. Tole (negative). Tho debate evoked ft very interesting discussion, during which the following members took part:—Messrs J. O'Meara, J. Daly, P. Grace, H. Gray, J. Burke, W. Hacketb, J. Dromgool, and F. Glasheen. , <

Mr A. H. Gee's fifteenth Wednesday popular winber concerb will be given io.tW City Hall to-nigbb. A first-class programme has been prepared. Mrs Birch, a vocal's* of repute, will make her first appoarauce. and those old favourite?, Mrs Cooper and Mr Archdale Tayler, will contribute items. Haydn's humorous trio, "Maiden Fair (in character), which pleased the audience so much at last week's concerb, is to be repeated.

The lantern lectures on " The Dispensations of Scripture " now being given by Mr Aldridge in the Foresters' Hall, will be continued to-nighb by an oddress, entitled "The Church: Its Presenb Position and Fubure Reward," which will be the third of this series.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 152, 27 June 1894, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 152, 27 June 1894, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 152, 27 June 1894, Page 4


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