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Public Notices, LPHABETICAL LIST OF GAMES Obtainable at fi OODSON'S T ONDON A RCADES Archimedes. Boax, Bezique, Bobolinks ChronowiUKS, Chioago, Chess, Chantilly Cat and Mouse, Croquet, Compendiums Chameleon, Cat and Dog, Ducdame Draughts, Dominoes, Flitterkins, Fairy Snap Halma, Jumpkins.Kono, Lotto, Missing Ward Music, Musical Dominoes, Pirouette . Playing Cards, Puzzles, Puzzles, box of 6,2s 6d Quoits, Roversi, Race Game, Sigma. Solitaire Snap.Trump H alma, Tiddle winks, Tourlourou Upidee, Word Making and Word Taking (TWO DOORS ABOVE FORESTERS' HALI.) pLARKSON -pROTMERS, GROCERS and PROVISION DEALERS. KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Newton. Southern Potatoes. 3s 3d per Cwt. (delivered) 501b best Flour, 4s 6d ; Sajro, 71b for la 51b best Whito Sugar and lib Tea for 2s 6d BACON in Cuts at lowest' prices. EBILITY and Weakness cured in 24 days by Dr. Brown' - Sequard's TRIPLE COMPOUND LIFE ESSENCE. Pric{>, 225, sent unobserved by parcels' po*tt. Pamphlet sent free. Write A. A. DeLEON. Universal Chambers. Collins-street. Melbourne. GOODALL-S EGG POWD~ER.-One Sixpenny Tinis equal to 25 Eggß; GREAT HAT SALE. —Stock replenished with another 1000 New Hats. 6s lld Velvet Hats for 2s lld.—J. A. Bradstreet, Karangahape Road. r^REAT HAT SALE—Another New VJT Lot, the stock of a Warehouseman: 38 lld Ladies' Felt Hats for ls 6_d.—J. A. Bradstreet, Karangahape Road. GREAT HAT SALE.—Why pay more The latest style and best quality. Beaver and Velvet Hats for 2s lld eaoh, all new.—J. A. Bradstreet. Karangahape Road. , G OODALL'S JELLY SQUARES are to be obtained from Grocers.__ G OODALL'S CUSTARD POWDER is tho best. Ask your grocer for it. H. F. ~w INDSOE > SURGEON DENTIST (By Exam.). SHORTLAND-STREET (Opposite General Post-office). Telephone 377, INDIAN CONDIMENTS.—RoyaI An 'ear Chutney, large bottles, ls each Sold by all grocers. • Wholesale agents, Barrett and Co. •JUT. L I N D S A Y. NE*W AND* SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Private Families Waited On. WELLESLEY-STREET EAST. "VTIXEY'S " Cervus" Knife Polish.— J.l Won't wear the blades like others. "VTIXEY'S ••Cervus" Knifo Polish.— _L\ The best in existence. "OONSONBY ••AT-HOME." OUT OF SYMPATHY wiTn Mr AND Mrs LUSHER AND Mr AND Mrs HOLLAND. THE COMMITTEE HAVE DECIDED TO POST. PONE THE DANCE OF TO-NIGHT TO FRIDAY, THE 29th INSTANT,; , Members please take note. . i F. A. CLARKE, June 21.1894. Secretary. DUBLIC NOTICE. , In accordance with tha provisions of " The Local Bodies Loans Act, 1886," it is hereby notified that tho Waiuku Road Board proposes to construct a continuation of the main drain through the Aka Aka Swamp across the Native Resorvo of Te Uku, the Government contributing £100 towards the work on condition that the Board finds an equal sum. In order to do so, the Board proposes to borrow a sum of One Hundred Pounds under the provisions of " Ihe Government Loans to Local Bodies Act. 1886, giving as security therefor a Special Rate or Seven-thirly-seconds of a Penny in tbe fi on the rateable value of Lots 70.189,199.201, 202,204.209 to 213 inclusive. 215 to 226 inolusivo. and 234 to 257 inclusive, in tbe Parish of Waiuku East, Crown lands (if any) exceptod, which Rate will be an annually recurring one for twenty-six TCarS* " J. T. MELLSOP. , Clerk Waiuku Road Board. "OEPAIRS TO SEWING MACHINES. For the convenience of our old customerSj we havo again undertaken the Cleaning. Adjusting and Repair of Sewini. Machines. SHAKESPEAR & CO.. 170. Queen-st Y¥T OOLS, SILKS, Etc.., We have the largest and best assorted Stook In Australasia. We make no charge for instruction to purchasers.-SHAKESPEAR and C 0.., Jlfool and Silk Merchants, Queen-st.. Auoklßnd.. WAX FLOWERS.—Mbs GASKELL, who has taken nearly every First Prize in Paris, America. Melbourne, etc., gives Lessons to Ladies, etc., at their own homes. Specimens of Orchids. Dahlias, Roses, etc.. are now on view at Shakespear & Co.'s, Queenstreet, where information can be obtained. ■ BE Horald of Health Public Library, May and back numbers, on Vaccination and Leprosy. Ruahine brought supply of No. 2 Specitl..—J. Warmoll. Hygienic Physician. S. ■J. H IPKINS & C°Having taken the shop at the CORNER of PITT and GREY STREETS, Latoly occupied by J. Rendell, Draper, Beg to intim_4o that they will open shortly with a New and Choicely-selected Stock of GROCERY and PROVISIONS, Which will be offered FOR CASH, at Prices to Suit the Times. M R R ENDELL HAS REMOVED his Stock to his NEWTON BRANCH, where Old Customers can got attention. THE SHORTLAND REGISTRY, 53, Shortland-street. MRS G. B. LEAHY Has Generals, Housemaids, Waitresses, etc, Waiting Engagement. mO SURVEYORS. PEACOCK'S PATENT Fl*7Ts_-CHA7N STEEL BANDS call forth unqualified praiae from those who have them. ? VII.XX^ lETY 0F INSTRUMENT used by SURVEYORS kept in Stock, and Instru ments efllciently repaired, altered and adjusted on the premises. T. PEACOCK, Optician, SHORTLAND-STREET. TOLUTINE— For Coughs, Colds 7 Bronchitis. Asthma. Hoarseness, and Disorders of the Chest and Lunsts. Price. Is 6d. Solo Agont: W. Clarke. Chemist, Victoria-street. TRUE CO - OPERAT'I ON. When we get a cheap market you get the benefit. So come along To-morrow. Just read. Best Sirloin, 4d; Ribs, from 2d; Boiling Beef (Corned or Fresh), from l_d; Mutton, from ljd; 4lbs Chops. Dripping, or Sausages, for a bob. Remember, To-morrow (Saturday), and also our shops. The quality of our meat will sell it alone. Call early with large kits and little money and you will save enough to buy the baby a new frock.—CO-OPERATIVE BUTCHERS. Pitt-st, Karangahape Road, Symonds-st, and Eden Terrace. , •\TORKSHIRE. REI_ISH.-r3.ho ). e9 X. Saueoia thoy.Oild. Tjyit, • **
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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887Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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