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shipping; |l^^ tro-orthern steami|pi!>P& SHIP COMPANY I^^^^ (Limit*..-). I PROPOSED SAILINGS. I Weather and otber c'rcumi- atancoß permitting-. TIME-TABLE.-.IUNE. FROM QUEEN-STREET WHARF. TOR RUSSELL, WHANGAROA. ANB jg. MANGONUI. ' Steamer. | .. . Date of Sailing. Clansman | Monday. 25. 7 '[_ FORTA-UANUA, Clansman I Friday. 22,7 p.m. A______\ | Tueaday. 26. 7 p.m. FOR MAI-ETO AND MATATA. ~ i Every Friday, at 7 p.m. „ Clansman (Connecting with s.s, Katl--7 katl at Tauranga). FOR MERCURY BAY.»r 1 Every Monday and Every OniNBMPRi j Thursday, at 7 p.m. ■ FPU KUAOTUNU. _ I Every Monday and. Every Ohinemuri | . r f.ursday. at 7 p.m. ■ (Cargo on Mondays only) Returning Every Tueailay and Saturday (weather permitting). (All freip-hts must be prepaid). Krory reasonable care taken In landing passengers and cargo in surf boats, but na responsibility. FOR TAIRUA. Qhinkmpiu I Every Thursday. 7 p.m. FOR GREAT BARRIER, TRYPHENA.FORT FITZROY, & BLIND BAY. Ohinemuri I Every Tuesday, at midnight (AU freights must be prepaid.) FOR WHANGARURU. HELENA BAY, TUTUKAKA. WHANANAKI. NGUNGURU. & MATAPOURI BAY. Ohinemuri I Wednesday. July 4. 3 p.m. (All freights must be prepaid.) FOR WHANGAREI (Town Wharf). —~~ 1 Every Monday, and ThursDOPQT.AB | day, at 5 p.m. FOR PARUA BAY. WHANGAREI HEADS. AND MANGAPAI._ Welunctqn I Every Tuesday and Friday FOR MARSDEN POINT & WHANOAREI. Carrying cargo and passengers for Waipu (a Coach meats the steamer ou arrival to convey passengers to Waipu). Wellington j Friday. 22.10.30 p.m. Welunoton I Tuesday. 26,10.30 p.m. _______ WHANGARICI. . Wellington I Monday. 25. Train, 11.20 a.m. Wellington ) Thurs.. 28. Train. 1.20 p.m. FOR OPOTIKI. TE KAHA, & OMAIO. Argyle | Tuesday. 26 7 p.m. FOR WHAKATANE. Clansman I Friday. 29. 7 p.m. (Transshipping into s.s. Fingal at Tauranga) _ FOR THAMES i_rcAVKa auoiclanr. Rotomahana I Friday.22, 4.30 p.m. Rotomahana I Saturday. 23. 5 p.m. Leavics TnAMKs. Rotomahana I Saturday. 23,8.30 a.m. iMoHtaeragelns... Ohinemuri.* Return Tickets—Saloon, 12s 6d: Steerage, Bs. Single—Saloon. 7s 6d; Steerage. ss. YOU PAEROA. KOPU, TURUA. HTKLU TAIA. TE AROHA.& SURttOUNDING DISTRICTS. (Landingany Paisaaa-er. for Thames at Kopu.) All Freights m ust bej'ropaia. Paeroa ] Monday. 25. midnight Paeroa | Thursday. 28,5.30 p.m. ."" FROM PAEROA. etc.. etc. ~ (Calling at Kopu three hours later.) Pa-rOa ■ I Saturday. 23. 9.30 a.m. Paeroa Wednesday. 27.12 noon Paeroa I Saturday. 30. 2.30 p.m. N.B.—Return Tickets. 1,3: single. IPs. .. ; .; FROM MANUICAU... .■.-.- -"7 FOR HOKIANGA. 6i,mncu> 1 Monday. Joly 2. 1 p.m. Train.noon FOR WANGANUI. Glenelo I Wednesday, 27,1 p.m. Train, noon _ FOR RAGLAN. Glenelg > Monday. 25,1 p.m. Train, noon FOR WAITARA AND OPUNAKE. Kanieri I Saturday,23. lp.m. Train.noon FOR NEW PLYMOUTH. Gairloch I Monday. 25.1 p.m. Train, noen N.B.—No cargo will bo received or, Queenslreet Wharf after hair-past < p.m.. or after noon on Sntnrdays, or within onehourtf advt--Used time olany steamer.departure. ~_ i mHE EASTERN AND JS*>3&- J- AUSTRALIAN t¥fM^ STEAMSHIP COM(^g^a^ST PANY (Limited). REGULAR MONTHLY LINE OF DIRECT n STEAMERS FROM _.__„ AUSTRALIA TO CHINA & /APAS. For rates of freight and passage, and all other partieulars b apply» SHANK & QQ 18, Queen-street. Auckland. r«_ . XI UDDART, PARKER k JM_^k 8~3 CO. (LIMITED). WJ\mS§^^>* NEW STEAM SERVICfi tt_s_fe-.i___B^SS . , BRINGING LOW FARES INTO . FORCE. The new, fast and well-appointed Steamship TASMANIA, 2,250 Tons. ■ Will sail from Auckland (weather and circumstances permitting) FOR SYDNEY CARRYING PASSENGERS FOR MELBOURNE AND OTHER AUSTRALIAN PORTS, On TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 4 p.m. FOR NAPIER, WELLINGTON, LYTTELTON, & DUNEDIN, " "■' On MONDAY, JULY 9^ab 4 p.m. FREIGHT AND PASSAGES AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Return Tickets Available fob 6 Months L. D. NATHAN & CO„ Agents. I ~~ XJTAURAKI STEAMSHIP HfOPlf COMPANY. llfellSi S-&- MAORI. I \W^^m^ 'MATAKANA & WADB. For Mataicana: From Matakana. Monday. 25.5 p.m. Tuesday. 26.12 noon For Wade: From Wane: Friday, 22.5 p.m. Saturday. 23. 9.30 a.m. Wednes.. 27.10 a.m. Thursday. 28. 2 p.m. Friday. 29.11 a.m. Saturday. 30. 3 p.m. ALL CARGO MUST BE PREPAID. Weather<_i.d».iter_'r_ am.tatioes o .r alttinq., Telephone.3.. .1 M. SYMS. Agent. THE NEW, FAST, & FAVOURITE S.S. KAWAU. MANGAWAI, TE ARAI, HAKARU, KAIWAKA, NORTH ALBERTLAND & KAWAU. For Mangawai: From Mangawai! Mon.. 25,12 midnigbt Thursday. 28.1 p.m. "Monday. 2. 9 a.m. Tuesday, 3. 6 a.m. "Cargo Saturday morning. ALL CARGO MUST BE PREPAID. Weather and other circumstances permitting, Telephone 34. J. M. SYMS. Agent. y* OS. COROMANDELAlo4 37 FOR WAIHEKE AND 6____telJy B COROMANDEL. .M.ssssesw^s*" TIME TABLE. June. Leaves Auckland: Leaves Coromandel; Saturday. 23.12 noon Monday. 25. 12 noon Tuesday. 26. 12 noon Wsdnesday, 27.12 noon Thursday. 28.12 noon Friday .29; 11 a.m. Saturday. 30.12 noon Weather and other circumstances permitting. Not responsible for shipping, carrying, or discharging Live Stock, , No Cargo received without Shipping Not*, and within half-an-hour of adTertised ti*o of departure* • ; AU Pftrc?J«HMs>e ptfr»j|^|||o|ra.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
Word Count
742Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.