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(From Our London Correspondent.)
London, May 497 Since lasb I wrote the affairs of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile have developed considerably. Mr Justice Vaughan Williams's summing up was prodigiously lengthy. At a meeting of the Creditors Commitbee on Thursday bhere was ab firsb a strong disposition bo sue the Board for the unearned dividend of £47,000, but on it being represented that the directors would certainly tight to the lasb gasp (i.e. to, bhe House of Lords), and that expensive commissions would,have tobe taken out in the colony, the game waß pronounced nob worthy bhe candle. Already the Courb, proceedings have cosb over ten thousand pounds, and there seems painfully little doubt that ultimately this sum will come oub of the shareholders' pockets. The Official Receiver told the Committee that he considered tho' examination of the directors had been imperatively uecessai-y for the public weal, and would have a mosb salutary offecb on the Boards of other colonial companies. Bub in bhe interests of the reconstructed concern it was nob, be considered, either desirable or expedient to take further hostile steps. A resolution to thie effect was passed with one dissentient. THE NEW COMPANY. With regard to the prospects of the reconstructed Company, Mr Oswald, of the National Bank of Australasia, whom I saw yesterday, and Mr Edward Martin, are sanguine. Both confirm as substantially accurate a paragraph in this week's "British Australasian," which states tbab Mr A. C. Carrick (of bhe London Bank of Australia), Mr H. J. Gibbe, and Mr H. J. Bristow havo consented to join the new Board. Mr Mennell adds :—" If the new company gets under way (and ib has already been registered and the first board mooting held), ib wiil bo mosb essential that whether there,are colonial boards or not, thereshall besamesalu tary control exercised by men of weight and experience over persons holding a similar position to that occupied by Mr David Elder in the old Company. There will bo muoh need of a qualified adviser bobh in Australia and New Zealand to limit bbc uncontrolled discretion of officials who have it in their power to make or mar the fortunes of the institution, whatever may be the ability and good faith of the London directorate who nominally hold the helm. Ib should nob be impossible bo get some one to replace Mr Horslall in Australia, and I think I could name at least one gentleman to fill a similar position in New Zealand." Mr Oswald considers the future prospects of 1 ho Company depend on whether thero is a rise in wool. SIR GEORGE GREY AND THE COLONIAL PARTY. Ib was nob boo willingly, I fancy, bhat Sir Goorge Grey, succumbing to tho pressure of Hogan and Co., consented, after two postponements, to meeb the so-called Colonial Party in bhe House of Commons last Thursday afternoon. For once, the Heaton-cum-Hogan duet gave way to a really representative gathering. Sir John Gorst presided, and was supported by Sir Charles Dilke. Mr Heaton, Mr T. B. Curran, Sir Wilfred Lawson, Mr Pritchard Morgan, Mr Howard Vincent, Mr W. Dunu (who had known Sir George in South Africa), Mr C. Bill and Mr W. Allen (whose father was a momber of tbe Now Zealand Parliament iv Sir George's time). Hon. J. Inglis (" Maori ") was also prosenb as aguesb. Your correspondenb .naturally felb some curiqsity as, to the proceedings, and spenb two hours" at the House brying to obtain admittance to Committee-room 14, or at least to got a word with the greab Mr Hogan. Drawing a badger is, however, oaey work compared bo securing a brief intorview with that potenb person. The truth, is that Mr Hogan has journalistic axes of his own to grind, and ib dooa not suit him to communicate 111010 than he can help to the press. I hoar from Sir Georgo Grey himself thab he was received with the greatest empressfiienl and cordiality ab tho House, leaders of both parties showing him every possible courtesy. Tho proceedings in Commibtee Room 14 wero quite informal, and more or less of a (Conversational character, Sir George Grey's remarks boing made in the form of answers to questions. The firsb poinb touched upon was one which is jusb now particularly agitating the colonial mind—tbe proposal to place Samoa under the jurisdiction of New Zealand. Sir George made the suggestion that Samoa should be supervised by New Zealand in the same manner as the Island of Rarotonga. Tbe system, he said, had worked admirably, aud the island had prospered greatly under it. He had tho strongest objection to European interference iv the Southern Pacific, and if his plan were adopted such interposition wpuld .become unnecessary. Samoa would then pracbically govern, herself—the supervision by New Zealandbeing: necessarily restricted. Sir George had much to say about federation, bub the general impression was that he had nothing of a very practical nature to propose. His ideal is- a federation of tho whole of the English-speaking world, including, of course, bhe Unibed States, and he h sanguine that the greab Republio across the water mighb be induced bo come into such a federation. His plan >, is thab each colony should federated with the mother country, and co become entitled to representation, in the Imperial Parliament. Sir Charles Dilke pub a number of questions on this subject, and elicited bhe declaration from Sir Goorge that he could not conceive the possibility of anything in the nature of a war between this country and the United States. He did not think any serious* conflict could ever arise between them, for the United States was practically a branch of the British Empire, jusb as much, he added, as any of the colonies. Mr Laweon inquired whether he would be in favour of the Agent-General for each colony becoming a member of Parliament > to represent his colony, and gob a negative reply, Sir George remarking that the 1 Agents-General were chosen for special functions, which did not necessarily tit 1 thorn for legislation. Labour representa ' tion in the Australian aud New Zealand 1 Parliaments was the uext poinb touched upon. He believed that nothing but good ' liad^so far flowed from Ihe participation of '\ Labour in colonial legislation. I New Zealand had adopted female suffrage i lasb year, and he hftd been one of the chief pronioter-3 of the movement. He was not only in favour of their voting, bub also of 1 their sitting in Parliament. Tho mover • tmd seconder of the vote of thanks to Sir 1 George Grey very appropriately represented ' iv their persons bin wide connection with 1 the colonies. Mr W. Allen's father was a > member of the New Zealand Parliament in j Sir Gaorgg's time, and Mr ,W. Dunn had I known him as Governor in South Africa. ]
" Colonel " Barker, General Booth and other Salvation Army chiefs have called at Park Place to pay their respects to Sir Geo. Grey and been amongsb bhe few guests admibted bo see him. On Thureday, before proceeding to the House of Commons, Sir George accompanied Lord Stamford to bhe annual meebing of bhe S.P.G., ab Exeter Hall. Aftor being cordially greeted by Bishop Selwyn, Lord Stanmore and bhe Dean of Hobarb, who were amongsb the higher clergy on the platform, your Grand Old Man was presented to*the Archbishop eof Canberbury and the Bishop, of' Wak-
fleld, Sb. Albans, Capetown, Colchester, Briebane and China. The Archbishop in his speech referred bo.Sir George's presence ab the meeting,: and expressed the sincere satisfaction ib gave them all to meeb him in England. (Cheers). Few men in the Soubhern hemisphere Had, he waa tt>ld, taken a more leading part in assisting bhe spread of bhe Gospel. In bhe early days of New Zealand, more especially missionaries, owed him much. .-,. ~. f _• :.. * _'.; A CURIOUS BLUNDER. Sir George Grey has received cordial-in-vitations to visit both Universities, and will almosb certainly manage to spend a short time at each. One of them (I won't say which), proposedLbo bfler its Honorary D.C.L. (or L.L.D-) bo Sir George, quit? oblivious to'the fact .hab "this distinction had been conferred on him years ago. -• ,'sir gkorgb's mission. * Though Sir, George Grey ,5b»ll refuses. aU invitations, and was nob to be tempted by either the brilliant, and exclusive, banquet of the Royal' Academy on the 15th, or, bhe Queen's Birthday celebrations bo-morrow, ib seems by no means certain bhab. he may nob consent to be made much of presently. The general impression is thab, the honorable gentleman is waiting Jto, settle certain family matter, before launching oub. The story thab the Queen has interested herself in ')7 Sir .^George's privabe affairs has, I'm now inblined tb believe, little if any foundation. Ib wonldvbb nearer bhe truth, I think, to say thab Lord Stamford and obher members of the family are trying to play providence bo their aged i-elabiveand bo Lady Grey, and by bring about a reconciliation. As Sir George has, from all accounts, a high opinion of the noble Earl (whom he has told several people ho considers quite a coming. man) the friendly conspiracy may (let us hope ib will) prove successful: Amongsb obher invitations Sir George has refused this week, I may'mention one to meeb bhe Duke of Cambridge, and a very cordial and pressing request from Bishop Selwyn,and Bishop Butler begging him to come bo Cambridge and attend a function in honour of Mr Balfour. On Whit-Thursday, the G.O.M. of the South fled from town for the holidays, going to stay with his relative, Mrs Curtis, ab Windmill Hill Place. SIR GEORGE AND SAMOA. Sir George Grey returned bo town on Tuesday, nnd on Wednesday morning I saw him for a few minutes. The old gentleman bad caughb a bad cold in the left eye in the railway carriage the previous day, and bo me looked very frail, bub he seemed in fair spirits, and not at all unwilling bo talk. My main mission (alter ascertaining thab the date of bis probable return remained unfixed), waa bo announce to Sir George the P.M- Gazette's determination to boom the administration of Samoa by New Zealand, and warn him of the descent of Mr H. B. M. Wabson in the guise of interviewer. Sir George did not seem alarmed. He cordially approves Mr Seddon's scheme and intimated lie should be pleased to back the Pall MalL I heard his views, bub as you oan read bbom in your English contemporary, I need not indulge in vjain repetition. I ventured at length to remark I feared Sir George was being tiresomely pestered by the genus interviewer.-''' He said: "Oh, dear no lAs ho was compelled to stay so much indoors, what could be pleasanter than a chat wibh intellectual young gentlemen, who wenb away and gave his views to, the public for him'" This novel way of accommodating oneself bo a nuisance rather took my breath away. Bub Sir George was nob aarcasbic. His experience of newspaper men has, he told me, been particularly fortunate, especially in New Zealand : "I have on many occasions trusted newspaper men with secrets, and never been betrayod." SIR GEORGE AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM. During bhe present "week Sir Gborge 4as seen a good many press men, but otherwise been quiet. On Thursday he spent a long day ab bhe British Museum, where he was received wibh much en_prea*emenb by the Principal Librarian, Dr. Thompson, C.8., Dr. Garnetb and Professor Franks. Tho former acbed as his escort and showed how tho many handsome curios, eta, Sir George had sent home had been distributed. Ou Friday the old gentleman was interviewed by Mr Tooley for the " Review of the Churches." He has accepted an invitation to Cambridge for the 26bh inst., when he will bo the guest of the of Trinity and meeb Mr Balfour. HIS RETURN. Though Sir George has not, as he said, made definite plans yeb wibh regard to his return, I fancy lam right in surmising that he docs not mean to see June oub in England. His conversation, ab any rate, suggests tbat, but like everything else will no doubb depend on bhe arrangement of the matters which brought him home. ' ..SIR JOHN HALL, Yesterday.l called on Sir John Hall, who has secured a suite of apartments near Cavendish Square, and found tbab he was looking extremely well after his voyage. He speaks in eulogistic terms of the comfort and civility be experienced on board bhe j Meßeagerie3 Maritime steamer, which 'averaged 16 knots throughout the whole passage. He has come to London on purely private business, and declares his intention to return as soon as it is completed. He will probably go by the Canadian Pacific line, as he is desirous of testing ibs capabilities and advantages as a passenger route. Sir John's fame as a knighb erranb of bhe Woman's Suffrage bad preceded him, and he had scarcely gob into bis temporary at the Grosvenor Hotel, ere he received an invitation from some of the leaders of the movement here to address a meeting of ladies on the subject, but either his well-known modesty or pressure of business engagements will compel him to decline, especially as the Woman's Suffrage League are in full possession of all the tacts connected with the movement and its practical outcome in New Zealand. Sir John has, however, forwarded a copy of his Leoston speech, which embodies his latest views and experiences in regard bo tbe female vote. Among, bis fellow passengers was Mrs Shepherd, one of the most prominent workers in the cause in Canterbury, and bhis lady has already been iv communication with Mrs Helen Fawcett and other promoters of the enfranchisement of their sex in England. As the question of bhe future control of Samoa is exciting some interest in political circles in- London, and is likely to bo mad. a feature in the "Pall Mali," I elicited his views on the subject. He i.^- of course, opposed to Sir George Grey's scheme of a general federation of .he Islands of the South Pacific, as the numerous annexations in all directions by almost every European Power has rendered this no longer possible, but he praises the statesmanlike foresight exhibited by the " Grand Old Man " of the Antipodes in proposing, nearly a generation ago, to forestall the French in New Caledonia, which is now a point _.' appui and menace to Australia and New Zealand. Sir John emphatically pronounces the proposed administration of Samoan affairs by New Zealand as being practically impossible. It opens up, he thinks, too targe a question for New Zoaland to deal wibh, as ib would inevitably involve the maintenance ot an armed force at Apia in,order bo preserve tho peace between bbc hostile and rival tribes and interests. Already, he says, Parliament' grudges the £600 a year paid for the adminisbrabion of Rarotonga by Mr Moss, and, in bhe present financial condition of bhe colony, the Legislature would certainly refuse to voce bhe enormously larger sum required to carry oub bhe Samoan projecb, unless there was a certainty of come commensurate commercial quid pro quo in the form, of an exclusive interchange pf trade, and this couid only be effected by a commercial union which Gor-
many,, which has preponderating interests •. in' the islands, Iwotildjiltrenuouily resist. On the whple, therefore^ Sir John regards > the proposed administfftbipn of Samoan i affairs by New Zealand .as too ambitious and costly. Being preoccupied with private business, > the Knighb of Canterbury has had little 7 leisure , for accepting those hospitalities which await the distinguished colonist in London, bub among other courtesies he haa been invited by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Queen's Birthday banquet on tho 26th, and by the master, and members of the Leathersellers' Company id ' their anniversary dinner. Sir, John at» ' tended tho cricket match at Ewell, on Tuosday last, between the teams selected from the Australian Government offices in ' London and those of New Zealand and Tasmania.'. "" .'. .■- HpN. THOMAS RUSSELL. :. ;' l The.' affairs' of the New Ze^and Loan . Company continue to ett'grpss-pf Russell's 1 attention, and he seems to b_' smarting '. under a sonso of injustice in the manner in '•, 'which the recent examination was cdn- • ducted and the remarks of Judge Williams. 'Sir James Ferguson,, I hear on : good ' authority, has, been dreadfully cut up over tbe whole business, and though his friends endeavour to console him with the assurance ' that1 the judge's strictures can do no injury* 1 to. bis reputation, Sir James chafes under. the stigma which he conceives has been lefb on his character, and indignantly challenges further proceedings which will afford Kirn I and his fellow- directors an opportunity of meeting distinct charges in a court of law, . and where the evidence will be Btrictly licaibed by fixed rules. Sir JbhnGorsb,l hear, pursues the even tenor of his way with an air of suprome, if nob contemptuous, in- ' difference, .and Mr Mundella, having immolated himself on the altar of loyalty to • his Ministerial colleagues, does not think ;he is called upon, at present, to take any. , further step. Thus, from present appearances, there does not seem to be any likelihood of the directors as a body taking tbe ~ initiative in demanding a re-opening of the inquiry with a view bo tendering exculpatory evidence. Ou the other hand, Mr P_usßell declares thab tbey are really. 1 anxious to face a court of law against either a criminal or civil proceeding, which they are determined to fighb' ito tho deabh through every tribunal. '. Under these circumstances, it. -rests wibb the Official Receiver or tbe Sharei holders' Committee to take the initiative, i and ab the present time of writing a meeti ing of thab body is being held to discuss the situation. So far the • Loan Company's assets resembje.the proc verbial oyster, which the lawyers are likely r to divide between them, leaving only theindigestible shells for the unfortunate di- : rectors. It is computed that the recent i inquiry has cost at'leasb £10,000, and no • one is clear as to the source from i which this fat legal bon louche is to •be defrayed, though no manner of doubt is entertained thab ib will ultimately come out of the pockets of the shareholders. Should further proceedings againsb the directors be taken, there is no doubt bhab they will be of a most prolonged and vexa^ bious character, with no ultimate practical - benefit to anyong, except tho formidable i array of solicitors and barristers whose services will be regarded as indispensable. Ib is cerbain bhab the diractors will defend , their reputation to tho last ditch, I fighting every step of the way. to the Privy Council, One of the"■■.,solici- ,! tors to the Bahk of Eogland. was discussing the situation the obher day with a prominent member of the Creditors' Committee^ who was breathing vengeance againflb . the .directors and officers of the Comparvy. "Well, go ahead," Baid the lawyer, "it's all in the way of the profession, you know, bub bear in mind that you wont have Judge Williams next, time, and you ;will bo restricted by the rules of evidence." It. is said that the directdrs, in the ovent of further proceedings, will strongly protest against the case being tried before Mr Justice Williams, on the ground that he has already pro-judged the questions at issue, an act on'his part which they condemn as lying outside his functions in the capacity in which he-was sitting. Meanwhile the obloquy which has been cast upon the Company by the inquiry, together with the uncertainty which prevails as to the future, are disastrously affecting its prospects and intensifying the difficulties which the new Board wiil have to encountei* in carrying out tbe scheme of reconstruction. One example will suffice. There have lately fallen due £25,000 of debentures on. the Australian properties, which, it is alleged, are in a capital condition, and likely to . recoup tbe shareholders every sixpence advanced with interest. Instead of these debentures being renewed by the holders, as would doubtless have been the case under ordinary circumstances, only £1,000 worth have been co dealt with, so thab immediate provision will have to be made for by the new Board to bake up the balance of £24,000. - 4 CAUSED BY COLD AND SAVED ,: :' BY COLD. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company said they would give a splendid testimonial to the proprietors of Hasiam's eystem of refrigeration on the strength of the performance of the refrigerators on board the unfortunate sailing ship Wellington. This vessel left New Zsaland on May 12th, 1893, with abou b 1,000 carcase aof mutton. Somewhere in the vicinity of the Horn the Wellington tried to take a short cub through a monster iceberg, and failing to make the passage, had to put into Rio for "alterations and repairs." She remained at bhab porb from the 24th July bill January 23rd, 1894 s, those on beard ■ being subjected to all the unpleasanb uncertainties of the revolution. Finally bhe good ship made the Thames on 10th April. She was unloaded and is on inspection. Only 669 of her frozen carcases were condemned and 69 partly condemned, a total of 738 spoiled, or less than 7_ per cent. This is a fine record for eleven months' refrigeration, more than half of which was carried out in a very hot climate. Messrs Shaw Savill, I understand, are taking'tho freezing machinery ou 3 of the Wellington and will do the same with their other sailing vessels as it is found that this class of ship cannob continue in the frozen meab brade with profit to the owners.. 7 PERSONAL. The Hon. J. B. Whybe, M.L.C., is travelling in Scotland, and ab the end of laat week was staying in Glasgow and visiting friends. He expects to be in town again at the end of bhis month or the beginning of June, ahd sails for New Zealand on the Bth prox. , The manager of the New Zealand Press Agency has recived a courteous note from Mr Herbert Gladstone thanking him for sending the Grand Oid Man a copy of the " Star " (Dunedin) containing an account of tho meeting in that city of Gladstonians which lollowed the late Premier's resignation. 'Mr A. G. Horton, of Auckland, sailed for, New Zealand by the P. and O. steamer Britannia last Friday. He was accompanied by his family. ' Colonel William Livosay, who as a young -officer earned great distinction in the New Zealand war of 1864-6, and now commands , the 43rd Regiment, has just been appointed to " boss " the firsb Militia Brigade farmed at Aldershot. Dr. Hope Lewis and Mrs Lewis, who with their family arrived by the Britannia come weeks ago have, after a visit to Wales, settled down in London for some time, their present'quarters being in Bentinck-street, : Cavendish Square. ■ -The docbor has come home, after, the. manner, of the leading medical men in the colonieß nowadays, to j see for' himself what novelties in medical
and surgical science are exerci___i-'u, leading lights of the pro_estion r _itiraj!&3 up wrinkles generally. He is alreadV^f ;' ab it for the greater parb of thf tj«flS?- ' Bartholomew's Hospital, and; deilv-T'' terested in several matters. When.^S*L:!> permits the doctor and Mra : Lewis tneak^M go north to Liverpool andelse^he» _»,» round of visits. One is nob'atrprito ■_!!"„ hear of their being inundated with i_,»*t__ tiona. The doctorhM the mantar eiSl ' jolly good fellow whom everyone la rt_(i»_ soe. That breezy geniality of hi. ourttS" itself be worth hundrods a year profu_ia_. > ally. - v . Miss Pierce, daughter of the Ist* __ ?■• Pierce of the New Zealand Insurance CW.' pany, who came Home under the chaperon. - age of Mrs Lewie, is staying with ttttmi, of the same name at Holloway. * Major Goorge aud Mr G. P. Williaui. *of Christchurch, went to Newmarket togetbif to witness the race for tbe Two Thoni__Zi : Guineas. Tho weather was cold anddtU?' bub they had a capital view of the itrug_|i between Ladas and Matchbox, and I rather gathered the Major thoughb the latfekH made a better fighb of ib than the repot'H i generally stated. 1 , Mr CA. Harris, of Auckland, hadmih: up his mind to be a passenger by __»' Gothic, .which left on Thursday, but at thi lasb momenb he found that business hoofer sitated his r-emaining in London a feirdsvi-i longer, Mr Harris will now jbobd probjJlK return to tbe colony by way of the Atl__tt__ and the C.P.R. He seems lo have enjoyed. his trip Homeimmeaeely. Pleasure brought him to bhe Old Country, but he B_em»t»^ have done more tban a fair share of Lbnoi^'l ness during his holiday. "New Zealandafe'. 1 notice, seem unable to suppress ev___;. for a month or two their commemUli instincts. 7 , , : I regret to announce the' death "of MtjtV Crisford, mother of Mr S. E. DaVi(_'i_|iic| tha" late Mr James Davis, both some years ago well known and much respected.ia. Auckland. Mrs Crisford was orij^i„4||j Miss Putland, daughter of Mr^Sj&nhenl Putland, Alderman, Mayor, andf/S^: 6t£ Hastings. She married in the firsb inatajiciL Mr Richard Farmer Davis, of tha B»ipi| town, and by bim had four sons, V T«^H bhese emigrated to New Zealand aboniljSSffi Mr S. E. Davis returned a few year» VW> ; to take up his father's business, but Mr7 James Davis, a litterateur of eonßiderablo^ attainments, for some time in the Auckllpffl Star Office, died lamentably young. |j|||if the demise of Mr R. F. Davis, in 1_60, ; Wll widow married Mr F. Crisford. She wM'66|jSi bhe time a long illness carried her off.' Mn;,; Crisford'a funeral took place ,6a .Toetdty, >; and was very largely attended.,.,Atnongft^ those who travelled considerable dlstfi^S in order to be presenb and Bbow-',thjfe||| specb for bhe deceased lady were MrT.'jKj Bretb and other members of his family-Sir?, and Mrs Dick Russell, Mr and,.Kln|| i 'B^ land, etc., etc. The late Bishop Smythies was ;*'gr|ffl admirer of Sir John Goreb, whose quiet tap unostentatious good works bo contrasted: favourably with the professions vol.? SSjj& many Berious, nob to say Pharisaical, lay,, men usually prominent at Mißsioi^.. Society and S.P.O. meetings. -. -/)) Tho Hon.. William McCulloughi-^Mfml England to-day for the Continent^ u||j means to see something of Belgium,'SwitM-ij. land and Italy prior to joining the OcMuiL. at Brindisi-on June 3rd. . The Barings have not been fortun'iij'. either socially or financially of late. Lard' Northbrooks eldest son, Viscount Baring,' has just been cited as co-respondent io) ; J_| divorce suit broughb by Mr Grant of Glan- f moriston against his wife. George Lohoiann, tfao Surrey crjckebw. writes from the Cape that he is much 1 and means to move on to Australia fcadjlew. Zealand in July and August. , . Our mutual friend, Jem Mace, htt* followed Frank Slavin's example andfoiflji^ — broke. The liabilities amounb to J_i,i7o.'j and the assets to £31. Jem attributes Mify insolvency to " loss of pupils and illb_«_i)of:i 6elf," likewise to misfortunes on the rfpfc" course. When be was a bookmaker the favourites won, and when he was a backer, the outsiders. No man ever had worse luck. Then he started a billiard saloon at' Brighton, but that wouldn't do, either; 1 So, at close upou 80, old Jem Mace «>' bankrupt. ■ . Mr John F. Sheridan has lost in manage-' ment in a few weeks in England all tj)i; money he made in Australia and Ntir Zealand, and been obliged to file his petl-1 tion. This is the more remarkable-be.anie| pieces of the class of " Fun on the Briitolw are decidedly popular just now, ancbßira| his collapse at tbe Vaudeville, Mr ShMicUltf'j has been playing the *• Widow o'Bnei|| (now re-chrisbened the' " Second 7 Mw>? Block") with all his old success at the-.' Lyric Theatre. ' ""
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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4,622ANGLO-COLONIAL NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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ANGLO-COLONIAL NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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