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ft WOiNDEHFOL HEDIWHB &ro trniverealis/ff admitted to bo worth a Guinea S BoxforßiliousancJ #Wy Xaft'i Nervous Disorder^ p "**Jf V* \ such as Wind ant?! I/-V-'/ \lv-\Pain in the Btoc n ID fl'T?* , . KfT Sick Head-. llr«/" it - iiJ " jL "' ErSSachs, Giddtacso, n"*| D 33 5 Q /Wl Fulness and" Swnl. |Xi I it-' v L, tm-Q: /fc/|ung after Meals, S<-jsi\ -amcxnßo* /ISIS Dizziness and t\W>\ ;/&)3 DrofTsineßS, Cold -y&VM ChUls.Flushingsof t^*X kw Heat, Loss of Ap- &>%? potito, Shortnßse zZkr of Breath, Costive. norn. Scurvy andi /••''% liioiches on tlio *«lSi«i > Skin, Disturbed Sloop Frightful Droams, aad all Nervous anii Trembling Sensations, &c Tho first doao wjl} jjivo rolier in twenty mirratoa. IJTory aufforov ia ettrno3tly invited to try en& box o£ theso Pillo and taoy will tie acknowlodgoij to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fomalon oi ! all agon theso Pills aro invala« ablo, as a few doses of them carry oli' all humours, and bring abous all that io required. Ko female should be -without them. There ie no Medidno to bo found equal to Beecham's Pilla Sor removing any obstruction or irregularity oi tho system. If taken according , to the direct tion3Rivon Tvith oaeh box, they will soon restoro femaifis of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been provatl by thoueanda who have tried them, and found tho bon.ofi.fcs which OTO ennurccl by tlieir uso. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of tho Liver, they act liko m:'.gic, and s few doses will bo found to work T7ondora on tho most important organs in the human machine. They strengthon tho wholo muscular b.? stem, rcstbro the long , lost comploxion, bring baolt the koon edjro of appotite, end arouso into action with tho ro3obud oaf health tho wholo physical onurffy of tho hunma framo. Thcsu aro Pact 3 testified continually by members or' all classes of society and OEO Oi tho best guarantees to tho Nervous and Bebilitatad in, HUEUIIAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Talent Medicine in tho World. Beecham's Magic Couglz Pills. As a remedy for Cougha in gonsral, Asthmo, Erom'.liial ACoctions, Hoaroenoss, Shortneso of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Choßt, Wheoiing, &c, theso Pilia stand unrivalled. 'Jhoy aro tho beat over oEered to tho public and will cpeedily removo that uonso of oppression and difficulty of breathing, -which nightly deprive tho patient of rest. lict any person givo BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and tho most; violent Ccii£jh will in a ehort tima ba reaovod. PropnrccT only, and fiold VTioTosalo ana Retail,, by tho Proprietor, Thomas Eoochiim, St. Helena, X'anr.ashiro, Bnglandj in toPS 63 i 3« HQ* OOA Sα. 3d. each. I sold by all CracsJsts zzQ. Patsat iTcdieiaa Dealers ercryvrlioro. I DR. «J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE. The Original and Only Genuine. Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, frco from headnoho, roller' from pain and anguish, to calm undassuage tho woary aobinga of protracted disease, invißOrato the nervous media, and regulate the circulating s.v sterna of the body, you will provide yourself with thatmarvellous remedy dieoovoreel by JJr. J. Oollis Browno (late Army Medical Staff), to which he guvo tho immo o£ CHLOBODYNE, and which ia admitted by tho profession to be the must wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. OHLOKODYNE is the best, remedy knownfof Couijha, CiinsuHiulion, Bronchitis, Aathma. UHIjOKOUYNJS acts liko a charm in Diarrlicea, and is tho only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. OHLOitODYNE effectually cuts abort all at> tacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spustno. CHLORODYNE ia the only pnlliativo Iα Nouralsria, Rheumatism, Gout, (Jancer, Toothache* Meningitis, oto. From Sjrmes End Co., I'iiarmaoeuttcal Oheia* istfi, Medical Hall, Simla, Junuiivy 5, 1380. To J. T. Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Kur.soll-streel;, Bloomebury, London. Dear Sir,—Wβ embrace this opportunity o* coiigratulatinK you epon tins wide-3pread reputation this justly-osieernecl niedleine, Dr. J. Collis Bjowne'e Ohloroclyne, has oarnefl for itself, not only in Ilindoat'in, but all over the ICuet. A.s a remedy Sor goueril utility, wo much question whether a bettor la imported into the country, and wo ahull be to hoar of its finding a place in overy Angloj Indian homo. Tho other brands, we are happy to any, are novr relesai cd lo the native bazaara, and, judKiUff from thoir sa!e, we fancy thoir EOjourn thcro will ba evanpscent. Wβ could J multiply iustancoß ad infinilum of tho extraordinary efiicaoy of Dr. Collia Browne's Ohloro* dyne in Dlarrhcaa and,. Dysentery, Spasms, Cramps, Neuralgia, the> Vomiting;of. Pregnancy, end as a general sedative, that have occurred under our personal observation during many yoars. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and even in thffl moro terrible forms oi Cholera itself, we havo witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. We have never used any other form of this asedicine than Collis Hrowne'o. from a firm conviction that it is decidedly the beat, and also from a sense of duty we pwe to tho profession and the public, as we of opinion that the : Buostit ttionof any othur than Collis Browne'a ISβ a DELIBERATE BHEACH OF FAITH ON TH3 I PAHT Off THB OKBMIST TO PRKSCHIBE AND patient AUtiE.—We aro. sir, faithfully yours, Symea und 00., Membnraof the Pharru, Society lof Great Britain, His Excellency tho Vicerors Chemists. OAI7TION.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Pfif?e Wood staled that Dr. J. Collis Browno was, uu- ! doubt.oclly, the Inventor of Chlorodyne; that the' ! Btory oftne defendant Freeman who deliberately I untrue, which, ho regrotwrl to say, had beea ; sworn to.—See "Tho Times," July 13, 1361. i Sold in bottioa at la ljd, 2b 8(1, 4s 6d, and lls I each. None is genuine without the words " Dr. jJ. Collis Browne's Glilorodyno" on the QovernI merit etamp. Overwhelminif medical testimony accompanies oiicli bottlo. Caution.—Beware of Piracy and Imitations. Sole Manufacturer—J. T. DAVENPORT, 35, S?eat Kußsoll-atraet, Blooms bury, Loadon. USE THE Australasian' Syrup FOR COUGHS. AUSTRALASIAN SYRUP FOR COLDS. AUSTRALASIAN SYEUP FOR ASTHMA. AUSTRALASIAN SYRUP FOR BRONCHITIS AND DIFFICULT BREATHING. IT can bo recommended wich ihe greatest confidence. The most flattering testimonials have been received confirming its valuo. To be had from A. MAXWELL, Newmarket; Or through tho Wholesale Agents— Mksshb SHARLAND & Co., Auckland. NOTICE. SVIELEUGA I MELEUCA I M6LEUOAI MELEUOAi WORTH A MAN'S LIFE PER BOTTIiK. COUGHS, COLDS, BRON\J OHITIS. ASTHMA, AND ALL LUNG AFFECTIONS. k g O. I L B E R T,. AOEUT, QUEEN-STREET (Opposite National Bank). FTHIME, after all, is tho one grand best. JL Wolfe's SoHXArrs has been 10 years before th&vpublic

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 10