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-— " ~ Coal MerriiantSi nqW BEING FTO^SHED,_BY__SUBSOm?gn^^3m^ , f : -;,s■ ' C: v;;;;^|. OTTAGGOKS for removal o£ Furniture » V an d all Jiinds of CARTAGE undertakes i-/ — I'.n shortest notico. .■■■.,-•-,-., % j _■-~ _i COALS may now ba obtained in eny $ Strange Story of British' Pluck and Adventure, of Love and Hate; of ■_«**. 1 _~ , _ ■; ;v: '^ , "'' .1 FIRE WOOD (first-class Ti-trcs , ). W?f>and Bloodshed, and of Peaceful Christian titort and . tanks, fencing, shingles. BRICKS, LIMB, SAND, Era THBTOET7ME WILL CONSIST OF FROM W . AND fi WINSTONB in toot parto 7©@ TO B©@ PAGES in rotfrftfflfrt) !!!!!!!!^!^ s " WITH NEARLY TWO HUNDRED ILLUSTBATIOJS3SJ ; g\ j \ I|^^ Executed In iirst-class style, poiirtraying the incidents reared to in the native, q|^^'||||^^ pEPIOTING HISTORICAL SCENES, ILLUSTRATING MAORI MANNERS AND} qtoot & Qα rn«TOMS AND SHOWING THE PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF THE carriers & coal merchants. UUOJ..VP»; CUSTOMS-STREET EAST. EUROPEAN SETTLEMENTS, vwj*^*^^**** Delivering . Goods, ox Wharf, Rail, or Warehouse. the SPLENDID CITIES OF : TO*Htt K^a^o-o^iai.-™^!^ niture, etc., in Covered "V ans. OKDEH3 TAKEN FOR ffarrtSh** etches hav o never before-been published, having kin in the posset of old NEWCASTL '" ■ " fetaJrom old works that .re now extremely rare, and inaccessible to the ordiauy-iuder. 4s»_& ' UAF^™*™°^ the subjects treated pictorially are the following ■ UNDESIGNED j _«_,._ — I-!- Qm-p A rnj QWa '■ Best £ a e^V aupiri ' Weßtport « a^ ■JL _JLj —L-J *hmJ J— _I_- iL* —*&»»2-«' ***^= , °=^ a Ye -~~- Best Dry Tea-tree Firewood (cut or long) 'a Posts, Hobart Rails, and Palings • r%jjj __ j, ♦■ TT , ? Brain Pipes, Lime, Bricks, Sand, Shells ;*/ !|P3X_ X. f rBXu XX. V BiTh J__,X« Charcoal, etc. Also, Fancy Flower Pot 3 j r *" ■ 7-??y New Iron Tanks, at a low price. fc-RnNTISPJFCE • FERN GULLY —A FRONTISPIECE, in Two Colours—Ts; FRONTISPIECE: LARGE PANORAtitfdi I the OrieinafWatei-colour Painting by tain in the distance.) -—- \ SIS Portrait of Hiko, Son of Te Pehi. of Mb Chum. j, j. CRAIG> (TAXMAN'S ANCHORAGE, ADMIRALTY Bay. In TE i>iob Off A Kainga in TUB North °£ V^f S PB3SCB, ARCADE. FORT-STREET. Imubder of Tabman's Boat's Cbew at lewiro. The" Telephone No. 44.] I Massaobr Bay. Poethait of Mr G. Clarkb. AlljJ i ' u ' s - i house WAMASS* __J . JTHE Thrbr Eings, as sifrhtsd by Tasmaa. p ORTKAIT O f Ret. Richard Davie3. p°™ AIT O f?J' J \ Y ILSON ' AND FIREWOOD." to-TRAi- of Captain Cook. Sealers at Half Moon Bat, Stewart pobtrakc of Ebv A N°^t^ww/SffiSiji »««* Tanplr! Coal ami Ti-tree Firewood at P«»W of Captain Cook Ihland . - war(Js ofTauraS/ ! SS Pcash - Welght ' and measurement | ■Facsimile of Cook.s Lecord ov me p ORTRAIT O f Mr James Kemp. Portrait of Ms W Colenso j -"amitm-a carefully removed and general ' Tbaksit of Venus. " X • i express work dono at lowest rates, hp -UTTTArsic Poverty Bay in 18% Portrait of Governor Macquame. Portrait of Rkv. R. Mauhseli, (ffiftSW ■ >. A-™. wU- Coot Wed. pom po ;„„ J* 5J- *£-£ j -*» Perforated Rook, Tolago j3ay. Cateohist. * n ~ " - ' Shakespeare Head and Cook's Bay, Portrait of Rev. Henry Wo-uams. Portrait of Mk James DATI3. . , j , Undertakerfl. 1 Merooky Bay, Adcklakd. Nativk Stores for Flax . Pobtbait of Rev. Richard TaUo»J|S__c_! ! . - --.^^^.^^ Pkcorated Head of the Chief Rau- Poetbai - of Rev . Sa , I[TEIi IjEIQHi of "Tβ lka a liaai.") "" -"~ •- --'; || FUNEIIAL- ESTABLISH-| paraha s Canoe. Portrait of Dr. Ford. | P M X N r. f ICaeved Head of Canoe at Kaiwarawara. Storehouse for the kumaba. Makehi House is Otattjsao ; I Tr , ano^ a,a conducted to suit all classes, in j fenip Cove, Queen Charlotte Sound. j Portrait of Mr James Shepherd. Portrait o? Bey. a- Eadfi_l_ ( B ftj3> ' I *''KLftna s | |TOMB OF THE CHIEF HUKIWENUA, PORTRAIT OF JUDGE IvIANING. wards Bishop of Wellington). / g| read y- OilarSC V' t T y i>''c:?iNSbN JFamilt in Ddskt Bat. y Ooa CoTTAGB AT p AREAJLmA , Portrait of Kawana Paipai [4 ' ' Undsrtaker, j Maori Carved Knife, or Saw. Euke. 71 [f Ii7 f Tictona-street W. j JA. Dead Cui_f. Maori Tombs. Portrait op Patuone. Rev# k Bko _. w>s Mmsim Eo _ s _ Jfffffff^^^ff^f^ !Thb Ceremoht of Hokgi, ok Pbessing Portrait of Lieutenant Thomas Me- Papa, Tatoanqa. V ■•-"- = ~"- -" i —- Noses. Donnell. Portrait of Btseop Pompa___3e. IBi'SWei'S. JUTERIOR OF A MAORI HIPPAH. LaNDIKG OF THE Rev. S. MaESDEK IN NEW p OETEAITO]f Ms EljgEY) 3ritish li E ;~_,_i;*,| : : ■ Whatas or Patukas (storehouses for food)* Zealand, December, 1314. Maori or Native Svvn-r_. V j jCook'b Chab_ 03S , K"ew Zealandj Portrait of Rev. X Turneh. Carved Image of Eaupabaka. AUCKLAND JA. Maori Portrait of Rev. J. Hoebs. Panoramic) View of tss Bay os t\/M5- «m •n-inTTTTir.TT Stage ££sefißi» acs A Maori Festival. -__.. TIKT AT R4POEP , P . m ISS7 - ? j)( ?M \ j\f |-{ If, W F,R V 1 Bovernor PttJLUF, Fir 3 fc Governw of New CoLOS3AIj TIKI AT Fa ' Portrait of Baron De Thiebbt. I J ' UM^ --- "»' I South Wales. Portrait of John Rutherford, tkk Poetbait ov Tamati Waka N bhb, CHIEBi ! PIS©?? ppc» prDKBT Covb iw 1788. White Chief. ofNgapohi. J Ljfc^^JA SDRVEy 08 , THE SETTLEMENT IN N.S.W. PORTRAIT OF R.EV. Wh. WILUAMS, PORTRAIT OF El) ASD GIEBOIT WAKEfIEED. jit Chain Gang. Governor King. Missionary. Portrait of Edward Jesningham Waee-J j FIPSt PMse BIeFDOUFIIQ Centennial. iNoRFOLK Island, showing Convicts' Ornamental Carvings in Wood. ' ' ' I Quarters and Nepaan poRTBAI _ 0F Me jAg . | <T H ? Proprietors be, to draw the .«__, S^^T , ' POKTRAIT ° F MXC T BA - K - w , of Ma,or Charles H E a;_t. ' ! oA^^^S^^K™ CHATHAM ISLAND. O LIETSTaNAWC ( *» now S upp) X in g to aH their JStone Weapons ok the Mopjori. Portrait of Mr Wμ. Thos. Fairbobn. Hdtt Road, taken at the Gorge. I Delivery made to suburbs free of charge. Whaling off the North Cape of N.Z. Pftowb Ro*n wrm Wwhttw. tw -r--' r>7 o Sydney, Norfolk Island, 1793. Th_ Mission Station at Emu L^Sα™,' lS™ IN ° Dly °" eßre^THE BEST - South View of Sydney, N.S.W., 1793. Portrait of Haupato, a Chiefsess of Ikterioe of Archwat at Pahi-pasi. r.^V^ ata £ ni;!cMnei Tusf : d to pive the .Ale a jThe Chief Te Pahi. Bust of Hongi. Waiboa. Mo _ k _ VictoßlA) Port KlCHOljSolf# I fiC " UOUB *****«"»* on th « 3S drawn, [_, Maori War Expedition. Portrait of Urua-wero, the Red.haip.ed Caeved G atfavay of Pα, Oimnsmim j B®SA B Sffiu£S__^piS_! ed fl "° m [Eev. Samuel Marsden. Chief of the East Cape. j Colonel Wakeutbld's Residence. I Slwainu: Rev. Samuel Marsdoa's Cottage. Receiving House foe the Dbad, I Scene tn Akakoa Habboub. Scene of the BozD Massacre, Whanciaroa Mangonui. The Treaty of Waisangi Memohul. TOROWN, £ CAMPBELL, &, rVQ.J Harbour. Portrait of Tixore, a Bay of Islands Te Hect Hsu's Tomb. j JL3 \J ' Spot where thb Boyd drifted to after hief. Mr Molesworth's Fabts as the Huct. i PROPBTSTORS. the Massacbe. The Cemetery, or Wai Tapu, Hckianga, Poktkait or Te Whero Whkko (Po - a - atj) ; fWHALERS AT THE BAY OF ISLANDS IN 1820. PORTRAIT OF JtTDGE WILSON. the First Maori Kin,cr. ] j jKOROKAREKA BEACH IN 1836. PORTRAIT OF REV. J. WhITELY. PORTRAIT OF DR. CAMPBELIi (author Of] ,^™''"-"--n ■ ■ ■! Torirua Bay, Wellington, an Early „, n .. "" "Poenamo.") J _S©©*rse!ler& Resorb for' Whalers. Tangieri, Chief of Mattngakahia. . CoHMEKCIAL Bay, ik 1840. /.. ___:_______! . Jlangihaeata's Pα, with the Island of Mana. Portrait of Rev. James Wallis. Original Plan of Auo__an». « LONG-FELT WANT SUPPLISD Whaling Station, near Porirua. Portrait of Rev. James Buller. St. Paul's Church, erected Jai | -"- ■Portrait of 'Johnny' Jones, one of the Specimens of Presei:ved Heads. _ 1O '~" _ ,_ , ' Jurt issued— Early Ofca g o Whalers. TIIR(ny:NO _ aE Habjo ™ ; THB MAO Ri.rOLYNESIAN A Maori Tiki, worn round fcho neck. >\ roVTPA P ath/j? ■nrr'T'inArAPV Taupo Pα, Cook Strait, and Ngatitoa PoMBAIT 0F ReV J " H " Bttkb7 - Th_ Town of Wellington, Thoshdw. ! COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY, Villagb. A Whata, or Provision Housk, Otumatua PANORAMIC VIEW OS , THE TOWN! 1 ' iKI!:GKAR - Teb Great Chief Raotabaha. Pa - AND HARBOUR OF NELSON w! | This work has for several The CHIEF Ts PsHI. x"OBTM!S OP KEY. JOES VUBSSH. J 1842, ABOUT 12 MoKTHg AKTEB Hi f ,roarß ' and consists of i: large handsome volume Tattooing on Faoh of Ta P_.h_ Pobtbact o* Tβ Waiotoa. First Foundation. pvfo m iiJ o °i?S ] Williams which has boon out of print for some J rears, ar.d any copies that have «ome into tfae< . 1.,, i,—..._-,.,.,,. --.- «___«. I market have been eagerly picked up at three i times the original coat. The present work I ion tains six times the matter of "Williams' wellAMONGST THE ABOVE WILL BE NOTICED SEVERAL j 6 SSSe, i*. Agents for this district JL_X\ J_| Victoria Arcade. IN BOTH ISLANDS, : ■:==.. : ArcMtects. WITH SOEHES AND SKETCHES OF THE FIRST STREETS AMD BUIEDING& mahoney and toJ ARCHITECTS, "™~™°"° , ~ ™* QUEKN-STREBT, AUCKLAND, D W A R f> BARTIEY] . --- -- - ....— .. _«.. „ ~,,-., ..,., . ARCHITECT f i . ■" . ! , STrCHBUSY'S BuiLDI?,-fiS, QUTEEN-STBBET. I 4 LM of Early Settlers -up to the Year IB4SI\ ==* ■ »'q tar (' a «l»cis M* SmP/k, SHibLUneA •&Tras__sf , 'iu». mJ Symonfte'Sireet " ' ~~w?« PouTicx* & 00., ,i?oaraeagQ?a, Newniacket v Mr WoaufflON, Otoimiit $«avaeU 1 Mr jAostioN, Stofloaer, Onebunga '■ HrU&iijiiWArjEi, Sroaer, etc, P9TQnp«s Airs Hta?afe;espep, ¥aJßap«i»e> ?dr Grjaaaaav, l'ijotosr&paep; l*ens<»^

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 142, 17 June 1891, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 142, 17 June 1891, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 142, 17 June 1891, Page 7