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Frequent references have been made in our cable messages labely of bhe gold discoveries being made in Mashonaland, South Africa, and bhe most recent messages abated bhab 7,000 claims had been marked off on the field. Very little has been stated concerning the exbenb or value of bhe gold finds, bub bhe facb thab so many holdings have been manned is in itself an indicabion bhab the discoveries have been very rich. Some information on the point has recently been furnished by a letter from one of the British South African Company's officers to a representative of the company in London, in which the wriber says:—" I rode down bo bhe Umfuli Zumbi goldfields. You have bub a fainb idea of bhe exbent, of bhe imporbance, and richness of bhese fields. One reef, bhe Cecil Reef, is particularly good; several obher good bhings have been found soubh of the river, the Monarch, a most important and rich lode, being about the besb of them. Williams, who has been working for many years upon the Tati Monarch, considers its namesake here by far bhe more important of the two. Three or four ounce prospects are very common, and are yielded by the greater number of the reefs showing old workings. Our own people are the only ones carrying on prospecting with much system. There is no manner of doubb bhab when well prospecbed bhe Mazoc disbricb will prove as rich as bhe Umfuli. In addibion bo these places we are going to mark off on the Sebakwe-Bembesi gold area mentioned,by Banes. is the backbone of the country,. and ib is well that you should know bhe important dimensions it is assuming. I have nob met a man who is nob over well pleased wibh his gold prospects; and bhe sooner bhe realise the facb bhab they now have in their control one of the three chief gold areas of tho world, and all thab bhab means indirectly, bhe betber. "

There was only one case set down for argument at the Supreme Court to-day, viz., a case on appeal from Hawke's Bay, viz., Brown (appellant) v. Shaw (respondent). Mr W. L.,Rees, who appeared for the appellant, stated that Mr Jame* Russell, counsel on the other siddj was unable to be present, being absenb from bown, under bhe impression bhab the civil sessions would nob have concluded so early. The faebs of bhe case were somewhab peculiar, bub he could nob go inbo particulars in Mr Russell's absence, and suggested an adjournment bill Friday next, which was agreed to, and bhe Courb bhen rose.

lb is reported bhab bhere are aboub 400 men ab the latest find on the wesbern side of the Shaw River, Western Australia, and bhab fully half of bhem are doing well. Several large nuggets have been found, one of them weighing 150oz and another 200oz. Smaller ones, ranging from 40oz down, have been discovered ab bhe Aahburton goldfields. Three men have died for want of waber. Anobher prospecting parby are missing, and ib is suspecbed that they are lost, as on the road several bodies have been discovered, which belonged to white or black travellers, who had evidently perished from thirst.

Captain Sommerville (says the "Post") arrived in Wellington yesterday from Napier. On his way he stopped at Silversbream and inspected the sites chosen by Captain Collins and Lieutenant Davy for the permanent range for the New Zealand Rifle Association. The one nearest Silverstream he did not consider suitable, as ib would entail considerable expense to clear away the logs. The others, however,, would make very good ranges, but as an offer has since been made of a mo3t suitable place nearer Wellington, no further action will be taken with them. The proposed range is about eight miles from bown, and witbin a short distance of the Government railway line.

The confession by Hansen of the murder of the man Duncker, at Peak Hill, Victoria, has been made public. Hansen states that he was unable to refrain from spesking any longer, as he was haunted by the memory of his victim. He says thab he and Duncker had a quarrel ab the scene of the murder over the upsetting of a billy-can, which Hansen put on the fire for tea. Duncker's rage became ungovernable, and he fired bhree shots oub of a revolver, bub wibhoub effecb. The spirit of self preservation seized Hansen, who killed him with a tomahawk.

The good qualities of Mr J. R. Baker, the genial traffic manager ot the Devonport Ferry Company, have again met with recognition at the hands of those who are accustomed to travel to and fro by the Company's steamers. On a former occasion, some years ago, the lady travellers gave expression to their sense of bhe uniform courtesy and consideration which they received at Mr Baker's hands by presenting him with a very complimentary, address and apurse of sovereigns. During the last week or two, another movement has been on foob amongsb the passengers to recognise the uniform and general abtention paid to their comforb and convenience by Mr Baker, and bhe outcome was a cheque for £11 15s 6d, which was handed over by Mr Shakespear on behalf of himself and a number of other volunbary conxribubors with an accompanying note of a flattering character. Mr Baker desires us to express his acknowledgmenbs bo bhe donors for bheir kindness. The paragraph published yesberday Abating bhab Professor Carrollo had decided to underbake bhe teaching of swimming was premabure. The professor was asked if he would form classes, and he had bhe mabber under considerabion when the announcement was made. He has decided nob to take pupils this season at all events. The following crews have been picked to represenb bhe City Rowing Club ab the forthcoming Association Regatta:—Senior Whaleboat: A. Harvey, R. White, G. Rowles, F. Gallagher, J. Gallagher. Junior Senior Whaleboat: R. White, F. Gallagher, A. Harvey, VV. J. Evers, G. Rowles. Maiden Whaleboat: P. Conway, Stewart, W. Burrow, F. Gallagher, J. Gallagher. Maiden Gig (under lOst): L. Skinner, H, Diggeris, A, E. Smith, H. Fielder,

The affiliation case Sarah Jane Patrick r. William Follas was continued yesberday afternoon, and afber hearing bhe evidence of defendant, his wife, mother, and father, and a boy named Sydney Slavin, Dr. Giles reserved his decision till Saturday morning. Theexbraordinarilyhightides experienced at Queensland, causing a flooding of the low-lying parb of Townsville, appear to have been coincident with remarkably high tides on the New Zealand coast. In this port yesterday morning, and again this morning, bhe bide rose some feet above the usual range of spring tides, a lmo »\^°. u o c °-' ing bhe decking of the Queen-streeb Whart. An inberesbing discovery has been made on the Harnealli gold mine in thei Mysore, says bhe"lndian Engineer." While sinking bhe main shafb the workmen broke mbo an old shafb, dug perhaps a bhousand years or more There were found «j>?ing implemenbs of various kinds used by bhe ancienb workers. Ib is supposed tbe workings were made by Chinese, ot whose presence in Mysore there is unmistakable evidence. The tools found are said to oe very like those used by the Chinese, and unlike anything known to be used by Hindus. A survey has just been made of .Niagara Falls, and bhe engineer's reporb has been presented to bhe United States Commissioners. It shows that tha total meati recession of the Horseshoe Falls since 1744 when the first survey was made, has been 104 ft 6in. The maximum recession of bhe American Falls is 30f b 6in. Thelengbh of bhe cre ß fc has increased from 2,260fb to 3,010fb by the washing away of the embankment. The total area of the socession of th« American Falls is 32,900 square feet, and bhab of bhe Horseshoe Falls 275,406 ft.

A little discussion took place ab the City Schools Committee meeting last evening over the departure of a young lady teacher. She had resigned her position to leave for Melbourne, and then obtained permission from tho chairman to leave yesterday by the Mararoa, earlier than was expected. Ib was resolved to confirm the Chairman's action, bub whab broubled bhe Commibtee was whether or no bhe lady would receive her full salary for February and ib was tacitly decided thab in fubure no teacher should be allowed the chance to receive a month's salary for a week's work.

Some little discussion took place at the City Schools Committee meeting last night regarding the voting for candidates for the Board of Education. Mr Farrell thought bhey should vobe ab once, and for Messrs Upton and Carr, their own nominees, and Mr Motion, of Pokeno, for bhe labter, as a mark of goodwill bo counbry committees. The Chairman favoured bhe posbponemenb of the question, and said if he had known ab lasb meeting whab he had learnb since he should not have voted for the nominations the Committee had made. Dr. Walker thought as one of the gentlemen nominated was deaf, he should retire. Mr Ussher hardly favoured postponement, but would like a fuller meeting. He advocated Mr Grant's claims. Mr Farrell thought two better, men than Messrs Upton .and Carr, could not be obtained. Finally the matter was postponed till nexb meebing.

"Master; it speaks !" was the astonished cry.that burst from the lips of Edison's Gorman assistant the first time he heard bhe phonograph balk. All who attended ab bhe Opera House last night, and listened to bhe marvellous reproductions of the perfected machine, will fully sympathise with the wonder expressed by that mechanic. The large audience bhab assembled lasb nighb was kept in a state of intense interest, and on more bhan one occasion items were encored. In his opening address Professor Archibald mentioned that yesterday was the 44th anniversary of the birth of the great electrician, an announcement that called forth considerable applause. Ab bhe conclusion of bhe programme a number of bhose present wenb on to the platform and enjoyed the low tones of the phonograph.

The ordinary mooting of bhe Ciby Schools Commibtee was held last evening, when there were present: Messrs Blades (Chairman), Ussher, Farrell, and Dr. Walker. It was decided to allow Mr Robinson, drawing raasber, the use of Wellesley-street School on certain evenings of the week for his classes. It was resolved that permission should nob be granted for a girl bo leave Wellesley-sbreeb School in ; the mornings for insbrucbion in swimming ab Professor's Pannell's classes. Permission waseranted for the use of the furnitnre in the Temperance Hall for anight school, to be held by cerbain temperance workers. An offer bo sell an allobmenb in Union-street was refused. The new plans for the new Truant School were approved, with a slight change to be recommended. The election of bhree members of bhe Board of Education waa deferred till next meeting. Accounts to the amount of £7 lis 4d were passed for payment.

Mr Luscombe Searelle has been interviewed in Christchurch by a representative of the Lyttelton "Times," to whom he said :-—•" I am here for a holiday, and don't mean to do any work for three months. My opera •Bodadil' is to be produced at the Avenue Theatre in London by Mr Pagab. I have a commission bo write an opera —to be parfermed by children and adults—for next Christmas. I am commissioned by ths British and Foreign Association, of which I am representative councillor for New Zealand, bo wribe a work on Imperial Federabion— either for or against, as I bhink fib. I am negobiating with Mr Toole tor a South African tour, and, if it is arranged, ib will be my last bheabrical venbure, as I wish to settle in London and devote all my time to literary and musical work. Mrs Searelle, I may say, is going bo sbudy with the view of appearing in grand opera. I have a cantata, 'Australia,' which is bo be produced ab the Royal Alberb Hall, and perhaps I may have ib performed for one nighb in Christchurch for some charity."

Mr Porter, the hon. secretary of the Mercer Regatta, to be held on the 7th March, has arranged with the Auckland A.R.A. bo have bhe rowing races in connection with bhe Association, viz., senior gig (£l2), junior gig (£9), and maiden gig (£9), for gold medals bo be presenbed afber the races. The rowing men in Auckland are very pleased to have a chance bo bry their powers on a river like bhe Waikato. Arrangements have been made with the Railway Department to carry the boats free for the regatta. Nearly every Club in Auckland is expected to send up crews.

Ab a meebing of bhe Auckland Lodge of Druids last; evening (P. A. Bro. Sbrathern presiding) communications were received from Melbourne concerning bhe annual gala, bo be held on Easber Monday,, afc which unusual exerbions will be made forexbending bhe Order throughout Australasia. Bro. W. Hunter wa9 elected Arch Druid last evening, and received the congratulations of the brethren on attaining the position. A proposal to have a day's sports, the proceeds ,from which would be devoted to the families of deceased brethren, was held over for further consideration.

In the City Hall kwt evening a farewell complimentary benefit was tendered to Mr Travers-Vale, actor, who is leaving here for Australia. There was not a large attendance. The evening's entertainment was given by a number of professionals and local amateurs, and included the production of " John Dobbs," " Billing and Cooing," and "How Bill Adams Won the Babble of Waberloo." Mr and Mrs Arthur Vivian played bhe amusing comedietta '* Billing and Cooing " excellently.

Captain Edwin wired as follows at 11.40 a.m. to-day :—" North to oast and soubheaab heavy gale with very heavy rain withi nexb ben hours. Glass fall."

The Regatta Club funds are aboub £16 Bhorb of bhe required amount, and an appeal is bhereforo bo be made to tha public for furbher contributions to make up the deficiency, especially to those who promised subscriptions, which have nob yeb been collected. Ib is mosb desirable thab bhe Club should start nexb season wibh a clean sheet, and it is bo be hoped bhe appeal will be successful.

The Auckland Chamber of Commerce haye received from Mr Creswell, Secretary of the Adelaide Chamber of Commerce, a letter accompanying a sample of South Ausbralian wheab of the 1890-91 season. This sample is stated to be sent as a standard of the quality of the past season's wheat crop, and ib is undoubtedly above the average in quality, so far as appearance goes, looking almost as even and full as New Zealand wheab of averago quality. A somewhat romanbic wedding took place this morning shortly after ten, ab St. James's, when Mr W. Edgecombe, of Wesbern Springs, was united to Miss Turn, bull, of Devonport, North Shore. She is a lady of Scottish exbracbion, bub has been setbled in bhis country for some years. Considerable inberesb cenbred in bhe event from bhe fact thab the bridegroom ia one of the oldesb New Zealand identities, being a man of some 80 years of age. The bride, too, was a lady of the mature age of some forty summers. Mr King, off Queen-street, gave away the bride. Tha Rev. R. F. Macnicol performed the ceremony, after which a bridal party of about a dozen sab down to a most excellent wedding breakfasb ab bhe Star Hotel, at which various healths were proposed and drunk with enthusiasm. After the breakfast tha bride and bridegroom took their departura for tho former's residence ab Western Springs amid tbe good wishes of all bheic friends.

The Burns Club have announced their opening meebing of the season to bake place to-morrow evening, when nominations will be received for candidabes for bha various offices which are bo be filled ab tha annual meeting. The evening will be rendered attractive with songs and other amusements. -

Shoobisbs generally are reminded of tb* approaching conbesb for the Gordon Rifi* Challenge Shield on the 21st instant. Very great inberest is being manifested in the contest, and it is expecbed bhab ab leasb ten or twelve teams will try conclusions, and a keen contest may be looked for. It is generally understood that the A. Battery and Gordons will be represented by two teams, and that ab leasb one team from each corps in the district will be entered. Entries close on the 13th instant, Friday next.

Mr W. J. Napior informs us bhab he ia receiving very large support from bha sebblers and property owners from North Shore northwards in regard bo the proposed bridge over tbe Waitemaba. The pebibions are being numerously signed. The general feeling among bhe residents is that a bridge, and a "bridge 1 jjdone, will meet the requirements of ' the districb, and the suggestions for a abeam punb have met wibh libblo favour. Some of bhe property owners are willing to subscribe as much as £1 per acre of their lands bowards the cost of the work. One gentleman has promised £200. Ib is believed, if bhe Harbour Board bakes the mabber up, support can be relied on from the Governmenb. M? Napier has wribben bo bhe Harbour Board on bhe subject, and the letter will be considered at its nextmeeting. Ib has been estimated thab a bridge suitable for all present requirements can be constriicbed for £15,000. a <.v«=

Messrs A. E. Devore and James Butchei have been appointed by bhe Goyernor as members of the Harbour BdffS, arid tha thirteen places at the Board are now filled. Mr Butcher has for the past thirty-five years been engaged in carting and receiving goods on the wharf, and should prove a very useful member. Mr C. C. McMillan has been appointed as the representative of the Chamber of Commerce on the Board for the ensuing year. Of tha thirteen there are seven new mem bers, Messrs Houghton, Henderson, Alison, Butcher, Witheford, Upbon, and Treriwibh, so bhab a prabby radical change has bakeri place; The test-question at the 'election this time seems to have been whether or no,theHar- ;- bour Board shall bake and give delivery of all goods coming inbo bhe porb. The Wellington Harbour Board has adopted the system, and it is found to work very satisfactorily for importers and shipping people, and profitably for the Board; bub very careful consideration will be required in regard bo Auckland Harbour.

Briggs: •• Wonder what possessed him ta jump into the river ?" Braggs : " There was a woman at the bottom of it, I believe."

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 35, 11 February 1891, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 35, 11 February 1891, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 35, 11 February 1891, Page 4


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