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1, a fas for « hew zeaup

«W^fc^liifJwi Nates collected daring \Vf.W^jM.X^ts Axo-Grpel Mnrderg { BtPSWiP!! I9' Murder by.a 'Native :on ■'. ■ a w«(efcriiisii-i!>;oHenieiit Caused by it I -;j -riniiwk Expected—Murderer Given «1 BjljTiinFiuhcr-110 ia Tried and Exejl I "W-DasttiiiliimiifQrsf.Dtiith Warrant *Imj^^ ;"' years a^°; a*d ■* »■ "k''" /?%$} taons^rK Lbeir anJ - ' . iiutivrs valued life] Ilitft ?"' a.letter Written by si' 1 I™' ol England Misswu afa "KU ,\ m^:. "U* «nfc murdelfelW t,rmy D^ico -'Wii'» {liab ofa i^j'iljft> T (lra^«* by artothet fcwi , ..* ''• lv' lo drovviied huh; Kri Tah 1!I iVtU "Panel tied to i«l?i| ,S f ody left Lo rot away W'«Wdow • Unfortundtt,. natives fiv.'-V; ili''jr- tiU -tWy^foMfea' itl^tTr?" 9''1 believe. a sick ■I^'SS^ ? . f eldp!)fc son» S."& » ■'; .-,'■;• ,'. wwuesaed their death I.': ' iUO fie^l3 M* too horrible to tffeSlKJi 11:^" 'fired 1 fc-given i;fi m' f°i wl)dfc X hay« r**c lam Mam riow wiifci«e of I'^tto^ Maketu, aged

I oiplting t]m from'a cliut a hahqred feM v hiyjj upon-.some w.c^Jiolow^ "Thero wag : a ;iial!-caßte:;,cbilfi between ton and; twelve years Of age OjQ.tile island, who, whilst trying to escape by running aWayj Wag caught slid mtfrdered likewise/ ;■ •a ' Thd'news didoot reafih Kororareka'till the Monday.. (November ~... 22nd) affcerwnrda, when "there was alarm felt. Ndatly; all'jthe ■: imfcives--lef t ; -the .town, and a sinisfcrous silence preva'il&d; |lithe: Bay, however, Boats and, canoes were,seen full oi natives, going from one spot to an-, other. -It was/evident .that the Maoris thought the white-men would rise and afctempt to slaughter them;' but the Euro-' peaas-jwere afraid \ln&k this massacre was; only a signal for a geiiejiil bfrsMttght of. the whites. A' message was sent to the comi mander,of an Engffisb man-of-war an choree} uSfcHS'"town of Rasselii ';'& few- ttiles frdm Kororareka, and ib'e' settlers kept a regular ivatc^i during the; nighd. ■ To the great aetoiiishmVnt of:® 4iii^Splilai^Mi;pW^a^ yessela, in the. Bay, on the Tuesday..ihornlng sailed away, and great aiarin .prevailed accordingly, as it toas, felt that their presence, •was at that time most neei^dV;> So: frightened were iHe <p6ople that a- schooner, iilled with..,Eurqp.eans 'was; to^be seen tacking abottb ■'■{the- ft&f kU night,l'feaHrig. ihat » murderous assiiulfc jvould' be made on the" town. , . . ...', .;. ~•'■. "'. ( ; ' *.' Meanw.hne s |he news cdtt'e that the inur-j derer htfd^beerifduiict out), arid ihat he was1 the son -of jan influential .chief....... -It wat. also'statea fnS6 fihtS filtli'&l kejplfc the murderer injircfnsj and fciat, Mokaj a ohief, bad shown the LHuropeans. * It seems thafe theyJpuqd on his .person two watches arid a;gold chain, vvhich they iocs frbed him.' i'/JAU tiio buiine^, :.iri ; tfie town. w &\s' euai pended,~aiict the pebpie seerfied* to^bo in & I stateiof stupor through fear* , suggesfcecl thab an at^olf sfafiuld'PP njf^o' lipdri the Modriff td force, them t{> Bufren9er .the murderet, bbt tM Besldenblda^istraiie (Mr ! 'i£ckh.a.ih) Oppoted atiy aotiofi being tek^n ; iri thamMfer iiHejevei)^.forb'aclei fcha settlor-' hittnin s for defehcei Con*ideraWs sipprif i ■ iv'iUt %}h/m iW:,pcpx)lb tjjfifcthe Md^ietJ-atc !,V!uf b'pt ih'ove in the tiiattSr and jsstie v .'farmnb idr:tne;iariest) pf 'the murdS'reii iamo nartiiftfs oifeaia«i:'bhe town were holti•')g.,a raeetwg to coTisider iilie ftffaiiv-'anf; i«>'s^ttlatrß;w4rib to fchem dti'd ;demander ■ 'lat'ttie tnnrdefS? sßtiUld be handed ovCj: '•>■' the ati^Oiirtes. The natives matie i oit pf promise, bat eeemed , afraid, . (:. !0.W14,t06 much in tho mafctpr. 'Thci ;:.Htd sifi^y* lj wished for peadd, 'but weri . fs aid .oj the .white irfieer, who wanted ti■irtiefcWifcin in oaf fearing the murderer. i...| The jßtfir, FftWier Gann's diary that*, r'.w? ■ follaw«3-'^PH&.day; is OverVand.noth'n; | ■.l iion. iiah'&';: t]id nHiU%y -tbriinvie,.*.ny bl '&byr&i inothet influential chief, hes aenb the ' .::■ .'.>v..r'. t ,. V; ,J>chu Lt,":1.7.:...u-:iiuuitu.,;. l -iJi'.'v!k paily to l/ti^nliia.'atitt itokiahgAi His iritedii(sn9;af6 not known. .A general, slaugluttv ■ of whiteg'ft still appfeHende.d. The Maori.- ---; ultiy .co'rno to surprise us oithor by-afcfoiil,. "'yf ac the' MoUjolWb'ijbwpi ot by"6»? bu^h ;ti fi'dn't.,. lu'-'tiach. a tHcgabQ.ning afeboofci •obnaiiU:wiEl.i ?ny noropnnions ag-tti wbafc I; iii ■aw ot f [,'wfoi i] iaiuilit^i vvo Bhou!' 1 'la ll \<,r, (Jocided tKftt everyofiv ! ovid h'y to ninfce I^ia .^soiipe, ami if;wc' •'^efe.obliged tsfil>^^ vre'afiomtl 1?.-...' ; ol't-BJibC-n rvfrtil:. We noticed some Ot Wft. n-iMvej wftftUii^ appfiroubl> v^ibhoUh feu, tt* S'-ruotfiiryinf; «iith. Bti/'oi^f-jon ;M !.;;o'fT," f place Bj'y; :on;^>/Mbl^;v tiuValyroeary.'iji- B)y-po.akeb, to take bin -ss ; :-vith h>^'.,Ci#a3tel^fi.-eo^n.tiway.- 1 tiie.;, '.ink within my-Vu th.-it/pfrhaps to-morrc| . ' -ttthetot>liOUti • frEo >?Mi;e tften Mve pro^ ided"'fcKa^ffl^"^*^'g«l?^'F i ißt<'*B' stu-' ■iuff k,niveß,,&to. An, Englishman caui :: ■ itia -of^sa"-.©''-''! o:aF"' 'i'iiia. i;:"'Wb :jaechn_^ ■■.■,, ,;lie% ,ii & sajbTHSe tMnkipffbJm wit; j , i;rafc!tjgp fi)^ $6" gfefeUii<s&, :A| w^ ,||. Tlt , >la« iita'iaiii^jß/i^-'-s*(^::%y^^b ' .„! Hh6,ftfnt^;ovw tifq tuid, ii t-hsy ffe««J k • tor: Wl'" tfiaPvf fi^H' :W1?O:: t&to j;tii-." '::;f+a'|| jfeittto W .^m&i^ :&f -^M 1;-!T "■■ael aticWfed at ajtoac liau >, ..lifiio. :"™thb ahok I havo mar wfoaov H6fcl«6poh to Hear if snvtblnf hs#e^ ■': : ,re'!lMi 'my^life iftto CTO:'O^atf ,of («Jg ;"■■ > wakti me" at one o'olodk, ed bmSfc Imn • .-arm's diary ehpwfi tho anxiety...felt^yo^; l)y.>tl»o;inMpna^JJ] ftnfl. tbo ptatoj.of «■: ■' pensofetofche'rbeiiifc »*v^ b^" l'^P;i trying on thogitH# atthe Bay of Island*.

On Wednesday, NoVeinifer 24,- the chiefs vUnv.Pi^i'c-ir'jjiii: "'niilitir'^' l odtt^hi ' xu-.iy ; '•.iialle and: Fab < iier/i >etifc-Jcftn, the liishb'; .'icing- away attlie.'tirne, and they lold thcw< -.iriests that .although"Ithey did not. like tc ■. nterfere^tqo much in the affair, yob.the;. "iad'Seirt" for th'e'lather of the mifi'flSfe"^ »vho T*as coming to'j ßee:tHeitn and was bringing his .*"GH "With*him; In "the meantime *fhe' tiiagisfete had received art order from AudKla'n'd 'to hold ' an* > inquest ..on the bodies of the)victims, and ,accordingly it number of the inhabitants, accompanied by eeveralMaoriß, went over to- the Jisltjh t? where the murder, waspommittedto see1 the remains of the bodies of .Mrs Robinson and her childt'lSti, also the; man and half-caste poy., Governor Hpbson in his despatch to the "Cdionial: Secretary, dated; t>eceniber .16, '1841; saye :rr'ln coiirseof, the examinacidri at the.inquest, one of the-jurors, requested a postponement, as he had received lecrcL. intelligence from a 'native chief which was likely-to r.eyeal the petb'etral'oir if - the de¥d. Accordingly on , the, next .nprnitig.very early,; a lar#e patty again proseected to the isliind, ( iintl,th^iiati^fes pointed , out the man, who .was then apprehended 6Fi ■raspiclobj ■:■• Owing, .however,, to the .threats; of .the.nativest he was nbt secured, but his' Cttther, eventually came forward arid gave bimi,up." ,lThe iii^Uegt itii^n adjpurneci tid Kororarika,,,;,;.,;', i^ j<V-' ' ■. ' ' The Rev. Father Garjn thus describes the" removalo|jyiaketu to tried for at tKe Supreme Cdiirt by th^ Chief Jnsfcice : VThe magistratS fcbffie^ from feu?eell town at 2 o'clock With twenty-five soldiers. Towards" evb'fiifii^, ' a JtJ ihoixt 6 o'clock, the soldiers inarch fjn the centre of, the town. Thd Residerifc Ma^ist^attt,; aS■jottipahiSH by hie officers and«ji Iting file cjf Europeans''and Maoris, tbon proceed .tb-j wards the; beaSfc In tho itiiddle of the; iTrdc^Slon is MakelUjtwhois ledi.?to tße boat. Ho steps into it, arid his countenance shows he is intich cast down. Thnit soldiers ,an ( d the magistrate r g6 iribo th^ iboat lik^w'isgj'fttid they ok&^fow^d to Rusaei| to\vri, Whfere Makefcu is put, into, pritioii fc* await his.removal to Aitoklahfl.' The JjiifciVes arelefbcn theshot'e; : They are struck wiVe the i fc[uiefe:.d'ftm6dH6ur' exhibited by- th 4; p^kena,thj?ough6ut the wfio|d,'i3i:bSeddJn^.; dfc Lho inqueat^ and during uhe removal ot the prisoner. They had never witnessed audh. <i sciarie Before; Thejr know^ that. .their, mad - Jias not 16hy to' liyo, and that he will i bfl. ire warded \ according to,; his ~ deserts^ Tahiaa>< let >te umidu. The native^ tell .faiethe^ admire the bonduot,'djf ,tho. white hien ; ■ they say, 'it. if) k&pai.. As for theriiseives, .they say fctiat,.' iteodrding to their old habits, they would. have, as madmen, rashoti upon tho nnitf-J dei'Ous bri&e and made a general slaupchtor; wherfeas tll|'/white tiieti proceeded slowly. The.<oldest;,of th6m are cbiS^iilted, |'every.,, | inquiry is madej pi;6p6t ihfdrtnafci^h takeri^ j and tlte guilty punished.; AlLbhis .'iß.kapai. Then they. , cry IH6 riigng&pAi t6nei. r :Ai ' war dftnee takes place, abd pesafee is' restored, \.—f lKa,maM terongo,' ■ :.,,,■■.•.' ■' I Thinjifs woro not so Mettled, however, as' ! Eovv Father; •Gtein'Vde^ci'ib'ee;,, Alter the surrender of Maketu," meetings w§re held by the. aativeli to, decide' whether they, ; should not go and roscuo tho criminal, and V6be:i btii&f, Hek'e,■ was ■ furiotts, a;nd ■ \\f®B:':ldtf vfat* at oftcs with the pakeliit. It was/ hdv^-* Myst, ovingjtothe influence or,chiefs who' iWereifriendiy to the whiffs, sucn as Wnka Jfenq, Pomare, Eawtt and others,wlio pi-«i-vaileo! bu the natives to rciiiain qniofc, that-no- diefcarbftnce-GO(||rrod, *v:an(l:;ibhe itiV ; was .' allowed to take its course, ThesMabris S'aw-fiHey hftd ambiigat thetn £ pace of men: •wiitfJifi'a-'ft'igi'^at,bhejiV command, and in, case of any eerious dig-' pute arwihg, they were' reUdy to db"nfpei submission'eiuier by la\v'or by force of arms. Maketuj ouiaocounfc, of- his,cduDep ii4(l?be,en eiVen up to the officers, b£ jiiati^e,^ Btife'tfie natives said tliat fch#j?wouldnot. give u^aholiher. nian of their, race so "rgaHiiy.. y?he^ Eug'lisM-popTUatiqn Was iti creasing rapidly, acid would Sotm butnuiiib^r tlje Ma6rii,:rand the'^'Mt'tiliat ifi' was time for them lio'p^t: a; cß^ofe: "updii' :wbafcrbhey..eonsidored ajdangerbnß ; growirig, evil, tendJFng to their subjection.. ■ Mafcotu ■vras tried at Auckland .befor^" Chief Jtlstice Marjbiti? 6ii Tu'ilday, Marcli Ist;* 1842. ;T^^ Cbuft^hbOse, >Vhibh.;'"^dnj riofcißy'any, means -a .ia%e*bu'ildvrigj'^a^ ofoiwdedi > bpth Maoris atid '• whita men; be^ngj present. The Maoris dßuld ndt iiftderSt&d" fhe dieliiy^ in %% e pi b ldeediiigs, aftrf aN jViaketir hadofllifessed to the crime they.- considered^ he&hbuldbehurt^atonce.- .:So!meofthcchiefs protested agaiiisbthecrtielby 6f keeping; him' alilv© ;so., long,- ho knowing he- hM^got ti(i! suffer deati. BBfore__hiß trial

several inflammatory lectera to his ffieridfi, which of courses wore carefully suppressed. 'Htitwifcbsfcahdinf*- he had confessed to the murder, tho case was fii'ooeeded with tod evideiioo elf hiSgililtadduced.., i; T|ie:Jury found the prisoner: guiltiyj andjMtttefcu was to; be hanged,, ; The, warrant f9;the ekeoutionj tvrhicb was fixed lor Monday, Mafoh 7fchj; 1842, was issued .under vine Mftd of Governor'HobsOn,, and, the black soil of tha colony was attached to it. 'this wa? the first de£i)h warfaot modejout in the colony or put into execution. The oeal is the first one üßijd in >thd./Coloiiy,,Bnfl Her Majesty in 'the act of addressing several • Maoris.kj It ,is impressed on, an enormons splatch of , black wax. , T?hp documenti which is to bo seen in the Auckland Muaouruj is carefully written out, bui^ Has evidently been jjeed; -.smep, as a r !c6py ifroin- which ■ other -eimiiar; vfarrai»ti were made out, for ;, ; ,o.ver. ~t)he nariie oi MaketUj--- iwhere it occurs, is wriifjOQ , JameSi BaSn.; : Thp,e? aro several other iti.fcerjirteatiiona.f which, ; qs .they ar,e|n diScrentcoloflred ipks, .Jphows plearly the alfcefation had been made at a subsequent tirao. In . priginal rlocumont, 'Jaiiies Cpobsi, [Esquire^ of the towni of Auciclarid, SEeriff,' is authorised to see that the iudeftnbrijb' is carried put,,' betweerr tbo hours of eleven, Jn[ thoi raorning and ,t^p^ ii;t{ie,aftevnoDin,f 4n.'tth,e s front of the oomrndn jail of the said' town of- : Aucklandj,^ .jhe^waTrahii was .only .Bigned on tho 3ay,pf j>he .execuEibnVfor; it» .l'ljngjthna: fThisse^nth, day of March,,in the!year of our Lord oho thousand 'ejghbi^ndred, and forty^twoj and tha mfch^ear .pfiqur.rpign^/.. _ . , ( To bc^Oontmue4.o . . ./: '' ■' ■■■ - ''- '*■' •■ • --v V/? :■■.', ■■ ; ■ ;~ t '.: '.. • ; '\\J*si,lbS&kti i oi; :Y6^," is tHo title, of that'hai'ijßi? .a'very roniaititib ■eoiimlt'but roadcrd of ft wlli^clitodvfe/that ■! Mr Barrios of New York has a vorydvtirttful j aria1 far, .frofii Uhrbrdantic cafpdf^ Thejjlotl turns'on & Cot'siiJffn 'i'hidiicd.::'' ln the dpen1-. injf, phapjbors, we .have. the narrEltiVe of a cluej b^ot^e'd'n r'Aii Bngli^h'ndvdl bfßce^ find a y'yung porsiedti, ih wMch fcho" latiJef- ,14 iior'tally'^pu>iJcle6f; His fels't'e'r Marlh'aj;Wuc( hu&'feeo'ui6Xp.ectin|iiini hbirfej"afWFJ,ltitf^. abfiiinco, arrivt » ;i!l tod late td B^Hini'ttHvei oiid vows ri rcvlt'ttci rrfkinsb his.slayer, whd hasalreiidj'' hitn'feict pflto jom'his ship i Mltd v/dftd Kjjypt. 'Theticbiprvvgfd she de'vPte^ hei?!'life td,: the js)ii%uit ,of this'unliflbWri !.thur?doror, aa shr; IkiMs him, of her brother; 1 "By a curious and well-told chain ofevenW ; she falli^ in* wi6h"^"Miai Ahsbftlthei' du6.'.o^ brother, who ' kuvhb oiib to be an Bisgliah oMtJe^'whpra she had nurfed in an Alex 1 ;itfi'd]r'idtfhoiWl*lvWbii)hef.I.the";|(tirtuili of he£ "ypW liadl^raher:: The^ had'tniire mutually fallen |ti love, ahd^heil'l6yfeiltloW'ren6wedi jSirtiiiltarientfsl^ Mi" !Baffipe)-^ho- hai^beeii present: at■ the uiieli 'having; rttad6-tHe ap:(|dfiirita:ndl' i>i " Miaa 'AnitftJCMf ,• ' Al tflftati exceedingly Itt'ughible episode ; liaS won her lot/c and ':bdenv accepted." 'Marifaa'S G6rsicail: gllax'dian :and would-be htisbalid has diseovsred i to" Wove tlliat' Lieutenant Aimhuiher h tho long86tfghfc!fflufde;rei' oi hdr brother j but'before ho has told her-this alie hds r byagreafc efforfc, pit away her wicked Vow and acjceptM Bei- auitor's lovu. Count Danella, "tesbiyeil thab tbo vengeance shall be-acooin-, plish:6'dj'-ahd' Mtttiria "fearfully^punished/ proeui'es that the' wedding shall take placft •in' :CJOral&i> Hore the drisia is reached. Murinrt haa not yet beau ttndßooived< and •if- Is iithyeUtain whettier 4ier, bettbr.>nature will tritjnoph over her Corsican'habits.df thoughts*} the iEligfligb :people suspect1 riotH. iiifl'l and Mr Bamea, v.'ho has roftson to Su9 Jjecfcthe; truth Jja faraway in England. M' .wOuldvbe uiifair to; thd reader; attd the novelist; alike to:relate the resbltj/i'ltis at oface vexoitJug'a6fl iufaexpeo^Jir U swhile'ito read the book in ord®;i|(3f diHOovetik,r; The:Btrength; of,the'bppfclids mainly in tbe plot, but.theioharacterßjSKil far froni-- being-'ill-deaoribed,; and the interest, is well maintained to the end. "Mr Bfiriies Of New York" is now pubUshSid iii book farm; andPM&y be had-ab tH6; SiiSrOffice, 7 '^.S6klahd,';or Woin- any JjopKseller in the colony.:, jt'ricej 16.. '<■'•' Jensen's Cod Liveif Oi1; Is >;iiladd A on" 6aaM. ■&'• Idfge" vi'teanler.vfltted ■■up ;«ai; a- float: ing.' fftotoryj'.whiGh. ;follc>va the fishing boats, andbn.board.which tihift.ail Js idafiefroiai the-. fresh: livers,- .cut x o\ip of x,t\Q Codas fast as Jtiey are o&ughtii: This is why Jensen's oil pqssesßea: fiajflW-eetfaiiftpleaHitnt a; taste that cxiilaj;Bn litßifc"ii:A':Speclfip^qr Asthaiaj Bronchitie, and: Co ( nslimptpni-x'.reopßimenagij v -jjy .*g^ chief English, and,. Gennaa jphyßioiafis^as, - Npurishrr: Bientiniitsmdatdigesubleform." Londoupriceß: H>;2s,;ana;:'33f:.6a4--j ) ;Sold everywhere. ,Trad« Mark, an Ideherff. Wholesale agenta: Sharlimd &00.. AucklAßd

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 225, 24 September 1888, Page 7

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EARLY SETTLEMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 225, 24 September 1888, Page 7

EARLY SETTLEMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 225, 24 September 1888, Page 7


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