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I ■ The Customs revenue of the cfimy shows as yet no sign of revival. ,ThJ following amounts were collected .at;-tbjfjprincipal ports last monbh :7-Auckland. 17,139 ISs ; Wellington, L 14,133 os 8d ; .tftelton and Chris-church, 1L10.77- 16s sdj Dunedin, L 17,833 12s 4d. For the cgresponding monbh last year tne amounts wre '• Aucklancl: L' 23,457 16s 2d; IWellington, L 20.196 12s lOd; Lybteltoiiand Christchurch, L 17,991 6s 4d; Dunfin, L 21.167 Os 4d. The tobal 'forfthe colony was L 75,221 3s lOd, as agafst L104;i44 5s 9d. The figures for lal monbh represent the revenue,received|ftet' deducting the refund'on bhe extra, fity collected on the tariff resolution, whicliamounbed bo aboub'Ls,soo. .The beer Sity for the same period was :—AucklandLßll 12s Id; Wellington, L 392 Ms lOd |Dhrisbchurch, L 717 6s 7d ; Dunedin, L7Ol f 4d. For the correstDonding month lasb yeir:—Auckland, L 726 19s Bcf; Wellingbojif 1389. 7s '9d; Christchurch, L 747 7s 5d j'^unedin, L7lB 2s 9d. Tobal for the c010ny|L3,556 18s Bd, as against L 3,487 19s Id last June. M The Indus-rial Exhibibih is still well patronised, yesterday beig one of the liveliest days, save on Satifday, thab have been experienced; To niwb a good attendance may be, expectd, as-, fj_ie. f Wgl|known Mr Townsend's ball will play, and the electric lighb illuminle bhe building. Amongsb bhe exhibibs '.. atly added bo the. show we notice _ome shil'-Mo.K. By Mr Blaikie, of Auckland,-au| a fine show1 of, earthenware from the -Milpn Pottery Company's works.' y r ;| ] Mr H.Parker, of H.MCustoms, jxtida flying visit to Rangitoto Reef yesterday, and found several' partiefyery suspiciously situated on bhe* Jyster patches One had a num^r |of bottles, some; filled with oysters fgjgd Sriother had a bag partly filled, and there)1 was also a boat close by With several lacks full. The owners of. the latter ajserted that they obtained their oystersifi'om the Barrier and will probably nob b.proceeded against; bub the others, viz., E.jClare arid E. Peel, have been reported to fie Collector of Customs, and will be deaU wibh in the usual manner. The penaltyffor picking oysters in prohibited places "I anything between LI and LSO. | The following notifes of motion have been received at the (Jty Council offices : - Cr. Crowther to iove, " That the Consulting Engineer be insbrucbed bo report to this Counol (within oue month or sooner) upon thl advisability of increasing the stora^ capaciby of reser-: voir ab pumping stabfan," and "That the City Engineer have placed at junction of Lome and Wflesley-streets '(north side) half-circular tipped gratings r also ab Cruickshank aid Miller's corner." By Cr. Davis, "Tlab all" works such as deepening or alterhg drains, 'repairing culverts or earthwfrks, etc., taking over four days for one ml, shall be done by contract, and that thcEngineer be insbrucbed bo that effect, and oat the City Engineer be insbrucbed to gade Emily Place into Shorbland-strcet, atestimated cost of £700."

A correspqnden|(" F") suggests that, some mark of apjjreciation and goodwill should be made tlwards Inspector Thomson before he lea-yes. He has. been many years in our midstjtnd deserves an expression of our good |iinioii if not something more substantial, | ;:

A return has jjeen-issued giving, the amount of shippisg and tonnage which passed through t$ Suez Canal in bhe years 1884, 1885 and 18J6. There is. a considerable falling off in tie tonnage for lasb year as compared wibh IJBS, and consequently in bhe transit receipjs. The number of vessels was less by 524, lie neb tonnage showed 'a decrease of 568197 bons, and -bhe transit receipbs a decease of 5,680,049 fr., the same rate ofdues being levied for bobh years. The fansib receipts for 1884 amounted to for 1885 to 62,207,439fr., aril in 1886 to 5_,527,390fr. Great Britain tall mainbains ibs position, being for 1886 Mthin a fraction of 77 per cent, of the whae tonnage. France has 8^ per cent., Holland 4 per cent., and Germany 369 percent. | • A musical and dramatic entertainment is to be given in lie Foresters' Hall, Newton, on Monday e\sning next, in aid of the Marisb Bros.'jfschoo-ground. The programme is a tVery varied and attractive one, comprisi|r vocal and instrumental solos and duejs by leading amateurs and professionals, frecitations, and a scene from Shakspefe, " Merchant of "Venice," by the pupi^ 0 f the Marist Brothers. An able sbrinj band, under bhe conducborship of Mr Eiscocks, will execute several choice pieces, including Mr Hiscocks' newly - complsed Royal Jubilee waltzes, which will b. performed for the first time in Auckland.|

The varietf entertainment given by Max Rinkle in thoJAgricultural Hall last evening had a largf audience, and passed oil successfully! We would again remind our readers thai the drama '"Death of the Prince ImdrialV will be produced this, evening, aid should attract a large assemblage! '7 It is inteiitled to hold a supper in connection with tm Auckland City Guards on the evening offfuesday week. The corps is rapidly r-gt_ n __.g its old sbrengbh, and bhere was a lnusler of over the last inspection p«ode.

'< of Mr Sf *™ daughter; aged five yeL baof ofE^rSf SSS naSb^ ash on th* qpvcH,,.) • f J -hand' aml wmpletely toDrfc^H* 1' Shewa/takeJ' uiou joint. The. operation was successfully performed, and fchn MM ;- »• ul- ce? SlUuy S__^_al«|pSi_3 The Rev. Thomas Spurgeon re-delivered the chair. feoStS S#^°^ eo^Se| to with evident appreciateby all S sent. During the evening- the fol 6w.n. musical selections were rendered :-In_bnf mental duet, "Tancredi," Met s S£_ Master l am^™ e| Tl' eaSUres '!' Miss *«* "TnmL.'T'''^^"^*"! duet from ' vol n? k M r Srs Brown amlHemei* - A S3^ 8 to all who IVstoi Snni te, rmi,f tionof the lecture? fastoi Spurgeon closed the proceedings by pronouncmg the Benediction. u'eeam °s mS_ i? * f aP.P eai,»ere is no move being. p. to™? Ame™a 7 cifci *™ in Auckland fo? celebrating the ''immortal: fourth" or_; Monday next. .'Mr Max Kinkle who'__ W glu g fc^T T. lar entert_inments at the Agricultural Hall, intends, however, tohava th?TW_ P °? . lus c °Y»/ccount in honour of the Declaration of Independence, and will rt, £ f WOt'. k?- efcc '> on Monday night.: On Tuesday night, Max takes a grand com': . phmentary benefit, which' ought to be thai occasion of a bumper house. - = enjoyable invitation social wasgiven' by several' Ponsonby gentlemen in the Odd-1 fellows Hall last evening. There were about. -'0 couples present, and a first-class pro.' gramme of dances was gone through, ex>l ' 06 lent music being provided by Messrs1 Adams and Davis. The arrangements wera earned out by Messrs J. and A. Cooie r N. Jones, F. Edwards, and G. Newell, and the catering was) done by Mr 6.1 riobson. • 'The. Otago Educational Institute appears to be in a bad way. A_. a recent meetin* -Mr 'Mdne moved-" That the railway fares ■ of the delegates to Christchuren last year be-passed for payment.!' Mr Jeffry said that they owed in all L4_, L 25 of which " was due to the Auckland delegates, and against this they had L2O. He would movathat they go bankrupt and pay 6s 8d in the pound.—(Laughter). '._•'■ At Mongonui on Wednesday evening lasb' a cou'cerb was given in aid of the funds o. the Orur-u Valley Church. The following, programme was gone through *—Overture/ " The Rats Quadrille;:' Band.; .-song, "I'm Afloat," ■___■..;.__. Libbleproud.; . dueb. (piana and violin),' "March from Norma,". E.i GoodisonandE. Carton; song; "Vision,"; Miss Carton ;; song, ",'Tween Decks, Mr' Ballance ? duet (pianoforte), -; "Indian jSTight," .the Misses, Wyles; song, "The. Nightlesp Land." Mrs O'Neil; piano selec-; tion, Miss Prosser; song:' (with violin' obligabo). "My Fiddle,andj I," Master A. Ballance; .recitation, ,'" Yorkshiremah's Turkish Bath," __r'W7 Prosser; song, " Pins and Needles," Miss Trimhell; sona (comic), "Yon ExpecbrToo-Much,". M. Goodison; duet, '.'Music on the^Vave.,^. Misses ,E. and ',&■■■ Garton and '__,' Goodison; • -song, - ";Nancy Lee,", Mr " OVW. Garton ; waltz.',.' t:Veneti_."Bandj waltz, " Brise dcs; Nuits," band ;;■ song, "Sailing," Mr Goodison; song, "Men'roi Harlech," Mi-L. H. Claude.; duet..!' Flow On, Thou Shining River," Miss.Nr'lMle proud and "Mi?s 'Prosser;'".o'ng,' ''B.oup'*' la," Mr : Donaldson ; ; piano;' solo', Miss I'tosser; song, , "If Built a ; Hall of Pansies," Miss; Moar ;. song, Miss Garrtow^.; piano, " William Tell," Miss Litbleproud; '-, galop, "Saucy, Kate," band;; -song, with banjo:(comic), " Kissing,-' Mr J..A. Legge; duet, ".Larboard Watch,"-Captain Farquhar ; and Sir Goodison; :Song,' ■ •"The. Little Hero," Mrs Goodison; song, "Sing,1 Sweet Bird," Miss --Garten ;i quadrille. , "Post," baud; "God Save the Queen." ■ A pleasing entertainment was given in All 7 Sainbs'School-room, Ponsonby; last evening. Tlierc was a good;attendance,; the Rev. Mr. Calder presiding. A well-arranged .pro* ' grame.was presented as follows :. Pianoforte, duet, Mr and Mrs Reai.ll; glee/ •' Behold ■". How Brightly," choir; "song, Mr Barnes; : song, Miss Harley ; madrigal, "SinceFirsi ; 1 Saw" Xoul* Face," choir ; song,-" When" The Swallows Homeward Fly,"::'Mrs*Ju_-i son; song, "FatherO'Flynn,"Mrs Smyth; song, "My .Queen," Mr Searell; .madrigal, "Down in - a Flowery Vale,';" jiarb song, "lb Is Not Always' May," choir; sorig, .7. "The- Red; Cross,"'Mrs Johnson; ;sorig, .. f The Libble Hero," Mr W; B. .Bruce; par. song, "When Evening's Twilight," choir; ; sorig, Mrs Edger ; song, ."The Bay of Bis-: cay," Mr Carder ; glee, " Sweeb and Low," choir; duet, :"0 Albion," 'Mrs; Johnso n... ■ and Mr Barnes; part sorig, "Love, I-Musti. Not Tarry,",choir. ~. ~:.■' The Church of, Christ.Band of. Hope held its usual monthly meeting in the Foresters' Hall'last evening. The hall was w;ell filled and the following lengthy programme was creditably gone through-:—Opening chorus j by the company, " When Tqu See thr Temperance Army ;" recitation by Fanny: Picard, " I've Gob a Man; to Sign the Pledge;"; recitation, ."Father is.Coraing..,;, Harold Aldridge : song, " Aunby,"' Mia; Heron; recitation, "Jenny's Stand. ■•■;■ Mabble Munns ; recitation, .<' The Afternoo. , " Nap," Bessie Black ; song, " When o the. Lips," Mr King; dialogue, "Blowing; 3?: Cloud," George Stow,' Marion arid Alberts Huo-hes ; recitation, " The Outcast Baby, | Erne=b Aldridge; 'Jubilee duet, !.','PoUy,i Pub the Kettle on," R. and V. Jarvis!. amusin"- and' instructive address, T L. Wilcock. Collection. Recitation, "A Chrisbmas Story," Miss King j ; "Yorkshire Bells " on bhe -concertina, iVif Aldridge ; reading, " Pray.Employ Major; PambyV" Mr King ; recitabion, " Someone? 1 Darling," Fanny French. Owmg to the &, | treme length to which: Major Pamby,, I idiosyncrasies were drawri°ub,vthreejno|i| interesting items had to be omitbed,^wJict | will come in for next meeting, to be held op ■ Friday, Augusbsth. A chorus washing 'W at - the company,'' That's the Way. to Win fe I Day." A. hearty vote of thanks was*- | corded to Mr Phipps for, his kindness J | lending his piano for the occasion. . M ■ meetii^ was opened and closed with praye< • :by the'Cliairmaii, Mr Geo. Aldndge. j, , Miss Letham has taken over the busing g of Aylett and Letham,- and. all deto.wfly ■ ■' must be paid, to her at once. § ■ ducing her stock,; being compelled .to ma" ■ ; a big turnover. , '"'a'^YM Iff Mr Jas. Mackay's new pampWeb,.deawa ■ 1 wibh bhe question of native land adm^g.g ' tion is now on sale ab Messrs Kidd.P" |, ; Wildman's, Victoria Arcade. ''"AA. M '■ . The annual sermons in connection.; w» H the Wesleyan foreign ;im »m J , H preached to-morrow in Pibt-sbi-eeb^ ChnrtD, |, . 11, by Rev. A. Reid; 6.30, Rev. H. Bull » c ' John's Church : Mormng. ab 11, ,s Bull; evening, 6.30 , Rev, O^WJ-.B i The annual public meeting .W«ESB Pibt-strect on Tuesday evening, athahp | • seven.' ■' - - ■ '. _•/„_; __i : The second of the' series, of« W \ petitions" promoted by the ff^U I • bhe Opera House is A^M i vertising columns. A P» zevlv .hfi*'» , given to the competitor snaking W gg^M ,' words out of letter, m. the woidSj <^^ag Operas." Copies, of re vised .raj?,• jgjgß- . full instructions, may be obtain daUie tm , Kidd and Wildman's, Shortland-strMM, i The conductors of ti,e''Natoa|gp|: , word competition publish naMI . an explanation ofßule I. of tiieieg TKe QOMulttttiw on the J-»ins

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 54, 2 July 1887, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 54, 2 July 1887, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 54, 2 July 1887, Page 4


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