BSTATJJ, HOUSK, AND LAND AGENT, AT7CTIONKKR, &c. • ASCOT AVffNU*. RRMUBHA.-'Well-flniehpd Villa of 7 mom:., fitted with rnoto'* warrlrib.-? r»nso,r<ißi»t(-rr>d frrat" : nuotmnnt 90 x 230; more la' dif wanted. £030. 1811 AUCKr,ANIV-Va\uaWo Rtisincan Sltoforsaju, situate in ShorUand-Ktrwt. corner of Miv.s Lone, anci immediately botweer, the promiseß of Messrs A. Clark and Sonn and Bycroft and Co. Tavmn oaoy. ALKXANDRA-STRKET (top, near RymmidsBtreot. and near the plants reserve)- Comfortabl- R' sMenco of P rooms, city water, bath, and all conveniences; a very doHmble property. (15J' AVOMD'LTC (directlr it Station, and front'nar mainVnad, inrt past Mt, Albert)-Comfortable Kesldenop of 9 rooms and sundry ontbu'.ldinif. and about 4 acres garden and orchard. 1 rice, £1.100 lldi BRRKSFORDSTRKET- 6-roon.ed Verandnh Villa Residence, well fitted with prna nnd wator, conking rane:«. reciter grates. &c &o. On'y!7 minuteß' from Queen-street. ico £585. 5lBRIGHTON ROAD. PARNWLL-Coiifortalilo Verpn-lah Oottn^ of 4 rnnmi ana ecull^ry allniment,4lxl26;nicopo»ition, )3 view £320.—D. F.Kvans. (WiOl BOND-STRKKT. Arch Hill—OomfortaoloCottaee of 2 rooms, on allotment 33 x lOo; large stable, good well of water, side entrance for express. £160. (1590) BOND-STRKKT, Arch Hill—Freehold Cottage. I rooms and ecnllery. large p'jsaee, register prate, &c; K«s opposite, and all nonv'-ni-enoes. Price £270. (loOI*l COSTLBY-STRKBT, near Wood-street. Pan-BOnbv-C tta^e of roon s, cupboards L<\ ; allotme'jt. ?6 x 132.Price, &iW. "68 CLaRUNOE bTRKET, Ponsunby-CorafortaWo Cottage of i rooms and B oullery ; city wator laid in, freehold allotment. Price, only £18; i. 17b? COIAK&E ROAD AND GREENWOOD ST (CORNKRi-frehold Shop and llwt-lUna of o rooms; all convonif nces ; Kaa and city water. Full particulars to D. F. Evans. (1613) BROWN-STRKRT, PONSON BY- Nice.Villa of 6 rooms and *culh ly. range, and colon! .1 oven; shed at back; all. tnwmt. 10 x 104-4 ; pJ>co £310 j water laid in. ">•* CR«SS-STREKT. Nfwton —5 ronmed Home water laid in. Allotment, 3! X 90. 1/ #* COX-STREKT. BAYKIELD-2 Nice Hou-eg. each 5 nnd 6 rooms ; ntoels flnisb.'jj off. ttnd aU ; conveniences Price £250 and £800. (l&l/l COBDEN - STREET, NEW rON - H «JB«J HUUtSK; gaa'Bnd water; price. £400. U2o DOCK-STREET. NORTH BHO UC-Freehold Villa Resirtenca of S rooms and luree scull ry ■water laid in; bow window. \ orandrjh. aim porch; all convenierc;-s. and flnthrd oft tn flrst-clasa et;-le. l.aifie allotment, 40 x 13i This is a moat desirable freehold, only two minnta»' ttosa wharf. Grand view. Price only £400. DRAKE-STRKKT (Fr.-emaiV Hay)— Commodious Business Promises; flue position ; R"00 investment. iwwi EPSOM-BROWN-STRE" T—House of C rooms and acre of ground, all in orchard, Sec.; Pjioe, JJSOO. I|2l ELDON-STRKHT, PAHNELL - Comfortable Verandah Cottage of 7 rooms, stable, workBhop, Sco. in first-class order; kitchrn range. dros3er. well, pump, &c, near Tin, beach; price, £425. !!W ELDOV-STHEKT, Brighton, PgrneU-Cottajje i ronms, water Idld in ; price, £359. 1719 GR&FI'ON RO4D (opposite Choral H-.U)-Soußeof sroon M and scallery etc; leasehold and 14 year-, to run at low rent of £7 10s per annum. Price, £150. 1717 GKORGK AND RYLH: STRESSTS (corner oi>Very superior Houso, beautifully finished off In cedar and ornamental woods. To pc sold at once: a bargain. 14U' GIBRALTAR CRESCSNT (Parnell)-A very Handsome Villa Residence, possessing <>ix Sw rooms; sra» -nd water throufhont^ washhonse s.ud every convenience; ireehold allotment, 3G x 100; well drained planted; this property is pleasantly situated, commanding a moat extensive view of the Domain. 11!>HAMILTON ROAD, PONSONBY-Haudsoine Villa imd Grounds, beautiful garden, pr.iod aspect, grand view. Allotment about US x . 145. Closo to a pretty beaoh; handy to trim, only £900. < i6Bj> , HKPBORN STREET-Leasehold fTommoiitraß Residence of 7 rooms, bathroom, &c. Allot Sent. 134x150. Lease about 30 i cars. Ground rent low. Prico, 450. . "ib HACKETT-3TRKET (Ponaonby) -Comfortable Villa, 4 large rooms, loan-to, &o.; ma aa& water laid in; nice position, noar tho beac-.a. Price, £300. < 1"J:" KING3LANU ROAD -House nf 6 room». wellfitted and spacious; laree shed ar-d loft, and 3 allotments, each about 66 x MO. £o.\*. i . at BTTB-R PASS—HOUB9 of 5 rooms, verandah back and front; g-a laid in. gas stove. &c, stable: Allotment. 50 x 200. Price, £l,&>0. JOHN-STRKET, PONSONBY—Nice Verandah Cottage i rooms and scullery, range, ard registergVate; wator laid in; allotment, 40 x.100; price. £210. IGSI MANUKAUROAD.PARSSLIi Comfortable Residence of 8 reoms, So., &c, gas &c. beautifßl garden. CornerallotmentllO x 120. £1,250. *!SJ-' binds, gas. water: etc., etc. £38a. (BSD MOUNT EDEN, Mary-street-5-roomcd Viila Kesidance, with pantry, wash-houso fow house? &c.; pretty garden, nice aUato eat Price £400. <IM9) MOUNT EDEN (Owen's Road)— Pretty Villa of er^nlrwash-honse, &c, &c: splendid vol. ' oanlo allotment 132x170. U547) MORNINGSIUK (juit behind PnbHc School). - New Hfiuse ot li rooms and I reehold AHot- * " j. £235 llo'o) NKL?ON STREET, CITY-Two r-omfortable Verandah Cotto^-es (4 roomo each)! reehold. PriM only £251) each.-D. F. Kvans. (160U) NBW NOPTH ROAD 2 Cottages ou Allotment 67-6 x 120. Price for the lot, £250. 1713 NEWTON ROAD-Two Handsome Villas.just flniuhed; built on tbe mist improved design; all conveniences. 6 rooms and ecullery ; pan to be seen at D. F. Evans's Office. Prices £130 and £173. (lb39> NORFOLK-BTRBET-Villa,4rooma and scullery gas laid on, good well, with allotment. 45 x iwTfrontiDg Norfolk and Douglas-street. Price £375. < mß> NORTH SHORE—Comfortable VJllaof 9roouia, wash-house, copper, gae, and 'all convenion■oes. Price, only £500. (loll) PARK ROAD—Good House of 7 rooms, pleas antlv situated; splendid view; large alloi ment. Prioo £850. <H2l> PAR'J ELL—ViIIa RTOaidence of 7 rooms, bathroom. &0.,t0.; wood.coal.and waah-hou-e, with boiler and all convaniences; allotment, 66 x 100. " < 151W PEKL-STREKT o!Fßichmond Road-6-roon.ed House, iron roof. Allotment, 66 x 140. Price, «O5() 17 Jo PoKsONBY ROAD-Near All Saints1 Church. Compact VilU of G rooms, wash-house with copcer; gas and every convemonca. P«ce only £600.-1). F. Evav.s. (1700) PONSONBY ROAD—Freehold Allotment, per fectly level, 56 x 10(1; fill per foot. 1737 PONSONBY ROAD Double Front Shop and Dwellinß-hour-eof 4rooms; city wafer and eras. Allotment. 34 Bxll2. Price. fe-00. 1731 PAKNELL (Brighton Road)-New Houa:. of 6 rooms and workshop, stove, register crate- verandah bide and front: allotment, 80 x 340. Price. £400 Can 00 sold on terms. QUEEN-STREKT. RICHMOND-Cottn.?- of 0 rooms and waih-houso; allotrarnt, SOl x 63-4; divided in half ; olauted fruit trees, &c.; well drained. Pric<», £38(1. C/7H) RYLK AND GKuRGE-STREKTS-CHtacce, 4 rcomß and loan-to: ailotmeut frontaae to twoatreetJ). Pric:-, £450 (18341 RUSSELL-STRKET, Archill-Two Cottngt's, 4 'rooms and acullc-ry each. Allotment. 22-6 x 1(.'5 feet each. Jfrotholrt. Price. £230 each. (17U9) BEMUERA—Comtortable Villa of Broonm, »a, &c; large allotment 00 x 221, pl;iiir.od^&a, RICHMOND ROAD - Handsome Villa' of' 7 rooms. &c.; liitchen raogo, cupper. Sec, &o (trtehold). £500r H238) ROSK'RO4I>, SURREY. H LLS-Uomi'ortnb'e 6 roomed ''iila fltte-.i wi'h all convenience, emci'.y water,&c. &c. Prieelowand ta ma v«r? easy.-D F. Evans. (1707) STRATFORD AND CLYDE TREKT3, Par nell-Verav.dflh "'ilia, 3 tms, fa. Allot ment haa two froatago'. £400. (!osi) BUMMER-aTRBKT, I'ONSONBY-Cottu^o of 4 rooms and porch; register «rates, city water. &o ; erocti<l on 2 allotments, each 40 x 00 33x90.- Prlcuforthe ot. £30. 1779 SUMMKK-KTRtCKT, PUNfONBY-Verandah Cottage oi 4 rooiaa and Bcullery; water laid on. P rioe nnlv £i2O. (1S21) SPRINC(-STREET, Alma Place—6 rooms. £320. SFRINO-STRKB'I. Alma Place, and only ton mlnutea' walk trom G.P.0,—4-roomed Verandah Cottage, city water. Prico on!y £235. . 0563) SHEHIDAN-STREET—Comfortable House of 8 rooms. &c.; gaa And water laid ia ; nice POMil.ion. Price. £51,0. (1470) BHKLI..Y HKaCH Kt-AD. Ponsonby—rcitage of i rcomn, fet". Splendid allototnt, SO x 120 Hriee. only £400. 1707 STANLEY-SIR XT, CITY—New and well finished Viila c( 6 rooms, fitted With raugs, cupboard, was, g.-ate &0., &0.. and commodious oi.t-bulldings—l). F. Evans. Uii9Bi BALE-STRBSI Il<reemanß Bayj—Cottage, i rooms in good order; corner allotment; only £30*1. 1476 AIiBKRT ROaD. NORTH SHOHE-l omfortabiii 5-roomed Villa Residence, with bay window, soul ory, &c,; ill convoniences ; a very pretty p'aco; large allotment, 50x182, Price only £3UO. (1811* VICTOKIA-STKEKT WKtJT-Shop and Dwel line ot 4 rooms. £450. (109')) VALLKY ROAD, Kount Edesi—Nisa Villa Residence of 5 rooms, &c.; gas and watsr, all convenience, uica place. Prlca £165. Terms easy. 11586) VIKW RO iD. Mount Ede«—House, 6 rooaiß etc., etc,; large aUotment, 50x250.' Price. £450. 176U VBRMONT-BTRKET—Commodloua and com fortable Villa Residence of 6\u rooms, wash house, cellar, &c.; city water and every cobvenienoe: good allotment. Very cheat), 13S0 VICTORIA AVENUE. SIOUN I' BDBN - Comfor'Jibui Uottage ot 4 rooms, lie, lar^jo levejU olhitment 40 x 200; Price >;310. — yiO'Kjii&ttOAD, NORTHSHOUE-Comfort- ■ aWfOHfi}l9'°" ' roollls. soullery, bathroom eUBpHpSuS.i fillut cut 45x135(m0re ground M* lf-M«pleu).veit~ate at corner of Rattroy-si, - friofr' 175. D. F. Evana. (170') WijiiliACß-diREBL', Ponsonby-House of 6 V-TOO'ns, gJB and wmter. outhunae, and every tonvsmieuca; allotment, 41 x 150. Prico, £150. WKLUNGTON-STKEfcT-Very nlcr. Co\tago of-4'toonn; &g; Ihi i?e workshop; Bllcouv iencea. Prioetitib £255. Ufi2'^r W XWDHA-M-aTRKh t. juat atijornorof Albert Street; grand mte: flno aliotaaant, ; arith n\H ootta«e» now etondiDE. -• 1239 For BUUiiINO AW.OTMKNTB, RVRKh LAMDB, end fabus, see sepjintta advertiaemente. :, T>. *#•■' -B" V A N S. AUCTION BBS, fto. ' , \ . IIiMPIMAET-QUBEK-BIKSET, KSXT BiNK OS AtJSTR*LABIA.
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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 298, 18 December 1886, Page 6
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1,450Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 298, 18 December 1886, Page 6
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