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K EATING'S LOZENGES. OlicaUnW Cough Remedy. Y^EAT Q[d^t apd HoßtCough Romed?. TT"EATING'S LOZENGES. XV Oldest and Beat Cough Remofly. j\. Oldest and Peat Cough Rennfly. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldost and Boat Cough Ketwy. R EATING'S "T6ZENOBB. Oldest and Beßt Cough Rflmefl;. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest nn'l B»at Cough Romody. K EATING^ e LOZENGES. ugh K^^ Gl^J^sfc Sou K h Remedy. X EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldeat and Beat Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. " ANY DOCTOR WI-U. TFXL YOU Ono gives relief. If you suffer from Cough try them but once ; tbqy will euro.and they will not Injure your health. They contain only the purest drugs, skilfully combined. Bold everywhere In am.nll Una. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS, A PUHKLY VKQKTABLK SWKKTMKAT both In appoamnco and taste, furnishing a moat agroVable method of administering the only certain remedy for INTKSTINALor THRKAp V. OHMS. It is a perfectly safe.and mild preparation and is especially adapted for children.— Bold in Tins by all Chemists. Proprietor, THOMAS KSATING. Ix>ndon, Exvort Chemist andpruggxst. STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH, OAOTioNTO'PuKCHABaKS.-The value of this well-known Family Medicine baa been largf-ly tested In all parts of tho world, and by^U grade. Nt HnnlntV lOr UDWOTds Ot KIFTY VEABS. XU wofl earnedextenslTosalehaflinducedai-nRIOUB wrrATioNB, some of which in outward at-1-BAitANOK bo closely resemble tho original as to have iHccivod many purchasers. The proprietor, therefore, feels it due to the publlo te Jivo a special caution againatthe use of such Imitations. Purchasers aro therefore reauested caraf ally to obeorvo tho four following: dißtinotivo characteristics, without which none aro Konuino ■ — Ist — In every oase the words John BTKKDMAtf, CnitMlHT. WALWOBTH. Suru-UCY. ore engraved on tho Government Stamp afflxf d to euoh paokot, 2nd - Each Single Powder hae directions for tho doae, and tho words JohD Steodman.Chemlct, Walworth. Surrey, printed thereon 3rd—f ho name Stood man is alwayt »pelt with two KlO's. i'h - The manufacture carried on solely in Walworth. Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medlcin Vendors, at la lji to 2j 9d each. Agents KBMi'TnORNK. Phosser and Co., Aucklan Wellington. Chrlstchuroh, and Dunedln. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original a"d Only Genuine Adrico to Invallds.-If you wish to obtain tiuiu' rcfruahluK sleep, freo from headachft rullof frora pain ncdaiiKuißh, to calm and aosunß* tbti wtmrj a^hings of protruded ciuoiuie, Ufr viKOrate the asrvoun modia, and regulate Uj* circulating syßloms of tho body, you will provJOt youmulf with that nuirvellous remedy die oovrrod hi Dr. J. Colli.l Browne (late ArBBJ Mirtioal Stall"), to whlcn ho gave the name 01 CIILOKODI'iNK, and which U aOniiitod by UM prufonaion to bo the most wonderful and val» aolo rsni'Xly ever discovered. CJILOItODYNK i» the best remedy knorrnlOl Cougha, i;onsuuip'<on, ISronchilU, Asthma. CHIjOHOU V NK'u-ta like a charm in Diarrhcß*, and is tho only Bpooißc in Cholera and UyßenUI'IUOHODYNK effo;tually cnta Bhort all attacks tit KpUopsj, Hysteria, Palpitation, and 'cuiiOUORYNE ig the only palliative In Neuralgia, Kheumatlam, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, See From Symeo &Co., PharmaceutioalChomlßU, Medical Hall. Simla, January 5, 1880. To J. T. Davenport, Eaq., 33, Great KußSoll-trcet, llloouibbury, London. Doar Sir, -Wo embrace this opportunity of coßgrutulatinn; you upon thi widespria'l reputation this jus ly eoteomei medicine. Dr. J. Coliis Browne's Chlorodyne, hai earnud for itself, not onlyin HindOftaD, but all over the Kast. Ab a remedy for general ntillty. we much question whether a bolter i» imported Into the country, and wo ulißll bo glad to nearol Its finding a plaoa in every Annlnlndian home, Tho other brands, wo are.happy to say. aro now relegated to the native bazaar*, and, judtflna from their Bale, wo fanev ilirir eojourn ther« will bo but evanescent. Wo co-ild multiply instances ad intinitum of tho cxtraordlnarj •Jllcacy of Or. Collia Browne's Chlorodjn* in Uiarrhoaa, and Dysontery, Spasms. Cramps, Neuralgia, tho Vomiting of Pregnancy, B nd aaa gonoral sedative, that havo occurred under om personal obHcrvafion during many years. Io Choloralo Diarrheas, and evon in tho raor< torrlblo forma of Cholera itself, we hay« witnessed Its surprisingly controlling power, We have no vor.used any other form of this mcdl oino than CoIIIb Brovmo'a, from a flrm convio tlon that it 1b dooidedly tbo boot, and aloo frornt aonneof duty we owe to tho profession and the Dubllo. aa wo are of opinion tint tho substitution of tny other than Collia Bruwno'a is a he MBKHATK IiItEACH OF KAITH ON ¥HB PART 01 TUB 01IKM18T TO I'IiKSOHIFIK AND PATIKNI ALIKR. Wo aro, Sir, faithfully yourn, Byjnioa A Co., Members of tho Pharm. Sbelety of Groal Britain, Ilia Kxoelloucy tho Vlo*roy's Chemiats. CAUTION.-Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Pa»« Wood Btatcd that Dr. J. Collia Browne was, nndonbtodly, the Inventor of Chlorodyne; that the story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, whioh, he regretted to say, had boon sworn to.—Soe "The Times," July 13, ISM, Sold In bottles at la lid. 2a 9d. la 6d, and 111 oaoh. None is gonulno without the words "Dr J. CoIIIb Browne'a Ohloroayne " on the Govern sent stamp. Overwhelming medical testlmpnj nooompanlos each bottle. Caution.—Beware'of Piracy and Imitations. Sole kanuiaoturer-J. T. DAVENPORT, a Qraat Kn«8ell-»treet. Bloomgbury. London. "T Y^OiNUJiKIfUL 1%/rJEIiICIJNB, BEECHAM'S PILLS yjlii /i^V •^•re admitted bj \j\if\ A thousands to t* ft ~*^!7*\. ■worth a Guinea t f^t/ ' \ifi\ Box for bilious aai /Q3/ Vw\ nervous (Hsordora K\\sl- \-"C\ euoh as wind, ano l;;"C/T>ATtr'WT \ lpaininthoßtomaSh, I 'VPAliii^- 1- balaiek headache. Ridlt/i rM II d IceldineßP, fulnosß and Irt'l HI Wl-*i /ftf/Bwollinß aftermcala \Xj\ ——»■» ■■ /flj/ dlzzlncae and drowVS\. /is/ siness, cold chills, VS»V X<2v flushinßS of hent, \W!V_ _^.'tivX loa °' appetite, \'4'97f^\Kr shortness of breath, VSSI2&^ ootUvenoM, scurvr, blotcho3ontherkln, £i^\ dleturbod sloop, a*^ friKh'fvU dreams, and all nervous and trombltnt? soußatlon", &c Tho first doso will givo relief In 20 minutes. This is no flctioD, for they havo done it in thousands of cusua. Kvory aufl'orer is earnestly Invited to try ono box of these Pills, and they will bo nrknowlndßeet to ho WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For female* ut all a«os theae PUla ara invalnnblo, as a fow doses of thorn carry off all Kroes humours, open all obstruction, and bring about all that is required. No femnln shoula bo without them. There i tin medicine to be found to equrfl BICK^HAM'S PILLS tor removln« any obstruction or irroitularity of the .yetem. If takpn accordlsg to tho dlrectiona given with each box", thoy will coon restore famalC3 of nil ages to sound and robust health. l"or a.vroak stomach, impaired digestion, an., all disorders oftlie livor, thoy act like "MAGIO," and a few doson will bo fount to work wonders uron tho roost importar-t organs of tho human machine. They strengthen tr.o wholo muscular system, roBtoTO tho long-lost comploxlon, bring back the koon odgo of at petite, and arouso into notion with tho HOSKBUu of heal h tho wliole physiosl energy of the human frame. IVcse'aro "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all claaßoß of society ; and one of the best guarantees to Hip nervous and debilitated is, Ueccliam's Pitla. have tho largest sale of any patent medicine in tho world. Beechnut's Magic Cough Pills. .As a remedy for ('onshsin general, Atthmi nimr-ulty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, TiKhUK-Bd nnd Oppression of tho Ohost, Wheezing, &0.. these Pilla etand unrivalled; and •inyono labouring undor any of tho abovo aomplaints need only iry One Itox to prove that, they are tho best over offered to the üblio for Asthmatic nnd Consumptive Couch?, EloavconoFS and Oppression of the Chest, llioy speedily remove t'nat sense of opprOßsion and difficulty of broathing which niglitly deprive tho patient of rest. They givo almost instant re-llef nnd comfort to thoso afflicted with the abovo distressing and. when neglected, dangerous comnlimtß. Lot any person troubled with any of tho above complaints gtvo Lkkcham'b Cough Piixs.a trial. Tho most violent Cough will In a Bhort time be removed. Caution.—Tho publioaro requested to notice that tho words •'Beecuam's Pill, St. Helens," are on tho Government Siamp affixed to each Box o£ tho Piils. If cot op,they aro* forgery. Proparod only and sold wholesale and rotail by tho proprietor, T. Beeohsm, Chemist, St. Ilolone, Lancashire, Knglahd, in boxes at Is IJd »nd 2s 0d each.—Foid by nil Druggists nnd Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the 00lDIIiOB. N.B.—Full directions are Riven with eaoh box; baflKflANQlHai, W. PHILLIPPB * BON O&VB RKOBTVKD, EX liATB ABKIVAXB 186—P AOK AG B S—lßs 00RT4ININ6 65,090 ROLLS 07 BAPBRHANGINGB, OONBISTINO OF NEW PATTERNS fat Drawing, Dining, Bed-rooms, Hall tad ©kAhwm. nttable (or tho Msuioa ot CSottoce. 918—PACKAQBH—91S 90RZMB AND EHBBIANE PU&.TX AWD BHKBT GLABB, WHITB Tl JAD, OILS, TURPS, VArttflSHßSr ANO A.LL TRADM BUNDRIBB, W, FEULIFFS A SOW, SS un> 97. QoBBN-R'juanp. J~_ _ _ _ _^_ _. • GBNffiRAL QROCBH, 8 H 0 It Th A N D ■ S T R & SW.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 214, 11 September 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 214, 11 September 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 214, 11 September 1886, Page 6


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