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i _ Wanted, WANTED, William Simons, late of schooner Atalant* to call or send his giriroa!. to No. 10, SchorlTa Balldlw.M. Fort-nt Y\7 ANTED, an experienced "Headman WANTE D, an Apprentlc to the Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmlthing.— Apply to J. Andrew, KpßOtn Forge. "■ WANTED, a Charwoman to wash out aa office.—Apply JiTAit Office. IOk7"ANTBD, Employment for n reepec--7 T tablo Boy, aged 14, storo> onico. or apprentice to good meclianioal trade.—Address Boy, care K. Porter and Co-,, Nowrnarkut. "\A7 ANTED, by young Man, Work; ~;, ', A thorough competent Storeman ih Wh.loaalo Grocery and Grain Line;good Auckland lVJfo^no^—Ajld£e£B_K ;: _STAiU ; )ffl£o ; ____ WANTED, by widow with child nearly | 3 yearß, Situation. Is a pood cook and laundress.—Addreea 8., Star Oltloe. WANTED, a Situation as Governess, thorough Enßlieh, French, Itulkn, I and music; excellent references;—Addrotß P F: BTARjJfllco. '■ ' \\7 ANTKD, by an acc~olnpnßhed~Touh^ i T 7 LaUj-, a Situation as Governess or ' Liay's Help, whore shoo.n bo made one of thS farmlyi is a good mUblc'an.—AddretS, ICiggaih, i XjtjTANTED'; by,;i., trustworthy dnd ! TT lhorou(^hly. Domesticated Person, a Situation aa Working JJousokaeper, or any position o( trust, -AddrcjaVale, Stah Ofllce. j WANTED, by a Boy, 15, some place to ' flash his trado to bo a Bla< kamiih ; le B r.)Dg and willing; has been nearly 1! months at tiale.-Fur a^.rtrene, unply Star Omco. t \A7 ANl'Bli, '2singlcGontlemenßoardor?, ' »¥ f-iriß'e or double ro m ; near G.P.0.; 18i P3r week ; plunge bath, eto.—Addreaß Mr Hatswell, Groutr. Princesstreet. WANTT^lfoTirGentlomen Boardiri in a small private family, 5 mlnut; B1 walk from Qucenet.; bath Terms very moderate.— Jlra Mitchell, coiner Graften Koad and Wyn yard-btrecti I WANTED, 2 respectable Bcardcr* to ' sharo bedroom i terms, its per week; — Apply A. VVi Senmdoni, Grober. ronsonby Road, opposito All ruinta'. VSfAN'fED to have attached to every T T Hougo one of Edwarda'a Pataat Solf-actr ing Dcbdoreing Closets. Fever prevented I Health aß3\ircd I A Model can be seen and Olrculora obtained at the Company's OfUco (Fowler and Wilkinson), Hxcbango Obambors, j Queen-streot. __ ANTED TO SELL^a" fine Walnui ' Bookcase; prico, .SoO.-Inoa, STiB Offlco. XXTANTED TO SELL, a good American TT Slove, " The Llttlu World, No. 7," 33a.Apply to ¥j. Mace. 33, Ipsuranee Buildinga. WAM'KU, to Soil, o Light Strong AVaggOnttto, only 5 months in uss | n staiinoh II >rBo, and Harrn^s; a nice turn-oiiti ar.d cheap.—Apply, by lottor, WuggOnette, STAh Office. WANTED puichaeere of Japaneeo Sunnhados at 9d ; Fanß at 3d t Trays at Bd; Toilet Mats nt Id ( Shell Trays at Od ; Cabinets Bt Is ; Brackets nnd other Japanese Gooas Wondorfully cboaP! at Qoodp.on'B London ArCado. WANTED, a good Miscfoscopo for cash.—State particulars to V.H ; care of J'>hn Angove. Thamoß; ANTED, the Selectors on Dacrfi's Claim to cl'dor tholr 1 iinber at the Mill* Great Omaha. ANTED, LeSSoha in Shorthand — Stato terms, time, and place to Otiioga, Kdun^TerraEO P.Ot WTAN^E DTol^rybody~to Do^rtho^CoiTcort and Ball on Tuesday, tho 7th. Inst., a* iho Newmarket lla.ll. in. aid tf the Unemployed In Newnmrki t- Musical programme by. Borne of ,lho best localtalont. Tho Jlayor of Nciymarket in tho chair. String and brasa band will bo in attondnnce. ANTED SEEN, tho Choice Fancy Goods in tho window of GoocUona London Arcade. WANTED.— Shoemakers need not de spair, aa Dam pier's Ftirewoll Boot Salo to the Public will poon be over. WjINTtD, tho Shoemakora to know that I have the followln« Barßainn for them:—Nugget Nails, 3jd per lb; Iroa Boot Lasts, lid per lb 1 Wood do. Oil to Is thopilr; TooanSHoel Plates and Tlpo, 6d per diz pairs; Ladies' and Cent's Boot Uppi-ra Gd per pair; 1 Howo Sowin-.r Machine, only £3; 1 Kep lirinß Machine. &) 10.—at Dampier's Farewoll Boot Said Ul. Victoria t>treot; WANTED ivNOWlf~Koraovcd to Sanford HOuso, Hpbion-sireof, Mrs G. K. Riillorson (late of Pitt-Etrcet.) ANTED KJsOWN,— £S dt-potit, and lOd Ci woekly for 7 jc^r.-t, will purchase a urat 3 roomed Cottage in Newfon : ft gutuino bargain.—\pply_A J. Thorm^si, Higli-streot WANTED KNOWN — fbViT Cornod' Pigs' Foet booked ev<ry Morn, Noon, ahrt Ni^ht at Saoford's Pork Goods Manufao%D*y l rioLorift-strtjet, of A^boi-t fitret ANTED JS.NOWN; j-Piandfotteis Tuned. 53.— G. :Hood, Normim-stroat, Moant Koikill Road. Orders recioved by Mx Flcch, Stationer, Quecn-sireet. ANTED KNOWN—Give the Polytechnic a trial. You wll be surprised at tho money you will save.—Motcalfe'g, foot of Wakefl3ld-6treet. WANTED KNOWN—Dampior'a Farowoll Boot Salo includes Mon'a Waterti«hts. Is, 2i lid. Os Ud, andJ6i lid pai-; Men's Bluchers, 3s lid and 5s 9d.—At Uampier's Only Boot Shop. 111, Victoria-street. WANTED Known^Dampior'a Farewell Boot Sale includes a lot of Boots (ai/.o 1 ana 2), 9J per pair; lot of Wonten's Waiklrß Shoes, 2s lid ; Children s Walking Shces, Is Ud ; Children's 00. Is 3d.—At Dampier's Only Boot 3hop. IU, Victoria-Btreot WANTED KNOWN-Dampior'a Farowell Boot Sale ir eludes Men 8 B.S. Boo's, li 6d, 39 lid, and 5i lid ; Man's Walking Shots, is lid.—At Uampler'B only Boot Shop, IH, yictorla-strecL WANTED KNOWN—To make room for Spring Goods. cOw arriving. Dress Mnteria'B greatly mdi. bed to effoct a olearance. -D. McPhersjn, Earangabape Koad. WANTE D~K NOWN^Tfho Latest French Novels iußt added to ifotcaKo's jircu'ailng Library, Wakeflold-streot; od dopoait and 3d rofunded whon jead. _ WANTED KNOWN.^Oampier'a Farewell Boot Sale includes Infanta' LacoSPB, with patent Tamps. lOd ; Infants' Strap 3hocß, with hows, lid ; Infants' Elastlc-Bidee, Ls 6d ; Infanta' Strong Strap Shoos (1 to 6). 28 Cd. -At Dampier's Only Boot Shop, 111, Vlotoriajtreot» ANTED KNOWN—Fencing Wire, Staples, Booflng Iron, Salt, Witherß'e Fireproof Safes, and Best Steel Barbod Wire, fco , for Salo, very cheap.—Butchor, Groom and Do., Fort-st Telephone, 211. \%J ANTED KNOWN.—Dampier'B FaroV T -well Boot Sale inclndoa Ladies' Aristo3ratio House Boots flined with fur), 2a lid; Ladies' Prunella Boota (with high htelp), 3s lid ; Ladies' Dancing Shoes, 3a 63.—At Dampier's Jnly Boot Shop. HI. Vlctoria-Btrcet. WANTED KNOWN- Good Skim Milk, in any quantites, can be obtained at id por gallon, etc.; pure, fresh Milk at lowest poßßibleß rates. — Apply MUk Depoc, Freezing works, Railway Wharf. W ANTED KNOWN.—Dampier'B Farewell Boot Sale includes Infaata' Highleg Button Boots, 1b lid ; Children's Bat. Boota (7 to 9). 3s 6d.—At Dampler'a ODly Boot Shop, Victoria-street. WANTED~IfN6WN that W. J.'Bmu. has opened tho New Premises, 21S, Queenstreet (opposite MoArthur'e). with agrar.d Plant Df Machinery for the Manufacture of Cambridge Sausages. Watling Pork Pießi and Small Goo's, all fresh daily. Prices to anil the times. Quality guaranteed. WANTED KNOWN—That the ExtenBivo Premises in High street (late Auckland Hotel) are for Leas 9 at low rental; suitable for Offices, Warehouse, Manufactory, or Privato Boarding-House.—Apply to Ed. Wayte, Qneen-street. WANTED KNOWN.—Dampier'a Farewell Boot Sale inoludes Boot Trunks (suitable tor clothes boxes'. Is each; Cork Solea, 2d ; Boot Globs, 3d; Boot Protectors, 2d the card; Kangaroo Boot Laces, 2 ptir for Id; Button Hooks, 3 for Id. -Ai Dampioi'a Only Boot Shop, 114. Victoria-atreet. WANTE i' KNOWN — That Mason'B TmcoPHKitrNK is tho cheapest and most effeotive Dressing for the Hair to the market, and is fast taking the place of the imported article. Wholesale of Merchanta, retail of Chemists and Storekeepers. WANTED KNOWN — Dnmpier's farewoll Boot Sale inoludes Gents.' Slipperu. ls7l to2a9a;.Ladies' Slipporß, Is lid; Ladies Blaok Velvet Boots, 3s lid; Ladies' ElaßtioBido Boots, 4a 6d; Suporior do. lUld ; Children's Kxt.ra High-leg Prunella Boota, 2a lid—At Dampler'a Only Booc Shop. 114, Victoria-street. ANTED KNOWN—That purohascrs at Gond'ion'n London Arcade may rely upon obtaining good value fo; money. Prices are thoroughly adapted to the times. W" ANTED KNOWN — That A. W. Armiatead has no', sold any Corn Brooms to Mr Boldoro. Grocer, Upper Symonda-streot. To avoid all censure I may state that tho Corji Brooms with Blue Labels that Mr Bolderoia offiirinp; for Is each, although my moke, were never toll by mo to anybody under 14j per coz. — (dlgned) A. W. A-mistead, Britannia Brush Works. Mechanics' Bay. Auckland. ANTED~KNOWN—Mrs UutbbortBon has removed to more Commodious FremieeFi. Aberorombie-street, near Symondastreet. Laundry work in all branches. Laoe unri Mublin Curtains done up. Ladies' Dreßsea aud Gonilemen's Suit.3 Cleaned and Pressed. Ladles havirg large Wanhings can havo them done Beparati.ay and py special agreement. Goods called for and delivered. WANTED KNOWN — That Munbo and Miixigan have Opened up a Large and Choice Assortment of Mosgiel, Oamaru, Roslyn, Scotch, and othor Tweodß of a auporior nuallty. AJso. the Boat Weat of England Plata, Fancy, and Diagonal Worsted Coatings and Trouaoringß. All thoroughly Bhronk. Perfeot Fit and Best Workmanship guaranteed. Five por cent. Discount for Cash. Tramcars paas the door. WANTED KNOWN—Dampier's Wonderful Bargains inoludo-Grand Line of Ladiea' Corsets, la 3d; Hair Oil (red). 4d per bottlol fresh lot of Pomade, 2d tho Pot; Table Cloths, la 6a : Pictures. 2 for Id : grand line ot Dt>. Id each ; Copy Book 3,13 4d per dor-.: another lot Clooks (going). 9d; Clockwork Animala 6d ; Knittirg Cotton, lid per lb; very large Jin Kettles, 23 6i ; Glass CaodlKsUoks. 6d; Brass do., 9d; Looking G'aeEes, Id each to Is 3d; Fancy Baskets. 3d ; Peerb'n Soap, 6i the box of 3 ; Cruets (fitted), la lid ; Ha', R:cks. 6d each ; Glass Phadea. Id to ls Bd ; Kits. Kd and bd; Tollot. Matn. 3d Iho tct of 5; Men's Braoes, 03d ; Sclaih Mat». 3*d ; Bleel Fire Ir eb, 4i lid tho not; Iron id ; Scrub Brufho;!, id ; Fftney China Cups and Saucerd, 6d; Chairs (oarpet seated), 3i lOd; Thimbles. 61 per doz.; Knlveß and Forka (dinner), IJd per pair; Memo. Books. •11 the dozen; Iron Boilers (7 gallon), 8i lid; Fancy Metal Vegetable Dishes, ls id; Counterpanes. 1b 9d eaoh.—At Dampier's Job Shop, Victoria street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 208, 4 September 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 208, 4 September 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 208, 4 September 1886, Page 7


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