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The Federated Ironworkers and Auckland Members.

On VTodnosday last wo published in brief form tho substance of a communication imdo

to tho local papers, unci purporting to bo a roport of a mooting- of tho Federated iroiiworkors hold tho previous night at liobson'a Rooms. Thin roport oiubodiod twe rcsolutionf-, which, it was statod had boon enrriod at tho meeting in quoetion—tho lirst having rofcrenco to tho wages of mon who might iiccopt work nt putting together tho two now ferry stoatnors just imported, and tho other pledging tho members of tho Union to attempt to oust all tho Auckland niemborß of tho Homo of Representatives with (ho oxeopiion of Mr Moss at nex.l General Election bocaiipo they failed to eupport a proposal to tax importod machinery. Wo commonted upon the second of thoao re solutions as being vory extraordinary, outsido tho sphoro of n trade union, und likoly to alienate public sympathy from tho Federated Ironworkore. It is with much surprise wo now loam that the report was a bogus ono, and that no ducli resolutions wero over submitted to a mooting of tlio Fodoratod Ironworker', much lesi agrood to. Tho Vico-l'rosidont of tho I'nion hai called upon us to state that ho attended tho mooting on Tuu.-duy evening hist, but arriving lute, found that tlio business wan over. Tho minutes woro read over to him, und thoy contained no mention of either of tho roHolutione which had been published. An inform il conversation ensued, in tho courso of which tho question of tlio ferry steamers was. mentioned, and a hojio expressed that no mon would go to work on them at a lower nitoof waj_'os than is ruling in tbecity. Those prosont then dhperfod, a number of themprocootlingto tho Working Mon'eClub, It was possibly in tho heite 1 atmosphere during that retreat that tho wonderful and eomprobonsivo resolution to " oust " ovury -Au -kland raombcr but oro won arrive I at ; but wo aro assured thnt such a thing was never sanctioned at tho mooting in Hob son's Room.", and tho Vice-President, who ngrcos with all wo paid on tlio subject, ie indignant at tho way in which tho Fodoratod Ironworkors havo been misrepresented. Tho Union will tako up tho matter at their next meeting, and will no doubt tind out tho author of tho bogus report, and tind a moans of oxproeting their disapproval of hia conduct. Wo tliould add that the l'reeident of the Socioty was not present .it laet wcok's moating, and a naembor had to bo voted to tho chair. Probably tho Secretary may be able to throw pome light on the alijir by producing tho minutes.

Matters aro somewhat dull on tho stock exchnnge today. Thoro have been inquiries for Auckland Gae at '.'lO 15s, and National Ii inks at 30s — sellers in lattor at ,'!.'!.■!. South Bitieh Insuranco stock arc wanted nt 275, which aro a shilling better than tho provioue quotation.

Wo acknowledge with thanks roceipt of 17s towards tho Star Shilling Roliof Fund from tho employe's of Mr James Mackio'a Coach Factory.

Tho Roy. Georgo Ansten, who is said to havo beon offered th,o bishopric of Melbourne, is about 4G yoars of age, having takon his B A. dogreo at St, John's Collego, Cambridge, in lS6.'i, Ho obtained the liret place in tho first class in mflral scionco in 1862. and tho Cuirns University priy.o for knowledge of tho Groek Testament in ISUI. Mr Ansten has beon roctorof Whitby, Yorkshire, since 1575.

Tho vagaries of tho electric fluid havo often boon noticod. Tho thundorbolt which fell last week at Nowmarkot acted in tho customary erratic manner. A ball of (iro ran up the centre of tho railway workshop. It ie described as being about the fiizo of a football. Tho moil who wero working at Vie various machinos exporioncod an olectric shock of sufficient forco to throw somo of them backwards, whilo the courso of the eloctric.iluidcould bo plainly discorned on all tho polished metal in tho building. At tho samo tiiuo one of the telophono wires was fusod. Tuero ie a popular saying that lightning never strikes twico in tho same spot ; still, considering the amount of motal in tho '•ovornmont lailway workshop at Newmarket, ib would bo advisablo to havo lightning conductors ailixed to tho building.

The Maori conspiracy case was again called at t u .e Polico Court this morning, when fifteen witnosses and tho native interpreters wore in attendance Mr Dutaur appeared on behalf of the presocution, and Mr Braseey for tho defence. Tho latter geutleman stated that ho felt it was only fair to warn tho Bench that tho hearing of tho caso would occupy noarly a woek. Colonel Lyon remarked that it would boiui- | possible for the Bunch to take tho caee, leo that it would require to bo adjourned. Fifteen Maori witnoasoa were equal to thirty Europoans Mr Uufaur said that it was vorv hard, His witnesses wore all present, and some of them had to come fully four n-iilo , . This was tho fifth time that tbo case had boon ndjournod ito suit the convonionco nf tho Kofirlont Magistrate, who had other duties that required his attention. Perhaps, if Colonel Lyon were compelled to sit for a woek, it m.ght impress upon tho Government tho necessity that existed for tho appointment of a Polico Magistrate iv Auckland. Mr Braesoy remarked that what they wanted was some unemployed justicoe. The Bench docideci to adjourn the case until to-morrow.

Our Tauranga correspondent tolograph3 that it was not Wm. Parker, but Win, Parke, who was latoly sentenced to 30 days' hard labour thero for receiving stolen gooda.

Yesterday Mr Duncan Wright, the Presbyterian tvangelist, commenced a week of special services in St. David's Church, Upper Sytnondestreet, preaching to largo congregations, and a , to conducting a service for children in the afternoon. Mr Wright is wonderfully adapted for the work to which ho has devoted himself, and St. David's people art) looking forward to a week of special blessing under hia help inland winning ministrations. A prayermeeting will bo hold each ovening during the week (Saturday oxcopted) in the schoolroom at 7 o'clock, and tho mieeion eorvice will commence at 7.30,

A very |good suggestion has been made by Mr G. \V. Russell, of tho "Cambridgo Novvs," in a lotter to Mr (J raves Aickin, l'reeidont of tho Clnmber of Commorce Mr lUissoll says: — " Having rocoived and road your address to the Chambor of Commerco on .luly 15, I write to aay that your roferoncee to railway reform havo especially connnondod thoni«clvos to Waikato penplo, who rogard this as a most important olemont in the future- progios.s of tho colony. Our Railway I.cnguo hopes to receive tho political sympathy of your Chambor in try ing to foreo down railway freights and fares, as tho prosont scivlo undoubtedly rotardn sottlcmor.t and progress. My special reason, however) in writing is to ask if some method cannot bo devised by which tho Auckland Chamber can bo mado wldor-reaehing in its operations than at present. Now it represents almost oxclusivoly tho city. Could it not bo mado to represent the provinco generally, so that wo might be ablo to secure- tho co-oporation and inllnonco of tho city on railway roform, settlomont of tho land, and cognato questions ? Undor tho provincial system town and country woro unitod in ono provincial whole- ; now wo mUa tho connection, and 1 cannot soo what will supply it unless it bo tho Chambor of Commerce and kindred institutions. Tho effect is that no common purpose unites Auckland and its outlying parts, whilst tho County system makes thofo outlying parts units without a common mooting point. , ' Mr Aickin cordially commonded tho suggestion, and submitted tho letter to thoCommitlcoof tho Chamber, who appointed a cub committco consisting of Messrs G. Aickin and John Kcid to consider tho matter and doviso a echoino to pmmofo a closor intercourse botween tho commercial body of Auckland and tho country settlors. vVo hopo the labours of tho committoo will bring forth good fruits. Tho only true mot hod of promoting tin) prospority of Uio towns ia by building up tho country.

Tho private assembly danca lo tho Nc-.v South \Vulo9 football representatives takes placo in the City Hall t,o night. Everything possible has boon dono by tho Committco to make tho nll'iir a brilliant euccosF, and thoro is ovory likelihood of it proving ono of tho events of tho season. Dancing commences at eight o'clock, the music being supplied by Motors Hunter and Bady'i string band of live instruments, while tho entering has boon .placed in Mr C. Canning's hands.

Tho compotitivo doigns for tho Wellington building of tho Colouial Mutual Life Assurance Company havo beon submitted to tho Molbourno Bjurd, who awarded tho lirst pvizo to Mr W. C. L'hatlield, of Wellington, and tho second to Mr Thomas Turnbull, of Wellington. Tho unsuccessful designs will bo returned fo competitors as soon as thoy aro rocoived from Melbourne.

On Saturduy ovening Sergeant Pratt rendorod the neglectful parontß of a lot of luds good Horvico by turning them out of tho ".slogging" saloon, which ban lately boon lidded to tho foituresof tho city. Sergeant Pratt hearing more noise than usual, wont inside, and discovering numbers of ludn about 12 or 13 years of quickly ordorud them out.

Wo learn that the statement that Iho Government havo declined to accept tho ro-ignatinn of Mr 11. M. Brower is crrono-

No reply has yet beon roceivoil

On Saturday l:i.-t the ranges at Mercury Bay woro covered with enow, which had not been toon thoro tor many yoarf.

Sir Wm. Fox dolivored an address in tho Salvation Army Barracks lust night.

The 50-inilo walking match botwcci Messrs F. Morc'hoad and .1. Laurio ha fallen through, owing to the latter forfoitinj his tirst depo.-it of .11.

Tho little girl Rowbottom, who waa run over by a spring-cart about, a wt'ok ago, died yesterday. It was oxpected until Thur.-day lasl that tho injured child would havo recovored, but « chango for tho worno took place, and sho never rallied. Aα in-quef-t was to bo held this aftornoon, and it was intended to rilieo tho question whether or not. thuro hud been nogligont driving on the part of Lonoignn.

A lunatic nimed Alexander lllack was brought down from Rungiiirl this morning by Horgemit Giliios. It appeals that tlio man has only lately been discharged from tlio Avondalo Asylum, Tho unfortunato fellow ia not more than 'j:!, and ban been ro-iiling alone on a farm at Rangariri. On tho testimony of I)rn. Uirdler niid Walker, ho was ngain committed to tho Asylum.

In giving tho lift of tenders for tho Wi'.iwakjil.ii contract on tho WullingtonWoodvillo liiiilway.thatof J. McLean and Sunn, Wellington,wnsorroneously given as £K,OVi. it should have beon £(i' 2,04-2, bciiif! about C 1 ,500 moro than tho tuccensful ten ler,thut of Mr Oanal.e ', of Auckland.

A carter ourncd Golle, employed by Captain Elliott, stovedore, had a narrow cscupo from a vory sorioii.t accident on the Queenstrcot Wharf to day. Ho was standing on some bales in a dray when ho lost his footing, and fell ovor tho side, head foremost. Ho struck tho wharf heavily with his forehoad, and tho onlookers looked on with horror, fearing that tho man would bo killed outright. Ho rofc almost immediately, however, and showed a painful wound, which ho had subsequently dressed, and continued his work.

A dress rchonrsal for tho forthcoming amateur production of "Los Cloches do Cornevillo " took placo in tho Opera Houho on Saturday ovoning, and proved highly puccospful. This opera will bo produced on Wednesday evening, nnd tho public may confidently look for a genuine treat. New costumes and appointments havo been procured, and Mr W. 11. Pulford has painted somo very good scenery.

Margaret Howeon, a bankrupt, wan examined to-day beforo tho Official Assignee Sho said eho had boon a widow for f>.J years, and that on the death of hor husband tho Government granted her £300. Sho also received £100 on a policy of insurance, and had her household furniture. Shortly aftor lur husband's death, the bought a section of laud for £135 and arranged for a houso to bo built on it, at a cost of £,'-!N0. Sho borrowed £300 on mortgage, and kept hor-<-elf and children by taking in boardere. but latterly had very little from that

pourco. Tliiw and necessitated her raising £150 moro on tho properly. I Cor unsecured dubte amounted to £*214 12s oi, duo to 13 creditors, including £'_'!) -Is for interest nverduo on tho m'ort{.;a,.:e. ,C") 7 lont by friondp, nnd £1.8 S' ltd ovordno tradesmen's necounte. Sho estimated hor hou'o to bo worth £000, or a surplus of £150 over securities. Beyond this sho had nothing whatover except the housohold furniture, which did not oxceed £'J."i in value.

The members of tho various Voluntocr com pantos muiterod in goorl numbers yesterday afternoon to follow to tJioir last rantingplnce the remains of Sorgcant-Major Hazell, late instructor of tlio liewly formed company of lancers. Mr Adam Cairns, us President of tlio Crimean Votorans' Association, olliciatud as chief mourner. Tho funeral, a military one, left tho Drill-shed yesterday ut two p.m., tlip colliii boing placed on a pun carnage and covered with tho Union Jack. There wore about -100 Volunteers of all ranks, ami Captain Commandant l.eltoy, of tho Naval Battalion, was in command. No. 1 Garrison Bund and the .Naval Hand wero in attendance, nnd played alternately. From tho Kaihvay Station a special train the .Volutilbare to tho Waikomiti (Cemetery. On tho way Mio train stuck, and one-liulf had to be detached and taken at a toeond trip. The body Has carried to tho grave by a party of old comrades of the deceased in tho (Jrimoa. Tho A'en. Archdeacon Oudloy conducted tho funeral service, while tlio firing party was chosen from tho Auckland Navals. Tho Volunteers returned to town nbout 5 o'clock in tho evening. The bulk of thorn got out at Mount Eden Station, and headed by tho band, marched into town.

Ono of tho most enjoyable of our suburban eomi-privatc dincos Iα tho Fcnronby Social Union, which is now drawing near the closo of its fourth season, A dolightful little social wag held on Friday evoiyiig, and, notwithstanding tho unfavourable weather, tho attendance was pood. Splondid mueic wax performed by the band, consisting of Mo sra Reod, Davidson, Borthwick, and Morris. Towards tho close of the evening Mr W. J. Kees, M.C, announced that, iv accordanco with a goncrally-ox-proveed desire, tho next gathering would bo extended two hours beyond the usual time, and would, in fact, be what is known as " a long night."

The Hon. <t Waldegrave preached last evoning at St. George's Hall before v largo audience, with " Tho Wedding Garment" as his Bubjcct. Ho gave an impressivo address and succeeded iv keeping tho attention of tho audionco throughout tho sorvico. Being an attractive speaker, and expressing'lf iv language which none can fail to under -tanri, wn anticipate a crowded meeting next Sunday evening, when bo will again addiess those present. The hall itiolf is well worth a visit. It is welllighted, comfortably seated, and well vontiluted, although free from draughts.

John Henry Thomson (a bankrupt) was oxamined today by tho Ollicial Assignoe. He said : " I started In business at Aratapu 12 months ago as a butchor, with a capita of £100 in cash. 1 did vory woll there until I was burnt out last February. Everything but tho hOUEOhold furnituro wag dostroyed. My loss amounted to i'oo. I sold out my interest for £'J'2 18a 3d, out of which 1 paid tho purchaser a claim of .117 or £18 he had against mo. I owod £S0 to fivo oroditorc, fcondes £73 oontra account, amounting to £40 l.'is), and it was arranged that my bro'hor should colloct my book debts and discharge thopo liabilitios. So far, ho has not Collected more than £3 or £1, which remain in his hands. My Aratapu dobts. are oncluded in my prosont echodule. I commonced business, at tho North Slioro with £70, on tho 22nd May last. It was a failure. Tho competition was too much 'or mo, and credit to customers a necessity. My book debts at Aratapu, amounting to .ClOl 15s 9d, did not come in as I hoped. Prossuro was brought to bear on mo. Socing no prospoct of carrying on successfully, 1 filed. In addition to tho Aratapu bouk dobts, my assets are: North Shore book debts, £62 2s 4d ; tools of trade, otc, and household furnituro, .CIO. My total debts amount to £141 Ilia lid, showinga surplus of £42 Is2d. lhavo disclosed everything 1 possess."

A handsome, new block of buildings have just bcon orocted in Quoen-stroet to tho ordor of Mr liulyday. Uie fo<udes aroof red, pressed bricks, which is rather an innovation on etrco k j architecture in this city. Ono ot these shops has been fitted up for Mr K. Kagloton,hairdresser and costumier, who has obtained a lengthy lease of the premises, Tho establishment in ono of tho most completo of its kind in tho colony. In front there is a handsome shop for the solo of perfumery and toilet requisite?, and on oithor Mdo of tho shop nro passages leading to tho gcntlomon's and ladies' huir-droesing room?. Tho latter, which nro on tho first floor, arc sumptuously furnishod, and comprise, bosidos tho hairdrossing saloon, a charming littlo boudoir, waiting room, and othor coiivoniencoH. Tho costume room ie on tho ground lloor, and all'ords facilities for displaying hundreds of fancy costumes. Behind tho gentlomon'e hair cutting saloon ia tho bath doparticont, where hot, cold, and showor baths are obtainablo at any hour of tho day. Tho other shop in tho block ie occupied by Mr Bull, pork butcher. It is also fitted up in firetclnsa stylo, and lias a cool, cloanly appearance

Tho adjourned mooting of tho creditors of E. T. Brassey took placo this morning, tho Assigneo (Mr J. Lawson) presiding. Thero woro pro-ont: tho dobtor and his solicitor (Mr F. Bladeß),w)io was instructed by Mr (i. N. Brassey, also Mo.-ers King, Bowring, and Louergon. After eomo discussion, it was resolved " That tho creditors presont being of opinion that no good can result from prolonging tho procoodings, desire tho Official Aseigneo to facilitate tho debtor's discharge, especially a? it appears that his difficulties arjso from puro misfortuno " It waa also asrood that tho debtor should pay tho costs of tho bankruptcy proceedings.

Tho Amorican Consul will bo glad if Mr Sly, who arrived ia Auckland on tho Oth of January lavt by tho Maripo»a,, will call or 'communicate witii tho Consulate. Anyone knowing of Mr Sly'e whoroabouta will obligo by forwarding tho information ti Captain Webb.

Wo aro glad to loam from IVofesnor Kirk that thoso of tlio unemployed desiring ■work at tho Wacronga plantation repervo mny apply at tho Survey Office to-morrow. Mr Kirk leavos to-morrow morning to make tho necoesary arrangements, and hopos to be ready to Bond up any unemployed who may euro to go on Wodnoeday or Thursday.

Tho adjourned annual mooting of tho Auckland Ko c .-ilta Club is to bo hold tomorrow evening at S o'clock at tho Waitomnta Hotel. Tho business will includo tho alteration of rules and election of officers A large attendance of members is dosirablo. A " member" means ono who has subscribed .CI towards tho provioue ro,'utta.

The invitations for Mr J. Edwards,'*, fancy dress ball aro boing nutuorously accepted, and u're?s circlo peats aro already being roR rvod. Jn addition to tho dancing, a highclips concert programme has been arranged, jDminont nmongat which will bo Fconoe from Viucont Wallace's most charming of oporas, " Maritana," Mr Edwards essaying tho rolo of Don Caesar Do Dnzau. A sonir entitled " Farewell " has been specially writfon for tlio occasion, tho music for

which is being arranged by Mr Georgo Clutsam.

Thooponing of Professor Carrollo's annual competitions in uymnaetics, etc., taken placo this, evening, when tho contoetfor tho champion modal, prepontod by Captain Skinner of tho Victorian Riflos, takes


Wo :iro requested to state that tho usual monthly dunce of tho Kemuora Social Union will not tako plAco this month, but in poetponed till Thursday, .'loth September.

Tho annual mcetine of tho Holland Cricket Club will hi held at Mr Mell'a reaidoncr, Orcat North Kond, to-morrow (luesday) ovonin^.

A fact not generally known—That wo do not mnko any charßO tor r.uttinfrout Karmente in nny etvlo from twecrtn purchsnrd et our i'-tfiblithmcnt.—A. Woollsms and Co., bydenhniu Houao. Qrcy-street.—l \dvt.]

£100 Rkwakd.—They euro Rll diseases of the ptomncli, bowole. blood, llvor, nerves, and ktclnofß, and £100 will bo paid for a caso they will r.ol <-ure or lielii. or for nnythinff Impure or Injurious found in them—Hop BUtore. Tcet It Head.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 203, 30 August 1886, Page 2

Word Count

The Federated Ironworkers and Auckland Members. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 203, 30 August 1886, Page 2

The Federated Ironworkers and Auckland Members. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 203, 30 August 1886, Page 2


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