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r—=- =rr^ Wanted WANTED, a Person with £S0 to £100, investment guaranteed, and emuloy nient given Investor.—Apply Hiram, SrAr WANTED by a lady and gentleman foi a fortnight. Bedroom and Sittlng-roeti whero there aro no other boarel-^rs.—Address F. Star Ofllce. ANTED, for a Mark Mastei Mason (youmrman). a situation In Go vernnient ofllce, bank, hotel or store, as mes ser.Kor or place of trust; town or country.— Adi-ess H., Star Ofllce. Auckland. WANTED, to proceed ut onco tc Napier, Threo Strong Respectable Lada, from 17 to 20. for dairywork ; mutt be able to milk well; wagos, £1 per week —Apply to h. W. McGlashan, star Buildings, For .-at, at 10 a.m. Monday. 30th August. ANTED, Customer for new Fourguinea English Concertina athalf-piicp, at Kidd & Wildman's. WANTED, a General Servant. — Wyn- ' yard Arms Hotel, Symonda-B'reot. ANTED, by a Tailorpss, Boys' Suits to make at home, or would wcrk out by the day.—Apply 12. Groy-gtroel, ANTED, a Bricklayor to Bull! two Double Criimnuys in the country.-Apply at Star Office from 5 30 ro li 1 .-i-night. ANTED to Sell, 200 sacks Potatoes, for soetl o>- table i 5 per cent.—Earle a-d Montgomery, Co-oporativo Store and Farmers' Agency, Karangahape Koad. WANTED, a General Servant ; references required.—Apply Riatng Sun Hotel, Nowlon. WANTED, a Strom? Lad for North Shore, accustomed to farm work.—Apply Matthew Poole, Willow-Btreot. Franklin Road, at so'cloe_k. \T_TANTED, by a Younp:, Girl, ago '20, Vv altuation as good General or Homemaid j goodreforoness— Apply 12, Groy-stroet. WANTED, Cjilopta dpsj>-ous of Selling -liaroa' by i(.uci.!t;n pa Tliu-rsda/ to coiiimunieato v.'itli J. R. Randeraou, Aftctiprioe?, WAJJTEj) to I.easo Purchase, a spaail Improved Fitrm with v/atoj.- frontago ; Thumps dlstrlpt preferred.—Tb am bb, Bta;; Ollloe, ■VSTANTED, two Oentlomon or two Eady VV Boarders in smali private fftinDy Ino other boarders kept: closo to trams, and terms moderate!.- Apply Mrs Poroton. Brown-btruut. Ponaonby. _ ._. WANTED, a refipoctoblo Girl, 1G or 17 years of ago.—Ap.,';y at enpo tf) Mr B. M. Mvi ray, Eden Torrace, WANTED, a Traveller for the Wine anil Spirit and Bottled Hoor llminesa ; 0.0 withsmaH capital prflterri d, with view to partnership.—Apply, by loiter, to Alpha, Star Oiliee. \\7"ANTED to Buy a 4-roomed Coltigo V V in tho city j must bo u#nlor .KiOQ.— Apply, by letter, to J, A.W., earo of Hamilton Brothers, Queeu-streot, WANTED, a etrontr younp tlirl at general sorvaut—Apply Mim Cole, iirhitllold, Uniftun Bnad. VVTANTED a Position as Houeokoepor Vt or nianagoiois t-y aa edticttod lady; rel'-rone s uuexcoptlonable. — Addross K.G . Star Olllco. YYJTANTED to Lot, a 7 roomed Houso on \l Mount Edon Road; gas laid thrjuth; good view; rent low to a good tenant.-Apply A. Crockett. Mount Kden. VJ_r ANTED puichators of Japanese SunW t-limloH ut yd ; Fans at 3d ; Truyu st Ud ; T-iljt Mats at id ; Shell Trays at lid ; Cabinets at In ; Bruolu h iipil otlvir Japum-ao Gootl-i wonderiully cheap, at HooiWoa's l^)iuli) t . A „i|,de, WANTED, by a Competent Person, Situaticn aa Working Ilousekoopor, whero thero ia no mlativss.—Apply Mrs A., Hollier House, 110. (iruyatruut. WANTED, purchasers of the' Shilling Goods, as shown in Goodaon's London Arcudo Wiudow._ _ V\7ANTICI), a"lii>t-class full-M/ed P>ilVt Hard Table; second-hand.-State prieo and all purli.-uhir.-i by lelter lo Thus. Coletirook, Newton Koad. WANTED, purchasers for tho warranfcd Gold and Sjlyor Jawellery, extraordinary value for inonoy, a« soon i*i ih'o window oi UoocUon- L.oiidon Arcade. No imitation. \\7ANTED KNOWN-Dampier's WonT T dur/ul Bargains include -Grand Lliio ef Ladies' Coraots. la 3d; Hair Oil (red). Id per bottle; frosh lot of Pomade. 2d iho Pot; Tablo Cloilis. laGl ; Pioturos. 2 for Id; grand lino of Do., Id oacli ; Copy Hooks, Is Id per dor.; ano thor lot Clocks (going). Ud ; Clockwork Animals 6d ; Kiiittinit Cotton, lld per lb ; very largo lin Kettles', 2sl;t;' Glass Cd ; Brass do., Ud; Looking Ijla'ises, Id oncli to la 3d: Fancy Baskpts. lld ; Pourt,'* Soap, Gd tlie box o* 3; Cruets (lltt'<t), Is lid; Hat Bucks, lld eacji; Glass shades. 0.1 and Is fid; Kits, Sd and 111; Toilet Mats, 3d tho pot of 5; Men's Braces, [,\d ; Splash Mat?, 31J ; Steel Fire Irons, I i lld tho act; Iron Sta- us. Id ; Scrub Hruehus. td ; Fancy China Cups and Sauoors, Ud ; Chairs (cirpet soated), 31 lOd; Thimbles, Gi por doz ; Knives and forks Idinnotl.lid per pair; Memo. Hooks, 4i the d"/.en ; lion Bjilers (7 gallon). 8s lld; Fancy Vegeti-ble Dish, s, Is U.—At Dampier's Job Shop, V'lctorl'i street. \\J ANTED, ovoryono to know where Vt they can get Choap Boots and Shoos (as quallt7 alone daolrleu choiipnosa),—At iho Cheap Boot and Shoo 'Wiirt'h-use. J2, Ylctoria-fttrcot, N.U.: Country ordora pnnc'.uUly attended to w.ien accempanlod by posh. — Win. Holdewortb. \\rANTE"D ToTtENT, about list Soi.t., ?T nice Family Hesldeuee, Sor 0 rooms, large section ; would take for a term ; not over half hour's walk from Post-oilier; stale rent and whero tituated—Address, " House," P.O. Box 320. WANTED TO KENT, nn 8 or >l roomed VV House in the Mount Kdon or Mount Boab ill District.—Apply, stating rent, to Box 300, P. 0., Auckland. " WANTED, Apui'tmontß in a private family for two Ladies in tho vicinity of tho Albert Park, unfurnished rooms pro f. r.-ed.—Apply, by letter, lv tho first initunco io Miss Whitson, Jormyn street. \*T ANTED, Boycotted Butchory, Upper VV Qtioen-atrfet. Suporior Aocomodailon for Married or single. 13s por wook. Clean bods and good meals from Gd each. ANTED KNOWN—That tho Tramway Company hivo taken over the Grazing of their Ksluto ut St. HelierV, All horses or stock thereon or after tho 2tst i-itt must be pail for to tho Company, at tho rato ef 2s lid per week, urdess otherwise specially arranged for. \~\J ANTED KNOWN—To mako room T * for Spring Goods, co-.v ariivii-g, Di-esi Materia's greatly rsrii cd to ell'cct a clearance. —1) MePhersjn. Kiir.-ingiihiipii Road. WANTED KNOWN.-Dampier's Farewell BootSnlo in-litres Bcot Truika Is each ; Coik Soles, 2d ; Boot G'os», 3d ; Boot Proteo'ora, 2d the card ; Kar garco Boot Lhccs, 2 nulr for Id ; Button Hooks, 3 for Id.—At Dampier's Only Boot Shop, 111, V ictoria-street. WAN'I ED Known—Dampier's Farewell Boot Salo includes a lot of Boots (sizo 1 and 2), Od per pair; 1 t of Woo en's Wa k-ng Shoes, 2s I'd; Maids Walking Slinos, Is lld Cnildrpn'e ,'o. Is 3d.—At Dampier's Only Boot Shop, Hi, Vlctorla-streot. Z ANTED KNOWN —Summer Nos. Graphic or Illustrated London News with coloured plotures, posted to any address. by K. Way to. Queen s reet, on reeoipt of Is DJ In stamps. WANTED KNOWN—Foncine W r iro, Staples, Roofing Iron, Salt, Wlthers's Fireproof Safes, nnd Best Steel Barbed Wire, Sco , for Sale, very cheap.—Butcher, Groom and Co., Telephone, 211. WANTED KNOWN.—Dampier's Farewell Boot Sale Includes Infantß' Highleg Button Boots. Is lld ; Children's Dut. Boots (7 to SI). 3s Gd ; giand Una of Children's Kxtra High-log Lace npa. 53 Ud —At Damplor's Only Boot Shop, Victoria stroet, WANTED KNOWN-Good Skim Milk, In any quantites, can ba obtained at id por gallon, otc.; puro, froßh Milk at lowoat possibles ratos. — Apply Milk Depot, Freezing Works, Railway Wharf. WANTED KNOWN-Dampier's Faro well Boat Sale includes Mon's E.S. Boots, 2* 6d, 33 lld, and 5i lld; 111 Mon's Walking 5s lld.-At Dampier'a only Boot Shop, Victoria-street. WANTED KNOWN—That the Extensive Premises in High street (late Auckland Hotel) are for Lease at low rental; suitablo for Offices, Warehouse, Manufactory, or Private Boardmg-Houße.—Apply to Kd. Wayte, Queen-street. WANTED KNOWN —Dampier's farewell Boot Sale includes Gonts.' Slippors, Is 7d to 2s lld ; Ladies' Slippers, Is lld ; Ladii s' Black Velvet Boots, 3s lld ; Ladies' Klastioeide Boots, 4s Gd; Superior de. lilld ; Children's Extra High-leg Prunella Boots 2s lld—At Dampier'a Only Boot Shop. 111, Vlctorla-Btreet. WANTET KNOWN — That Mason's Tricopherine Ib the cheapest and moat effeotive Dressing for tho Hair in the market, and is fast taking the place of the imported article. Wholoßalo of Morohanta, retail of Chemlatß and Storekoepors. WANTED KNOWN—That purchasers at Goodson'e London Arcade may roly upon obtaining good val-o for money. Pricea aro thoroughly adapted to the timcß. ANTED KNOWN—Dampior'e Fare" woll Boot Salo includes Mon's Water tights, Is lld, 2s lld. 53 lld, and Gi lld; Mon's Bluchers; ?s lld and 5s 9L—At Dampier's Only Bcot Shop. 114, Victoria atreot. W~~ ANTED KNOWN — That Munrp and Milt.igan havoOjiened npa Large and Choice Assortment of Mosgiol, Oamaru, Koslyn, Scotch, and othor Tweoda of a superior quality Also, the Beat West of England Plain, Fancy, and Diagonal Worsted Coatings and Trouserings. All thoroughly shrunk. Perfeot Fit and Beat Workmanship guaranteed. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. Tramoars pass tho door. W" ANTED KNOWN.— Dampier'a Farewoll Boot Sale inelndoa Infants' Laceups, with patent vamps, lOd ; Infants' Strap fchoes, with bows, lld ; Infants' Klaatic-sides, la 6d ; Infants' Strong Rtrap Shoes (1 to 0). 2s 6d., —At Dampier'a Only Boot Shop, 111, VlctorlaBtreet. W ANTE D KNO WN. — Dampier's Farewell Boot Salo includes Lidies' Aristocratic Houae Boots (lined with fur). 2a lld; Ladies' Prunella Boots (with high he elf), 3s lld ; Laditß'DanoingShoos.33Gl; Children's Goloshes size 11 to 13, 6d per pair, at Dampler Only Boot Shop.Hi. Vlctoriaatreet. TS7 ANTED KNOWN—The Cheapest V T Plane in Auckland for Pianos ot every description, by the best makers, is J. Groom's, Fort-street.—Note the Address—J. Groom, care of Butcher. Groom, fc Co.. Fort-street. V*7" ANTED KNOWN, GEORGE GREGORY, PHOTOGRAPHER, Quick's Btjildinos (Near Throe Lamps), PONSOINBY ROAD, Is now producing Firat-class Photographs at the following reasonable rates:—Carte de Vlaite, 10s 6d per doz ; Cabinets, £1 Is por doz. Children's at same price. High class Knamelling at a moderate advance on above prices. Tramcars pass the door regularly.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 201, 27 August 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 201, 27 August 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 201, 27 August 1886, Page 3


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