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Wanted i WANTED, at once, Ouarrymen to Contract for Gottirjr Kubble ; nono need apply who;do not thoroughly understand tbo *J2 rk.-Apply S. Jickell and Co., Cu-stoma s'reet West; \.fTAI\TED, a Manager for the Costley v 7 Training Institution ; salary, £10J a year and found; must be a married man. Further particulars may be obtained by application in person or by writing to Colonel Haultain. Applications will be received up till the 30th June instant. WANTED, a sharp Youth to assist in a Grocery Store ; must he quick at figures and have good references.—Apply to Brett and Co.^Vjhtoria-Etreet. \&7 ANTED, a Oookor General Servimt ? by Mts Buckland, Nuwimiikoi. W"' ANTED, a Young Girl to'lookaftor a _6hop.—Apply Mark Jlarkß, 101, Grey-st. W' ANTED, "a HousemaidT^Apply"at LTickiov's Store, Mount Eden. WANTED, a Smart Girl about 13 to attend a baby ; nlco, a thoroughly gno! Girl about lti for housework; i^ood wases — Applyat STAit OlHoe. T&7 ANTE b, respectable Middle-aged T T Person a--, housekeeper. Widow preferred,— Blister's Family Hotel, Cook-street. W" XnTEDT cn"^-good _faiioressee 1 ~ Apply I. McSontia, CtiHOtus stt-,;ot, ncxtGlejison's Hote).._ \l7 ANTED, a General"Servant.—A ppiy ¥ Nowton Hotel. XJFJ ANTED, a General Servant,-—Apply f ? Mrs E. J. Whito, Birkenhead, or Mrs Sommsrvil.c, VYellobloy-streot. WANTED, a respectable Woman as General Servant, to go to Norfolk Island. —Apply Lecton Cottage, opposito Grammar School, Parnell. WANTED, some kind person to Adopt a Bnby Hoy 12 mouths old.—Fer address, apply Star Office. ANTEID, on the JS orth Shore, a Situ - ation as general servant by a, most respectable young woman; two yeirs in last place. —- Address A. 13,, Devonport Pos>oftico. WANTED, Employment (over 30 years-.' good business experienct), as Koprcscntative, or In Warehouse or Ofllco; ko any where, dv anything.—Apply, " Neceesitas non habet lepem," Star OlTlce. ANTED, a Situation by a Middle^ aged Lady as Matron. Manageress, or Housekeeper; experienced in tiie management of largo establishments, both in England and the colonies; good references given.—Address XV. J. Courtney, Ponsonby. "^IS7ANTED, one or two Gentlemen as TT BoarOers in private family, Upper Parnell. - Address at Mr Martin's, Buker, Parnell. "^nJT'ANTED, Beard und Residence in a T V quiet family for lady and gentleman ;or would rent bad and tittin^-room (furnished), with uao of kitchen ; Epsom, Parnell, etc., preferred.—Apply A.8.C., STABOfllc". TTTANTED, by a respectable man with v a 'little girl 7ye irs of bro. Board nnd R'.', not more thsn 15 minutes' walk from Post oflice.- Avplr, mating terms, to G.W., Post ofllco. Auokland. W""~AOTED^Fu^ishetTßedroom7 with fireplace, and uso of kitchen, in a --espectahlo locality, and no children.—Appiy N. 8., St aw uflico. \SJ ANTED to Let, Furnished Bed and Tt Sitting-room, combined with use of kitchon or ctherwiso; terms very moderate.— Ss mends sttcet, next to Canham's Store. \^7 AITTED to~~Let, SittiiTg-ioom arid i? and Bedroom : 5 minutes from Queenstreot.—Apply J. Scott, Grocer, corner Cook and Nclaon^stroets WANTED to Lot or Soli, l\ow 9reotned Houso. with overy convenience, suit solicitor or any other gentleman, splendid s ;a view ; clo3o to bus cr tram ; also. 5, 6, and 7-roomed Houses, cheap; from 6s weekly.—G. Save, Emmet-street, Ponsonby. WANTED to-Rent or Purehaso a Houeo of 5 or G rooms, with'.n twenty minu(os' walk ot the Mount Edencr Kingsland Railway Station.- Addro3s. stating fu.'l particulars, lo 8.M.R., St.ii: oilier. XSTANTTD- TO _HiRE, _aToi~Balf-' TT bearing Bicycle. It must bo either a , Rudxe, Umber, Coventry, Expert, Special, or Koyal Mail Roadster.—Apply 10. M. Clajton, 191, Queen-street, next tho SavlnKß Bank. -|57AKTED, 200 Rood Fly ing Pigeon sT— TT Apply J. Walker, Floriit, &c, City Market. OTANTEDra^Pa^tner, to put~£ for £, it to opon a new business, or take over an established ono as agreed.—Letters.cmli'lcntial, Star Office. . _ WANTED, Prime "Fat Poultry of descriptions, alro, Butter and EpK***Prompt cash given for good only.— Adcrcss Poulterer, ST ah Office. VST AN TED, 500~peoplo to'trTaTlsTaV- ? v eel ot Rakino Smoke:'. Fish te-inorrow nt tlio boan. \\7ANTED, toTend immediately on ▼ V freehold security. .-CIOO. £275, £300, £150, —Riehiirdson aud Drawer, 81, Qir.xn-stroet, %7a/AMTKD, Tenders up to July Ist, for v V F.»l iiiy. Cross-cut tinu, and JJrivin ;tn the booms nbint 01m milliou fci.t ot kauri — Con It hard Jlros.^l'u. akuni Sil-.v Mm*. WATN EO. —Buift for an oTtablished Bnplners o mo it requirements, v bhop froniinf.- l'onuonby Koad, between Williamson ;, Avtnuu end Karangahapo ltoad; trood yard indispensnble. —Andrews, 1,oim;Iio!iI, Box. 185. WAN TED KNO VVN- Proceeds of timcert, St. James's Hull, SION DAY NIUHT, in aid of Sull'ercrs Rotorua Disaster. Y\T A NTED KN O WN^PJanofortes ?' ¥ Tuned. 6s, bra Corti/ieat-d Tuner. CO years' London runnri. no.-.-O. Hood, Noraaubtreet. Mount Roskill Bond. \\7ANTEir.KNO WN.-Charios Ke'sey H «"(! Co. arc removing to lurg- r i-ru mises lit the Viclorin and Quntn-.strcot v.liei'e tin v will l>-_ nbiii kimiko a i-ran-i dinp'ay c-f thi.ii- nincy Goods. ¥i7"ANTI*II) KNOWN.--Chai-FoTKoiiicy 7 and Co, are irmovinK to tlm now Ari.-f'.n liiu'illnirt', to )ar(,ar shop, li-ivlph fr.jnt'.Koj buth to Qiiooi'-lre-.t-and tho Art ado. V%TaT!TFi3~kW\VN— BuTehorv Jiiisi- ? T nes-s for .Sab. In Auckland (treehold) doin-_r a jjood busin-.i-a; outisfuctory r.'asoi.d Kive-i far selling; torran e'.';.*.- For address apply Btau Oflice. '^V7"ANTED~kN()WiS f~_A Pawnbroker's T'l Sulo will bo Hold at Arthur 11 Marton Tuesday next. 22r.d inht-'.i.t, when v. quantity of Unredeemed Pledges wiilbe oH'oieri.—Jas. Hae. Pawnbroker. W ANTED "KNOWN,"'sound-Cement cables bought: nlso. en sal 1 uement md Hydraulic Lime —J. Wllfon and Co , Manef.-ic Hirers ot Portland Cement, nnd Hydraulic: Lime, Custom3-Btrnct West, Auckland. WANTED KNOWN.- Poranibulators, Perambulators, made to order : repairs ot every description; nil orders promptly attended 10—New Zealand Perambulator Pactory, Grey r-trcct. WANTEP KNOWN — That Mason's Tkicoi'HEKln-k ia thn clicupcst and most effective for tho Hair in tho market, and is fa»t taking tho plaCd of tho imported article. Who'esalo of Jlorchant3, retail of Chemis's and Storekeepers. Kl?OWN^That Mr aTI. TT Smith, Qualified Dentist. Hobson-street, tiDPOStte St. Mathow'j Church, oupplioi Artificial Teeth without oxt^aetinit stumps. 1 ootlnclio (hired and Teeth Stopped. Charges moderate. Gas adminis'cred. ANTED KNOWN—Por Sale, at a suorificc. a splonciid Collard and Col!ard Piano, specially ordered fer the colony, at a cost Of over £30, and almost row. —Apply Mr Malcolmfon, corner of. Plctcn und Selwynstreets, Ponsonby. » WANTED KNOWN7 _that _KiddTnd Wildman arc tm> only Stationers in tho Vi itoTlu Arcade, aud do not send out travellers. ThopersaEß selling boxes of noto paper fm-2s and up-.vards, purporting to b? from tho abovo establishment, aro impostors. Similar boxes can bs had at IC. pnd W.'a for ltd. 'TS7ANTED KNOAVN— More "Wonderful T T Still—At tho Polytechnic are Books 2 for Id. worth C.l each : Limejulno end Glycerine, Id a bottle, worth Fd; Spectacles. 2d a ncir; Crochet Cotlon, J ',d ; Fc-int, Gd ; Ulst.eis, 51 lid. A large lot of books, cheap.—At Metca'fo's, foot, of Wakoflold-streot. WANTED~KNOWN.— Kelsey & Co. nro removing to tho new Victoria Arcade to largor premises, whr.ithoy wil! have mom to show their goods tv ad vantage Fronta^oa in Queen-struct and Arcade. Gasllttiiigs and fixtures in old premises for sala im 111 an lately. WANTED KNOWN-Miss NicholaS (formerly of Shortland - street) begs to announce 'hat she has lakon tho Millinery and Dressmaking Business so long carried on by Madame LeGrift'on. Nt 281, Queen-street, and hopes to merit a continuance of the favours accorded tj hor predocosßor. Wanted" known,- j.""gilmour, PARNELL niSE, hai on hand a very large stock of English nnd Colonial Blankets, which he is now selling at very low pric-^n In order to elfect a clearance as quickly as poEsiblo. prices commencing at 7a 01 a pair for 0 x 1 whito. Also, Flannels, both English and OnloDial, remarkably cheap, commencing at 9Jd a yard. Ladies' and Children's Ulslors leduocd 20 per oent. to clear. WANTED KNOWN.—Mrs Cuthberfcson. Seafleld View Road Laundry.— First class Washing and Dressing Establishment. Laundry Work in all tho branches. I aco and "Muslin Curtains done up as new. Ladies' Dresses and Gentlemen's Suits of all kinds Cleaned and Pressed Moderate charges. Goods called for and delivered. Poa', orders promptly attendtd to. "\*7 ANTED KIN OWN - That Munbo T T and Mili.igan havo Opened up a Large and Choice Assortment of Mosgiel, Oamaru, Roslyn, Scotch, and other Tweeds of a superior quality. Also, tho Bess West of England Plain, Fancy, and Diagonal Worsted Coating-*: and Trouserings. All thoroughly shrunk. Perfect Fit and B--sf, Workmanship guaranteed. Five por cent. Discount (er Cash. Tramoara pa?s the door. WANTED KNOWN-Isnt this wonderful at Damoier's-100yds Reels of Machine Cotton, ljd the reel; Coloured Cotton, r, r> n\* a penny ; Crochet Cotton (Skeins, Jto'l-. ■•.* :-*.'!». lid ; Fingering Wool, la 3d the ' ' ■■■ ■'■'J Busks, 3d; Gents' SilkScarfp, 1 *-s Bn-t-ins. id the c.ird ; War '• shaped Dolls with hair, 3d; i 1 J 1 the piece of 3J yards; good ...icks, 2d ; Bonding Glasses, (id ; Goggles, lv ; Hooks. 2 for Id to 3i Cd each ; Piano Music, 2 for Id to 3d each, end a large lot of Fresh Bart-aioa at Damper's, Victoria-street. OT ANTED, tho Public oi Auckland to Inspect my Spleniid Stock cf Own mado and j Imported Boots and Shoos in every variety, at j T. EVANS'S, NEWTON. j Warranted the Best and Cheapest House in the j Ootynr for BOOTS,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 142, 19 June 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 142, 19 June 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 142, 19 June 1886, Page 7


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