O. H. O s "°" "■ LAKii AND MONETARY AGENT, 118, QIJBBN 3TUS»T (Adjoining B. Tonka and Uo.'t). TELEPHONE—No. ISfi. H4.NKKR3I NATIONAL V.AHK OX NKW SCUAJjAIi'JJ. MGIITOAOKB AXI) LOAN'S NEHOTIATKU KENT- AND INTICKKSTS (..'<}],! .HCTIf.D MONIOV i\V]>-VK!> ON' KlltsT-OLASH SKCI'IUTiK.S WlTifnjT CIIAKIIK Klh'A'i'K.-- M.VwU-IOD |t'U!t Ali-I'.N'.l'lClCa VV !,U.'TKIN-. AND ARBIT RATIONS UN'i'KRTAK.KN NATIVE LAN/ AIT UUS SKCUIALLV UNDERSTOOD nOUtil-'ii TO 1.i.1, jSN/> I'UOi'KFtTIER FOX 3AMC Pl,ACni) (IN 1!V i.l.sTB Ij'KKE Oir OIIAUHK Evituv l)K!-,i!HirruiN of i.anhkd l-'uoram'v BOVGHT Oil HOLD TO OItDEK IjAKQB Sl'MB TO I.KNI) OM yiHBT - OLAflti SKCiiHi-rv , Agknt vim National .'Viuk and Marine irrBUKANCB t'OMI'ANV OK NKW ZISAI.ANI), AND TUB NaW SZKALAND ACOIDBNI IN»UItANOK Company. ■JP OK g A h K. BLLER S L I B. Tho Cholco o thoso CHAKMINU lrvslillCM'M SITKS. ;:•■. Tho views from winch aro Unnuruasseil. Situato eloso to llm Station. From a Qunrior to 'llireo Aorea may bo purclmaed on tho ICasio.si Terms. tin- -A Uroat ]!nr«iiin.-CoitaßO ot two X.lo>). r ooma and lratn-to, with stnblo, on iillotment :~>:i l'eit I'rontaKrtloMt. Uojkillltoacl. SHOU'l'ly.lND-STKI'-K'iI.—Allouncnt1 .—Allouncnt liU foot X 110 feet, with double frontiiK-'- I'rico, £i 5 per foot. Knsy terms would be arranged for VlNClilN'i'-S'fIMCKT—S-r.mmcil Houan. on allotment '-'0 x Via ;[;uaaiul v.-itor ;prlro, £320. A Iho 1-r.iomrd llouw.nn iiHotmnntLM t. SO; wntor Irtidii:i: iirice. tl"!0. I'a-ytermn. \V(KHi-ri'i'.-tl':I'll'. I'll:<:•'<)NßV—HforcnndFivorooim (1 Dwollitiß, toi;Dthcr will, sis-roomoa Hou'c (Ir't nt !'.■< v \v('(-!,i) nn l!ir};n cornel' allotment l()«i x lft). I'rlca, £850. MOUNT KDIi.N (close to mnlnroaiD- -Woll-bullt llrocmi<l llflime iu»J nc ill lory, verandah two Bides, (MM and water; on cornor iiHotmcnt; stamo, lniUKy-liousi', and ntore-houso. l'rico, .C'lW; very criny tpnnii. ICI,I.KKSI<IIO--W.llbiiilt S-voonicd UottaKO, on an aero and a-lmit al otniont, with largo workshop, 01.'.; nil lovoli very miitublo for triiii.i>r'.sHiiil)l,-n. briiii: tlui only ucntion available in near to tho Unind stand. Price, filifiO, I'ANMUICIC-Wi-autiful JluildinK Site of 21 iicivi', fenced and in Rrasa, umumamltiiK a y lovely view of liiirrdundiiiK country. OTAIlUlli; -Good lliuliliiiK (-'eolljii, !W(tf.rontiiro to tlio Panmaro Rood. I'rico. £30. niCMUEKA. —(Jhoiuo JSuildinir Allotment:) on tlio Sriikni Koad, fi.l x 103; 'Jm to SO.t per foot. CHIOS I'KltKlKl.l). Mount Ho kill Unad.-Oood level Uuildini; Allotnientß, Guxl32; 22a Ud to d per foot. MOUN 1' ALUKUT—Now 1-rojniod llonto on allotnunt containing 1 aero 1 rood: fenced, hand ploiißlicd, and pliuucd with fruit mid ornuiiiental trees. Price. £ii 0. MOUNT KDIIN, VlltW LOAD—Nearly new 5-roomfd llon-e llnlslird ia llrst-claas style, with (ill conveniences, deiaclind was-h-hoiuie. &c.; uplondid j;arden; allotment. 50 x 250. Price, .ana. NOHTUODTK.—I-roonu>d Honso, on allotment Hi x 132. ten minules' from Wharf. Price. £180. Alao, ailiolnine Allotment. ,-Cl per toot. i-O'Jil—l-roomod llouao in ].puniim;lo!i Uoad -1 oyl Mount Kden, on iillolmem,;« x 100. £ .JO."; —Now 3 -roomed Couiwi at Mount ""•■'. UohUUI, on allolmimt 71) x 115 ft. All tlin abovo l'ropertioa may bo arrangod to bo bought on very easy terms. TO BE LET. MOUNT ALHHIKT-1 ivomed CottnßO and largo allotment. 7s per week. ELLKItSMK—The grazins of 52 acroa Land fenced. *" LKAMIMGTON KO M), Mount Kdon-1-roomcd Hoiiso, -Oh per week. VALLKi' ROAD, Mount Kden—7-roomod House, 16a per woek. FARMS FOR SALE. BOM'.iAY—Viry Desirablo rropcrtyof£sacres with now i-roomed lloiwe; volcanic aoil, all in Rplondid grass, well-watered, fenced and DUb-iilvidcd. Will bo let or leased with pnrchaiiint; olanso PAPAKUUA.—EveriIey Cfrove Farm, adiacon to Huiuia Station, coiißi«tinK ol 2'JS acres that cla-a land, well watered, mostly in prrass, lar^e and commodious rosidoneo, with nil nec:;:iS!iry outbuildiniiH. HAMILTON—3 miles'from elation; 530 acros goud land, mostly downn, with snvill portion Bvvainp; soil noli, dark loam, l'rico, £5 10.) pir acre, or may bo leased. NUAUUAWAHIA-Cupltal Dairy Kami rf 231 acres, on tho banks ot tlio Walpn, with seven roomed House and all necessary convenienciee. Everything in good order, l'rico £10 per acre. MAKAETAI.—42 acres, unimproved, part but-h. I'rico, 2,'ia por iiero. I have aeveral Funnn of cvorv descriptiona and in all parts ol the district on my lists, for sale on oasy terms.
HHARLES H. OSMOND. LAND AND KSTATB AGKNT, Coombks's Aboahx, Qdkkk-stkbki, SiaiiW.B—National Hank of Now Zcr.lnru". Telophouo EiHhango, No. 15S. R«uta and Interest Collected In town and Gauntry. Mono? Invested for Capitalists oa firat-oloen securities without o!i:ir';o. JlartKaprog an \ Loans nosotlatefl. ParLnuvjliip^ r.nanged. Estates Managed for Absentees and otheri, Tenants guaranteed to landlords. Houses To Let and Proportion For Salt) or Loaeo placed on my Booke Free of Charts. Insui'ancoo Directed at lowost 2iatea, *ud Confidential Agcnelos undcrtukon. BUIUITXG ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE. (JUKKN -HTRKKT Valuable Hluck. OUSTOMS-ST. WEST (near tlui junction of Vietoriii-streeO-Grund Kictory Site. BYMONOS-S T.— Allotments. £10 rvrfoot. SURKKY HILL Great iNorth Road Kront"pONSUNBY KOAD-M x 110, £11 por foot. WBLLINaTON-STUEKT—Allotmont, £3 por toot. HEPBUKN-PTKKKT—Allotment, £7 10si p^r foot. AKGLKSKA-STItEKT- IS x 110. £l>oo. MOUNT KDKN (Alain Roail)-?8 x 100. £7 per foot. MOUNT ROSKILL Main Road)-£2 12s per foot. VIKW ROAH (Mt. R(lon)-.GI per foot. VIOTOUIA AVENUE (Mt. Kden)-£3 per "pROSPKOT-STREBT (Mt. Roakill)-32a Gd per foot. KINGSLAXD (Now North Road FrontiiKe)----£2 5a per foot. KINMSLAND (Allotmont)-fiJ5. r NIGKK-STRKKT (Arch HilD-Ms por foot. MAHINK PAHADK (Pon»onby)-£S per foot. BKACII ROAD (l)cvonport)-IUO per foot. MOUNT ALUKUT (Main Road)-£2 63 rcr fODL MOUNT ALBERT (Randeravyl)-303 per foot. HOUSKS FOR SALE. No £ ISO—Oliphnnt-stroet, 1 rooms 7itß £300-Stuart-strect, Ponsonby, fi rooms 783 £300—Su»8ox-Btrc6t, 1 rooms and scnllory 731 £380—Haalottstreot, 1 rooms and scullory 723 £310—Vie. Park. N. 8., 5 rooms, Rraud viow 682 £350—Commercial Road, 6 rooms, soul., otc. 5681 £350—Mount Albort, 7 rooms, ■well. etc. 63fi £350—Sussox-atreet, 1 rooms, scullery, etc. 651 £360—Mt. Albert, fi rooms, blinds, Kratos, etc 701 £350—Proopoot-stniet, 0 rooms, outhouso 618 £375—Flagstaff Road, N.S., i rooms, ecullery 717 £?00—Mt. Rcskill. (i rooms, all conveniences 678 £480—Vio. Avcnuo, C rooms, scullery, oto. 652 £620—Mt. Eden Rd., 7 rma., all convonlonces 529 £a3o—lCrten Valo Rd.. 6 rooms, concrote'tank 522 £600—F,dinburRh-st., 7 rooms, kitchen, etc. 590 £600 -Manukaußd., orooms, wash-houso. &c. 710 £800-Manukau Road, 9 rooms, stable, &c. 709 £750—Maekelvie-streot. 7 rooms, stable, etc. Several of the above houses may bo purchased on exceptionally easy terms, only a Bmall cash doposlt required. MOUNT KDEN-To bo Let, n Gontloman's Rcsidnnco containing 10 rooms, replete with all modern convnmoncen; noarly an acre of ground: stable, coach-houso. &c. A GKNKRAL STORK, doing a steady and increasing business, near to Auckland. Largo double-fronted Shop and 10-roomed Dwelling, with over an aero of ground. Prico, £350. Stock at valuation. ONKHUNGA.-A woll-built S-roomcd Houso. allotment J5 x 150; grand position ; 3 minutos walk from railway station. Prico, £350. 731 NKVVMARKKT—FreehoId, jl feet fronta K o, oppoaito Royal Gooriro and New Savlnpra Bank j n first-class investment, for only £1,350. A grand business sito, and will bo sold at onco, Tho property has a doublu frontage, and isono 6t tho bost stands in tho borough. Terms easy. FARMS FOR SALE A FIRST-OLASd IMPHOVED FARM of 110 acroa. Tho land is of oxcollont quality, and well laid down in Kngliph (;ranßoa or under crop i fenced and subdivided into 11 paddocks, well watered with a porm&ncnt creek. Buildings consist of a (,'ood eix-roomed Houso, Dairr, Stable, Cowshed (S bails), Pißßcriog, Weggon Shed. &o. There ia a well-sheltored orchard, containing 800 fruit trees, and tho cropj comprise Potutoos, Oats, Mangolds, Turnips. &c. 'iho farm is situated near thw railway station, aevoral trains running to and from Auckland dail7. This farm is now offered at a tram which will ensuro an immediate sal". 800 ACRES, KAIPARA-AII fenced, about 150 acres grass, 50 acres broken and ploughed, tho rest eurfaco-sovvn, and light mixed bush. Soil: Limcstonu and black soil. Cottage. Btablo, barn, and shod. About one acre in orchard. Prico, £2,000. WAIKATO—A very desirab'e Farm of 217 acres—a grand level alluvial flat, with li milo frontajfo to tho Waikato River, and convenient to railway station. 80 acres laid down in English grasses; good 5-roomed house, dairy, stable, hay-loft, stock-yard, &c.; orchard, lj acres. Large run adjoining. Prico, only £3 10s por acre. MOUNT ALBERT-8 Acres, fenced and planted with Bholter trees. Price, £50 per acre. 735] | JAKAPUNA—92 Aoroo, a bpleudid Investment, on the main road: £fi per aore; torma easy. G..-W; J OHI* (Lato Chief Ajront for the K.oyal Insurance Company.) HOU3JS, LAKD, ESTATE, INSURANCE, FINANCIAL-, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. (Office: 21. sil'Jiitland-strket). Begs to t!!,uounco tho com leti>n of h'-s ar-rangemei-.ta for carrying on the above Branches of Business. llouao. Lund, Kstato.—Properties bought, told, or let; Rents collected; 'Ca>o of Proper:i«!3 l.ndertaken for Absentees; Kstaiot ma::.'iKcd and supervised for Exeouloi" Mm others. Insurance.—Effjttod on the most Favourablo Terms; Olai.'us for Loaaes prepared and adjusted. Financial.—Securities provided for Investora; Mortgages noj'.otiatod and Intorest cnllooted. Confidential. — Negotiations undertaken, Purtuershlpa and Sales of Businesses arranged. To onsure strict conflrlenoo in all transactions, principala, or their solicitors, only will bo negotiated with. Auckland, September 22,18:5.
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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 265, 14 November 1885, Page 6
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1,432Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 265, 14 November 1885, Page 6
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