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The Evening Star: WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Evening News, Morning News, and Echo.


For tho cause that lacks assistance, For tho wrong that nceda resistance. For the futuro in the distance, And the good that we can do.

War h virtually declared against tho King of Burmah, and 10,000 British troops are now on their way to invado his territory. In oil probability tho latest froak of King Thoobau will end in his kingdom being broupht under British rule. A further stage towards tho settlement of tho Bulgaria-Uoumalian difficulty is marked by tho action of the Sublimo Porto in inviting a conference of delegates of the Powers to consider tho question. Tho Powers havo manifested their dosiro to preserve the peace of Europo by giving to Servia a warning similar to that which they lately addressed to Greece.

Cambria shares are much firmer. There aro buyers at 25s Cd. Devons aro quoted Bales 3s (3d, and Albumins are firmer, there being several buyors at 3s, Kenilworths are in good demand at 3s lOd, and sales mude at 4s with few eel'iora. South British are wanted at low prices,and Gas at market rates. Colonial Bank can bo placed nt 42s to 42s 6d.

Our weekly market price Hat whichappearc in another column contains fow alterations from previous quotations. Buttor and eggs remain as before, viz butter 8d per lb and eggs 8d per dozen (wholesale). The gum market is weaker, but prices remain unaltered. Potatoes are sold at any prices between 27a (id and £3, the market being overstocked.

Mr Charles Rhodes, the well - known builder, has bo badly sprained his ankle that, in the opinion of his medical advisors, it will be a month ere he can again use tho injured foot. In the meantime Mr Greonwood (at the works) and Mr G. E. Rhodes, jun., will attend to his business.

The Board of Education has received notice that their proportion of the Education vote of £55,000 is £10,650 14s.

The exhibition now open at the Choral Hall under the auspices of the Now Zealand Art Students' Association was fairly attended during yesterday afternoon and evening, when Impey's Band was present, and enlivened proceedings by discoursing appropriate musical selections. This evening the exhibition will be open again, arrangements having been madono that the Choral Society's practice shall take place as usual in the hall. The Queen of Barotongn is expected to be present upon this occasion.

Mrs Edith O'Gorman Auffray, the Escaped Nun, has kindly offored to give her thrilling and interesting lecturo on "Life in a Convent, the Romish Sohool System, and the Romish Priesthood," in aid of the Freeman's Bay Mission, on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, in the Theatre Royal. This is not a new feature in Mrs Auffray, as she often gives lectures for benevolent and other purposes. The whole proceeds of tho lecture will be given to the above Mission. In order to enable a large concourse of people to hear her, the prices of admission are reduced : Dress circle, 2s ; stalls and pit, Is. There is now an opportunity for hundreds to hear this talented and persecuted lady, who may never be here again. The above is said to be tho most popular lecture of the course.

The Star of Eden Loyal Orange Lodge celebrated their sixth'anniversary last even ■ ing by a soiree andjpublic meeting in Eden Hall. There was a full attendance. About 150 persons partook of tea, after which Mr D. Goldie occupied the chair, and introduced the proceedings. A well-arranged programme was submitted and well represented by friends. Songs were rendered by Miss Lightfoot, Mrs Mills, and Messrs Webb, McM aster, Worral, Hill, Bishop, Rhodes, and Buckingham, and excellent addresses delivered by Rev. A. J. Smith and Mr J. Donaldson. The singing of the National Anthem terminated a pleasant entertainment.

In another column will be found an advertisement calling for tenders for the erection of a large bridge over the Wairoa River, Hawkes Bay. The magnitude of the work may be judged from the fact that the bridge is to consist of three spans of 120 feet each, fiva spans of 60 feet each, and a draw span of 30 feet. Some particulars can be supplied to tenderers at the Stab Office.

Four porsons wero punished at the Police Court ts-day for drunkeneßS. One of those, Elizabofch Best, has forty previous convictions recorded against her, while twontyfive Btand againßt Joseph Welling, ono of the other offenders. A chirgo of rofusing to contribute towards tho support of an illogitimato child, preferred against W. R. Carruthors, was adjourned till November 13th; while a claim against John Greonleaf, for wages, was postponed till Saturday.

Tho Hiporior pluck of tho pakoha, ns compaied with his darkor brcthron, is gonorally accoptod as an undisputed axiom, but un incident which occurred at the Thames Hotol corner on Tuesday afternoon proved an oxcoption to this truism. As a Fijian nativo was leaving tho Thames Hotel, ho was most grossly annoyed by ono of tho noted larrikins, wholinally challenged him to tight. Tho " darl;io," nothing loth, was preparing to administer a thrashing to tho hoodlum who was tho aggressor, when tbo larrikin suddenly thought of tho schoolboy adage, " lie who lights, etc.," and boat a haaty retroat, a "larrikin brag" being completely cowod for once.

Tho last of tho weekly dancoa in connoction with Miss Donovan's class took place in tho I'oresters' Hall, Nowton, last night. Thoro was a largo attendanco of mombors and sovoral visitors, and a thoroughly onjoyablo evening was spout. Tho season will bo concludod on Thursday evening next with a plain and fancy dross ball, for which olaborato arrangements havo boen in progrosa for bouio weeks past. Thoso mombors who havo not yot rccoived tickots aro rtquostod to apply to Miss Donovan at her private residence

Tho foundation stone of Dovonport Con grogational Church, on Victoria Road, is to be laid to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon by Captain Daldy, assisted by Queen Mnkoa, of Rarotonga. On tho whole of tho Cook Islands tho Congregational missionaries havo laboured among tho nativos for many yoars, and no other soot has beon introduced fclicro. (Juoen M.'iliOa and lior consort, thereforo, take ospoeial intorcat in all movemowta connocted with Congregationalism. Thoro will, doubtlops, be a large attondanco of tho public to-morrow, on tho intorosting occasion.

Mr Henry Thodo, of the Tomporanco Boarding houso in Upper Qucon-stroot,died thoro yoaterday. Tho docoascd was a nativo of Kiel, in Gormany. He arrived in Now Zealand about 30 yonrs ago, apd was until rocontly ongaged in mining pursuits at Coromandel and tho Thames. 110 was manager of tho Kapanga and Goldon Point minos for many years. About threo yoars ago ho camo to Auckland and has sinco carried on businoss as boarding-house-koepor, Mr Thodo, who was groatly rospectod by all who know him, leaves a wifo and nine childron to mourn his loss. His funoral takos placo on Sunday noxt.

Tho annual mooting of tho Waitomata Bicyclo Club was hold at Kobson's Rooms last evening, when all tho olricors woro roolected, viz. :—President, Mr C. H. Streot; Vice President, Dr. Purchas; Captain, Mr W, Beswick : Lioutonnnt, Mr Wiseman; Secrotary, Mr J. M. Chambors ; Bugler, Mr Ashton. Throo now mombora wero elected. It was agrood to confer with tho Auckland Bicyclo Club with tho viow of arranging an opening run for tho last Saturday in this month.

Tho certificates grantod to scholars of the Mount Hobson School, Rorauora, who havo passed their examination, woro givon to tho childron in tho school to-day by tho Roy, Mr Kussoll and Mofsrs Suiter and Dinnison. Tho result of tho examination is vory creditable to tho hoad-teachor and assistant, S7^ per cont being passed.

Tho usual bi-wookly pitting in Chambors was hold by Mr Justice Gillies this morning. I'robuto was granted in re James Reid (doceasod) whilo a similar application in re Richard Benson Worthington (decoa?ed) was allowed to stand over ponding tho tiling of a dlsclaimant, as only ono of tho oxocutors had applied, l'robato wns ronowod in re Seymour Wolls (doccasod). Letters of administration, with will annexed woro granted in re Kobort Graham and James Tannock Mackolvio (deceased), In )•<: l'ntrick (iearan (deceased.) Mr Cave appeared in support of a summons for an ordtr directing l'ublic Trustoo to pay £111 18a Bd out of stato to Peter O'Uowd. His Honor mado an order for tho trusteo to pay £85 Ss Ud if thoro aro sufliciont funds in his hands. Archdeacon Dudley was appointo.i guardian ad litem to Horbort Wliitlield 11 ill (an inf .nit) in rospect of allotment .TO, parish of Puni, which has beon settled upon tho child. Tho New Zealand Accident Insurance Company was approved as suroty for tho Cioodonough and Bendigo United Gold Mining Companies (Limited.) In Kegina v. Jackson, Mr 11. Williamson moved that a certain diamond ring, in rospoct of which Jackson had beon convicted of larcony as a bailco, should bo dolivored up to (ho owner thereof. His Honor mado tho ordordesircd. Tho minutes of decree- in Mc(Jregor v. McGregor wero scttlod, and tho argument of questions ot law in Soccombe v. Wilson (adjournod from Wednesday) was continued and finished. His Honor rosorvod his decision.

Tho Fomnlo Prison Oato Brigado report for tho woekinfj ending October IStli is aa follows :—ltcceivcd into ilomo, 1 ; loft the Homo, 2; remaining in Homo, fi ; Number of bods K'ven> 35 ; Number of meal supplied, 112. Donations : Brc:id, Mr Evans ; milk, London Dairy, and Uovonsliiro Dairy; 1 bae; of rico and 1 packago of tea, 11. B. Morton, Esq.; meat, Mr Carrot, and a Friend ; clothing, aFriond ; money, X.Y.Z., Adelaide, 2a 3 ; a Friond per Mrs Baker, £1 : Friends por Mrs Davis, £1 10s. Wants : Bread, potatoes, and moat. — Hbster Lidded, Matron in Charge

Last night tho members of tho Star of Auckland lodgo of 1.0.0. F. mot in tho New Zoaland Insurance Company's Buildings, Bro. Allon, N.G , presiding. An interesting address was dolivorert by Bro. Wheeler, P.G.M., and Bro. Harvoy, P.G.M., of tho Grand Lodge of Ontario.also offered some remarks. Bro. Morrison was preaont, and was duly accredited to visit tho Southern Lodges. Songs, etc., mado up a most enjoyable evening.

Tho directors of tho North Now Zoaland Woollonfllanufncturing Company (Limited), accompanied by tho Secretary, hovo been visiting tho numoruua Bites offered for this factory during tho last seven days. Wo understand that they aro quite satisfied that no site is adaptable for the purpose without clear spring water, a most eesontial necessity and convenience to the city and a railway. The inspections are to bo completed early next week.

The Gazette notifies tho appointment of T. J. M. Hall as Vaccinator for tho Helensville district, and H. M. Brewer as Land Purchase Officer in rolntion to negotiations for land purchasos for the Government railways in tbo Auckland district.

Tho following is tho report of Mr Skoy, Government analyist, on two of tho samples of ink from Dunedin and Auckiand: — These inks are mixtures of tannic acid and allied substances with sulphato of iron and forrocy-oxide of potassium, and so aro of the samo character as many of the inks of commerce. They are not indolible from tho most favouredsonso of tho term ; time alone can give a certaiu test of thoir.qualitios.

Mr Peacock, M.H.R., mot the electors at Avondalo last night in tho public hall. There vraa a moderate attendance, and Mr Bollard was voted to the chair. Mr i'oacock, in addition to giving a gonoral sketch of the proceedings of last session, and oxplaining various important measures, took occasion to call attontion to tho Counties Act, which ho said had for ono of its principal objocts tho encouragemont of County Councils in lieu of Koad Boards. It introducod tho bystom of allowing funda raised in particular ridings of the county to bo spont in thoeo. It also gave powor to the Govcrnorin-Council to altor tho boundaries of road districts when the County Act is suspended. Ho particularly roforrod to clauso 4, which in the Bill as it camo down gavo power to any County Council whero tho Act was suspon'led (nnd such is the cbbo with their county the County of Eden) to hold a special meeting and determine by a resolution of tho majority of tho Council to bring tho Act into force. Mr Peacock stated that he considered that was giving too much power, and he proposed and got introduced the following precautionary proviso : —" But prior to such resolution being received, duo notice of the intention to move the same Bhall be publicly notified." So that it will bo seen such action could not bo taken without the various highway boards and tho people of tho district knowing something about it. More powor was also given to counties for sanitary purposes, preventing nuisances and obnoxious trades, &c, such as the Municipal Councils possess. Under clause 5, the Council of each of the counties where the Act la suspended, when apportioning at their annual meeting the funds of the county amongst the road districts, &c, shall in the first instance deduct from such moneys all sums which the Council may bo liable for in respect of the maintenance of charitable institutions. At the close of his address it was moved by Mr Beck and seconded by Mr Exler, "That this meeting accords a vote of thanks to Mr Peacock for his address, and expresses its confidence in him as representative." The motion on being put was carried unanimously. A vote ot thanks to the Chairman brought the proceedings to an end.

The Bishop^ of Brisbane will preach on Sabbath evening next at St. Paul's.

Thursday, November sth, is the day fixed for holding the first meeting of tho DiHtrict Boards of Administration under tho Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act.

A public hall built at, Wade by Mr Duncan was oponod by a subscription ball on Friday ovening last, when 35 couplos assembled. Tho hall is 30 feet long by 10 foot wide, and has auto room attached.

Drury School Committeo havo agreed to support Mr Frank Lawry's candidature for a sent in tho Board of Education in room of Professor Aldis, resigned,

Onchunga Borough Council have appointed Mr Michael Yates as thoir representutivo on tho Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.

Mr W. F. Buckland nddrossed tho electors of Franklin North at Wairoa on Wednesday, and at Papakura on Thursday, tho attendance at oach mooting being largo. After hearing Mr Buckland explain his action during tho past session, a unanimous vote of coniidonco was passod to him in each placo.

Tho Lyttolton Lumpors' Union, liko that at Wellington, has collapsed. Tho Btriko is thoroforo virtually ovor— eomo of tho mon having rosumed work, whilo tho others aro ready to do so when work odors.

A mooting of tho it owing Association, convened for last evening, was postponed for a week, owing to many mombora boing ongaged in tho Naval Volunteer parado at Dovonport,

Tho final rohoarsal for the Philharmonic Socioty's concort takes placo to-night.

Tho ordinary meeting of tho Crown Lands Board was held yesterday afternoon. Prcsont: Mr D. A, Tolo (Chiof Commissioner), and Messrs Moat, Pearto, and Dr. Ciimpboll. Tho business boforo tho meeting consisted of correspondence doaling with ports. Mr Tolo informed'tho Board that tho total amount of tho land sale on tho 13th inst. was £2,000 18s sd, also that tho Govornment had directed that tho Tawharua block bo ottered on loaso. Applications were granted i"or timber floating to John Curtis to uso Tipatipa and other rivors, subjoct to a bond of £1,000 ; Coulthard Bros., to uso Hay's Creek, subject to a bond of £1,000; Hokianga Sawmill Company and Maxwell Bros., oach to übo Parongarenga stream, snbjoctod to a bond of £2,000 in each caso ; Auckland Timbor Company to uso Oruaiti and other rivors.

Tho monstor steam rollor caused somouneasinoss to tho Beresford-streot toachers today. It scorns that it camo struggling and pulling past tho schools at noon, just as tho younger children got out to play. It had no attendant save the drivor. Tho vast tribe of children woro injgroatdangor, as thoy trooped about its pondorous wh<els, Certainly Homo" attendant should havo beon thore to clear tho courso under Buchcircumstances. If a littlo life had been sacrificed, thoncortainly tho Council would havo been hold rosponsiblo. Tho steamor may also havo frightoncd a horse, and thus ondangorod tho childrens livos in this way.

An amusing and ontortaining " social " in aid of St. Andrew's Sunday-school Fund waa held in tho Symonds-stroet School-room last evening. A largo and highly respoctablo audionco rilled tho rocm, including tho scholars and many parents. Mr Jona than Winks occupied the chair, Roy. A Carrick boing in tho country. Mr Winka introduced tho proceedings in a pleasant spoech. Tho prograimno was very choico, and tho room nicoly decorated with flags and evergreens. Tho following young ladies contributed songs :—Miss Tait, Miss Hatswell, and Miss Cuthbertson Miss Tait is nn old favourite with tho St. Andrew's people, and hor songs aroovcr wolcomo. Mies Hatswell was warmly applauded on this hor first vocalietic appearance Mr T. Loodham, tho inimitable comic singer, gavo a character melody,and MrGeorgosang "Tho Armourer," with lino oiloct. A special feature of the social was tho instrumental trio of tho Tait family—violin, cornet, and pianoforte, In tho broak a number of juvonilo games woro introduced for tho amusement of tho children, and tho wholo closed with a capital recitation by tho Socretary, Mr Bovoridgo, and tho bonodiction.

An ontertainmont of a variodnnd gratifying charactor was givon last cvoning in tho Grafton Road School in aid of tho school funds. Tho attendance was not largo, owing, inagroat measuro, to sovoral counterattractions in tho immediatolocality. Roy. 11, Bavin occupied tho chair, Mr Gatland conducted, and Miss Bavin accompaniod tho vocalists on tho piano. Tho programmo as follows was vory croditably realised :— Orchestra, " St. Andruw's March" and " Venotia ;" choir, "May Day," " Como to the Fair," "By Thoir Songs,' and "Tho Huntsman's Chorus." Recitations—"Tho Northern Farrnor" (Tonnyeon), Mr Grady; " A VillagoEpisode " (Miller), Mr Yoarbury ; " Tho Koad to Heaven " (Sims), Mr Tftttorsall; " A Sketch of Handol in a Kage," Roy. R. Bavin; songs, "Boys of tho Old Brigade" and " A Sailor's Lifo for Me," by Mr Monzion ; "Who Shall Roll Away tho Stono?" Mr Douglas; "Tho Sailor's Grave," Mr Murray; duet, "To tho Woods," Miss Laybourno and Mrs Gotland ; pianoforte duot, " Chilporic," Misses Buddlo ami Bavin; vocal duot, "Tho Flower Gathorors," Misses Blackburn and Phillips. Tho performances gonorally were satisfactory, although tho instrumentalists, for want of practico, woro not up to the mark. Tho wholo concluded with tho " A,8.C." duot, well rendered by Mr and Mrs Gatland, and God Savo tho Queon.

Tenders are called for in anothor. column for tho purchase of about 577 tons Bay of Islands coal, 170 tons of which aro storod in tho Hulk in Auckland harbour. Tendora to bo sent in to tho Customs.

All accounts for gas and coko are payablo to tho Company, Fortstruet, oil Monday noxt, or the discount will bo lost.

Miss Teseio Chapman delivors hor last lecturo in Auckland on Sunday evening next, at the Opera House, tho subject boms "Tho I'oppee of Koine." Prior,to tho looturo. tho philitron of tho Progressive Lyceum will appear in thoir regalia, and mako a presentation to Alias Uhapman.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 249, 23 October 1885, Page 2

Word Count

The Evening Star: WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Evening News, Morning News, and Echo. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1885. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 249, 23 October 1885, Page 2

The Evening Star: WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Evening News, Morning News, and Echo. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1885. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 249, 23 October 1885, Page 2


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