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Tho Pollco in tho Pay of tho Infamous Women.

Tlio "Pall Mall Gazette Articles."

London, July 11. Thk " I'all Mall Gazette" has thus far printed four artiolea undor the title: "Maiden Tribute in Modern Babylon," In its introduction tho "Gazette" says: "Tho fact that tho Athenians took so bitterly to heart tho tribute of seven maidens, which they had to pay every nine- years to tho Minotaur, seems incredible in tho light of tho fact tliut ovory night in London "iany times eovon maidens, selected as much by chance as were those who drew tho lot in the Athenian mnrkot, aro offered up as the maiden tributo of tins modem Babylon. Unless this tributo is shorn of its worst abiiKCia, tho resentment which tho reform might appease may hereafter provo tho virus of a eocial revolution. Indeed, it may bo tho ono explosive strong enough to wreck tho throno." Tho " Pall Mull CftKfctto'a " Inquiry Commission pays a high tributo to the assistance given it by tho Salvation Army. Tho Coramission would have been almost holploes without that assistance. Tho police wore not consulted, because of tho fear that they would warn tho brothel-keepers. The Archbishop of CantcrLury aud tho Bishop of London gave hearty support throughout the entire investigation, and W3rc put in poaeession of many of tho appalling tacts in advance of their publication. Tho Commission is propar< (I to provo crimes of the most ruthless and abominable description, systematically practised in London without hindrance or oven the smallest effort at tion.

Those crimes aro classified ns follows : — First, tho sale, purclmae, and violation of children ; second, tho procuration of virgins; tliinl, tlio entrapping and ruin of women; fourth, an international slave trade in girls; liftli, atrocities, brutalities, and unnatural crimes. It U, in fact, a system of which tho violation of virgins is one of tho ordinary incidents, und is in full operation. Arrangements for procuring, violating, and then disposing of tho ruined victims of London lust aro mado with incredible eliiciency and simplicity, Tho Ea.t End of London is tho great market for children who are imported into Wont End house?, or taken abroad when trailo i* brisk Ono.of theso trallicors, living in tho odor of propriety with ht-v parents, tho other in a position of trust in a wellknown linen drapor's in Oxford-street, as v " blind," undertake to purvey maidens to an oxtunsivo and widening ch'clo ot customers. Tho uominisiioiiur visited Mi=H "Z," who undertook to bring it maid for Alii. The following night Mi«a "Z" brought a fourteen-year old cliild of dark complexion lung black hair and dark eyes, not fully grown, but promising to develop into a woman of striking appearance. She was a dress-making apprcntieo from the country. Thu investigation shows that a majority of tho hoiisoa had underground rooms, u'hcrefroin no sound was audible. Even iomo rooms were padded in order to stifle the cries of the victims. Tho narrative gives instances where mothers wore only too anxiors to soil thurown daugliters under l.'t years of ago for Unmoral puiposes. The nuviuiivo throughout tpooks of tlio viciimn

n.- '• jKirool.--." lor in-tmce, " I havo consigned tluoo parcels to So and So," showing Lho buMiie.-s to bu of n purely commercial charade r. Ono procuroi'B Mtid; "Nurse(jirlfl, chop girls', somotimoa governesses, loiid our chief supply. Ho riso often at 7 o'ekek in tho illuming, and eeour llydo I'mk and Kigcnt'e I'iirk j watch nur.-e----muiils, ami finally secure a victim." Ono urtful procuress advanced money for months to n poor, dyin}{ charwoman, in order to kccuiu lior UuuKtilor when lho proper lime came. Tho victim was a little girl.

The "I'all Mull liaz.jtte:' published on Wednesday a woodcut of Annie Bryant, aeod •"', who Has a victim. A penny cake v.iis the lure which enticed Annie to her miii. Hlio is luckily now in good hands, 'l'hu " tijzetto " proceeds to show how tho

iuw facilitated übJuctton, and instances rcooiil police pases wlaio culprits got oil (in K-;;a! quibble*. (Jnco a girl get.i into thy toil? the in entirely at tho morcj of her keeper, whu lirst ttrips lior ol her scanty storo of money by running upoclruvamuil bilU for board and lodgings, mid thou places every impediment in the way of her tinding vmploymont. Tho ig norant ami innocent uro tho prindpal victim?, I'Vcquciitly ivumcn, di.-gui.~td as Sisters of Charily, moot trains conveying Irish girls from Liverpool, saying thai, tho Lady superior its to moot thu [lonr Cutholi? i'jvU and (ako tliciii to good lairing.-) until they find situations, They mo forthwith tukoii to bruthclf. Tho fcistor of Charity disuppenrs and iho Iri.*li girl in entrapped.

Decoyinp: Country Cirl3.

Another staitling feature is ilio active part taken by young girld vv'lo themselves h-.ivo fallen. They act nsdcoojsat underground lailway stations e.-pocially, but olhor mi. way dopota aio also frcquoiitod by thejo dieiiy |jirU as affording a liehl foi ruining country girls, who generally offer an unresi.-ting qunrry. Tho eommisiion continues :It v easy for a girl to enter v bad house, but very difficult to get out. Uesidos running Into debt, oases constantly occur wliuroin girls liud them-.-elves under luck and key. A>oung lady rocently applied to tho proprietor ot a provincial music hall for engagement, and onclosed a photograph showing a pretty girl, ayctl IS. A favourable reply waj received. Slio wa^ allowed to sing only one night. The second night the manager drugged and ruined her. Tho inaniigor tlinii left her to starve, llor life is saved, although her beauty and cyoeight aro gono, Another feature is tho provalonco of nominally tompsrauco hotels, which aro really bad houses where girls aro entrapped as servants.

The Police in tho Pay.

Tho "Pull Mall Gazotto" concludes by poinlirg out that it is absurd to attempt to euro tho mischief by increasing at) arbitrary police power. It proves thnt tho police generally, with somo honourablo exceptions, rccuivo regular payment from abandoned women, besides insisting on having favours. Tho lowd women of London fully anderatand that unless they regularly bilbo policemen they must quit London, or othervviso bo arrested and annoyed by trumpedup] charges. Tho strongest Freemasonry among policoman exists in this direction. One keeper tayd : " Tho police ara our best friends. They keep tilings snug, mid brothelkcopors mo tho policemon's bo3t friends, beoauso they pay them. I only keep a email house, but pay the police i"3 weekly." "..Wo havo been told," tho Commission continue*, "that at otio famou3 houeo in tho East End tho polioo allowance is i'soo yonrly, bosidcfa froe quarters when wanted. An alliance- is thus struck up botwoon tho police and procurers. Oho lady dovoted to rescuo work, speaking with authority, sayH that whenever sho wished to savo a girl, sho was compelled to lake tho greatest caro not. to allow her intoulion to reach tho ears of tho police. An ox ollioer says that policemen and soldioffl between them ruin moro girls than any other class of nion in London. Tho " Ua/.ottc" urges tho establishment of local vlgilauco committees. It aUo advocates police laws, equally sovoio as regards mon soliciting women U3 for woraon soliciting mon, "A sevcro law for tho weaker sex and a lax law for tho stronger," it says, "is scandalously immoral."

For Export and Import.

Today's " Gazetto" deals c.iielly with the iniquities of tho system of exporting English jnrls to lho Continent and importing foreign girls to England under the protenco of providing them with respectable employment. It adduces many instances, ono whoro a mnrriod woman was taken to Bordoaux, kept four years in a brothel, and not allowed to communicate with her husband in London. Another, where an English girl waa taken to Bordeaux and afterward shipped to South America. Tho "Gazotto" gives warning to night that several wollknown bullies have been scan watching villago hoine.-s where thoy suspect little children, rescued from a liie of vice, are iv tho house. JPolico surveillance has been ordered, owing to threats used by these miscreants.

A Hideous Traffic,

New York, July 10.—Tho "World's" London cablo special fay 3: —in rogard to tho threatened libel suit; against tlio "I'all Mall Gazette," the editor, Mr Stead, says :

—" Let thoso who do not with to shake the very foundation of social order think twice betoro compelling us toconfiont in couit tho brothel keepers »itli tho prices of blood, and prominent public men with the victims of thoir lawless vice. lime. Jeffries oxercised tho utmost euro to eecure the custom of only men of the highest rank of social position. No ono could enter except euch as wore introduced by persons well known to her. It seemed she would secure through her agonta in vatious parts of Greut Britain and tho Continent young girls of 13 or 14 years of ago, of eoirmon parentage, bring them to London, and put them iv charge of tho best masters, not only in literature, but also in every department. Thoy were never allowed to go upon the streets, except undercharge of a governess or maid, and when

duly educated and refined, they would bo introduced into her establishment " If one of her patrons happened to know or hear of some girl of the tower orders^ whose betrayal he cUd not wish to bo kno« n, ent oone eoi her housos to -dj a patron with furniture, sorvantß, and oki led cook amount due by a mossenger. . t The article next describes the wrtwni ot procuration in tho West End o I- ndoii, the most fashionable quarter of tho niotro palis. There the victims brought auicn arger sums than thoso procured in tl.o Eaft End. Purveying was earned tm systematically by a firm whom tlio writer designates as Madames X. and 'A. l«o girls of tho East End fetched only £5 each, while their sisters of tho West End brought prices ranging from £10 to i-0. These figures, tho writer o£ the article soye, wero verified in ovory instance. J pro follows an account of tho transaction with Mesdames X and Z., known in certain circles aa tho leading procurers in Europe. One girl said to the Commi^ioner that her mother was lying dead, and that she had pone out to procure assistance when she fell into tho hands of decoys, who took her to Madame X.'a establishment. Tho Commissioner took tho girl to her homo, and subsequently had her placed in good hands. , Tho "Gazottc" further pays: "Uearo prepared to submit names, dates, localities, etc., to any of tho following gentlemen :- Tho Archbishop of Cantcroiu-y, Cardinal Manning, Samuel Morley, member of lar liamont for Bristol; tho Karl of Shafteabury, tho Earl of Dalhoueie, or Howard Vincent, on condition that tho information is not used for tho purpose oi individual exposure or criminal proceedings."

Indictment Against tho Aristocracy.

"It is estimated," says the "Gazette," " that more than 10,000 little girls in Englaud aro completely given over to Iho practice of crimes which aro of too horrible a complexion to give them names. In bouses kept by 'French, Spanish, and English women, in fashionable London, it, is possible to meet Cabinet Ministers and other men of dignity and reputation. Tliero is now walking tho streots a monster, aged uO years, who has for years amused himself by decoying and ruining children.

Pollco Rascality.

The New York "3un" cablegram from Lon don of July 11th says: Thooxpopuroein tho "Pall Mall Gazette" aro creating thrilling public interest, Tlic charge Unit tho Police Department was suborned in tho interest of procuresses and their patrons excites universal indignation against tho authorities, and a Government investigation is probiiblo. If tho veiled imputations of tho "Gazette can bo substantiated, ths poerago and throno itself aro shaken. Tho "Ga/.ofcto sa y ß :—" There stems to bo absolute unanimity of public opinion that if the procuresses had not feed tho polieo they would liavo been craokd long ago. A groat minibor of members of tho polico regard this revenue as ono of tlio logitimato porquisitoa of their oflioo, and not accordingly. Tlie po.verof policsmou over thoio who fail I o 'tip' them is absolute. Tho poor wretch who noglecfs to pay what a policeman considers hU proper fee U hurried from ono district to another until she is finally driven out of London. Evory bad house in inoro or le.-s a source of rovonuo to tho policeman upon whosa beat tho houso U situated. Oae brothcl-keopor tuld tho Commissioner that ho pays L"3 a week to tho police, and odd of the famous houses of assignation in the East End pnya C>(JO yearly, boaidea giviug to certain of tho police oiliciuls free quartern and accommodations in the house. Rev. Mr Charringlon, a famous London missionary, depose* tiiut the police have interfered in almost every caso where he attempted to rescue outraged children, and upon ono occasion two pjliccmon actually turned him ovor to bullies connected with n house from which ho was assisting children to escape, teliin^? thorn to kill him, and that thoy (tho° policomen) would go round tho corner so they might not SCO or know of anything that might be done.'

Tho "Gazetto" says: "An ojllcor in high standing on tho London policjo foico ruined his own sixteen-year old daughter. Uis conduct toward his child continued until tile girl left homo. Slie led a life <>f shamo until sickness and poverty compelled her to apply to her father for relief, threatening that if ho did not come to her assistance sliu would oxposo him. Hor father at once sent two detectives to tho placo where she lodged, and thoy so coorced tho girl that i-ho signed n retraction." Tho facts in this case, tho "Ga/.jtte" asserts, it supplied tho homo Secretary, with a view to having tho inhuman father prosecuted, but nothing came of it. The "Gazetto" cites this case a? an instanco of tho power of tho police. The "Gazetto" ridicules tho polico for tho littlo knowledge of public affairs thoy have, and state?, in proof of its strioturoa on polico olliemls, that yesterday, ivhile tho streets wero re echoing with the criop of vendors of tho " Gazetto " containing iho exposure, the procuresses X, find Z. delivored two certilied innoeonls to bo ruined, and entered into further contracts to supply girls for export to a foreign houso of ill-fame.

Horrible Revelations. Tho " Gazetto" says that its commissioners frequently saw girls ontcring houses of ill-fame whoso footsteps they tried to arrest, but they wero carefully guarded, and the doors closed upon them as virtuous girls for ever. Thoy describe tho tuones they encountered as heartrending in the oxtrcmo, and their feelings thoy liken to those of spectators watpliing a shipwreck with straining eyes, trying to snatch a stray swimmer from a watery gravo, but throwing to him a rope which lie cannot reach.

I'ndor tho headiino, "How Marguerito Was Ruined," tho story ia told of a young and lovely French girl who was decoyed to London by a falso employment advortisoment, swindled out of her money, and ultima'ely ruined.

Under the headline, "Foreign Exports," tho " Gazetto " says that girls linda life of shamo in England purgatory ; in other countries, particularly on tho Continent, a hell. Tho slave-trader collects his human parcels at the great central mart of London, and keeps them ready for transmission to tho uttermost ends of tho earth.

Tho Trado Checked.

Sinco the " Gazette's " exposures tho purchaso of girls has becomo diiricult in London, but they are still easily obtained in the provinces. Tho traffic is entirely in tho hands of foroign ox convicts. A commissioner, with a view of obtaining information which would umna.'k the scoundrels ongagod in tho traffic, arranged to pay £10 lor having hie alleged cast off mistress dopo.-itcd in an out-of-the way houso in Belgium. " With the heroism and- solf-.-acritioo worthy of a iaintal martyr/'tho "Ga/etto" says, "a puro and noblo girl volunteered to face tho frightful risk of being separated from homo and friends in order that sho might bo tho instrument of leaving tho mask fioin tho faco of tho villainy. 'God has been with mo hitherto,' sho said ; ' why should Ho forsake mo if in this causo I face risks '! Surely Ho will take care of mo thoro as woll as here.' Offer was accepted, but the Commissioner refused to carry the negotiations further.

Under the headline, "An Interview With and ei-Slave Trader," the following is givon : -John S. Gray, a Belgian of noblo appearance, who Ins just served six years in pri.on in Belgium, statos that a score of English girls are exported to Belgium nncl Northern Franca monthly for immoral purposes. Two-thirda of these, hb"oMorta, think they are going to situations, and under _ this mistaken idua, iiro lured to their ruii. Tho' exporter is pi'd so much a head if the girls aru ho.ilihy. Tho average piico paid is £10 per head! The ages of the girls range from 8 to 13 years.

A Terrible Experience,

Under tho headline of "An Interview m ,'•?,, y SMPPod to Bordeaux and Madrid,' the "Gazette" states that a woman who wag forced by hor husband's ill health to seek a situation, was told by a friend, who was a girl in an honest situation, that a certain Greek keeping a cigar storo on Rent-street knew ot a situation as barmaids for four girls at Bordeaux, Sho saw the Greek, becamo convinced of his honesty, and left for Bordeaux. Arriving there on Sunday evening, she was taken, without suspicion being aroused, to the house of tho notorious Mine, buchou, 3G, Hue Lambert. She was taken toa doctor and was alarmed to find that lie spoke no Englieb, while ehe spoke no French.

Her appeals to him for an explanation were fruitless. The next day sho found that her clothes had been removed and silk dresses substituted. Then followed the old story. Sho was forced and bullied into compliance With tho wishes of tho madam's patron?, and she led a life of shamo in Bordeaux for nearly four years. One of her companions was «old as a slave, to be sent to South America ; another died at Bordeaux The U.rome of this story was finally bought from Mmo. Suchou by an admirer, and at lost reached London, leaving the fourth girl bitterly crying for death. A Hint to tlio Prince of Wales.

London, July 13.-The "Pall Mall Gaactto" thia afternoon, in response of a request for its opinion as to tho nature of the change in the English criminal law makes several important suggestions. It 'advocates first, an addition to the Criminal Act, raising the ago at which foinulo childron may legally consent to 'infill conduct from 13 year.-, the present uoriod, lo 10 ; second, the extension of llio law prohibiting soliciting to both 66X08 ; third, the denial of any additional power over women to the police that will bo aimed at the suppression of crimo, and not at tho suppression ot vice ; that id complato legal liberty for voluntary immorality between adults contracting on ' equal terms, but the vigorous repressioni of sexual criminality i:i all cases in which tho rmrliej are under age, or the elements of a lull free, and intelligent consent are absent; fourth, a greatly increased stringency in tlio laws against prostitution. , The "Gazette," in an editorial, commenting on tho results of the revelations, declined thai its trumpet blast has roused the world. "No word waa raised yesterday in the churches against us," continues the paper, "but all the forces of wickedness in high places are arrayed against us. The Hon. W. H. Smith and Bon, possessing tho monopoly of the news stands on the railway systems of England, luvo suppressed their saies of the ' Pali Mali Gazette.' The Princo of Wales ha.* stopped his paper, the Kight lion. Mr Bontinok is posing in Parliament in the name of an ' outraged morality' and clamors for our extinction. The 'Gazette did not tako thia inquiry to unearth the vices of tho great, but if wo are driven to bay we will bo compelled by tho action of our assailant to speak out and spare not. An Impojtant Conference.

LOHUOM, July 15.— A conference for the protectioJ of young girls opened this afternoon in Princess Hall. The chief promoter of the conference is tho Salvation Army. The Hon. Samuel Morley, Liberal member of Parliament for Bristol, presided, and made an address on tho subject of the iniquity exposed by tho " Pall Mall Gazette." He declared that the condition of things in London, as revealed by that paper, was a scandal to the Christian nations. Ine people must epoak out," exclaimed tliu orator, "if their homoa are to be kept sacred from this surrounding pollu. tion. I believe there is ono law for the rich and another for tho poor in these matters. It should bo a felony to steal a poor person 8 child " Professor James Stuart proposed a voto of thanks to the proprietor and editor of the "Pall Mall Gazette" for the assistance their work has rendered to tho cause of Christian mora'ity. This proposal was unanimously adopted, as was also a roeolu_ tion urging Parliament to raise the "age of consent" from 13 to 18 years.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 194, 24 August 1885, Page 4

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LONDON'S INFAMY. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 194, 24 August 1885, Page 4

LONDON'S INFAMY. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 194, 24 August 1885, Page 4


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