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s "IJIOR SALE, a Cottage, four rooms and r JU scullery, a bargain. — Apply W. Cowley, south end of Clarence Btreet. Ponßpnby. ' X HAVE the beat variety of Funeral L Rrqui ItPS in AucUln.nd for sale.—Gen H. ' '■.■■'■<:■},:<r. IJudcTt'-l-p:1 q: r p- : <Sv~<. ■■■,; '•:.', HuUSS. LAKu, KSTATK, A>!D ' FINANCIAL AGENCY. C'ORNEn Vulcan Lane and Hioh-btrkb:t. • vRCHITECTS. CIVIL KNGINEKRS. AND SURVEYORS. I ' /"KTAHUHU.—For Sale, Freehold Farm \J of 13 acres, good grass land, on banks of i Tamaki, with well-built 8-roomed House, usual •juthouees; suitable In ovory way for dairy farm. Very low price, and easy terms to an iimnediato purchaser. HAMILTON EAST.-For Salo or To Let, Hotol, containing 21 rooms, iv flrßtclaaa ordor ; excellent billlurd table by Allcuck. Kino garden nnd good water supply. Ten»tnlled stable. 2 loose boxes. Average takings 1 £12 per week, capable of improvement. Low ■ price, or small premium and oasy rent. Full ■ particulars of undereigncd. A largo quantity 1 uf adjacent farm land can bo rented on easy 1 mHAMES.—For Salo, 2 Freehold Shops : JL and Roort Houses, close to wharf, bank, and Kxchango. To an immediate purchasor, £275, of which £200 can remain on mortgage. Jf» k CASH-SPRING-STREET PON■I& © SONB V, near main road—Nearly Now House of (i rooms, on good allotment 33 x 100, To an immediate and resposiblo purchasor £5 cash, and balanco In easy weekly or monthly instalments. The cheapest bargain in the mnrket. Price, £300. £9-t X, CASH.—KINGSLAND.— ?& JL 2 Houses, 1 large rooms and scul lory each (largo workshop to one) on allotments ■ >7 x 100 and 10x90. Good wells. All fencort in. CIS and .<!?:> cosh rospoctivoly, and balacco in uny wickly or monthly insialments. Price 0225 and £300. jiS-fl A —COTTAGE of 0 rooms For W-l-v'* Salo, with handsome verandah IrontUKO. quite new: situated on volcanic soil ; cloao to New North Roud. Tenus, £10 or £20cash, uul bulanco on mortgngo. payable poriodicalljIn v. iluotion of priuoipal and interest. Price £320 iftoia'li CASH.—SURREY HILLH,----1 *V nt S ?£3OO, £325, £350, and £100-Bar<a n»■:,wcr,v Nowly-bullt Housu--. of 5, G rounv' ench, ■itii-H'.d ill 'lVrinyuon arul Princop s»>-( «t.j, .trifl itichmond Road," woll llrdghi'd r.nd flt'od with livery convimiencn. Litrwo rMloimont:'. 'IVrnm £20 and £25 caah, and balance in easy weekly or monthly iuntalments. ALSO, several other HouHes in course of erect ion, which can bo finished to suit purchasers' requirements, on equally ndvantaßOoun terms. A*Odfc CASH.—RICHMOND ROAD.----fif/Q" Afractive Villa Rosidonco of 5 ••oums iind scullery, well finished, with tjas and wntor laid on: largo allotment, and good out-houßes; healthy situation, close to tramway. £20 ensh balanco in easy weekly instalments. I'llct". £350. i*FC»> CASH. — ST. STEPHEN'S i&O/W AVENUE, PARNHLL.-A Commodious Family Keßidonce, containing 7 largo rooms and bath-room, water and gas laid on, front and sldo voranhah, every convenience Cirrer allotment, G6 x 110. Garden well l*id out. lCiiay forms to responsible purchaser. Price £525 JL*»l>K. CASH.-PONSONBY (close to 1&&09 Tramway Terminus)— Good New Home of 7 rooms, pubskintlally built and wellflnishpil, ln.-Re nllotmcnt. Price, fICO _£• ■" i \ CASH.—SELWYN-STRBET, "fcf)l" PO VSONIJY.- FOR SALE, House, 7 rooms and bath-room; gas and -water laid on, and gas stovo in kitchon. Replore with every convenience — cupboards, dres anrs, &c. ard in every way suitable for a moderately-Bizod family rosidorce. Commundiog viows—Harbour, North Shore, Tiritiri. and Great Barrier. Its proximity to the city «nd tram in Ponsonby Rniid, assures ita prospective value. Lnr«e Allotniert and concrete paths. Price, only £50(1. Terms nrranged to milt purchaser. House always li-.t «■< a gaoil rental. Prico. £500. £* " A CASH. CRUMMER ROAD, l&*9\r SURRKY HILLS.-For S«alo. a Supoiior Family Residonco. contalmngS Inrgo lafty rooinn, liiicbi'n, pantry, batu room Ghs nnd water Inicl on. llouuo replote with ovory convenienco, including gas stove ir. kitchen. Good out-liouaes and onnorete walkn. A foully «-jod investment. Cu>-h, £.50. and exceptionally ,-;ipy terms to an immcaiatG purn^iiarir. £* t* it A -SURREY STREET, Great *&i>*9\9i Noith Road.-No«lj-oreotetl i-'nniily HesWenco of 6 large roonm Rnd kltrimp flttod with " Mistress" range; city water, avd every convenience: 2-stall stable and coachlirmsn; handsome frontago, and favourably situntoil on splendid allotment. 10 x l.'< 2; ci)"vnniint to tnun ; wnlkslnid down in tiles wn<i concroto. To an immediate pnrchas'r, easy tiTi' s will bo given. A roul liHivnln. \*rATERLOO QUADRANT.- Houso V T cuitsvlnim; lofty and f-pacioua dining anil drawinir rooniß, I) kci-roonis l.'t other rooms can lie ■ n ily "cUlfd), bath-room, kitchen, tilted -,\ lth rung.? and gas-a ove; gas and water laid on. nnd hofiM roDleto with every convenienne; largo allntment, HO mid 52 x 220. Commands Brand viuwa of harbour, North Shore, lUnuiitoto Thames Channel, i to., and being within 2 minutes' walk of Post-ollkv, will always command i! high value, and Is n sound secuiitytor iuvostment.—Kor terms and curds to view, ni'lil}' as unitrr^ MUCEY Advanced on Froehold Soniiritit». and for liulUling Purpoai.'H, in runu of £100 mid upwards. Ijand and Building Matorluls found on r.^ifonablc terms. IIALCOLMBON AND C 0., Couxkh Vulcan Lane and Hioit-rt. Otllco Hours:—9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily ; Saturday Kvoninsje, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ll]VukK LANIiBiIAN EGOS, 7e" (id per S dozen. Ordora for thnßbovot) be loft With James Slat-.T. I cs?ce City Market. mol PORTING MEN. - For Salo, several 1 Pe.lurco Hnunrla.—Apply 11. Divers, New North lloirt. or J. Mitchell. Urcou I^ano. TO WORKING MEN.—I can Soil nt Newmarket a. comfortable Fivo-roomed Cottago ard Freehold Allotment, for £240.— F. C!. Kwlngton, KsUito Agent, Coombca's Arcade. T"O"CANAirY BREEDERS.-For Salo, hnndaomo Double Breeding Cage, on braokot3! ornamental, uocful, and vory cheap. —Cochrnne's Auction Ronmi^ j£*H /fc" DEPOSIT. - I liavo sovornl ProR \f pcrtimtodisprso of on payment of .ijiial'l (J.-iiiwH, i'.nJ balinco by wiwklypsyiiici.ts. -C. Williiiinrmn. HMatii A(;ent. High-Btrnct. 'ia*y^ ~r* —FOR SALE, comfortable -S^*y »)Oi Cottage of 5 rooms and scullery in Ponsonby ; city wator ; 10 feot frontn},'" : well fitted and finished ; close to trams.—Apply to Do I acy & Gibbon, 21, Queon-stroet (icxt Gabriel Lewis). Personal. OH ! Caroline, Mary, Janet, Sarah, JTa ,'glo. Mnbel, and every other girl. I>ny my Nnmo Broochos —Tom Keosing, Victorltislrcet^ INFORMATION.— Youths' Tweed Suits Ss 11 d, worth 255, for one woek, at S. Coomboa and Co 'h PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. — Hear Gerald Massev'a Lecture on Sunday Night. PERSONAL —To Ladies, young and oM : Black Quilted Skirte, 2s 6d oach, for ore week, at 8, Coomboa and^o/a. ERSONAL.—AII Bald-headed People, or thoso requiring a good Head ef Hair, Mousttiche.orWhlskers.nhould apply oarly to Old Kennedy, King of Hair Roatorors, as tho Secret rllos with him. being OS years of nge.—Addn-ss : Old Dletillory, Opposite Domain Kntrancc, Stanley street. Lost and Found. LOST, four FivoShilling Duty Stamps. —Thn finder will be rewarded on roturning same to Star Ofllce. T" OST, Ordor from Thomas McDonald, A on Now Zealand Timber Company, for i £ls 163, Payment Btopped.—Reward at Barrett's Nevada IMel, Qneen-stroet . T OST'i oil 11th iiist., on Epsom Road, a JLJ Paisloy Shawl and a Cline-s ated— ; Cinder rewarded on leaving mum at Epsom Hotel, or Hnrp of grin Hotel, Kllorslie. LOST, from Mt. Rosldll district, a Mastiff Dog, answoi-s to tho namo of ' Jumbo—Plcaso le*vo eamo at Mr Fentou'd : Shop. Victoria-street. Anyone detaining eamo aftor this notico will bo profecutcd. ■ CjTOLEN or Cast Adrift from tho Dry , k5 Dook, a Round-bottom. Whitopaintcd Dingy.— Anybody returning the anme to Mr Gouk, Shipwright, Customhouse-street Wost, [ will recelto £1 reward. F OUND, where you can got Boys'Knicker Suits from 2s lid, at S, Coombes and Co,'B. 1 TjVTUNb ! FOUND ! in Victoria-street, JD juat above Royal Mail. Tom Kcesinv;. tho '. bnncfactor, who soils Jowollery on DeferAd : Payment System. STOLEN from Parnell, last Sunday, two Sottnr Pupa Information leading to can- ■ viction of thief liberally rewarded.—H. J. Burt, i noar Mason's Gardens. STRAYED or Stolen from the Mangere Public Run. about flvo months ago, ono ' Dark Strawberry Heifer, about two years old tail inclined to bo whito.-- A'-.y porson returning tho same to Owe.n Cummins. Mangore, will vi--1 ceivo £1 roward. Any porson detaining tho ! same will be prosecuted. j r Tenders. mo " build ers. Tenders will bo received by tho undorsigned up to Noon of WEDNESDAY. Sootember 2ad, for tho erection of a Sloro and Dwelling in Eden Torraco. Plans, &c.. at my Office. W. H. SKINNER, Architect, Vulcan Lane and O'Connell-st. Tjy O B~~U I L D E R S. f Tendera will bo received until noon ol 0 TUESDAY, September 1, for tho erection and completion of two Villa Residences in William • E°n AVeDUe' Sn3affiMßON & CO.. N.Z. Honee, Land, and Hstate Agents, High-street. - nfT~O B U I L D E R S. Tenders are invited up till noon of tho 29th inatant for the Erection of. an Eight-roomed 0 House at Mount Eden. Plans at my office. T W. A. DUGLEBY, Architect. 1 "DATERANGI CHEESE AND DAIRY 1 X PRODUCE COMPANY (LIJjITED). '• QHBEBEMAKER WANTED. r Alternative Tenders are Invited and will b( y received up to September i. Tenders to utat< t experience, wages required per annum, alst r tender to do all work for average daily suvplj a of 600 gallons milk. j Lowest or any tender not ncceßaarlly ac t centtd. :. For further particulars apply to F. C. HKRMAWS. Secretary. o<MJtißno<3 en First Pnco,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 7


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