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BAXTER'S LUNG PRESERVER, Ihroitt jui«l liicst Coniplaints. rijtvo tot! m Cous'.li I i-r link H.vxTKii'sLung I'bkservbr. il-.vo you I'ni'i in : c UhL-BIV f<l I'SK I!A\ ■ Kh'S LITXCI PRKSERVEK. lie jou .-Jiillni'.i; f.oiii Bronrhitldl r ■■ I,'bb lUxrnn'tfLuNo PitnsmiVKß. Aro you ttoulilml with Asthma? ,uv L'«u l).txTKic'd Lung Puksukvbk. ,\ro you Euir-.riuu from Consumption'l K-n Ma.: IIAXTKK'S l.iwn I'JIKSKKVHRj vli'i h Irn buen fign.illy Bticeoßßtu1 iii iho uvutmi'iit uf thirf nuilarly lio.i:i U-hiimc.niiili in " iiuok for V.w-.y Hoiiii'," aiilehoa in South IJante^niry Almanuc. i;o jou spit Hiiail I L'm li.\\-ri2u's LuN-a Prkseiitkh. U your breatliiiiß li-'inbarraaaod? Vie IUXTKIt'd 1-U.NO PIIKSISRVBR. Are yon auflVrinß from Sure Throat I U;« iiAX-I'liK'B hUNO PUKSERVKII. BAXTER'S Lung Preserver in a. Potont lto.ncdy. TVAXTER'S "Lun'i; I'rosorvcr is hiiihly n ejiniiifiided by momberaof ihe Mediual,;.!.: i-d C:oriu:il Proftt-uioua. "B ')> .»X I'Kil'S Lnnjj I'ivsorvot does Not _tL> l'ro.lueu lleaiiiuho. [*;d.\ X'i'Kli'.S I.iiiij? I'reserver docs Not .83 Hi :crtlor ihu Biomiieh TT>AXTKI{'S Lung L'reserrer does Not Ay Consiiputo Ihcltowi'la. jj>.\\TK!L'.S Lunj,' I'reservor tloos not E ~j> contain PareKoric, Opium, or Squills. i! »A.\TEU'S Lung L'roservor is admitted I! > to bo tho Cheapest anil Beat Cough Mixture. Baxter's .Lung Preserver Is sold brail PATICNT MUUIOINB VENDORS im nn'i'Ti.KS—ls Gr>, ii Ci>, 4a Co, and Ss KAcn. Daxtkh's Luno PIiKSKUVKIt onjoyßa Buocess uniKirii 1." d ! lis value to Ihoto wlio suffer from l'ulii.oniiry ConpliiintS i 3 iiiett'.niablo! 'I hi! fl.liurr c-il.ii yit.-ltif luit in a nmimcr truly Hiii:i/.inir. 'Ihu hjii.|.loni3 of advanced Cu.V-miMi-i'io.v, too. aro alleviated aa by a charm. Asthma uml HmiNiiiiTis il. v awuy as "chall brfdielhii wind." Tltfe Organs of Voice Uavo iinii.iri.d to tin in a oleanii'ss of tono,BWi'Ot;vesß, ainl imiiti, which r.iide-sihe I,l'Nii l'liicsKiiVKu ;> uuivcr-itl i:ivourili!Of Mu;ao who cx''iuifi> th'if vfic il powers in pulilic. kis within tho roach of nil and :u i>-'e!i>:iiit to take tliat children like it. If 'ymi have any Pnlnruiviry Disorder try it. Today you may l>" In lime to destroy tho (Uniitu U'okm which pi-i'va on yout' vitnla. To-iiiorrow it may be tno alu ! Lifo is precious, ami han-d iijon v veiy slender tliroud. At 0 ice. then, tend to nn Ari nt for a Bottle of 11a.\:tki:'s Lini; i'i;i:si:uvKU, aud prove that it really «iucaliaiable. OAXTEU'S A NTI-TCTEURALGIO ■j^j-ACIO piLLS. A CerUiin nnd rmmodlntc Cure for Tic Dulor.,ux. Neuralgia. Toothache Piiina in the Head and Face, Oom, Sciatica, LumbaßO, &c. Kxtracta from rlVßtlmonlala. Kor J. 8. Whillnxton.l'roßldont of Uio United M-Uiodist Krco Church, writes: -1 havo reaouinicndiMl the Anti-Ni'iirnUie lMlla to Heveral sullVriTd fi-om Tic D.iloreiii. Toollniclu'.ete. In ,11 cases th' y have ii!l'.ji-.:id iclicf, nnd in oomo 1 a-«'J the cure has been The Hcv. 11. Chow. Kn-o Church Minister of Newcastle on Tins, wntw:-.\ new connexion iniiii.ttiir. a frl -ml of iniiu', :-ull'crcd severely from Tie lloUrcut for s.nne lime. He look one or two of yoisr Auti N iiir-U.-ie PilK aud next inoriiinu he was n nice well. Tlin Rev. A. liii.r.iciiT. i<f London, v;rites:My diiuu-htcr tia» takili a lew of your pills, and hiilre.dy nuito five fiom ihu i-ain silo lui-i Imen to lorn tonuented with. I shall Klail.y aid lUeir I'Xtorde,! ta'u. The uev. K. WATMOI'TH. of Hiplcy, writes:— Ur rinuKhtcr, who a,;ll".'ied rery sovofcly, was relieved in less than half an hour by your iiilia. In Boxo3, Is U.l nnd 83 ti each, by All Chomlsta, Wholesale AnentsN.Z. DRUG COMPANY MKS3RS P. UAVMAN Sc CO. CLOiK 11KU5., Quoen-atreeU DR. J. COLLTS RROWNE'S CHI.OUODi Mi. THE OKIiHSAL and ONLY OESCINE. Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain Qtitui, rtfrtifhiUK sloop, free frjiu headueho, r.'lieffrom pii!:iai.ilaat:ii!»h. to calm and assuage tho weary fichiiiKS of proiracli-d nijoaHO, in-vi.'oi-ite the nuivou-j media, an! reiiulato the,:np sjhlcuiaof the bcjdy,} oil will jirovlde yoiKTcir wi;h thut mui'VclloiM remedy ilia coveiel b. Dr. J. Collia lirowno (nite Army Miil-.c.l S.i.i), to whic.i In uavo llio i.nmo ol Cill.i>KOl>\ .s X, 11ml which ijuiniiucd by the pinf tj Im ihu moat woudorlul and valu-ClilA'l-'i Mi YNIO in the best remedy known foi i'oiul.a ivus niuvlon, ll.onchitia, Asthma. Ulll.uKHDV.S'lia ;>ilikeiichu!ininl)la.Tliti;a, and i:, ih-j eniy Bpccilic in L'liolera and Dyfcentory, CiiI.OUOUYNK rll'j.-lujilly cuts short all .'i:t:i. !vi 1 f K|iileii,sv, lljaeiia, I'iilpitation, aud CHI/'iRODYXK h tlio only pnlllativo in Ncuni! :ii, hhi.-uiimlium, Gout, Cnnuer, Toothaelie, Msninßllls, Ke. From f; i.'j., riuirmacouticiilCheni'cts, Mt ilicr.l U.iU. Simla, January 5, IXSi). To J. T. Davi-nport, K»g.. ."il. Croat I5n»8rll-tri-ct, Rlo.-inlmry, l-ordon. IK<ar yir, Weimbraco thU o;i; .or'.uiihy of eou^'rutulaliuv J ou upou tlifl «-ii.i ■ ■■;.:■ n 1 rep itutiun this jus lv 0-teemed ni' itdt't I'r. J. Col U lii-owni'VChorodyne, has cnrri a i*.r it v If. not only i;i Illndoi-un, but all ovur the ivi-.t. As a rein dy for general utility, we much .jiifsi.iiiii whether'a b-.ter i< Imioited intot'.'.e country.and we .lull b.Mi'nd to 1 carol it,» liiu'lnr: .•; pluoj in cvi ry An^l Indian home. The 1 ther b- r.\ is. we aro happy 10 .»-iy, nro now rcliKnt'd to the nutivH b,;-..iira, n;i<l. judtimj In m :. •ir B^-le, we f,,in-\ il.iir s-ijomu tr.tro v il. be !.-':■ irv.iiifH cir,. We coul I mnlitp'y ml in'l,iff Kin of tr.o extraordinary o'llrn.iy .if Dr. Ci:lU Hrowno'd Clilorodjnu ill I'll 1. ul', nn'l 11. •fi.tcry, SpiiMUS, Cr. nr.s, N ■ r ',:i!,ihH Vm-.i! iri; v*. I'r,^nanoy, and asu ue:.r.-.l uda'ii.i Hint Ir vooci urrcil under our I. r«<iu'il o'.i-oivatiou durii X years. In CiiaV.-.i'u: DU.Tlue 1. u:ul even in th) more UT.-ili'.e forms of t.'liolcru i'srl'. we have wi!:- ( --jr-.i it 1 [mr|iri«inf:lv controHlm? now.-r. Well LVun ver tine Inn} other form (;f this nuilieino man Coll'a l:ro«nu'«, from a Urn conv.clion ih ti- iul-eidcilly.lliebest, and also frorna ,'cn-e of ilnt, »r owe !o the Dn.ics.-i-in and tho public. i,a wo aro o(oi<ini'i .tint llDtuib.-iiiliilion r,.' uny oih-r than Collis Hrowno'B 13 a dkLIUKKATK I'.ICRAUII OF KAITII ON' THtC I'AltT OK THE CilRMItiT TO 1-lIKiiOUIBK AND I'ATir.NT ai.iki: \\\: nro. Sir, fiiiil'ifnlly, Sy.-i-cj iit Co.. Jiembfrn of the l'hirm. Society qt Crcat Britain, Hia Excellency the Viceroy's Chemists. CAUTION —"Vino-Chancellor f-ir W. Pane Wood child that Dr. •'• Collia Hrowno wan, utido''.hti:fily, (ha Inventor of Ch'orodyno; that the story of tho defendant Fnnuian was doliborately rintrun, which, hn regretted to siy, hid hem sworn to.-Seo "ThaTimea," July 13, ISfll. Sold in bottlos at. 1b VA. 2a 9d. in CA, and 11s each. Nouo is Pennine without tho wnnlß " Dr. J. Coliia Brownti'd Ghloroiiyno" on the Government blainp. Overwhelming medical testimony acconipmica each b-.-ttlo. Coutinn.—Howaro of Pimcy nn'l Tmit-'ticns. Solo Manufacturur-J. T. D VVKM'OKT. 33, Urtat Rnsael 1-streef, Hloomsbury. London. CJTEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDEIW H yon CJULDIIKN" CUTTING TEETH. CAITtON TO i'tfIICIIASEHS. The value of this wpll-kn«wn r.-iiniiy Modi !ne been 1,-ii-Kcly Idled in all parts of'the world. anil by nil snides ol' snrii-ty, for upwards of fiftt vkahs. Us well-earned extensive sale has induced rpukwi'S imitations, some of which 111 OL'TWAKD ATTKARANCK SO closely rcsomblo the ori>.!nnl us to have deceived any pui-chiwern. Tho proprietor, therefore, fools it due to tho. public! to pive a special caution n; .linsl the use of Kiioh imilations. I'nr.chasers nro therefore ro'iuostod carefully toolKorvcthefour following' distinctive char-act-'riKlirs, without which none are genuine :— lRt-ln every case the words John StekdMAN, CnF.MiRT, WAtwnimi, Si'iuiKv, are enBEnrcil on the tiovern.iicnt SI amp ailixed to (%S-ll |Mi;kct. 2nd--ICaeh Single Powder has directions for Ihr: dnso, find tho words John Stocdmao, Choniist, W'ahvorth. Surrey, printed thereon. Srd—The name Steedinaii is always sjiolt with two KK'n. ■Ith—The manufacture in carried on solely in Wai worth, Surrey. .Sold in Packet* by all Chemists nnd Medicine Vendors, at la IJd to 2s lid each. Agents: Kkjiptiiounk, Puossr.n and Co., Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. TT> T>ROCTER, 9 J. 119 .JL OCULIST OPTICIAN, Of Chriatohureh, ig now on a visit to Auckland, for a»horltinio only, and niny bo Consulted on nil Diacises of Ihe Kye, and for tho proper adiußtmont of Spcetaobs. With repaid to tho UHeuses of the Kye, there may be considered two diiiLfnot kinds of treatment, viz ,tho Medical anil tho Oplinal; tho Medical to the l'hyaxiin. Hid Optical ii tho Oculist Optician. Kniire'y two-thirds <l the diseases arc duo to optieul defects. Blii.flnc-13. Hquint Kyki, Ileadnches, NouralKin of the KaeeiimlTcmiiles.Ueafncss.nnd Inlliunination of the E;ojarefrcriuently caused by opliealdefcols, and aro Prevented and Cured, WITHOUT oi'K.KATiONS, by iiropcrly ndiiptea Speotacks, made to correct the defective portion of ihe eye. There are over SOO.O'IO various combiriations of Spectacles required to correct til. , jo defects—impossible to bo kept in stock by nny Optician, even in London, therefore, must be crjund expressly to meet each individual T.H. PROCTER received the highest award (rranted for tho manufaeturo of Spectacles in every combination of spherical and cylindrical form required, at tho International Kxhibititm, N.Z , viz., a -Certificate and Gold Medal. T.K.P. has for many years made an especial study of the optical moans necessary to remedy the defects of the astigmatic or woak-si^litod eyes, and this exiicnonco. combined witli tho appliances for niauuiactiirintf, enabloj him froqucnlly to relievo oven tho otherwieo liopolesa cases. No Charge for Consultation, Address :— THRKB DOORS FROM THEATRE ROYAM VICTORIA-STREET,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 6


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