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Wanted. VyANTED, a Singlo Man to hive and Ti Work on a Suburban Farm; mmt iii.der»tniid giirdeiiing and fruit growiti'. Nr-no but ellleior.t and sober men need ..ppiy. I'erm.inom situitiiin.—Apply, by letter, to "FruitKrowor/'STAit Ollice. WA NTED, a first-class Tinsmith, at onrm. —I). Mill-.. W.llri lm.s'n n>. WANTKI), First-class Uoattimkers; 12 months' onganoinent. - Now Zealand Tweed Co., Merchant Xallots, Shottliind-atreet. . IST ANTED, a goneral Farm Man ; must t v ho married— Apply portonally to It. ami U. Dudcr, Devonport. V\rANTEl>7u civil, tidy "Boy to maki V V Himself useful.—\V*. ]_ liaxlor, Urocer. tlrafton Itoid. V ATA NTED, a smart Boy, about 11 or ].**> • r -Apply Damplor's Cheap Furniture Shop, Hobson-street. VVT ANTEuTa "Strong Boy, übouTTs, ? « able to drive.-Apuly between !1 anil 10 a.m.. to No. P. Queen-strenf 'iSTANTEU, a strong l!-y, about 15 or Vl 111, 'or a store.—Appiy C. Utile, Undertaker, Hobson street. VXTANTED, 6 or 7 Boys to open oysters. V T -Apply F. Williams. Queon-.t. Wharf. WANTED, immediately, a Good Dressmaker for a few days.—For Address A pply at P.ißt ofliee. North Shoro. VITANTED, ut onco, a Good General T T Servant.—Apply Mrs Captain Klliott, Pitt-street. WANTED, at onco, a good General Servant.—For nddresi apply at S'VMI Offlco. _ _____ V&rANTED, a General Servant.—Apply II to Mrs Marks, third hous? from Junction Hotel. Orent Souih Koad. H. ANTED, a respectable General Servant; must be able to wash,—Mrs Hobs, ■virsllold-B reet,otl'Shelly Ueaeh Uoiul, l'oii-onby. V^ANTED, a respocfcible YOung Girt, T f about 111 or 17, to a'sist with housework —Apply Immediately, Itomouth Hub-oil-street WANTED, a young Person as Attendant for an Invalid Indy : references re quired.—lnquiro Ui niton It-ill, Ist houso from lowllng (Ireen. WANTED, tho solo management of an Hotel by a married couple, t.l* long and Ito experience in the busii-.e. s. Sure net to be ibjeeted to by tho authorilies in whoso hands he carrying; out of the Licensing Act is placed .'irst-eki.B city and other testimonials.—Koply \.ll . l'ost-oillort. Auckland.—.l line sth, 1.85. WANTED, a Situation by a young man as Or. om aud Gardener, and to make liimsolf generally useful.—Apply Star Ollice. WANTED, fi situation in a Confectioner's oras Waitress.—Address " W.ll.,"Stau onico. WANTED, situation as Working llousekeeperor placo nf trust: .ompctmit to indortiik. situation ;re.crcnc_sgiven.—Address Owen. Stak Oillco. WANTED, - respectable Boarders ; terms, £i week, washing included; '.' minutes from Queen-street.—Apply Jlriiovego's -:■ on \ Conk street. VST ANTED, Comfortable Homo by a M Young Jim: Private Family preferred. -Apply, stating terms, " 1,. F.," Kiwi; OHIO". WANTED, Bedroom and Sitting-room (Furnished), wiih use of sitting-room, for married couplu.—Apply by letter, U.11.U, Hobson Hotel. __ \\ J ANT 1-. D, by a' l_ inglo < lenlcman, it Sitlitig-ronni nnd Bed-room, or Heard and Resid-'rce in private family, in thu vi ini'y of Rocky Nook or Mount lvlen —Apply, stating t-rms to "X.Y.Z.," Mount Kdon Sawmill Co. (1 Jmitod). WANTED, good Architect and Bur veyor, to join established business; caoital roauired, #,100 to £200. Principals only. -band Agont, Staihl-Hco. IV'ANTED to Dispose of an English V v Piano, by Stodnrt; nearly new; owner Ie iving Auckland.—Apply Piano, Stm; Oillco. ANTED, the Public to Call and Soo the Now and Second-hand Buggies, vVaggons, oto., nt tbo Thames Carriage and Dray Factory, Victoria-street East, ANTED at Onco, 2_;000 Pick and Shovel Men to call at Garrett Hros'. and wiiru Watortighta nt 8a 6d; Bluchers, 4s fid 'ale will last, for One Month only. VST A Wr_\D~a small Field Cleared and IT Ploughed.—Tenders to be sent to K. J. Koboriß, Noith Shore. I \ r ANTED, _to""Let Furnishod Bedroom ' to . (.emlomen. with or wtlioni hnare : , ber eiiaeuer- kit 1.-Apnb Mr. J. .'.mi, . i • :• !-, i' ~ina 's Hay. V, ' \N I.l) t.i Let] ** or II Ur.furni-h..; % V ,;ihiiiis, in I'olmrg ntreiit.—lot 1i0n.,,- ---. .'.the:, ■ •-_ Vi i-iia'. tr-_et_ _ * * T ANTED, immediiilely, good 7-roonu ii . T He.use on Largo Aliotm". nl; (4 raft in or ire-Lt, North Rond. or Symonds-.-iireel.-Piir •Limit, Star Ollice. VXrANTED, Men to defend Anckhind r? from the Russians ami themselves fri-m -eld and doctors' bills, by wearing rt'iod, u-i-f til I'iul.relothiiig. So., at low prices, from J. W. -•liaekelford. Mutter and Mercer. SO, Vicrori .- treet (,i doors above Alhort-atreel). WfANTEi), "immediately, to Tisposoof » V tlieUuolwlllof al-idies'School.—Appl) t> MraK. i.'ou!t. Wlinngarei. \1 rANTED. Good Second-hand 1 rim .•/ • Anplv W. O. Woodward. Victoria Ay, line, Kdcn Terrace. \\T ANTED, in "sell off a "choice lot oi f ¥ _j_(iie.'aii<l Child.ei.'-Uiidere-nthing,— '■!r_ Pirgleioii's, Victoria street. V,*\7"AN"l rED "TO "SKLT~Fn.It "frees ; V V Apples, Pears, P.inns, and Pea.hes. ill Ivviring; selected from the best tort t. a-id vill '■■<• gn.-.rariircil I'lie to iuime.--App'.y l" ■lol.n Slnrl.-fy. H.u k.-r .-.T,-cT-t. Sen nnbr. V\7"ANTEU To Sell for C-l.*)0, Mourn >T F.ten main rem.l, grand Allotment •>! e.-.ifrontaire; d.pdi, lii'ife-t. a-nionied Hon-o, •est £2_P:""batli, eoner.-te, 2 000 gallons; ;i-onnd nlo'in worth if-.l'.O.—Particulars at M-ic-c'c cflcld Villa, Karaugahapo Koad, near Tabernacle. WANTED.— When you aro in HobsonStruct, call nt Munro & Mil.igan'a and see rho largo and cholco stock o£ Tweeds and Cor.l ingu just oncnod for tho coming season. No .noddy good, or slop-making and trimming at -.hin oatnbUsliuiont. VXTANTED—Tho Ladies to tell their TT Hu.banda: Ohosts of Draw-cm, V2i lid; Withstands, la lid and 5a lid; Toilet. Tables, s 1 Id, Is lid; Kitohon Tablns. i'a lid ; Coloni.l I'ouchuß, Cs lid; Meat ,'afes, (1.. (id; Double lledatoiuls (Iron), 18a: Double iio. (WooV.), _■-.; Singh) do., I-is; Btnffbd Couches, lis Cl—At D.iinplnr'a Selling OH', Hnb-on-Btrccl. WANTED, all win want Furniture, Perilling of every description, and Household requisite, to cull at W. h. Koth's llieap Bedding and Furnituro Mart, corner Victoria i.trcet Fast and High-street, nexi itoth'a Publio Hot Baths, as the whole of his ,-iirlcd and oxtei-.Blvo ntock muat be cold. and be placo is for s»lo by auction. Nil.: Furnituro on timo payments. WANTElV^Vanted to Sell (cheap), W and Geld Cups and S:uicer_ only Sd, 7s Cd per doz; \V. nnd Gold Plato i, fispcrdoz; Hand Buttor Plates, la; Ilraco and 2 Bits, 2b ; .mall Drill Braces, Ib Gd; Cork Screws, Id each; Bananas, 21b by bunch; Fancy Toapot, Su-rar Basin, and Cream Jug, only Is tho sot; Oranges, 11 for Is ; 21b tins Goldon Syrup, only S tin; Padlocks, only 3d each, 2s doz.: Bpoo tales, from Cd to la fid : a good Slngor Sowing Machine £2 .0..-H. WATT. Blttßtrcot. WANTED, you to road what the "Civil Service Gazette" Bays: "It ia now a mattor of common knowlcdgo and ropnrt, especially In musical circles, that by inhaling tho vapour from tho Aminoniapiione, tbo voico P033058C3 a di3tlnct gain and an improved tone. Our most famous operatic singers, and our most oolobratcd clergyman and public speakers have pronounced unhesitatingly in its favour. Nor la it alono as an aid to tho vocalist nnd orator that tlio Auimoninphone i. useful. It is a most valuable curatlvo agont in Pulmonary and UromJil*! Disorders."—Murray and Spencer, AC'it-M. Auckland. WANTED SEEN—Beautiful Birthday Curds, jnßt opened, at Charloa Kolsoy and Co.'B.J2o^Que'.n-street. WANTED KNOWN.—A Meeting of Journeymen Bnkors will be held In the Britlßh Hotel on SATURDAY KVKNING next, *. 8 o'clock. All invited. WANTED SEEN—Tho vory large, now. popular, handsome Books, Is Gd and lßlld ; and the New Novolb, at Is, outside Dampier's Furnishing Shop. Hobßon-Btroet. I'o-iyour friends and tho newohuma, . WANTED KNOWN.—Charlos Kolsoy and Co. are allowing Ten por cont discount off all oaeh purchases of Fancy Goods iver flvoshillingß.-CharlesKelsoy and Co., 120, Quoen-Btrcct. . W""""ANTED"kNOvVN— On Salo, Bricks, IJmo, Sand, Cement, and Ground Mortar. Lifting Jacks on Hire.—N. MoLean, ■ milder, late J J Holland. Ix-rne-B-reot. ANTED KNOWN—In consequence of our Removal to Country Business, wo .hull hold a Clearing Sale for ono week only.H. W. Thompson and Co., Jervols Koad. POn-T"SrANTED~Knovvn-What would they V f think at home ? Tea Bottles. Cd nnd Sd; Tin Plato* id : Ten Pots, lid ; Hand Hasins. I'd: Dlppors. 8d; Kettles. Is and 2s fid : Caridlestlcks, id; spittoons, lid; sooopn, 9J; Meat Tins. Id 2d, Id.—At Dampicr'3l' urnishing Shop, Hobson-street^ , WANTED KNOWN—Bought a Job, over 350 Pairs of Children's Boots and .hoea (only), 2 to 10 in eize from 2s to 3s 6d por oair; also, 150 worth of Men's Job Lines anp •■i-m-iles; groat value; be in time and get the nick, at Dampier's Boo*, Shop, Vuiiori'-.-Btrcet. W" " ANTED KNOWN. — Salvage Stock from Owen and Graham s.-J. Hondell, 'Irighton House, top of Grey-street having nought by auct'on some of the best lots will offer tho flame as soon as ready. Inspect before buy ing elsewhere — VS7ANTED KNOWN.-Ten per cent. V V discount is taken off all purchases of Gold and Silver Jewellery st Kelßoy s. They k*op no imitation jowollery. Kverything guaranteed. - Charles jfelsey and Co., 120, Queemßtreet_ WANTED Known -Buy what is useful. -Good Pillows. Is fid (flax); Flock Pillows, 2s lid ; Feather Pillows, illdi Singe Mattresses, 3b lid ; Singlo Palliasses, 8s; Singlo Spring Mattressea, IBs Gr.: Chair Cushions, lid. -At Dampier's Furni.hing Shop, HobsonBtrcct. WANTED KNOWN. - T. H. Brister, Coffeo Palace, Cook-streot. having ongaged a flrst-class Pianist, can invito all Icmporanco people to call snd spend a pleasant , evening. , — WANTED KNOWN—In ladies' House Sllppors I have a great variety—White Canvas, 2s per pair; Black Imitation Kid with elastio In front, only 2s Cd; Carpet, 2s °d ; Morocco, 2s 9d; Auokland made do. Imitation woolwork, 3a 6d; Ladies' Dancing or Evening Dress Shoes, 4s 6d; superior do.. 6s Gd .; Real Glove Kid, with fancy beaded vamps, 7sH6d; at Sampler's Boot Shop, Vfotorla-street. ~ . .

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 3


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