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A number of important .tern-- of news will be found in our cable column to-day. The unexpected defeat and probable resignation of Mr Gladstone's Government over their Budget proposals are announced. The Egyptian garrison at Kaegala is again reported to have fallen Into the hands of tho Soudan rebels. Trouble is brewing between Germany and Zanzibar, and it is feared that German war ships will bombard the town of Zanzibar. The Christian officials in the island of Crete have all resigned by way of protest against the appointment of Favas Pasha as Governor. The redistribution of Seats Bill has been finally passed by the English House of Lords, and the French Chamber of Deputies have adopted the "sorutin do liste," electoral reform of a different kind being thus simultaneously effected in these sister countries. Speaking in the Houee of Commons yesterday, Mr Gladstone intimated that the war difficulty between Russia and England could not be said to be past. This would seem to contradict the news published yesterday to the effect that an agreement on the Afghan frontier question had been arrived at.

An error appeared in our notice yesterday relative to the expected arrival of the Aorangi from London, The steamer is due with the mails, according to time table, on the 23rd of June. She lands them in a boat off Port Chalmers in order to expedite the delivery. It is thought probable, however, that sho may make a specially good run, and that if not in Auckland Harbour by the 23rd instant, sho will not be much later in making her appearance.

The stock market is vory quiet. Cambria shares aro a shado cusi.r. Thoro are buyers at about lis cum. dividend, and sailors at 12.. Timber Bharos continue to be askod for, their boing buyors of Union Snsh and t)oor nt £4 lOs, and a fow salos of Auckland timber nt JCt lis. Bank of Now Zoaland shares are wanted at .1-i ]lOf i and Colonial Banks at 41a Gd, with to.lois at 425. Union, South British, nnd National Insurance sluiros nro still in demand.

Tho bnrquo Nauphnntc, which arrived from Liverpool yostorday afternoon, was lowed into port by tho brig Awhina, wliicli has proved horsolf to bo admirably adapted for this kind of work.

As somo misconception exists with regard to the appointment of tho Town Clerk for the now borough i.f Newmarket, wo may oxpluiti that in order to bring tho machinery of tho Act in forco it, was necessary that tho Town Clork should bo appointed, and tlio Govornmont nominated Mr Dinnison to tho oilico—a most ndmirablo and woll-moritod appointmont, as all who have known anything of Newmarkot affairs will, cordially admit.

Owing to tho inability of Captain Frater to attend at tho R.M. Court this afternoon, tho delivery of judgmont in respect of tho rocont collision between tho steamors Horald and Gairloch was postponed tlli two o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

An Instance of the injustico inflicted by suddon and arbitrary changes of tho law is afforded in tho notico glvon by tho Liconsitig Committoo of their intention to cancel tho licenso of tho Auckland Hotel. Tho present tenant of this hotol bus only four months of an annual tenanco to run. Ho pays £47 13s 4d per month rental, and £28 10s per month in lieu of bonus, If the licenso of tho houso is taken away ho will, in terms of tho loaso, still havo to go on {laying rent till tlio ond of his torm, and of courso ho will havo no chanco of either lotting or utilising tho house for so short a torm. 110 is thus liablo to stiflbr a loss of somo £300 through no fault of his own, which moans simple ruin ton man of small moans. This is ono of thoso casos of flagrant wrong which should rocoivo consideration ovon from a committco which appears to bo inflexibly rosolvod to apply a patent streotsweopor instead of an ordinary reformers' broom to what, in its opinion, aro abuses in tlio salo of liquor.

Tho unusual spoctaclo of a rose-bush in blossom growing out of tlio roof of a houso may bo witnossod on tho Manukau Road, Parnell. Constable McConnell, who has dono sovon years' olbeiont service in tho Auckland district, has boon appointed wnlch-liou-o kcopor nt tho polico station, in tho place of Constablo Mitcholl. Tho Zealandia loft San Francisco on Saturday, Oth iiiHt., and may be looked for on Saturday, tho 27th, both being titnetablo dutes.

It is vory raroly that Mormons leavo a placo without trying to mako some converts. But thoro is something peculiar in Kmikapnkapu, for two Mormon missionaries loft that district without onlarging on (he benefit.-, of Utah. Thoy called on ono of tho settlors, and mado tho usual inquiries as to hiring a hall, probable congregation, and usual colloctions. When, however, they wore assured that tlio settlors novor encouraged anything but " colonial industries," they dopartcd, mourning that thoro woro people too obtuso to sco tho advantage of " coming forward und paying their tithings."

Tho Salvation Army assembled on Queenstreet Wharf early yostorday morning, and waited there until nearly -1 p.m., expecting tho Waihora. with " Captain " aud Mrs Pratt. Thoy played a variety of their own peculiar tunes to while away tho time, but at last bocamc weary, and departed homowards. Tho steamer, which hud been delayed by adverse winds and weather, did not arrive until after II p.m., when all hor passengers were landed. A meeting of journeymen bakers was held at tho British Hotel on Sat unlay evening last, to tako stops fur tho formal ion oi 7i trade socioty for Auckland. After some businoss hail boon transacted the meeting was adjourned tilt .Saturday evening next, at tho samo placo, when it is hoped to conclude tho formation of tho Bakers' Union. Mr W. L Keen delivered his address on "Co-operation —i.and, Labour, and Capital,'' in tho Forostors' Hull, Nowton, lust night, Cr. Garratt boing in tho chair. About lifty porsons wero present A voto of thanks was passed by acclamation to tho lecturer at tho closo of his discourse. Wo aro requested tj remind those interested in v,_ Of tllO "!_or eeror" that tho noxt rehoarsul takes place at 7.30 p.m. to-morrow, in tho schoolroom at tho rear of tho Supremo Court. Monitors are requested to bo punctual, as the opera is now assuming a definite form. Tho performance takes placo during tho first week in August, and after noxt- Thursday no new members will bo admitted. A largo amount of business was transacted at tho City Schools Committee meet ing held lastovoning. Inourroport,whichnppcarcsin another column, thero is a list of what is known as "quarterly feos " charged at (ho difTcront city schools. Those aro a constant source of troublo botweon teachers and • parents, nnd tho chargosas published, being authoritativo, should prove very useful for referonce. An "Arch LI ill Ratepayer" writes: " Would you bo so good as to inform mo if a man is compollod to pay rates when he can't got down to his houso without holding on to a fence to koop himself from falling, and in danger of breaking his legs." We aro afraid thoro is no means of escaping tho rates, but thoro is machinery for stirring up tho local Board, and our correspondent Bhould sot to work in anticipation of tho noxt annual mooting.

Tho change in tho system of govornmont at Newmarket will mako a difference pecuniarily to tlio hotel keepers in Iho district. Instead of paj ing i'_.*> per annum for thoir licenso, they will now bo required to pay an additional £15, or tho samo amount as in tho city districts,viz., CIO per annum, Hotels in Newmarket aio to bo closed at 10.

Tho steamor Suva, which loft for Southora ports last ovening, bud on board !)•_ tons ro finod sugar shipped at tho Birkenhead Sugar Works,

Captain Humo, Inspector of Prisons, arrived from Napior by tho Waihora last, ovoning.

Tho man Howard, who was found with a broken log near the Now Lynn Hotel, has had tho fraeturo set at tho Hospital, whore ho is now under treatment. It appears that ho had gono to Waitukorei to look for work, and wns returning unsuccessful, when ho slipped nnd fell, thus sustain ing tho Injury referred to. Ho wns found in this plight by Bornard McDonald, driver for Mr Grey, cordial manufacturer, and ho proved hiniHolf a good Samaritan by bringing tho injured man to tho Hospital. Howard is 02 years of uge, ami has v wiio and family living in Chapel-streot. His sou is omployed at the Gas Works.

We would remind our roaders that tho concert for the benefit of Mr Kasmusson will take placo to-morrow night in tho Choral Hall, This is really a desorving object, nnd is one of tho most distressing cases yot brought boioro tho public. Mr Ra.musson has boon en-dined to his bed for the last eevon months by a Bovoro illness. Ho has beon for somo years in tho employ of Messrs Cousins & Atkin, coach-builders, but for tho last eighteen months has boen failing in health, suffering from dropsy, which has gradually become worso until tho poor fellow could hold out no longer. It is at presont doubtful if ho will reeovor. If ho is sparod, it will tako perhaps yoars to bring him right ngain and ablo to earn a living for himself and family. His follow workmen havo beon holpiug him liberally for somo timo, and tho committee havo beon working hard to provide an enjoyablo concert. From our advertising columns will bo soon tho success they havo achieved in compiling such a long and varied programme, which in itself Bhould bo sufiiciont to draw a large audience, and taking into consideration tho object for which it is raised, wo think that a bumper houso will be the result of their strenuous exertions.

A largo crowd colloctcd at tho Union Bank cornor shortly before 10 o'clock last night to hear an animated discussion between a darkoy and another person said to be a Dutchman. It appeared that by accident the men had jostled each other, come to blows, and had boen separated by wolldisposed friends. Just as our ropresontativo appeared on the scene, the darkey, who was as black as tho ace of spades, and nearly as broad as ho was long, stepped up to the Dutchman (a regular six-footer), struck a dramatic attitude, and bawled out, " What! you strike an Englishman ! I'll teach you !" But he was hold back, and the Dutchman had his say. Looking at tho darkey in the most intense astonishment, ho witli difficulty articulated, "You—you blackfellow an Englishman !" The crowd laughed, but their laughter was changed into a regular roar when the darkey, drawing himself up proudly to his full height of fivo feet nothing, and striking his right hand forcibly upon his breast, exclaimed; " Yos, lam an Englishman— to the heart—to the heart." Then the police appeared on the scene, and, as usual, the fun came to an end. '

The larrikins of tho westorn part of the city appear to have a failing for gymnastics. Tho Head-master of Nelson street School rooonfcly made several complaints of injuries dono to properties undor his chargo, and last ovoning he again wrote to tho School Committoo stating that on tho morning of May 27th ho found that tho larrikins had again visited tho school yard, had taken another padlock from a gymnasium box,and used tho latter for a purposo for which it had not been intended. The School Commit too decided to direct the attention of the Hoard to tlio cutter, and recommend that Die school feneo bo raised.

Tho following gentlemen in Auckland district have just been added to tho Coin mission of tho Peace:—J. Atchison, Wuiio a; YV. D. Davis, Waimate; A. Cinders, Itotorua; A, A. 1 fan-in, Ofmiuhu- W, D. Hill, Alexandra ; .V. F. Hirst, To Aroha ; H, VV. Johnson, Rotorua; P, Lawry, Auckland ; T B. Lowis, Cambridge ;T. Mitcholl, Karioi ; P. N. Poglor, Raglan ; G, Ross, Parua Bay; J. Ross, Tairua; W. H. Snolling, Maungaturoto ; Hugh Stewart, Kihikihi; Thomas Thompson, Auckland ; W. Thomson, lluapeko; R. Thompson, NVhnngaroi; G. T. Wilkinson, Aloxandra. About othor sixty names havo been added in other parts of tho colony, No doubt tho Govornmont sco tho necessity for increasing tho roll, in viow of their intention of striking off all those who fail to porform tho duties of the offico.

Const.iblo Foreman brought a man nnmed Stewart down from Holonsvillo today, whore ho has boon sentenced to a month's imprisonment for larceny.

In all probability, tho Now Houso of Representatives of tho Auckland Parliamentary Union will meet on Monday ovoning next, in ordor to allow monitors an opportunity of selecting thoir constituencies, and for tho election of Spoakor. At prosont, Mr P. A. Philip. (Town Clork) seems to bo regarded as tlio most likely man for that distinction. Doubt prevails as to tho intended action of tho joimiant of tho lato Ministry. Somo think they will attempt to reconstruct, whilo others advocate thoir resignation in ordor that tho Govornor may Hend for Mr Thos. Henderson, jun.., who was placed highest upon 'no polling list. Tho chances aro, however, that tho Governor will ho loft to shape ti courso for himself. In tho meantime members and candidates alike nro awaiting tho gnzotto notico of tho ballot, which will dotormino linnlly tho ordor of precedence in the caso of ties. Cheapest hooks and stationery in New Zealand to ho had at It. White's, stationer, noxt to Hunk of Now Zealand, Qiioon-stroet.—[Advt. Tomorrow, Mr J, R, Rnndorsoii holds a mo t Important sale of new household furnituro '••ni ■ 1.,-rIH hi Ku-eliank, Iho r, sideline of Mr ,1. It. Hooper, North Shoro. Thero is a choice n-sor! iii-iu, Including It.ethoven golden tongue American organ. _7 "tops, by Hca tlo. Tlie salo commences at IU noon. Finn at Loiine isTKKKT. —Tho Chairs and i-e-cued from tho fire at our factory, tOiiothor with our extensive slock of Carpets nro now nJ'V-roil lo tho public at Clearing Sale Prices et cur t, inpornry premises in Wolloolcy-.trcolKu-l. iii..-„unt "ii (,'a.rneu from Is to 7s in tho I!.—(lariick and Cranwoll. To-morrow's " Spectator " will bo more than initially iiilor.-hling. Beanies Ihe usual Turf. Outdoor Pa.times, Cour.-li.g. fecit will .cut-in tlio Novell tie, "A Model Sermon by n Young Sturgeon," by "Silcnus;' " A Hosting A-ivcnturo oil* tlie Oro.t Harrier; ibis Wicked Woild," by "Tho Silent Spectator ;" Passing Evonts, by Curriculum : Everywhere unit Everybody, by " Hohotnlair." Auckland Comcrclnl Morality, Whims of Ih.i People. Hric-ii-brao. Society. Ladies' Column, by " (lohl Nib;" Temple of rhespo'. Original Poetry, by "Kaovo;" " Shoulder to (.huuldor " and tho " Tho Goblin PoruoißO ;" Out nnd About, A splendid number. Prico 2d.-[Ai.VT.|

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 130, 10 June 1885, Page 2


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