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Mr H. V,. Soth Smith, R.M., intimated to-dny that tbo judgment of tho Court in tho matter of tho lato collision between tho Bteamoro Macgrcgor and Wellington would bo dolivorod at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

An oxperimontal trial of tho oloctric light fitted at North Head for dofonco purposes was made on Wednosday evoning, but tho offoct was spoiled by tha bright moonlight. Mr Princo intonds to give a public exhibition of tho light about a weok honco.

Mr G. E. Alderton, on taking his final departure from Whangaroi yesterday, was presontod with a testimonial and puree of sovoroigns subscribed by (ho public in recognition of hia public services.

Mr D. Goldie assorted at tho City Council mooting latsl night, tlml largo sums of money woro being taken from Oio Borough f uiulrt to break up good macadamised roade, and mako crossings for the benefit of the Tramway Company. Ho also assorted that tho South Ward had been robbod of tbo amount noccssary to dofray tho cost of Patteson-street works.

Mr Hawkoswood was brought up from tho Thomas Russoll wreck by the Ohnu to-day. He is still vory ill.

Uppor Symonda-stroot is fast bocoming a flourishing focuß of business. About a fortnight ago a block of five two-atoriod concrete shops was finished to tho ordor of Messrs W. and G. Winstono, and already thoy aro occupiod. Othor shops are in progress.

With reference to the statement that tho Sanitary Inspector had takon action against Queen-street shopkoopors in connection with tho swooping of pavomonts, wo aro informed that no suoh instructions wore given. What hupponod was this:—Mr Goldio's attontion was drawn to tho practico of swooping shop rofuso into tho water- channoln aftorthoy hna boon awopt out by tho Council men. Ho procoodod a day or two after to tako tho namos of all who woro guilty of this practico, and returned about twenty namos. Thoso woro submitted to the Mayor and Town Clork, and in consoquonco a notico was ordorod drawing tho attention of ratopayors to tho by-law which was framed to stop offoncos of this kind. No legal procoodings huvo boen ordorod in any case.

Building operations continuo to bo brisk in tho city and suburbs. No loss than 45 building permits woro issued during tho last fortnight, distributed as follows :— North Ward, 9 j South Ward, 14; PonBoniiy, 2 ; Karangahapo, 12 ; Grafton, 8.

The election of non-commissioned officers for tho l'onsonby Riflo Corps takos place to night at tho close of tho drill in the l'onsonby Hall.

George Watson and Robert Miles, bankrupts, wero examinod bofore tho Official Assignco to-day.

Tho Lyttelton Harbour Board seems emulous of tho strict Sabbatarianism of tho Union h.s, Co., who, like the censorious publican who did a roaring trade on the day of rest, will have " nao whueeolin' on the Sawbath." Tho Postmaster-Goneral has fixed overy fourth Sunday as tho date of dopurturo of English direct mails from Lyttelton; but the Harbour Board resolved yesterday that, unless under special circumstances of emergency, neither the harbour pilot staff nor the steamer will be made available to take steamers out on Sundays.

A very good photograph of tho ship Crusader was tnkon by a local amateur from tho North Shore on Monday last, copies of which are on sale at Mr Chapman's, bookseller.

Tho laying of submarine mines for the defence of our harbour has, of course, made certain portions not available for purposes of anchorago, &c, and mariners are warned in the following terme in a " Gazette " just issued : -Tho area enclosed between the following lines having boon takon for defence purposes, masters of vessels arv cautioned against anchoring or dredging within those limits—viz., a line drawn from Takapuna Head to the peak of Rangitoto ; from tho depot spit buoy to Hobson's Point, thence a straight line drawn through the Bean Rock lighthouse continued to the shore, Rangitoto Island.

Last night the first of a Beries of country conferences in connection with the Auckland Sunday-school Union was held in the Onehunga Congregational Church. Notwithstanding the state of the weather, two 'buses carried a large number of teachers from Auckland, who were cordially welcomed by the Onehunga friends. The President (Mr Battley) occupied the chair. Addresses wero given by Messrs Knott and Parker, after which a general conversation on Sunday-school matters ensued, and an enjoyable evening was brought to a closo by the singing of the Doxology.

!g" Robin Hood," the Chriatchurch sweeppromoter, informs us by telegram that the first prize in the Dunedin Provincial Handicap, value £900, went to a sailmaker at Blenheim ; the second, £270, to a labourer at Christchurch ; and the third, £135, to a storeman at Dipton. The first prize in the Grand National Steeplechase, £270, went to a farmer at Selwyn; the second, £135, toa clerk at Christchurch ; and the third, £67, to a gardener at Porirua Ferry, Wellington. There were 13,280 shares subscribed in six weeks, and in the "Special Un" limited " there were 1,850 shares subscribed in three days. In the Special, the firpfc prize, £208, went to a cordial-manufacturer of Southbridge; the second, £124, to a publican at Christchuroh; 'and the third, £83, to a bricklayer at Addington. All the moneys are the net amount, and in the big consultation there are 748 prizes instead of 220 ; 648 being extra prizes of £5 each.

According to the "Northern Wairoa Gazette," it is the intention of Mr Niinrno, the gentleman who recently purchased the New Zealand Fibre Company's Kaihu estate, to cut up the land in the vicinity of the Maxmill into small blocks, and offer them for sale upon easy terms. The embrace an extent of land of splendid quality for agricultural purposes, and there should be a brisk demand among persons with small capital who are desirous of becoming settlers for such advantageous sites for homesteads. Jt has also been stated that Mr Nimmo will recommence the manufacture of the flax fibre, and that the machinery recently removed from the mills to Auckland will bo returned and re-fixed ; but the truth of this statement is not vouched for.

Mr Charles Bright has selected as the title of his opening lecture " Vanity Fair, or, the Hearer the Church the Further from God." In the course of his discouise the lecturer proposes to pronounce an eulogiurn upon Victor Hugo, the greatest Frenchman since Voltaire.

Peter Anderson, a seaman on the ketch Elsie, fell over the breastwork into the harbour on Wednesday night, but was rescued by Waterman Harry Keane.

The "Medical Press" of London lately published an attack on Mr T. B. Hannaford, of Auckland, for making an alleged unwarrantable use of the name of Dr. Urban Pritchard in connection with his deafness cure. Some New Zealand papers having republished the accusations, Mr Hannaford has called and shown us the original letter and prescription from Dr. Pritchard, which are undoubtedly genuine, and deem to provo that no unwarrantable action has boon taken by Mr Hannaford.

At the annual meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association this evoning the music will be provided by the evangelistic choir. The Chairman will give somo important information respecting the proposed now building, and will also communicate the name of the successful designer.

The Sanitary Inapoctor reports four cases of fever during tho last fortnight; one was typhoid fever in North Ward, and three scarlet fevor in Ponsonby.

We havo received from Mr A. K. Murray a copy of his June Time-table and Diary, with tho now railway tables. There is also added tho latest statistics of Homo railways, giving capital,miloago at work, averago dividends paid, detailed working oxpenso, not revenues, and a plan of the city of Auckland. This useful little publication maintains its popularity and reputation for accuracy and excellence

The members of the Artillery Band have issued a challengo to all bands in this Provincial District to test their musical skill for a stake of not lose than £50 a-side, the stake and tho proceeds of admission to tho contest to bo oxpended in sending tho winning band to the New Zealand Exhibition to compete for the prizes thore offered.

Another vacancy having occurred in the Ararimu subdivision of the Ararimu Road Board, tho nominations of Messrs T. W. Deacon and Reubon Martin to fill the same, woro received yesterday, at the Waikoukou Post Office, at which place Mr Seaman will tako a poll on the 11th Juno.

The football match to be playod to-morrow botweon Ponsonby and Newton is expected to be one of the most closely contested of tho season. Nowton have a very strong forward division, and have been playing splendidly this season, having had tho host of their match with Grafton, Ponsonby is likely to be a bit weak to-morrow, as Whitosido has a bad hand, and Braund is not fit. Ponsonby team will consist of Arneil, R. Whitesido, T. Whiteside, Braund, Young, Skeon, George, Besant, Daniels, Bruce, McConuoll, Keefe, Hesketh, Fisher, Pilkington. Emergencies: King, Woollor.

A groat outcry was recently mado about the introduction of the Codlin moth from San Francisco in imported fruit, and tho excitement was such that Government went the length of prohibiting the importation of npplos from California. Tho pest, howover, has obtainod a footing in Tasmania, and regular consignments of apples come from that colony, many of which, we are informed, show traces of the ravages of the insect. Many of our orchards are as yet free from tho Codlin moth, but those who are interested in keeping down the plague should press on tho attention of Government tho desirability of keeping watch for infected fruit, and forbidding ita being scattered over tho country.

Tho Star of Nowton Lodgo, No. 4, 1.0. G.T., hold a " social" last ovening, in their lodge • room, Karangnhapo Road, when a very pleasant evening was spent. Aftor tho comforts of tho " inner man " had been attended to, the following programme was procoedod with :—Pianoforte overture, " Mnrchu Aux Flambeaux," Bro. Stoddard ; Address, chairman ; song, " Midshipmite," Bro. Mason ; song, " Eileen Alanan," His. Lightfoot; eong, "Auckland Militiaman," Bro. Johnson; recitation, "A Helping Hand," Six. A, Longbottom; song, " Vacant Chair," Sis. Edmonds; Address, Bro. Fowler; pianoforte duet, "Blue Bolls of Scotland, 1' Bros. Stoddard and Wilson. Interval for games. Piano solo, "Scotch Airs," Bro. Stoddard; song, "Jack'a Return," Bro. Mason; song, "Thy Face," Bro. Ouerin ;song, "Far Away,"Sis. Lightfoot ; song, " Sitting in tho Porch," Bro. Wilkea; song, "Little Noll,"Brc. Selby; duet, " Huntingtower," Sis. Lightfoot and Bro. Johnson; song, Comic, Bro. Vallach ; "National Anthem." Tho accompaniments to tho various songs were efficiently played by Bro. Wilson.

A first-class miscellaneous entertainment was given last night in White's Hall, Mount Eden, by tho Committee and members of the Roso of Edon Lodge. The Lodge has boen in existence twelve months, and had steadily progressed. Tho rain, unfortunately, knpt many persons away who had previously taken tickets, but despite the weather, thcro was a very good attendance. The programme was attractive, and the glees, pianoforte solos, and songs of a very commendable character. The following items formed tho ontertajnment:—"Sweet Home," with variations (pianoforte), Mrs It. Peace ; anniversary address, writton for the occasion by Mr Blackmail, entitled "Theßoso of Eden" (a poem); glee, "Temperance Lassos," by the Edon Glee Club, 8 voices ; songs, " Segret" and " Strangers Yet,' by Miss Gillingham ; the "Dear Little Shamrock," Miss Markham ; address by Mr Wai to, also a song, "She loves and loves for over;" duet (in character), Mis*Gillingham and Mr Peace ; Mrs Heigh way, " The Ragged Wean " (Scotch); '"The Wolf," Mr Marson ; " The Sorrows of the Heart," Miss Marson (encore); recitations by Mr Hill, " The Legend of the Rose," and Mr Marson, jun., "The One-legged Goose, and tho Fat Cook's Gammon." The performances, which were satisfactory, closed with the glee "O'er the Downs," and the National Anthem.

Hugh Hart Liiak, a debtor, was examinod bofore the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy yesterday afternoon. He stated his financial position as follows :—Dr. : Unsecured creditors, £3,13910s lOd j secured creditors. £525 ; other liabilities, £272 10s; total, £3,937 Os lOd. Cr.: Book debts', £675, estimated to produce £75; furniture, library, and law-books, £250; property, £425 ; deficiency, £3,185 Os lOd. At the , beginning of 1862 he was worth from £2,500 ,to £3,000, and his business yielded £800 per annum, his household expenses then being £650 per annum. In 1882 he was brought into business relations with Mr Waljer, steamboat proprietor, who was considerably indebted to Mr Laishley, solicitor. He took over from Laishley the variousliabilitiesof Mr Waller.amountingto £1,500, and also advanced and became responsible for £300 more. He received as security mortgages on two steamers. Having become so far involved, he found that other liabilities existed,' and thinking that tho only way of recovering the money alroady advanced was to provide for these, he was drawn into paying and guaranteeing further sums to a very large extent, obtaining assecurity amort gagoovertheOroti steamer, which subsequently turned out to be valueless. Pressed by his liabilities, he was compelled to part with his property at much loss than Ifc would have otherwise realised, and Waller becoming a bankrupt in 1883 with £12,000 worth of liabilites and no appreciable assets, he was compelled to meet his creditors in September. They agreed to a composition of 6s in the £. At that time bis unsecured liabilities were £3,000, all with the exception of £300 having been incurred on Waller's account. When the arrangement with his creditors became known, his business decreased one half, and in consequence of that unexpected decrease he had been unable to carry out his arrangements with the creditors. £290 had been paid to them, but the whole amount had been practically obtained by incurring fresh obligations. The failure to pay the stipulated instalments of the composition had reinstated all the old debts in their tenner position, Bsiug pressed by small creditors, aac! having found it impossible to carry on his business with efficiency, he had been compelled to seek the protection of the Bankruptcy Act. The only available assets. were book debts, and. he feared the majority of them would be fonnd very difficult of collection. .

Over 300 names have been struck ofl City North Electoral, Roll on account of the parties being absentees or otherwise disqualified. In the case of Mr Ross, of Sargbod, Ewen, and Co., the Court adjourned consideration of the question of his qualification till 6th Jane next. Tho deoißion will, it is expeo'ced, rule a number of similar cases in the city.

The steam roller is proving itself a firstclass investment for the City Council, and is " winning golden opinions from all sorts of people." The portion of Karangahape Koad recently made by its aid is perhaps tho best piece of road-work in tho city—it is quite a pleasure to drive over it.

The proceeds of the Oriental Fair yesterday were £95, bringing the total up to £911. Great reductions in prices are promised tonight. A full list of the attractions appears in our advertising columns.

Some days ago Mr Moss, M.H.R.j was requested by a number of Parnell residents to point out to the Government that they were likely to bo deprived of the access to Sunset Point (Point Ilesolution), which they have enjoyed from time immemorial, as thebattery and ditch at present in course of construction extended right across the road, and no facilities were offered for crossing the ditch. Mr Moss communicated with the authorities on the matter, and he has now received a telegram from the Hon. J. Ballance assuring liim that care will be taken to afford the public access to the Point by means of a bridge over the ditch.

The Eev. W. Calder, of all Saints' Church, Ponsonby, has succeeded in establishing a gymnasium, by which means is afforded tho yoimg men of the district an opportunity for muscular development. The All Saints' Gymnastic Club (the membgrß of which meet for tho first time tonight in the school-room attached to tho church for practice) purpose holding a series of athletic sports, and in this way an innocent competition amongst its members ia excited, while, at tho same time, physical culture is attained, The following office-bearers havo been electod :— President, T. T, Masefield, Esq. ; VicePresident, J. Finlayson, Esq. ; Treasurer, Mr R. Sotners ; Secretary, Mr G. Cruickshank, jun.

Tho following football matches will be played to-morrow : —Senior clubs : Ponsonby v. Newton, North Shore v. Gordon, Albert v. Auckland. Junior clubs: Auckland v. Newton (Domain), Athletic v. Home Bay (Home Bay), Albert v. Ponsonby (Metropolitan), Arawa v. Grafton (Domain), Gordon v. Waitemata (Domain), Manukau v. Victoria (Onehunga). In their match against Auckland, Albert will be represented by Binney, Dankp, Dewar, Dixon, Goodaere, Miller, Marshall, Maynard, McDermott, Pulman, Ridings, Stewart, Smart, Smith, and Wilkie.

The " Northern Wairoa Gazette ' hears on good authority that at the next general election, or should Mr Mitchelson resign his seat in the meantimo, Mr Allan McDonald, late member for the East Coast electorate, will seek tho representation of the Marsden electors. Mr McDonald bas recently purchased an extensive property near Whangarei, where he now resides. It is probable that other candidates for Parliamentary honours would be forthcoming from tho same district—one in the person of the present Chairman of the Whangarei County Council.

Tho committee appointed at the public meeting yesterday re La Monte's goldsaving apparatus met at tho Chamber of Commerce to-day, and a subcommittee, consisting of Messrs A, Saunders, R K. Davis, and C. Alexander, wero appointed to canvas for support, for tfce the now undertaking. It is suggested that a company with a capital of £00,000 bo floated. Mr La Monte has met tho committee in what they con] sidor to be a very fair manner, having modified his proposals considerably to meet their wishes. The proposal as it at present stands, is this:—The immediate capital required is £1,000, which is to be paid to Mr La Monte on receipt of furnacef and appliancos. The payment of the balanoo—l:9,ooo—to extend over a period of oightmonths. Mr La Monte is to keep the plant going successfully for GO days, and pay allcharges for 30 days, the expenses of the second 30 days to bo borno by the Company. Wo are informed that should tho prospect to form a Company fall through, private individuals in the ctiy are prepared to tako the matter up.

At tho regular convocation of the Zoalandla Royal Arch Chapter this oventng in the FreomasonB1 Hall, M.K. Companion Niocol will dollver an address on " Royal Arch Masonry."

A new claimant for tho patronage of lovora of "consultations" is announced under the name of " Khartoum," caro of Mr Goorgo Dennis, Queen's Head Hotel, Quoen-streot, Particulars will be found In our advertising columns.

Voluntkeb Review was a great succese, and a orodit to our citizon soldiery. This is a stop In tha right direction, and should the Russian Hear prove troublesomo, a round thousand of good men and true will represent the Auckland contlnmmt To-morrow wo hold a roviow of prime Canterbury bacon, guaranteed, gi; other cures, from 3d; factory ctieeso, 6d ; other dulriofl, from 3d ; loks mutton, ham cured, 3d a lb ; prlmo fresh butter, double perfection. Is ; Rood fresh butter, 9d ; salt do., Oil to iM ; potstom>,2llb for Is ; apploe.Glb for Is ; oraneos.lß for Is; and 100 other lines In groceries. Must bo sold.—Katon'b Co-operative Stores, Hobsonstroot, noar Criterion Hotel.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 120, 29 May 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 120, 29 May 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 120, 29 May 1885, Page 2


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