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*i TjIOR SYDNEY AND pHO R A L HALL. - ><P&2Sr©fcv "^ NEWCASTLE (N.S.W.), Mm»ffl-yVrA WELLINGTON, LYTTKL- OKIENTAL FAIR ! ORIENTAL FAIR ! wmßMmtSm tqi^ AJII) PORT CHALMERS" ___ v "*" CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING. ->• ■ The well-known 8,8, TRIUMPH STREET IN CAIRO. Will leave as above TO-MORROW (Wednes- 71«,-. m »-,n day>. the 27th instant, at 1 p.m. ORIENTAL COSTUMES. Cargo can be booked now. Good accommodation for passengers. mmr ovj vart a tvwu itfAVPTHTP TiAVniC For all particulars, apply to THE OKLKBRATKD MAYPOiB DANOE CBUXCKSHANK & Co., ' ' !w 19 „ . . ~,-h-< , j Agents. THE FAIR will bs open To-day from 2to 6 p.m., fft 18, Queen-Btreet, Auckland. and V till 10 pm. °r QT. STEPHEN'S PRESBYTERIAN A dmißßion, One SbilHn7~ChndJen, half-price. ag fj BAND OF HOPE , ittl AT THE CHURCH, TO-NIGHT3 PKOGRAMMB, JEBVOIS ROAD, PONSONBY. 7.50 o'clock. V Adaraßßby ROYAL EGYPTIAN THEATRE. '«' MR D, GOLDIE, PianofortoSolo..MißßWoolnough 7 Readings and Recitation,, §££; '.Kinß THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 7.33. Pooley. Ja TtTESLEYAN FOREIGN MISSIONS. Farce, No. 1-ROUND THE CORNER. W Flintier Mr W. Wood le *T NoD&ler .. .. .. ..Mr E.R.Hudson le ON WEDNESDAY EVENING A EXT, MAY27, 9 o'clock, j ld At Half-past Seven o Clock, TABLEAUX. _> THEANNUALMISSIONARYMEETING Qfum HAMJ/^nor Willbcholdintho FiratKin B gurUe*^ PITT-STREETWESLEYANSCHQOI/-ROOM. Hamlet Laertea _ Polonius Pages , Song, "Moriarity"..MrLaing. Addresses will bo given by the QLD mm COJjE REV. R. BAVIN, KIn!? Second Fiddler D REV A. SMITH. First Fiddfef Third Fiddler And other gentlemen, WHEN OB' HBABTS. COLLECTION Song, Mr Walpole. Mado on behalf of the Fund. JACK AND GILL. nT, JAMES1 HALL. jack Mother THU'RSDAY, 28th MAY. in consequence of numorous applicaUonß, > THE REV. T. MoIiENZiB FRAZER WILL AND TO SUIT THOSE LIVING OUT OF LECTURE TOWN' on The Promoters have arraDged for a - "THK LIFE AND WORKS OF HANDEL," ORAND j With numerous Illustrations by a Choir wiwiiw ' of over 50 voices. AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE, DoorßoponaELSO^eotaretocommenceatS TO . MORROW (^ectnesday>, MAY 27. T^HARLES RKIGHT, the Eminent GRAND MATINEE I vJ lecturer, wiUdeUvor his First Leoture In sa.a.i.iaaa. Abbott's Opera Housa on Sunday Evening, 31st ' An opportunity not to be lost by all those who May. TO GIVRTHBnt CHILDREN t tSorough^ &? neWmaSEet. treat. , Jt> ~ _,„ , . 4.30-PUNCH AND JUDY. SVENING the 28th ingt.. to hear my elplana- THE OLD WOMAN IN A SHOE. tion of an Adventurer and a Here-to-day-and- 5.30-MAYPOLE DANCE. ttway-to-morrow Man. w BUrrER . : avmih reduction made for schools. ; T^ISIS^SIn?™ £mo\SiA jKAmJL\£9m ! v ti±in%aXr^n«rsl ANNUAL TIONSUiSATION ; Candidate for a Directorat the Scorning B^ natioN °™ TBEPLBCHa3B , \ ours gffbffflfft IS aaCS. _To be ran at Melbopbnk on 18th Jolt, 1885. T' THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE —TT, AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY. Wfll Cicte °^ZZ. I berc to intimate that I am a Candifloto for 6000 —Members at 10b JSsch..—Booo the office of Dirootor of the Company. -* THO3. PEACOCK. HOTtSB. , 12 cam AWARDS. I VOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- Ftat.. - ..MOO sat fiioo .. «4N V r"TATTfiv Second .. ••• sw) *bc du .. u «u Third .. .. 800 8 alt 25 .. .. g» , Competitors for Designs of New Building are S^bolit £40 each)' 200 $It 10 " " 200 requested to eend to the undersigned, on or be- Non starters (div., 20 at 8.. _ 160 the Building Comftllttee. repot; of whose pro- • £1400 ceedings appears in the loctolnolumn. w. juuuuuwui* Each ticket has eight chanoes. and can obtain .___ "SSIS?? a prize in eaoh of tie eight drawings. Please THE AUCKLAND TOBACCO COM- sendj P.O. Orders when convenient, or Bank PANY (Limited). Notes. Country cheques must have Is exchange _' added, and marked correct by bank (do npt NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. J£att£jfl£ m)' BtamPß reqnlßlte te reply A Ca,l of 2s 6d P e7ih7re has this day been pH^^.^dlvided^^f 6^ *" , made by the Directors on the subscribed capital r xrinmy Consultation on the Christohnroh of the Company, being the 6th Call on the old „ t Autumn Handicap, the first horg» (RnBsue and Ist Cah on the new issue, payable to g^ to a fltation , t Ma Valley feta,he Secretary, at the office, Fort-s^eet, Auck- u gg^na noraß (Captain Webster went land, on or before MONDAY, the 15th day of j£ B ' tarmer at MUton.OtagOi the third horse June, 18S5. „_„..„ „ n^vrnv (Sou'-wester) to a well-known consultatiOßlst at ARTHUR K. UIEMJi, hhrlstohnrah. Auckland. May 12. 1885. Secretary. V N B _ Ag namea ana addresses of rtHE NEW ZEALAND LAND MORT- g^W^-^ato,^ na^and^adGAGE COMPANY (LIMITED). SS5^ t&SSSSSS^&ffi Address- ADA MANTUA. An Interim Dividend, at the rate ot Seven per care of Lyons and Hart, cent per annum, for the hall-yfiar enuing 30th Box 361. Postoffloe. Dnnedto. April will be Payable to the BhfcrehoMera of £3000. Apply early. ±3000. JAMES BUTTLE, Becrotary. 8 Coombes and Co. 8. Auckland, May 20,1885. £J UPERIOR Accommodation for a Gentle- ■ Jo man, close to Queen-street: every con--1 /^RANGES! BANANAS I! PINES 111 venience, bath, fee-Apply Staa Office, ! PER S.B. "JANET NICOLE ' ' (Sabaldisod by Government to run to the South AuCuOIIB Sea Islands) , . — : ORANGES, BANANAB. COCOANDTS, &C. wwnKTi'SnAV THURSDAY AND As the Fruit will bo Cased at the Islands (the WbDNESDA\. THUKBUA*, &XV trip only occupying about six days), pur- * KJ.ual, 1 ohttsors can rely on receiving the Each day at 11 o'clock. s&mein * , FIRST-CLASS ORDER AND CONDITION. Removed to Mart for C onvenienc9 of Sale. i And at stated intervals, j Ho that a Rogular Bupply will bo guaranteed. EDWARD LEYDON 1 CHARLES RAGLE Y, Has been favoured with lnstruotiontf from Mr i WHOLESALE FRUITERER, •><*« W:" M »' t who is imViDg th° COionr' to : Hrss^ss^r'sai*. io6\ oeYc hhaU g^r^ l ! trict, accompanied by remittanoe. promptly »JL}JLyy MERCHANDIBE (T»----1 attended to. vollere''Samples), consisting of - Ftennels. I ;__""""'**• -_^ rT^Tg" Clotlilng. Drapery, Cutlery, Ladies' and Genta' ! "171 DWA K D T> ARSO NS, Watches, Alberto, Rings l±i ■*- to., &c to. BREAD MAN UFACTURER Tne who i, w m bTioirwithout Reserve. EDWARD LEYDON, By MACHiNBiiY, Ancfcioneer (next Britiah Hotel). S Y M O N D S ■ S T R E E T. e. c. cabb] [b. d. tones ;;- ■ ■ r „ . v; TO-MORROW, P AUL PURCHASE., Atll.'clock. in tendering his slncore and heartfelt thanks to the VVAITEMATA MINBTRELS APPLES! PEARS! APPLES! and the public genoiaUy, who so freely res- E _. A f m Hobarti ponded to the call of assistance on his behalf, " *" ' i).'dors°fo"ufe' Bdelivery nBAFLB& B. TONKS & CO. S,^Wha&n e 8^ rtK 3a tm Do?t^d &£BftSX. Will sell, to-morrow, at 11 o'clock. ils per ton, delivered ; Newcastle, 325; wen- qaA CASES APPLES seasoned Tea Tree, long wood blocks, and splits. If V FRENCH CRABS 13s, Us, and 15s respectively, delivered.—waite- w v STONK PIPPINS mata Coal and Firewood Yard, top of Union- BTURMERB stroet. Auckland. &o #l &c &o. "VfOTICE.—To Cavalry Men, Armed Con- Ex Te Anau, from Hobart. .1 Btabulary, &c—Before purchasing or ordering Riding Bridles, goto W. Reach's, _.„„ n ■„ r bradirt Saddler, Nowmarket, and got the real Military W. VAILE.J LB. t. BBADLBr, HeßdstaU, from 8s 6d. Biiaßt Plates. Saddle TO-MORROW, Cloths, Holsters, Pcoket^jDartridge Pouches. . .. , n , , Belts. Spurs, &o. Sw«_LKnote, regulation . Atuo nattom. Old Accoutrements Cleaned andKonovated. AUCTION SALE OF SECOND-HAND WOLFE'SSCHNAPPSisanartlcleofsuperior FURNITURE. i »» morit, therefore ask for it, and accept nothing elao. VAILB AND BRADLEY : OATIN CLOTH (7id), All Wool, at S. wm BoUby MCtion at g_ le^^ 1 rt^^STSK AB^gSSKSSSSfSSSi£tS Strong Cotton SHirts, Is each. - Fernandez, BedsteadslC retonne Parlour Suite, Douglas's C Draper, Newton. 8i Dlnlnj? chairs, C. 8. Rosker, Half Cabinet 1 ftD PER YARD.—Good Grey Calico Bewing Machine, in perfectordor; 2 Engravthe Ssie at B. Coombes and Co.'s. ' ■ _^<ITY GUARDS can get Heavy Merino Barrel, Churn, kegs, fcc. J Undershirts at Is Ud, at 8. Coombes and Co.'s. VAILE AND BRADLEY, » CJPEARS at 2s 6d each, and Bows and General Auctioneers, House and Land 0 Arrows 5s per Set, at Craig s Cariosity Shop, Agenta (opposite Savings Bank), Princes street. ° ' ** °_ '_ ! L ASI s^WKafA TO-MORROW^AT^II O'CLOCK. . proclaim a full MESSRS CARBINES & TAYLOR ' Reduction of 25 per cent off all our goods. Will sell by auction at their Central Sale Rootng -S. Coombes and Co. to morrow, at U o'olock, ( /QUEEN'S OWN.—We.guaranteeto rap- ~Ui R U I T. — A P P LES. ' 2aUd-i.Coombes BandCo. QROCERD3B.—FIour, Rice, Sugar. Kerosene, • Wellesley-street, first house from Symonds- Wheat, ana uats. street, lately ocoupied by Dr. Hnxtable. Also, an Assortment of Drapery, Including 1 "tTELVETBENS, in all shadeß, greatly Men ' a an _ Youths' Clothintr. Blankets. Sox. j V reduced at S. Coombca and Co'a. Skirts, Fancy Goods, Violins, and Ac- ; TUST RECEIVED-Dress Materials, at ] Q y o nrownpriof.-S.CoombesandCo. Furnltura, &a DR. LAWS ON, CARBINES & TAYLOR, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Auctioneers. Has commenced Practice at Devonport, North s^ e B^ e™ ai 1|« > may b8 THURSDAY, MAY 28, ■ 'rTKHrET WTITITaWWWW, At 11 o'olock. • V./ Land, House, and Estate Agent, High- adutpc i .noifc i stteut (near Shortlandstreot), hsa always for APPLES ! APPLES ! APPLES ! I paid and to let large and small houses in the City. Hubarb^and country districts: alsofarms, E Looi-OAM, From Hobart. Improved and unimproved, in various parts of • the province. Several eligible building allot- ~r "^TT^t,.^ • tnonts for sale in theCity. See lists in Evening G. W. BINNEY Stab and " Hurald " __ wm gcH b _ pub ] io auotion at his Mart, Corn - X) M o L A R E N, Exchange, Fort-street, on Thursday, May 28, L • COAL & FIREWOOD DEALER. at 11 o'clock, , i££&BS^^2B%SSgk 262 CASEcL?L^ BAUT FKUITI Fortification.-working Men f^S^^S^ snntm V ehould fortify themselves ngainrt the FRENCH CRABS, GOLDEN RUSSETB weather by buying our 4b lid Coloured Mole .. i Trousers, at S.lCoombee and Co's. K0- ______ 1 OftO ABLE-BODIED MEN can A Prime Shipment. . JL«\JW get a complete Tweed Suit at f; 21s per Suit; don't mias.-S. Coombea and Co. , f , OEACE.-Call (and Buy our White ' Wl FRIDAY, MAY 29, ' XT Twill Sheeting, at 9*dper yard: a, good at 12 o'Clock ' parcel wiU secure peace in the household.~S. M *■* ° WoCKoombesandCo. ipawkT*- rn PARADE NOTlCE.—Ladies are invited B- lOflfi-S & 00. to inspect the beautif ul display of Millln- Will sell, on Friday next, at 12 o clock, ery and Mantles at S. Coombes andCo s. JAPANESE VASES, Trays, Dresden A LL Wool Flannels (BJd) at S. Coombes »| Ornaments. Terra Cotta Figures, Dogs. i _t\. and Co.'s. Dogs Heads, Tetea-Tetc Seta, &c.: also, Small aV5 — TTn f —II xi«~j u-, r .a l^Zi Collection of Books, including 10 Vols. Chamc »-^ S MP- T ,^ ther _^. a l Zl*%£ bers' Encyclopedia, Byron's Workß, Novels, J O quality; half price.—B. Coombes and Co. e fa % T»RITISH Subjects will reap enormous — 1 JJ advantages by purchssing at S. Coombea Collection pf a Gentleman who is leaving the s lacol Noßns/lanSupplied. , Colony.speciallyfcelected. 'ARLIKE SPIRIT-Providing R _, _ N jTT" . „_ MiHtaiy Uniforms for is lid tteßnit; »• T O_M n^_A f CO« every boy suited at 8. Coombes and Co.'s. Auctioneer,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 117, 26 May 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 117, 26 May 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 117, 26 May 1885, Page 3


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