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(For Sale. TT^OR SALE, about 10,000 Cauliflowei JD and Cabbagee.-Anply J. Mildenhall, Po: aoaiiy, Throo Limps, Star runner. FOR SALE, 8 and 12 h.p. portablo and h.p. stationary engines, mortar mill 2 tc rollers. Also, for sale or biro, Sorow Juoks.— Architect and Engineer, Canada Bulli lags. BilOK SALE (Special Bargain), at Ea! JJ Taniaki, Ono Acre of Rich Land, a fenced, together with a substantlally-btillt roomed House, nowly oreotcd, cow-ahed, trai houto, piggeries, &c, leasohold for Ciyonrsi ARiiiaU rental of £3 per annum. Price onl £'si). Thtre aro 81 acres of flrst-nlaßsGovon ment, land, whore stock can graze at a small fc of 5s per head per annum.—Full particulars o application to D._F. Kvans. Eatato Agent. 151 FOR SALE, Dovonport, near Choltenhai Beach, Largo House, grand sea and lan views, gordon, with eholter and ornament) trees, good orchard of full-bearing trees, larfi concroto tank; othor cheap and deelrabl lar*e Houses; also. Cottaces.-Apply A.B.C caroj)f Garlick and Cranwoll. FOR SALE, a Bargain, Prospect-street Ponsonby, and only one minute froi tram, a pleasantly-situated Groomed Cottagi rcglßtor grates, gas in throo rooms, city watei ana ovory convenience. Allotment 33 x 101 Stands high; grand view. Price. £350. Term easy.—Apply D. V, Evans, Auctioneer, Houa and Land Agent. 1503. FOR SALE, Suramor-strcet, Ponaonby Three Protty Cottages, quite now am well flnlshod off; froohold allotmonta. each 2 it 99; wator laid on to scullery from tanks; wit! four rooms and scullery; Very pretty viow *bout 20 minutes' walk from Quoon-streer,—Fo further particulars apply D. F. Kvans. House Land, and Estate Agent. Prico for lot, £720 good Investment. H3O FOR SALE, Sundry-street, socond fron corner of litchflold ■ street—Frceholi vorandah Houso of five roonie, scullery and out houses, woll and faithfully built, and in goo< order, lot No. 1, off Nowton Road, about flftoei minutos' walk from Queen-3tr«et.—For fiirtho particulars, apply D. F. Evans, Estato ABJ",ji I" Ttoß SALE, Port Albort, Knipar 314a ' Acres of (rood Freehold Land, nearly al fenced in by creek and wir(\/enco; 50 acres laic down in grass; small orchard; frouh water nl tho year round; wator fror tngo, and adjoins th< Port AlbeitTownshlp.—For furthorparticulars apply D. F. Evans, Auctioneer and Lane Agont. __L InOR SALE, O'Neill-street, Ponaonby, c . HandßOmo Villa Reslderico of flvo roonra oity wator, &c.; vorandah, bay window, con creto paths, a very good rango in kitohen, and resistor gfate in parlour, fine workshop, 20 x 10 and splendid view.—For furthor particulars apply D, F. Evans, Auctioneer and Land Aftont, OR SALE, Hunua, Franklnnd, a com fortable littlo Farm of 27 acres and small House, about 2 milos from Hunun. adjacent to Mr Groenwood's, Govornmentroad, part fenced, a rover failing supply of good water, grand view, position unrlvallod.—For further parti ulars apply D. F. Kvans, Houbo, Lund, arul Kstato Agont. "O'-1 OR SALE, Bona-street, Arch Hill, a pretty freehold Cootago of four roomß and scullery: passage, sft. wide; verandah, register grate colonial oven, and sink; a good well of water; nice level allotment. 33 x 105 foet, planted with trees. Cards to viow, apply D. F. Cyans, Auctioneer and Estate Agont. 1508. FOR SALE, in Symondß-street, near City Road, a Comfortablo Villa Residence of 6 rooms, lofty, nice hall, gas and city water throughout, asphalted patha, Bide entrance bay window, reglator grate, Btands nigh. Grand position.-ADply to D. F. Evans, Lnnd Agent. 15(» FOR SALE, in Gibraltar Crescent, Parnoli, a vory Handsome Villa Ueßidence. possessing 0 fine rooms; gas und water through out; wash-house and every convenience; fron hold allotment, 30 x 100, nell drained and pltint'-d This (ir .perty i.i pleasantly uitimtid, commanding a most oxtonsivo view of th. Domain and B<irn>iindin_<i. A ni.-Bt-rieHliuhlc ulnce. l'rioo. jiiuO.—'l'unus, _a, apply to I). I«. ► vniia. K_t_i(f_A_ent. l_a FOR SALE, Mount Edon, off Mount Roskill Road, a pretty Villa Rosldence. rusticated, superbly finished off, 5 rooms, lofty, bathroom, pantry, Leamington rango, 2 roglßtor grates, bay window, splendid hall, fancy glaBS oor; wator laid on to bath and pantry by 2 00-gallon tanka; picket fence; corner Allot mont, 11 x 118: vory large stable and fowlhou o; gas within 200 feet. Tho view obtained from his proporty is unßurpassod in tho district, with flno prospective value.—Terms, &c on applioaon to D. F. Evans. Estato and Land Agont OR SALE, Rocky Nook, Cioorgestreet, a Special Bargain, Now and Commodious nine-roomed House, superbly finißhod off, and possessing every convenience, 4 bedrooms, dining-room, drawing-room, bathroom, kitchon, pantry, largo scullery, Learning tOD rango, 2 register grates, balcony and verandah, wash-hoase, copper and boiler; nido ontranoo. Position un-ivulled, grand vlow, volcanic Boil, oloared and planted. This is one of tho beat sices obtainable in thlß locality. Prlco. £075.—F0r further particular*, apply to D. F. Kvana, Houso, Land, and Kstato Ai?ont. HAKE-STREET, Freeman's Bay, to oloso an estate, commodious anil doeir ablo Bußiiicss Promisee, consisting of two good front shops, and 0 rooms. &c. &c ; water and gas laid in, sundry outhouses; frochold Allotment, 30ft. to Drake-Btreot. OMAIIA.-Lot 105; 70 acrca. POKENO.—I^ota 7 to 18, inolusivo ; townnhip Allotment having a frontage of 'M(t. to Marl-)oroiißh-Btrcct. Tho abovo proportlos were owmul by tlio lat« Mr Bennett, and oro for iinmediato Palo to close uphlsEotnto. Full partioulaiß at olllco of D. i. E\ ANS, (1337) Land Agent. -iTT 6 R 3" A L E. HAMILTON, clo«o to Station-a subutantialll built 6 roomed Verandah Houbo, with brfck foundations, thoroughly woll finished. ICltoben with concrete floor, wash .house, 1,200 gallon tanks, with water laid into tho houno. also good well. Grounds 1 acre in oxtont. including tonnin lawn, ganlon. &c. Prloo, £I>KO. For further V^^.T'Alim.U Coombcs's Arcailo, (Juecn-atroot. ICTON-STKKET, closo to Ponsonby Road—For Sale, a Grand Concrete House contnining It rooms all splendidly fnrnißhod; water and uas laid in to most of tho rooms; grand viow of tho harbour. Tho owner in Km?and has sent instructions for the imniortlato sale at nearly half Its cost of this mopt doßlrable proporty. — Full particulars at Macclosfleld villa, Karaußahapo Hoad, near Tabcrn.tclo. Ci H E LL V 1! X A O H R O A I) n - Thnl VILLA 1!K-=II)1CN( IC v ilgl trotmiP. tliilsliMlfiiniillMt-nlnußßtjlo Th, rooms are lofiy. rr«cli.uH, find replete with over) cmivi icm-i-- b throom, bnth ely wntcr lan on t'iis i" evory room nnii lull, ro^ißtur X mlih i' 0r,,. ir.iitiiK; iilliitmnnt Ims ll fiiniiunc "f l!; fo.t to .-slitflly 1) -nun. 'I hi« I" n mo»- nenlrebli I'roi.eriy, Klirt a llwldt'lico Is'wcoiul to none Hrautiful view, hei.lthv aspcot, and awno posiiion ; on'y v few mlnilk-b' walk firm .sliH!) t.-acb ■ onilii'iUß IiHHW s llio ikior. only twentj mlimuV walk fiom Qiiwn-.lrci-t. 'Jim P"i chai-or hna vrivilok-u o' tuklng tho furnituro.-l) V. riv.niß. Ijnd Anent. 1!'.» ANTED KNOWN.—Personadosiroue of Purchasin. or placing for Sale House! and Allotments. &c, and who have not time to call during tho day, may npply to 1 ho Now ' Zealand Houbo. Land, and Kstato Agency. High stroot. Vulcan Lane, between tho ovening noun of 7 and 8 on Saturdays. ~ -|tr~6n~ir"T h shore MESSKS MALCOLM3ON. DkLACY & CO. Land and KBtato Agonts. &c, Vulcan Lane lave much pleasure in notifying their clienti and residents at tho North Phoro that thpj lavo Opened a Branoh Establishment in Vie oria Road, under the supervision of Mr A. W Jaudner. Chomlßt* who will transact buslnesi on their account. Persona having Housea fo: Sale or to Let, or wißhing to Purohaso, thoulc place themselvoa in communication with thi ibovo Agenoy. Ad_Bfll|fc mado on ever] description of Propotff/fllortKßges arranged Allotmenta purchased for clients, and speola faoilitiea offered to thoae wishing to build. Address - MALCOLMSON. DeLACY an ( CO Victoria Road. Branoh Businoss Manager Mr'_. W. GARDNER. Chemist. /•# A \y p_ — H'ouso of cix rooms, thi dti^l: ■ O» aide of Mount Edon, close ti Eho main road, allotment, 57 x 132, yolcani soil Owncrloaving Auckland.—Apply Malcolm Bon, DeLacy and Co., High-Bt.' _;••> i k/_—Cottage of 4 rooms and scul Hfcd\l" l<ry in Mackolvlo and Pollon streets, well fenood Allotment, hoalthy dlstrlcl and good vlow. Terms, £10 cash; balance b; weekly instalmonta.-Apply to Malcolmaoii Do Laoy. and Co., Vulcan Lano; or F. Hasting! Snrroy Hills. £»fhfy K-FOli SALE, Cottage of _C//V I O rooms und scullery, on an ailol ment 40 x I' 3, 2nd Avenuo. close to tho Not North Road. Terniß, small deposit and monthl instalments.—Apply to Molcolmsou, DoLaoj and Co., Vulcan Lano. V*O/_ /\ —For Sale, ono of tho bo? HW/W __"• Building Silca in Ponsonbj situated in Wallaocatreet, 18 x 221, level ground wide tborougKfaro, good ncighbourhooc healthy locality, close to tho Tramway Toi minus ani Ponßonby Pier.-Apply to Malcola son. Do Laoy. and Co., High-street. __•/! O K. —Houseof seven rooms, wit dW_:ivOl handsome frontage, situato in Arglo-stroet, Home Bay. in one of tho prottiet and healthiest districts in Auckland; closo t tramway and pier; on a prominent and lev( allotment. Thiß Ib a property which will a ways improve in value. Terms, £25, balance b weekly or monthly Instalments.—Apply to Ma oolmson, DeLacy, and Co , Vulcan Lane. __»*_f_f_ -JOHN • STREET, POX jJfc/(»jOvF» eonby.commodiouaandprett Villa Residence of 5 rooms anrl kitchen, th rooms ate large and lofty. Kood kitchen garde all planted; allotment, 10 x lie. all fenoei close to the tramway; terms, £20 cash, an balance on weekly payments. — Apply Ma colmaon. DoLaoy & Co.. Vulcan Lane. J_*l _"__"__"_- Fo1*' SALE, eplendi 7%j J \j\j\r Form of 175 acres known t Long Bay, and situated within Vi uiilos of Aucl land ; eoacrcssubislaniijjnyfrsnceilandln W_H6£ land level, and good, soil; houne, which is i thorough repair, contains four large rooni3; ti gethor with dairy, piguories, cowshed, car shed, young orchard, and well of good watei balance grazing land; magnificent soa-heac frontage ; daily communication wiihAucklani This property is offered a decided bargain, at must'be sold. Price, £1,000. Terrascanbea ranged if required. This farm would be let I snitable tenant.—Apply Malcoliuson, De Lac & Co., Hlgh-atreet. ITBERT PARK.—First-class Jfamil Residance for Sale, comparatively nei containing 7 roomß, pantry, and battvrooE provided with gas, water, and every other co? venience. situated in the best part of the citj concrete paths, croquet lawn, summer hous and large allotment; may be had furnished i unfurnished. Thiaia oneot the superior rei dences which are seldom offered for sale in th favourite locality. — Anply to Malcolmso DoLaoy, a*d Co.. High-street. Vulcan Lane. FOR SALE, 3 Grand Building Allo ments, £0 s 160, iv Park Avenue, Graft! Road; favourite locality, healthy neighbou horid, and 15 minutesfrom Queon-Btreet.—App to Malcol—ison, DeLacy & Co., Vulcan Lane. nriO LET, Cottage of 5 rooms and sculler I close to the New North Road ; rent, 10s 0 —Apply to Malcoltuson, DeLacy, and Co., Hig street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 115, 23 May 1885, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 115, 23 May 1885, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 115, 23 May 1885, Page 7


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