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Telegrams from tho Soudan tell of tlio continued activity of tlio rebels, and of tlio retirotnoiit of tlio British advanco column for strategic reasons. Though UioSocrotuiy for War has stated in tlio Houso of Commons that the troops under MajorGonoral Buller would retire on Korti or Morowi, the messngo "from tho seat of war shows that no such movement is con tomplnted in tlio moantitiio. Major-Goiiorul Buller is ontrcncliing himself at Abuklca Well., around which the robols aro paid to bo gathering. Sir Horbort Stewart has died from tlio wounds ho received in tlio battlo near El Motoiniuoh.

Our reports of Professor Hugo's interesting looturo on "Spiritualism" and SI. Paul's orpin recital aro unavoidably hold ovor till Monday.

Tho Parliamentary Union Houso of Representatives rosumes its session at Robson _ Rooms, Quoon-strcot, on Monduy evening next. Wo understand that an ordor pnpor full of Intoreßtin;; business awaits tho attention of lion, members. Possibly Sir Julius Vogol's late speech may roceivo incidental roviow.

Tho Rowing Association Regatta commenced at it o'clock this afternoon, but none of tho racon had finished In timo to permit results being given in this isauo.

Anothor Bhark was captured by Watermen Koono nnd llolbrook this morning. The monster was about 15 feet lonijr, and was only overcome after conaiuorablo troublo.

Tho Nowton representatives of tho CongroKotionnl Union woro omitted from our preliminary notice last night. They aro : The Rev. T. Adams, Messrs W. Borvico and Enoch Wood. In tho Council, Mr J. Ellyoto represented Nowton.

Rapid progress is boing mndo with tlio construction of the now manometer at tho foot of College Road. Tho outer iron frame is alrcndy nearly all in position. Homo idea of tho immouso size of the hoklor may bo gathered from tho fact that it will bo (_>:_ foot in hoight when lillod to Its uttnoit capacity. It will bo capablo of holding 000,000 rubio feet of kols, while tho existing gasometer, only a few yards distant from it, only contain- 110,000 feot. Tho new hoklor is on tlio toloscopic principle.

It is understood that tlio olectric light will bo litted up in some of tho larger workshops at the now iron manufactory at Onehunga. Tho light ha.i boen u_cd for some timo at tiio Mercury Bay Sawmills, and is said to havo been a success thoro. A clothing ostablishmont is tho otily placo which usos it in thia city,

Thoro Is rea-son to bcliove that the threatening lotters rocoivod by Mr McCrao woro not wtitton by Mnngero sottlors. Tho probability is that -onio of his friend, in town nro taking advantago of his trouble, with his neighbours to ploy practical jokes upon him. Joking of this character is, howovor, most roprohon.iblo, and tho consoquoncos to tho perpetrators would bo moat eorious if thoy wero discovered.

Tho tempernnco pooplo scorod nn easy victory at tho Parnoll licensing oleotion yostorday, tho lowest of thoir candidates having a majority of 56 ovor tho highoat of their opponents. Mr F. Kilfoylo, substitute returning oflicor, announced tho result of tho poll soon oftor sovon o'clock ns follows :—R. Walker, 103; R. Frator, 16. ; J. F. Clarko, IG2; E. Wnymouth, 153; C. Wood, 155 ; J. Winks, 99 ; G. Raynes, 91; F. Lodger, 90; R. J. Yates, 89; _. lieland, BG. Tho first livo, who roprosont tho principlo of ton o'clock closing, waro thoroforo olocted.

In ourroport of tho ontertninmont at the Mount Eden Baptist Church in last evening wo omitted to montion tho names of Misses Wells and Lovott, who kindly preeided ovor tablos with thoir customary efficiency ; also a capital reading by Mr Brook. Tho clock which was prosontod to Mr .Yhy.ock is now on viow at Mr J, Prince's shop, Victorin-streot,

Mr R. T. Booth, at the request of the trustees, has kindly consented to address an open-air gathering in tho grounda of tho Wosloyan Church, top of Grafton Road, tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'olock, on Gospel temperance Tho Roy." R. Bavin will preside. Preparations havo boon mado to acoommodato a largo number, ns it Is oxpected moro than a thousand will bo present. Tho Sunday scholars from Nowmarkot and Pnrno.ll will join thoso of Grafton Rood. Spocial hymns from Sankoy's havo boon selected ond printed for the occasion.

It is oxpooted that tho pooplo of Onehunga will be in possosßion of a gns supply by noxt Ootobor. Tho city mains have already progressed a considerable distance on their way to tho township in quoation, ond tho middlo or ond of winter is oxpoctod to find tho connection established. According to arrangement with tho Onohunga Borough Council, tho prico charged will bo 12s Gd por 100 foot not.

At yostorday's meeting of tho Board of Education, Professor Tucker's resolutions on tho subject of scholarships regulations, which wo proviously published, wero adopted after somo discussion.

We aro requested to state, for the information of those of our readers who havo purchased dross circlo tickets for Mr Paul Purehas's benofit, that a box plin has been left at Lennox's, and that thoy may call there and resorve thoir seats if thoy desire to do so, A largo number of tickets have already boon sold, ond the benefit promises to bo a groat succosb,

Tho first mootings of Licensing Committees for tho election of chairmen wero hold yesterday. Tho following chairmen were chosen :—Ponssnby, Mr G. W. Owen ; South ward, Mr David Goldic ; East ward, Mr Joseph Nowman ; North ward, Mr F. G. Ewington. The aeetings nt Karangahapo and Grafton did not tako placo.

In response to the representations mado to him yesterday by tho Bay of Islands deputation Sir Julius Vogol has promised to instruct Mr Knorpp to go right through with his railway eurvoy from Kamo to Kawakawa.

The first excursion by train to Helensvillo took place to-day, ond included quite a large number of pooplo. Tlio train was a large one, capable of aocommodating 400 persons, and Btarted from tho Auckland station at 9 a.m. with 18S passengors. At Newmarket tho numbor increased to 277, and at tho Edon station to 300, so that co far the result was very satisfactory. It was expected that tho trip up to Heleneville would bo accomplished in 2_ hours, and tho return trip was to commence at 6.5 p.m., so that plenty of time waß allowed for seeing the country. Our Helen.ville correspondent telegraphs :— "Nearly four hundred people arrived by the railway cheap excursion, of which one hundred havo gono to Shelly Boaeh in tho Kina."

There was anothor large attendance at tho Opera Houso last evening on the occasion of the second performance of "Mammon" The play is widely different in character to those previously produced by the Company, and serves to afford full scope for tho display of emotional acting by Mr Vernon, Tho impersonation is a powerful one, und is consistent and life-liko throughout. Miss Ward makes the most of a comparatively small part, and proves that she can be quite as effective in depicting the character of the faithful and loving wife as that of tho heartless woman of tho world. Violet, Parker, and Chinnory were all excellently represented. The programme was a most successful one, and there were repeated recalls. " Mammon " will ba repeated again to-night for the last time, '

The Auckland Education Board at prosent boasts a bank overdraft of £..,'lOl 18s lOd, so that it is rapidly drifting towards tha position occupied by tho sister body of Hawko's Bay. Por 1884 tho.averago daily school nttondtmco was, 14,44(5'5, and of teachers and pupil teachers during lust quartor, 537. Tlio Board have of separate schools 224, 40 being half-time'; whilo tho schools hold in buildings the properly of the Board numbor 187, and toaehors' rosidoncoa tho proporty of tho Board, 111, bosidca 1 out-taker's rosidenco'.

The Spocinl Committee appointed by tlio Board of Education to inquire info tho bankruptcy of Mr Ponsonby Peucocke reported yesterday that it did not appear to thorn that tho gontloman had been living extravagantly. His financial position was no worse now than it was iv Muy, 1878, when ho first beoamo an ollicor of the Board. Ho had been compelled to placo his all'air. under tho Bankruptcy Act owing to an order of tho District Court for hia imprisonment, and owing also to an unaatislied judgment for upwards of .CSOO recently entorod against him at the suit of Mr H. H, Liuk. Tho Board resolved by fivo against throe, "That tho Bankruptcy of Mr Peanocko, on account of tlio spoeial circumstances of tho cnao, dooa hot ron'aor it necessary for his .connection with tho Board to bo tontainntod."

Tho liist mooting under, tho auspices of tlio reeontly formed Otahuhu Racing Club took place this uftornoon on tho now racocoiirso near Otahuhu. Sanguine oxpoctafcion.. lind boon fOrmod roflpei6ting tho bucccss of tho gathoring, and thoro appeared to bo every prospect that they would bo realised. Weather and all othor conditions were fnvourablo, tlio Holds woro large, and tho programme wis longonoiit(h to satisfy even the most ardout lovor of tho turf. Numbers of people took advantago of tho glorious weather, and left town by trains and other conveyances with tho objoot of spending a ploaaant afternoon ot tlio races.

Tho adjournod Mount Roskill now church meeting was hold in Mr Swing-oil's houso on Thursday ovouing, whon tho following report of progress was presented i—Cosh collected, i'li.. IDs Gd, and an addition of X..7 promised by subscribers, which brintra amounts up to £IS7. Tho Committoe resolved nut to call for until subscriptions reached .L''-.00. Vonoiable Archdoacon Ludloy and Roy. John IC. Davis, M.A., were the only clergymen present.

Mossrs Bond, Cowan, Farroll, Kay, and Qunltrouuh woro' tho only candidates nominated for tho Kihikihi Licensing Board, nnd thoy ore accordingly olocted.

Tho following tendors for works on tlio Babylon Road, near Holonsvillo, woro opened yostorday by tho Finance Coinmittoo of tho \\ aitomuta Council:—John McNuughton, £120 7s Id ; Prondorgast and Nixon, £12:">; O'Brlon, Connoll, nnd Graham, £12G7s Id; D. Donovan(nccepted), £110 13a.

The Board of Education havo resolved to forward to tho Govornmout a statement of (1) tho inadequacy of the grants voted by Parliament for school buildings ; (2) tho unfairness of tho biuis upon which those grunts uro diatributud ; »nd (8) tho present requir jmonts of tho Auckland District in regard to buildings. Thoy point out that tho Auckland Education District is the largest of nuy in tho colony, oxtonding as it does ovor nearly .00 miles in length of a country for the most part sparsoly sottlod. Thero aro 22-1 Board schools in oporation within the district; 03 of thoso schools havo each an attendance of loss than 25 scholars ; 15S schools havo nn attendance of less than 00 scholars. In Otago and Canterbury, almost overy school hns its propor building and a separate rosidonco tor tho teacher. Iv Auckland District, on tho other hand, tliirty-sovon schools ore held in buildings not tho property of tho Board, many of them boing small, out of repair, and 111 ventilated ; whilo no loss than 90 schools are unprovided with teachers' dwellings. The £I,SOO just granted for tho Dunodin High School nearly equals tho wholo amount allotted to Auckland us building grants dining tho past two yoars. Of the Auckland of _C9,SG2 for tho yoor ending March noxt, only £1,300 remains unappropriated, and the total immediate requirements amount to ovor £30,000. In theso requirements nro Included tho onlargomont of ono city school and the building of nuothor in tho thickly-populated district of Freoman's Bay. Additional accommodation in urgontly required also at Ponsonby, Dovi)iiport,andNowmarkot,whilonow school buildings aro wanted in Tauranga and Opotiki, and othor country placos, In the city and suburban schools, children are beinu daily turned away from tho doors for want of room. In conclusion, the Board nsk for special authority co incur liabilities to an amount of say £10,000 until a further vote can bo takon.

Tho matron of tho old hospital (Rofugo) wishes to rotnrn thanks to Archdeacon Dudley for two boxes of opploa for the use of the inmates, and also to Captain Hsrrold for ono box of npploa for tho samo purposo. Tho only Cash Sowing Macliino Dep. t.— D. S. Chaml. re.—(Aiivt.F Mrs I/.'uvil.t preaches in tho Parnell Wosloyan Church to-moirow morning, at 11, and Ihn evonlng nonrlco, 0.30 o'clock. Is by Itov. It. HiiTln; subject, " Lessons from the Life and Character of Uonoral Gordon.''

.Special services nro to bo hold in tho Oruiton ltoad Wosloyan Churoh to-morrow. Scrvloeatll hyltov. T, Adnmnjat.rWhyMrW. H. Alien (M.1.), from Kngland. At threo p,m. tlioro will liuan address by Mr 1L T. Booth. On tho following Tuesday thoro will ho a publlo lou-inoollng. whon addresses will be glvon by various ni'.nlßtors and others.

Mr I). F. Evans roquoa's ua to draw spoolal attention to lilb unreserved nolo of -Toehold properties, noxt Tuesday, by ordor of the Kegistrar of tho Suproino Court, Invostors should viow their proportion, as suoh an opportunity for so safe on Investment seldom oooure. Note, next Tuesday, at D. F. Evans's land mart.

Supply will bo kept up at tho Economy Hoot Shops, Clroy anil Victoria atroote, during enlargement of factory. Proprietor, J. J. Austin.—(Auvt.]

"HOUGH ON HATS.-*-n_. mt n,i.i_i_. _»_««, (lip. Mil . tml-I. u.n, Im-Uiw, liik-.'_>, Rkunki.J-wk-ral.iU, i;<>v--i Al v .i,___. J .„■■_, . Co- Aji_ U. AtMkl___

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5489, 21 February 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5489, 21 February 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5489, 21 February 1885, Page 2


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