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THE regular weekly meeting Of thie^ody was hold last night. Present:— Tho Mayor, and Councillors Holland, Mackechhie, Cooper, Dovoro, Dignan, Connolly, Mon 4 tegue, Crowthor, Kidd, Goldie, Waymoutli, La Koche, Burns, Garratt, Morrison, Aickin, Maselleld, and Upton.

CoßßßspONDENdE.—Letters were received and disposed of as follows:—From T. B. Hannaford, soliciting permieion to gratuitously ploco (as they urrive from England) copies of the London "Domestic Help" on the tables of tho Free Library : Referred to Library Committee. — From manager of Auckland Savings Bank, asking Council to make a wooden crossing opposite the bank at its cost: Agreed to cost being estimated at £30.—From Whitaker and E.ussell, applying on behalf of John Heath for compensation in respect of the loss he had sustained through not boing allowed to peform the eontiact for the construction of thegStanloy-st. sower after having received notice that his tender had been accepted : Referred to Legal Committee. — From Hospital Committee,, protesting against location of permanent smallpox hospital in Domain grounds, and enclosing an opinion from tho Hospital medical staff that such a location would be dangerous: Referred to Local Committee.—From William Blcwdon, declining to take up his tender for the Stanley-street sower unless he be allowed to increase his tender by £400 : Referred to Legal Committee.—From W. and G. Winstone, stating that as they required some 10,000 yards of earth they would be prepared to excavate some in Lower Hobson-st. at a payment to them of Is per cubic yard t It was agi eed to allow them to take, free of chares from Moore and Chapel streota as much cqrthias the Engineer had, to .spare.— From R. M.t.WaM asking, .permission to erect a brick building for Hart, and Tobias near the Market, at a contracted cost of £1,055: Granted.—From Margaret Lombard asking Council either to afford-her proper access to her property in Edwinstreet (Nowton), which had been injured by excavation, or else to grant her compensation : Referred to ..Streets Committee.— From Allan Maguire asking leave to extend his hoardings four feet on theShortland and Fort fltrfet frontages of the new Arcade frontage I The Engineer having reported that sucih tt concession would entail groat inconvenience to street traffic, it was agreed to adhere to the usual conditions.—From Malcolmeon and Do Lacy requesting Council to order the water-cart to visit Highatreot twice a day: Applicant to be informed that the thoroughfare is boing metalled, and that after the roller has been-put over n tho street would bo regularly attended to.—From Mnlcolmsoii and. Do Lacy asking diiections 'how to carry out the proper drainago 61 their allotments in Selwyn-street. The Enginoer reported that a temporary cesspit might be used: Referred to Streets Committee.

Nai-iku and Unios-stbeetss.— Cr. Waymouth presented a petition calling attention to the fact that the closing of the thoroughfaro from Napier-street to Union-street, at the side of St. Thomas's Church, was the cause of. great public inconvenience : Roferred to Streets Committee.

Collinowood street.—Cr. Masefield prosentcd a petition irom the ratepayers of Collingwood-strect, complaining of tho stagnant drainage in the street channels, and praying Council to take steps to romeay the nuisance.—Roferred to Street* Committee.

Summkk-strkbt.—A petition was received from the reeideuta of Summerstreet, praying that two gas lamps might be placed in that thoroughfaro, which at present was quite unlighted at night.— Referred to Streets Committee.

Fkrnleich and Ryle - street. —A petition wuh read from the ratepayers of the above throughfaros stating that whereas the natural water course by draining to Mr Edward Shillington's property, that gentleman refused to continue it through his ground, and threatened them with legal proceedings unless they desisted. They therefore prayed the Council to compel him to continue the drain through his ground, or to afford somo other relief.—Referred to Streets Committee. Shelly Beach Road.—John Knox petitioned the Council to form the furse-grown and rubbish-covered footpath in frorit of his houso in Shelly Beach Road, so as to afford access to it from Jcrvois Road.—Referred to Streets Committee.

Altex Road.—A petition was receivpd from the residents of Alten Road praying that the dast contractor should be ordered to call in front of all the houses in that thoroughfare.-rTho Engineer having raported that the request.might be granted without inconvonienco, the petition was referred to the Streets Committee.

Cc.stoms-stuekt Levels.—The Streets Committee, by special report, recommended the adoption of the following report from the Engineer, the works proposed in it to extend from Albert-street to Nelson-street, instead of to Hobson-street, viz.:—"ln connection with this petition (from prop-perty-holders in Customs-street West), I may state that the whole of the cuttings and fillings proposed-to be made in Hobson and Customs streets, &c, could opt, under any circumstances, be completed in one season. That being so, it would, no doubt, suit the convenience of the petitioners and the public generally to leave the present traffic part of the road in Customs-street open during the next winter. This, I believe, enn be done although the works proceed this season, which can easily be done; in a modified form. My original recommendation was to cut out east side of HobsonBtreet first. I believe still 'that this is the best course to pursue, as it would. give the residents in the other street?, time to make arrangements to allow the balance of the work to proceed next season. Besides, it is evident that the leaseholders in Customsstreet are not prepared' this season for ,the proposed work.; The earth obtainable from Hobson-ptreet will coifiplete Patteson-street and there will be about 8,000 yards over; which can be deposited in Customs-street, between Albert and Bobson streets, on the south side, without interfering with anyone. W. and G. AVinstono [have sent a letter to the Council' offering to take about 10,000 yards of earth from ■ these streets if the Council will allow them Is per yard for removing it. -As there will be a large surplus over from these cuttings when the Council obtain what they require in the locality, I would recommend' that Messrs Winston© Bros, be allowed to remove what they require, free of charge, from, the placea to be pointed out to them ; that is that the Council pay nothing for its removal and charge nothing for the earth." A deputation, consisting of Messrs Geo. Holdship, F; Jagger,' P. Gleeson, K. A. Atkinson, and others appeared in suppcrt of the petition referred to by the Engineer in his report.—Mr Holdship, who acted as spokesman, stated that the Committee which appointed the deputation, of whioh he was a representative, did not wish to obstruct any work which might prove of general advantage, but that they were averse to seeing the rt-orka so coinmenqed that they would be found to extend into the winter months to -the great inconvenience of the public. They thought that Customsstreet should be raised to the level ol Pattesdn-street, and that forthis season at any rate the work should'not bo carried, further than Albert-street. They, were particularly desirous ■ that the Council should defer the further "consideration of the matter for another week, so as to enable them to have plans prepared showing the advantages of the alteration of street levels which they recommended. Mr Warner was preparing the plans, and they were to have been ready-, to-night, but he supposed the shortness of the^ime had not allowed that. —In answer to Cr. Goldie the Engineer said that the proposed alteration of levels would only ailect that portion of Customs-: street which lay between Nelson and: Patterson-streets. The delay asked for would not impede the works.—Cr. Goldie spoke in support of the request made byMr Holdship.—At this stage, Mr Hdldahip produced the plan which.Mr Warner had been preparing, but still urged his request, premising that fuller facts, in support >f the desired alterations would be orthcoming' ero next week.—Cr. Connolly depreciated- any" further . delay, with the work, and stated'that he was unable to see that a week's delay could confer any advantage upon ; the petitioners.— Gr. Dignan followed in a similar strain. They had been .trying for six '.years to ,find the levels of Customs-street;-.and when at last they had:-arrived at a decision were, they to continue still longer to procrastinate ?■: He ibnld ' inbt see any reason for the dela^ " Crs. Crowther and Montague supported the suggestion to defer.matters for a' week rather than do. anything, tog ; hastily.—>Cr. Aickin expressed astonishment at learning that tho proposed tilling-in in Customsstreet was to bo a depth of ten feet, seeing that the Engineer had told the Committee that it would only be six or seven feet. He could not recognise any advantage that would be derived from the deeper filling. ,The filling-itf - between Nelson and Albert streets couloV wait. vHe favoured- the; postponement aeked for.-" The Jlaypr, in allusion to the magnitude of ttfe propb^wor&^rejwrked that, all^he,

Engln&r had stated that Cttltoms-ltrcet would not be filled up to its full width, but that the filling proposed would be- tof tho permanent level. It was not contemplated to. carry the work round to Pat-teraon-st. this year. The filling would cover more than half the width of the street, and the tramralls might bo laid on top. After some further discussion it was resolved to defer the matter for a week, tondcra, however, to be invited in the meantime.—Mr floldsbip then thanked the Council, and thd deputation withdrew. Extension of Salt Water Baths.— The following tenders were received for the above work :—Wells and Gardiner, £568 ; Richard White, £694 ; James Wilson, £7SB lls.—Tho Engineer's estimate was £730.—Wells and Gardiner's tender was accepted.—ln answer to Cr. Montague tho Mayor stated that the extension was to be Eartitioned off for the use of boys and idles. Dons Collars.—Tenderß were received as follows :—.Tas. Davis and Co., lOd each ; C. F. Cooper, 9d each ; G. Eller, £27 10s for lot (6id each); Jas. Wiseman, 8d each. Eller's tender was accepted. ,

Kvber Pass Road.—Tenders were received as follows for the formation of Kyber Pasa Road as far as Gaol Road to permanent level :-Elias Pascoe, £2.952 12s; Lavkins and O'Brien, £3,223; Hunt and White, £3,<H7; Thos. Mulvihill and Co., £2,358 10s. The last-named tender was accepted, the cost of the work to be charged to Grafton Ward. Ui'i'Kß Symonds-street.—The following tenders were received for cutting down Symonda-street, between New Caledonia and.Eden Vine Hotels So permanent levels: —T. Burke and Co., £3,396 9s 6d ; Larkin3 and O'Brien, £3i837 12S; Hunt and White, £4,197; John Welsh,. £4,933. The Mayor stated. ; that (-with the exception of the western cemetery,, wall which was chargeable to. Karangahape the cost of, the w.orks would bo equally, bo.nie by tho Karangahape and Qrafton Wards. Burke and Co.'a tender was accepted.—A discussion arose as to the price which Karangahapo should pay to Grafton for such earth as would be required for filling in Eaststreet.—The matter was eventually referred to the Engineer for his decision.—This officer subsequently fixed the price at Is per cubic yard. Stbam Roller.—The City Engineer reported that he had made arrangements for a trial of one week of working the steam roller by night. The men would require Is per day more wages for night work. He proposed to start at 9 p.m. and work till 6 a.m.

Sundry Works.—The Engineer further reported that plans were on the table for Patterson street drainage, as well as for the drainage of Grey-street gully (eastern side). Tenders might, called .for,.Hobsonstrcot cutting, and any deviation made that night from the cutting of the whole of the streets as previously ordered would not delay the calling of tenders. As the drainage of Patterson-street would not affect any person, tenders might also be called for it. The College Hill works were also ready, having been previously on the table. The plans for the George-street culvert would be on tho table next meeting, and thoeo for works in Grafton Road between Symonds and Wynyard streets were in course of preparation. It was resolved to invite tenders for the Patterson-Street drainage and College Hill works.

Stanley - street Sewbr.—Cr. Garratt moved "That the complication arising from the acceptance of tenders for the Stanley street sewer bo referred to tho Finance Committee to investigate, and that they be requested to report to the Council who the officers are that are to blame." Also, what alteration they would recommend in the present; system, to prevent a recurrence of a similar cas^, wherein tho Council are likely to be mulcted either in compensation or a lawsuit." —By consent of the Council " Legal Committee" was substituted* for the Finance Committee in tho motion.-=-The motion was seconded by Cr. Cooper, and carried. Free Public Libiuey. — Cr. Upton moved—(l) That in view of the growing im^ portance of the Public Library, it is desirable that a library committee be appointed; (2) That the Council do now proceed :to appoint a Library Committee.r^Cr." Masefiold, rising to a point of arder; pointed out that a previous resolution for the appointment Of a library committee' would hdve to be rescinded before this proposition could.oe carHecl. —The Mayorruled that Cr. Upton not having . given notice of his intention to propose the • rescinding of the motion referred to he could not propose that night the resolution of which he had given notice. While disagreeing with His Woiship's ruling, Cr. Upton consented to the proposition being deferred.—Referred accordingly. -. __ Who Shall Pay the Cost?—Cr. Aickin moved, "That the'eum"of:"£3jsoo"appi'o--priated 16th June7>ilßßl»Stfbr the Stanley•street sewer, bo now placed to the credit of the East Ward, minus such drainage works as tho Council resolved should be taken from thajt fund."—Cr. .Cjiowther seconded the motion.—Cr. Cooper proposed as an araendm&t, and Cr. Garratt seconded, " That the whole matter be referred to the Finance Committee."—After an animated discussion the amendment was carried by 13 against 6.—Cr. La Roche then moved as an amendment, and Cr. Aickin seconded, " That the matter be referred to the Legal Committee. The reference to the Finance Committee was carried.

More Infohmation Wasted. — Cr. Aickin moved, " That a tabulated return be laid before the Council. showing those streets throughout'the city "that are completely formed, partially formed, and unformed ; also the amount of drainage and size of water mains, if any, in each."—Cr. Upton, in seconding the motion, suggested that the return should be accompanied or followed by a suitable map of works which might cost JEI.OOO j it would be well worth the outlay. The Mayor might distinguish his term of office by moving in that direction.—His Worship replied that be had already doho so.—^The motion was carried. _ ..

TnE Building INSPECTOE.^-Cr. Montague moved, "That the Legal Committee inquire into the working of the Building Inspector's Department and report to the Council, and that the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade bffi: requested to give evidence thereon." He said that complaints against the officer in question had been loud and frequent of late, and the person who complained most strongly was the Fire Brigade Superintendent.—Cr. Connolly, in seconding the motion, remarked that some very serious accusations had been made against the Building Inspector.—The Mayor reported that the only charge he knew of was that With respect to the building (Reyneli's) next to the Albert Hotel. 'In that case the Fire Brigade Superintendent had complained, but the City Engineer had reported that there was no breach of the buildings regulations..—Cr. Montague remarked that there wero othor cases. —Cr. Goldio suggested that as the Fire Brigado Superintendent had time on his hands, the duties of the building should be thrown upon his hands. —The Mayor replied that Mr Hughes had once been Assistant Inspector, and that when ho resigned' the v Engineer, ihad reported that it was the worst thing he could do.—The motion then passed, ' !;-' Notice of Questions. — The Mayor moved:—"That notice of all questions to be askeid by Councillors at Council moetings Bhall be forwarded to the office not later than the day prior to the sitting of Council." b Cr. Upton seconded. A discussion ensued in'the course -'of which Cr.: Dignan Baid that the latitude afforded for the asking of questions which gave use to long discussions, was having the effect of ■delaying-.necessary wor.ks, and "of turning tho City' Council into a kind of'debating club. He supported the resolution. The motion was carried.

The Costley Bequest.—Cr. Upton asked the Mayor '" (1) Whether the bequest of the late Mr Costleyto the Public Library has been received by the Council. ; (2) and if so, what is the amount of it; (3) and is it included in the statement of accounts recently laid.before the Council ? (4) if not so included whether the Town Clerk will report where, and under what condition the money ifi at present placed ?" He said that he had given notice of those questions because they were important.—His Worship replied in tlio negative to questions I and 3 and in answer to question No. 3, he stated that the amount was £12,000, and that the trustees in whoee hands it was were ex-Mayor Clark ex-Cr. Waddel, and himself.' They received £7,000 on the 21st May, and without the loss of a single day they invested it by w£y of first. mortgage for five years upon «r firstclass Queen-street property, the rate of interest being 7 per cent, and the first payment being due on the 21st inst. £4,000 additional was received on the6th of August and £1,000 on the 4th of September. Probabiy £150 more would be available when the estate was wound up. Since tho £7,000 had been invested £1,500 had been.invested for three years at 7 per cent., £1,500 for five years at 7 per cent., and £1,600 for five years at 7 per cent.,, making a total' ot £11,600 ±400 remained in hand, for which two at? plications had been received, but neither of them was satisfactory. .The,interest would be regularly paid iolibrary Aowuni, i

fifjitoiitol .BKOHJUMiMto.— A loiter Iwat t, W. drey announced that he Was ptepared to modify certain "plans so as to comply with building regulations. .■;: The rough minutes were read until it wag found there was no quorum, and the completion of the formula was therefore de» ferred. • •■ ' ■ ■- ■; ' .';,-■>; »'

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 4


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