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WANTED TO FUKdfiAflßj latieifltty of Lower yrilon.atreet. Bouse atapmti six rooms, or an A Jlotmen t suitable to bttlld oni —U. Fi Kvans. Lttttd Agent; Jflf ANTED : KNOWN-That Oine Sfe# son-strcot; will wear longorlhari HALFADozEtr (ynedp! and Naaty) Shoddy Spitß. • ■"■ g YTtTANTED, a good Spadesman, who can ' T.T mow Well, (Or wOiic in 'AuPklaud.-j-Apply to Mr G. U. La vein, Seedsman, 157 Quoetfstreot. • -.. :•:- •-■- ---•\ITANTED to Rent, by a thoroughly IT good tonant, a Cottago within luteen minutos rwalk from Post-offlce. Rent not to oxeced 15a.—Address J.C., Poat-offlce, Auckland. WANTED, a Maid for City Hotel Bar; highest wages. — Heighten and Co., Agcntß, 177, Queen-street. _______ WANTED, a rcspootnblo Girl for the Bookaewing and Folding. — Apply to Win. Leys, Bookbinder, throo doors above Stab WANTED, a Brat-class 'JailoreßS to? Country; liberal wages.—Apply to Wf Robs (Messrs A. Clark and Sona), Shortland-st. WANTED, a good Machinist and several Improvers for the bench.—o; Back and Co. Chapul-Etrpct. WANTED,' 3 or i Hoarder's at lHs tier week In Vinsoi'tßtropti—FOrpattlctilafa appljrH: milsoil, TobaCtJanist. W' ANTED, 3 or 4 resfiectabTo Working , Men as Boarders: 18s j>or .week, washing jncludficWApply Mrs Grogan, opposite Lorno-streot Hall. . WANTED, Ponsonby Residents to know, Horrooka's Calico, 2s lid doz.; Crowdson's, 4s 6d doz.; Zephyr Chock Prints, 3J, 4d, and Sd yard, at Alton's Cheap Drapery, Jervois Road. ANTED, the publio to call at the Bon Marehe without delay, and oeo thoir Suiting Twocds, worth Is to Is 6d, for la Ujd a yard; value extraordinary in Taffota Glovcb ; Lisle Red do., from Cd por pair. WANTED KNOWN,—As we have now engaged several extra hands in tho Dressmaking Department, ladles can depend on having thei' Drossoa turned out quiokly. Fit and Btylo guaranteed. Charges moderato.—Di w. Jack & Co.. I'oimpnhV Hottd. . - WANTkT3"KN6wN,-S. W. Jack & Co.. I'on'onby, have a laree stock of all the newest makes in Dress Matorial, which they aro selling at prices which defy competition.— Dreasoa mado to ordor on the shortest notice. \\7~ANTED, 2 or 3"go'ocf Hands for TT Shingling. - Apply St. Paul's Church, botwecn 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. WANTED KNOWN. — Tho grandest Exhibition of Christmas Cards 1b at the London Arcado. Tho out-going Mall of Tuesday reaches England on December 20LU. Select from the largest assortment in town. Spocitnoiu may be soon in 6 1 ramud pictures outside tho Arcade. ~\T7 ANTED KNOWN—That in Clocks of TV all kinds, tho prices of the London Arcade are unequalled for ohoapness. T\7" A N TED X N 0 W..N- ---' ' That R. Tcn)EH(>PE,Plumbor, Wolloeloy" street, always keeps in stock a Bplondld assort ment of Gasaliers, Gas Brackets, Pendants, and Gas G lob os of newest designs; also, a good stock of Electric Bells and Fittings, Water Pipes and Fittings, and every requisite of tho trade. liiboral allowance made to the trade. WANTED KNOWN. - It ia a great mlstako to imagine tho London Arcade is a Fancy Goods Emporium only, It contains somo of tho most Useful and Cheapest Goods In Auckland. ■ "\T7"ANTED, everybody to know that T T R. Redfern, Photographer. 270, Queenstreet, has oponed a Branch Studio, Victoria Road, Dovonport. WANTED KNOWN—Music I Muwp I Music Kxtraordlnary!—Another lot of Hemy's celebrated Tutors, the vory latest odltion, J vet arrived, less than half-price, 2a id each; also, Czerny'B eolobrated 101 Exercises, quarter tho price, namely, 2s the two bookßj Piano Sheet Music (song and pioces), only la lid per doz., some of them marked is each: also, Violin Music (jUBt arrivcdl, consisting of Duets, Overtures, and Dances, by Hie boat masters, la and Is M ; nlao. largo Violin Books for boiKlnners. 18 each.—At Dampicr's Hobsonstrcot Shop. Toll your friends. _^ ANTED KNOWNt — OWf speciality Ucs in Moptnft Genuine and Imitation JoivoHery, And displaying thorn in Scparato Windows ill Soparato Strcots. We have just displayed somo Lovely Goods in Viotoria-stroet Window. WANTED KNO WN-Chock Ginghame, id. 6d, 7d. and 9d yoid; Nuns' Beiges, Summer Shades, 7d, Ud, and is nor yd.—Allon'a Cheap Drapery, Jervoia Itoad, Pov.Bonby. ANTED KNOWN—At Allen's Cheap Drapery they are soiling Painted back Floorolotbs, competitive designs, at Is 3d yard; Tapostry Carpets, Is 10d. 2s Od, and 3s 3d yard; China Majtings, all widths, from Ud yard.— Jervois Road, Ponsonby, _ . "1 TIT"ANTED, l'oople to Road Things TT that Spoak. frr Thomselvest-J. H. DALTON* Tailor, vrctoria-street East, does his own Cutting, itnd pays a vory small rent; therefore ho is able to make Garmonta to Order at samo price as Shops sell Heady ■ made CkthOß. A a. d. Well-shrunk Pergo Suits 2 18 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Suits .. .. .. 816 0 Well-shrunk Fanoy Coat, Vest, and Trousers .. 3 5 0 Well-shrunk Tweod Trousers .. .. 012 6 WoU-Bhrunk Tweed Troußers .. .. 015 0 Woll'Bhrunk Tweod Trousers .. .. 017 0 floret class Tweod Trrusora .. ..110 Very Best Tweod (of any kind) Trousers ..150 Mosgiel Tweed Suit, woll-shrunk .. 310 0 Moagiel Tweed Bult, well-shrunk .. 4.0 0 Beat ot any kind of Tweed.. ... .. 410 0 J. H. D> Imports direct from tho Manufac--1 hirers, pnd thus eavoa the Merchant's Profit, giving the benefit to his Customers.—Note tho Addreaß: J. H. Dalton. City Tailoring Establishment, Viotoria-alroet East (opposite Goodson's). and at Camoron-Btroot. Whangarol. WANTED KNOWN-Groat reductions -Cash Boxos. from 2s lid: Largo Bottles Good Black or Coloured Ink, 6(1; Small Bottles Ink, Id; Rulers, 8d; Letter Clips, 6d: Purees, Cd; Tobacco Pouohes, 6d; Bplendld Hmumersls3d; Large PlotorialWorld.Belgravia Chambers* Journal, oto.. reduced from 3s 6d to 2a 6(1 each; Sbokapere, with life, compJeto,: reduced to Sb. Lots ot now Novels reduced to la 3d each t Grand Lino bl White. Handled Hair, Brushes, 8d; Dressing Combs 3d, 6d. and 9d! Pookct Combs, 2d j Tooth Comba, 2d; Square Looking Glasses, 6d; Oval Carved dp.. Is; large Packets of Violet Powdor, id; B.W. Soap, 7 cakes for Is; Glass Cream Jugs, Id; Glass Sugar Baains, 6d; Soup Plates, 3d; Bread Knives (eoilod), 3d and Id; Bedroom Toilot Sett, 7s 3d; American Brooms, 8d; Zinc Buckets, Is; Japanned Slop Pails, 3a 3d; very Wide Tabl« Oilo'.oth, Is per yard; Btair Oiloloth. (id: Striped Carpot, Is; Handsome' China Matting. 8d; Parlour Door Mats, la lid: Hearthrugs, 4a lid; nioe line of Splash Mate for Washstands, 6d. Tinware-Candlesticks. 4d; Pannikins, 2d; Tinplates, Id; Tea Bottles, 8d; Saucepans, 1M ; KetUes, Is lid; BiUles, 9d; Colanders. Is 8d: Baking Tins, 8d; Mflat Tins. 2d to Is; Hand Basins, lid; Spittoons, Is.—At Dumpier'a Hob-son-etreet Shop. __ WANTED— Wanted to Sell, very Cheap, Large Bottles of Hair Oil. only M; Castor OU.6d, 3 bottles for lss Salad Oil, 8d; Plaid Matches, 6d dozen; Safety Matches,' *d: Tin Boxes Matches, la 6d; Washing Powder, 6d dozen; large Soap Powders, 8 for 6a; Hudson's Extract of Soap, 4 for 6d; Nntmegs, 3d ounce; Orange Marmalade, 6d tin, 2 for lid; Ginger Wino. 2s bottle; Limqjuice, 8d bottle; Glasa Jugs, Cd; Wine Glassea, 3d. 2s dozen; Gloss Tumblers, 2d and 3d, 2s dozen; Dried Apples, 3d lb; Epsom Salts, 4d dozen packets; Water Bottles, 6d and Cd; Glass Decanters, la; Bath Bricks, 3d. 2 for sd: largo Teateays, la. 3d: Mixed Spioe, Id paoket, 7 for M: Whlto and Gold China Cups and Saucers, 8s 6d dozen; Vr hlte Rteno Cups and Saucera. 3s 6d dozen; White and Gold Jugs, 3s set; Boot Protectors, 3d box; Speotaoles, 6d and 9d; lot Piotures, Is Gd and 2s: lot of Spongos, Id to 6d; Flower Tuboa, only 3d eaoh, s¥orla; Baskets, 8d to 2s 6d: Chrlatmaa Cards, 4d dozen; 1 large Bible, with coloured plates, only £17s 6d; Exercise Books, 2d and 3d. is 6d and 2s 6d dozen; Japanese Globs. only 4d bottlo; Robinson's Patent Groats, 6d tin; Iron Laats, is 6d to 38-H.WATT, Pltt-atreet. WANTED KNOW N—Dampier'a Grandest Selling Off is Now On, and the following are some of tbo prices taken at raudom:-Berlin Wool, id. per doz.; lingorin« Wool, 2d per skein. Is 10d^- per head; WWte Woreted, 3d per hpad; 6,000 yards liibbons, 2d por yard; Towels, is 90 per dol ; «rand lot of light Dress Material (evening colours), ihd. per .yard; Prints, 2dand Id; Cream Oatmeal Cloth, 8d; Cretonne, 3}d; Wnito Flannel, 7M, Scarlet do, lOJd; Blue ao., Is 6d; Bleached Swanadown. lOd; Ctirmalltos, lid; Shirting, 41; Light Sateens, sd; Unbleached Linen, od; Green Window Holland, 9d; Coloured Cashmere, 6d; Wincey, 3id; DroBS Muslins, Id; Tweed, 9i; Checked Wtacoy, 6d; Victoria Lawn, 2d; Black Cashmere. Is Id and Is 6d; Drab Moreen. 6d; Black Lustre, 6d ; Chomisea. 2a 2d ; Drawers, Is lid ; Night-droases, 2s 6d ; JapaneßO Silks, Is , Slate Silesia, 3d; White do, Sd; Diaper, 7d ; Linen do. Is 3d; Brown Holland, 3W; Grey Linen, 7jd ; Towelling, 3d : Coloured Feathers. 9d^ Cotton Ticking, 5Jd ; foilet Covers, lOdand is 3d; Coraeta, Is 3d and Is 7d; Ladies' Rftnalos Id each; Coloured Tablecovers, 3s ld| Ladies' 'White Wool Shawls, Is 3d; White Mending. 4d _par- Packet; Grenadine. Id por yard; White Quilts, fie lid: Curtains, 2a lid: Turkey Twill, Ijd: Coloured Quilts. Is lid; Felt Skirts, Is 3d; Print do.. Is 6d- Ladies' Jackets, from 3s Gd; BlackCapea, from Ja lid: Ohildrcn's Felt Capes Bd ; Ladlea 1 Plaid Shawk la Ud; AVoolwork Slipporaj la 4d : Kverlaatlng Trimming, Gd per doz.; Cream and White Frilling, 2d per yard; Ladles Umbrollaa, Is 'd • White Tape, 8d por doz., Flowers, 2d per bunoh; large lot of Remnants in Prints vory choap; Toilot Sets, 3d; Ladiea' Blaok Lace Gloves, id Clark's 20d yard reels Black and White Cotton, 8d per doz.: 1,000 gross of Dress Buttons, 9d per gross: Window;MußHiV-2d; Unbleached Shooting (2 yards wide). 6d: SS-jfch Bleached Sheeting, 7d; Clark's Crotohet Cotton. 2dskein; Knitting Cotton, Is 3d: Black Wadding 12 yards for Is; Damask Table Covers, 3s lid; Infants' Bibs, 3d; Infants' Booteeß, Id; Lace Curtaine (soiled). In ed; Lace Curtain Vallanceß, 1b ; Alpaoca Aprona, 2d j Print do. 4d and 6d; Children's Dreaseß, Is; Ladiea Tiea,4d; Ladies' Silk Ties, lOd; Large Scarlet Shawls, is «d: Mending Cotton, 8d per lb. 2d the J; Crape Trimming, 6d per box of 3a yarda, lame lot of Thread Gloves. 2d; aplenaid White ToUet'Beta. sd; Silk Mite, la; Embroidered Antimacaßßars. 10d; Babies' Sun -Hats.'ls Ladieß' Wool Ties. Id each; Toilet Fringe, Sd; Bws' Tunics, 2a.3d: Black: Velveteen^2a; Stay Bulks, Id tho pair; Men's Regatta Shirta, la lid; Mte^ White Shirto, 2a 31; Gents' Bkok and Coloured Bows. 3d: Men's and Youths Burlinetons, sd; Washing Scarves, Id; Men a Working Shirts, lid; Jfen'a Sooka. 2d 3d, and 4d; Girls' Stocking, 2Jd. 3d. and Hi Ladies do.' Id and sd: Men's Cardlran .JackeJ* 2b: Men's Merino Singlets, lsffien's Hardl f Fei Hata, is. Is 6d; Men's Soft do.. Is: Men a Tweed Hata. Is; Boys' Felt Hata. 6d; Men' 6 Brao^, 6d; Men's Serge Suits. lteUd; Boys' Kttioker Suits, 4s 6d and os lm\ MenePaget Coats (tweed), 8a 6d; Men's Holland Coats, .18 lid; Men's Drill Pants, la lid; Men's Dungare do., 2a 4d; Boys' Belts, 2d; Boyß' Braces, 4dj Youths' White Moleskin Trousers, 3s lid; Men's Tweed Trouserß, 4s 6d and 6s Ud; Boys' Tweed do.. 2s 6d; Men's Serge do., 3s 3d; Men's Moleskin do.. Is lid; Ladies' Black Straw Hats, fashionable shapes, id; Men's Stud Suites, 2d, 3d, sd, and 8d; Fancy Soap. 6d per doz. cakes; Pomade.4d pot; B; W. Soap, 9 cakes for Is; Florida Watery la 4d tho botrfo; Violot Powaer, 3d toe large packet; Brooches, 3d eaoh ;,Sttni' tver Stinshades, la lm-M Qa&vitfi D»EBl~ Bhop, Wakefleld.-Btreet, ' ■'

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4518, 21 November 1884, Page 3


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