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Succobs Ima onco nioro crowned tlio British nrms in the Soudan. MajorGeneral Graham with his forces, yesterday made n moct fatiguing march against tho position hold by tho rebels, under Osmnn Pigna, at Tamaneh, and tho robols having fioa' without offoring any roaistanco, tho British soldiers razed thoir fortifications to tho ground, reduced tho village to ashen, and, as would appear, nro now resting prior to returning to Souakim. The telegram states, tho troops return to their base, becauao tho campaign upon which Major - Gonoral Graham started is at an ond. Thero must bo some mistake on that point, for It is no way clear that Osman Dign.'i and his follower* havo been finally dieposod of. In all probability vo shall hear of thorn shortly as being again active and threatening. It is more likely that the object in falling back on Souakim is to recuperate tho health of the troops, which has suffered spvoroly from a forced march through a burning and difficult country.

The Star Monthly Summary for sending by tho outward mail on Tuertlay morning will bo presented with to-morrow's iseuo of this journal. It will contain, as usual, ft full resume" of tho iiowb of the mpnth, including arrival of the Northumberland and doserii.fcion of vessel. The continuation of the aerial tale

" A Woman's Faith" will also appear, along with reWows, humorous clippings, sporting notes, fiold sports, the gardon, etc., etc.

Our weekly market price-list is unavoidably held over, Butf,er and eggs remain at last week's prioos. The gum market is unchanged, tho month's produce to dato boing about 480 tons.

The Union Sash and Door Company havo established a timber depfit at Birkonhead Wharf. Messrs Flowollyn Bros, arc agents. Busy operations havo boon going on these last fow days unloading two cuttor-loada of the first Instalment of the stock.

Mr Albin Villeval has kindly interested himself In the case of an indigent old Frenchwoman named Madame]-Duquesne, and is at present arranging a benefit concert for her relief. Sho is 74 years of age, mother by adoption of tho late Jamas Mulholland (who died under chloroform tho othor day), and is wholly without means. Tho old lady is in great distress, mid as tho case is one which must poworf ully appeal to tho charitably inclined, it is hoped that tho concert will be well patronUod. In all probability, it will take place in tho Choral Hall about a fortnight honco.

Messrs Tonks and Co. sold by auction today tho privileges in connection with tho Takapuna races to be hold on Saturday, April sth, with the following result:—Gates, £70, S. Jones ; No, 1 booth, £19,. T. Gallery ; No. 2booth, £17, W. Adams; booth under thegrand stand, £12, ■ftbertson ; fruitstall, £555, MrsMooney ; cards, £17, VV. Adams;

At tho meeting of tho City Council tho fo'.Jowing letter waa submitted from tho Ministers' Association with respect to tho proposed yeto on street preaching:—" To His Worship tho Mayor and Members of the (City Council: Qsntlcmen, —We are desired by the Ministers' Association of tho city to call the attention of your honourable) Council to the by-law which, as wo are given to understand, is about to bo enforced in this city, the result of which will be the prohibition of street-preaching. Wo would remind you that tlio Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, and other churches bcsido the Salvation Army hare boon accustomed to appeal to the non-churchgoing jieople through tho medium of streetpreaching, and that in the Old Country nearly all the phurohes adopt this njethoij of reaching the 'masses, and aro protected by the law so long as they do not ob struct tho .thoroughfare or act so as to commit a nuisance. Wo sympathise, as all law-loving and law-abiding people must, with your efforts to preserve order and decorum in the city, but we respectfully submit that you are ablo to accomplish those objects without tho enforcement of such a liy*law as that above indicated. We fear the enforcement of such a law will be regarded as an interference with religious liberty, and a curtailment thereof will tend to defbat the very object you have in view. Praying your honour able Council to repeal said by-law, we are, on behalf of the Ministers' Association, Joseph Robertson (Chairman), Samum, Macfarlank." Five potitions were also presented on tho same subject, and, together with tho above letter, were deferred for consideration till tho next meeting of the Council. The prayer of tho petitions has already appeared in our columns,

Our morning eontempoi'ary, with its usual faculty for discovering mares' nests, in to-day's issue says: " It is a ciurioue fact, and worth notice, that the election of Councillor Thompson for North Ward, announced in onr yesterday's impression, was conducted exactly in the same way as the licensing elections, and that the same blunder was made ns threatens to bo fatal to the validity of tho Licensing Committoes." It then proceeds to quote Clauso 10 of the Regulation of Elections Act, the gist of which is that the Returning Officer shall " appoint a placer within the district" a3 the polling place. The "Herald" has evidently come to grief over tho word "district,1' having erroneously endeavoured to establish an analogy between "district" in. tho Regulation of Local Election Act and tho samo word in the Licensing Act. In the latter ordinance the word means of course, the Licensing District, while the forinor statute the interpretation clause defines it as follows : — ''District" means tho district comprised within tho jurisdiction of any such local body, and includos the riding of a county, the ward of a borough, and any othor subdivision of a district for purposes. Our contemporary will therefore soe/.J'i —

as far as the point raised by if-i X corned, Or. Thompson's seatj^ "^ sifo. It will be seen that by „'„,„„,,,„■, of the Court to-day in tJjt^Nf, TBKI£I tion. the BosidontMv; and v^.ledstock conuider the iryy PhotosrapMo Novoltieis with the I 'Zealand. Cherry Fabric, for lifiinoua in (Tows, 2s per yard. Hydroklnone, iieinous i^ gj 0& Appliaßo6B , OT »"0 PXrt ot Colouring Photographs on Coni/"Glasses to imitate China Painting. SOLE 'AGENTS throughout New Zealand tor SKAVKYS' BAOEttUOJJNDS AND ACCE3, BGIUBS, ._-: -

Mr G. W. Griffin, United States Consul, paid an official visit to tho Japanese Tsukuba, and on leaving the ship received the usual consular salute of seven guns.

The Artillery Band, under the conductorship of Bandmaster Hunter, will perform the following choice pieces tomorrow afternoon in the Western Park :— Overture, " L'lntiepide (L. Bousquor); valse, " Boccaccio" (Suppo); selection, "lolanthe"(new fairy opera), (Sullivan); fantasia, " The Royal Musketeers" (Mullot); valse, " Rose of England" (H. RounJ); solection, " Pirates of Penzance" (Sullivan) ; fantasia, " Le Val D'Amour" (Blanoheteau); galop, "Jolly Brothers" (Wainwright) : " God Save the Queen."

Tho fortnightly meeting of the Crown Lands Board was held yesterday afternoon, but the business wan of an unimportant character. Mr Rose, Secretary of the Auckland Agricultural Company, wrote complaining of the amount of the reserve on the Tamahere swamp lands, viz., £2 per acre, and it was decided to reduce the upset to £1. An application for a timber reserve at Waiwera was granted. The native application to occupy lots at Kihikihi was refused. The Government wrote acknowledging no liability to clear lands at Kihikihi of furze. Agreed to recommond the Government to grant £30 from deferred payment rovenuo, and improve the approaches to the point at Churchhill. An additional area of two acres was granted for a school site at Cambridge.

In the courso of an interesting lecture delivered in the Museum building last evening, Mr Fedorli gave much valuable information respecting sericulture. He also explainod why several effort* made throughout tho colony had failed, the principal causes being that the wrong kind of mulberry had been planted, and that the wormt imported were also of tho wrong kind. This arose from a lack of practical knowledge and too great dependence on books, and he pointed out that the only method by which success could be oxpectcd was by the importation of oxperts, who would be able to prevent orror in these respects. He had no doubt that sericulture could bo made to pay in this colony, and the only question was how it should bo sot about. Ho suggested sevoral methods of procedure, which wero discussed at great length. A full report of the proceedings is published in another column.

A lady correspondent complains, first of the stoppage evory Friday .of the two hours allotted to tho fair sex for bathing at tho Corporation baths, and says that thoy have now n much worse grievanoe. "A week ago notico was given that thoi'o wo« to be no bathing for throo wooks. Somo stupid dolt of tho other sox of courso takes it into his head that tho pond wants enlarging, repairing, or something olso dono to it, and for that purpose cuts our season short by throo week?, instead of studying, liko a polite, sensible species of tho genus homo should do, tho interests and ploasuro of tho ladies, and loavo tho work of repairing until tho winter sets in, when few, if any, caro to bathe."

Tho quartoi-ly mooting of tho llopo of Auckland Tent of Hochabitos was hold last night ill St. James's Hall, and was largely attended. This tent is making rapid pro jjress. Tho reports of tho surgeons were very favourable Dr. Hooper roported very little Bickness, and all confined to childron, in his branch. Dr. Macdonald roported very slight sickness ; Dr. Knight, very littlo sjeknoss indeed. Thero was no report from Dr. Erson ; but save for ono caso, thoro has not bcon much Moknossti ftt Oti'lmhu. A committeo was appointed to report as to tho best moans of holding tho anniversary (tho 20th). Bros. 1!. French and J. U. Carr wore appointed to reprosont tho tent at tho meeting of Friondly Sociotios on Friday next at tho Lorno-street Hall. Po the Friendly Societies Act,, 18S2, it wan stated that it was proposed to Issue a challenge for a cricket match, 1.0. R. v. any other Friendly Socioties, to bo played on Good Friday. Bro. C. B. King has tho mattor in hand. Cash receipts, £65; number of mombers, 152. Two wore admitted, and one proposed.

To tho Editor : Sir, —Considerable dissatisfaction exists just now among the residonts of Djvonport at tho want of punctuality of tho ferry steamere. Tho masters of tho steamers seem to tot-ally disregard tho time-table, careless of tho incoMveniouco and perhaps loss such negligence may entail oj) tho passengers who are on board. Last evening tho master of thp boat loaving tho North Shore at 9 o'clock ostentatiously ignored both time-table and the wishes of his passengers for the convenience of two or three individuals who happened to bo very lato. The steamer did not put ofTfrom the North Shore Wharf till fiyo minutes past tho hour, and when a considerable distance from tho wharf, going at full speed, tho captain obsorved a few persons on tho wharf, and actually stoppod and revorsod tho engines, and, aftor great loss of timo, ro-moorcd tho boat to enable thoso porsons to got on board. Tho consequence of this wa« that tho steamer did not arrivo at Quoon-Btroot Wharf till twenty-five minutes past fl. I myeolf desired to bo in n certain portion of tho town at 9.30, and would havo had ajnplo timo to bo thero had tho boat loft at ita propor time, or even live minutes late; but as it was, I was put to serious inconvenience by my inability to Keep my appointment.—l am, &c, Dkvospokt.

On Tuesday ovening last a concert, by the kind permission of Dr. Bond and Miss Crisp, was given by the nurses of tho Auckland Hospital in No. 1 ward. Miss Goldston, Miss Lawry, Miss Crisp, and Dr. Bond also contributed to the evening's entertainment, which was in every way a success, and heartily enjoyed by thoso patients who were well enough to attend. The concert commenced by an admirably - executed picnoforto duot by Misses Goldston and Lawry, which was dosorvedly applauded. A wellsung glee, " The March of. tho Men of liarlech," by the nurses, followed, after which Nurse Steelo sang, "Courtship Lano," which was well rcceiTed, as was Qiao a duot

—"The Convent Bells"—by Nurse Doano and Miss Polly Deane. Mr John Taunton gave "The Minstrel Girl," and was followed by Miss Gpjdston with a pianoforte solo, which merited the appl»uso received. "Sweet BelleMahone," by Miss Rolse, and " The Minstrel Boy," a duet, by Nurso Deane and Miss Deane, were muoh applauded, as was also a song by Nurse Hescott. Miss Goldston ana Nurso Stoele followed with a pianoforte duet, which was highly appreciated. Dr. Bond sang, "The Blue Alsatian Mountains," and gave a humoraus reading from Mark Twain, being much applauded. Tl)e following songs were also admirably rendered : -—"Como, Birdie, Come," Nurso Long; "I Would That My Love," Nurses Steelo and Deane; "Will You Buy My Pretty Flowers?" Nurse Rqlso; "Hush Thee, My Baby,"by the nurses ; "In the Gloaming," Nurso Ilescott ; "Killarney," Nurso Deane ; " Grandmother's Chair," Mr Taunton; "Sweet Chiming Bells," Nurse Steelo ; " Tit For Tat," Nurse Stoolo. "God Save tho Queen," by tho company, brought a most enjoyable entertainment to a close.

The course ot true lpve, we aro credibly informed, never did run smooth, and tho above well-wprn adage wjll provido n splendid text for a little opisodp that has just transpired, to say nothing of t|io moral to be deduced therefrom. In our fashionable western suburb dwells a youth, noted for Ills interest in aquatics, who l)as lately become enamoured of the daughter of one of our most reopepted citizons, and who has anything but a regard far pur Jiero. In fact, ho had plainly given him to understand that "keeping company " with bis child would not be allowed. This notification did not seom to have tho desired effect, for it was only one morning this week that tlio pair wore descried, as usual, taking tlieji- way to town just as the horny-handed son of foil and our city_ magnates! were making their way to business. No doubt the youth had boen improving the shining hour by pouring into his fair inamorata's ear a talo of devoted love a»d affection^ and they wero just indulging in the last hand squeeze preparatory to a separation, when the pater appeared on the scene, and in a voice of thunder demanded tho why and wherefore from the guileless youth. Tho answor was t " I am not to be bullied by you, and don't want any talk !" "Then," cried the now furious guardian of his hearth and homo, "if you will not bo talked to, I will find another way," and suiting the action to the word, ho smote the would-be Lothario to such effoct that in a moment his " masher" hat wis thrown on the ground, along with his ooat, and putting on an attitude a In Professor Miller, waltzed round his antagonist. Tho picture at this moment was really a ludicrous ono, and *- —»t fail to affect the risible faculties aO t.°vsi' whoso faces wore eufhjsed to ROTH'S PUBEKPr, what promised to SHOWKR BATHS, Victories frustrated by a Charge—ONE SHILLING. Open all. m ,, r l,t i,: n . from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., and StjNDAY^ill* "im INGS from 6 till 10 a.m. The Bath-rooms TJUVas all private, and supplied with erery convenience, Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, soaps, &c Seleot Bathrooms (private): (or Ladies every day. at all hours, with f oraa)« attendance, One Shining an* Sixpence. Fleasd >ot« the address—Victoria street East, above tht> Sreyhound Hotel, ami next the Cheap Bedding -r l/Furniture Mart

Mr Adams, of the Swan Hotel, Mechanics' Bay, writes denying that he made any application for an extension of his liceme to Onehunga Race-course for the races tomorrow.

Mr Lachlan McGowan, whose clever dramatisation of Charlesßeade's "Never Too Late to Mend," hns prepared for the stage a version of Edmund Yates's interesting novel, "Hunted Down." It will be produced at the Opera House on Monday next, most of the local professionals having been engaged to assist.

The New Zealaneg Frozen Meat and Storage Company have, we believe, sola their property in Queen-street, presently occupied by Messrs Fisher and Co. and Mr R. C. Greenwood, auctioneer. The purchasers are the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, and the price paidis £31,500.

Tho Sunday-school at the Sugar Company, Birkenhead, is making steady progress, six scholars having taken off prizes from tho Scripture Gift Society. A monthly church service has been inaugurated, and the Yen. Archdeacon Maunsell will conduct a service on Sunday afternoon next at 3 o'clock.

Tho final sets of trial fours of the season in connection with the North Shore Rowing Club will take place to-morrow afternoon. The first heat will be started at 2.30 sharp. The trophies to he rowed for are a handsome set of silver medal.s, presented by W. Buchanan, Esq., President of the Club. The crews are as follows :—lst, A. Burgess, J. Webster, XV. Swinnerton, and J. M. Sibbin ; 2nd, G. Wynyard, G. Niccol, F. B. Slinn, and A. Logan ; 3rd, J. Sims, S. McGechio, W. Slattory, and W. Robinson ; 4th, \V. Greenwood, E. Burgees, S. Yon Stunner, J. Dalglicsh ; sth, C. Burgess, A. Buchanan, R. Logan, and C. James ; 6th, F. Duder, J. James, W. Wynyard, P. Wood : G. Reid and A. Fraser coxswains.

Tho Resident Magistrate's Court sat till a late hour yesterday afternoon, when the following cases were dealt with : —Clark v, O'Neill, claim £14 ; Mr Wood for plaintiff. This was an action to recover for luggage which had been left in the Hibernian Hotel, and which was to have been placed on board one of the Northern Steamship Company's steamers at Onehu nga. Plaintiff was nonsuited. Smith v. Carbines and Taylor, claim 12s Gd ; Mr Theo. Cooper for defendant.1) This was a claim for brokerago. Plaintiff was nonsuited. Thompson v. Sandoll; Mr Georgo for plaintiff, Mr Thoo. Cooper for dofondant. Tho claim was for £11 10h for cutting and opening out throo tons of hay. The case was reheard, and plaintiff again nonsuited.

If a man was going to marry his old grandmother, and tliun suddenly turned round, und married his rloh and pretty young cousin inßtoad, wo should tclvn bucli a man credit, (or having displayed good taste, and sound judgment. Ho in like manner, wo credit thoao people with having tho snino estimable (milllt lea, who have learned to purchase their provisions In tho cheapest market, and as the Auckland Provision Company sell Bacon and Choose twenty por cunt, cheaper than anyone vise, it follows) that to purchase from thorn, 1b ulrnost equal to marrying a rich and pretty young cousin. Wo havo a splondld shipment, /or To-morrow, of beet Canterbury Bacon and Chooau, and our usual motto " A Big pioco for a little monoy" will bo strictly adhered to. Plcnae cull early, in order to avoid tho rush and confusion of tho evening.— Auokland Provision Ooniuany. Iliuht Corner Stall. City Market.—A. Hktt4kv. Manasor.— (Advt.l

\V. F, Hicks opons on Saturday a now butcher's establishment at Mount Edon.

A three-act drama will bo represented tomprrrow ovoning at Abbott's Opora House, entitled •• St. Patrick's Night, or the Katal Duel," also a musical and aorohutlu Interlude, and the 1.-iughlnr-provoking farce of " Irish Justice." .Misses Lucy Ashton and Bella Sutherland will take part in tho entertainment.

Glooson'a ball alley has been closed for aoino time, hut re-opens for a spirited match, four players at £3 a-ulilc. There is a new murkor, and tho wholo game Is looked forward to with great Interest. The match is at 3 p.m.— [ADVT],

Bicyolos, unequalled for finish, price and quality, at Shokespear & Cos, (opposite he Market), Quocn-Rtrent.—(Ajjvt.l

Contracts taken for all kinds of concretework, large or uniall, and estimates and other information glviugt o thoso wishing to do thoir own work.—John Wilson and Co., 75, Queen street.—lAcvt

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4326, 28 March 1884, Page 2


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