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Wanted. TKT'ANTED KNOWN.—Grand line Hai: TT Brushes, Mi Rack Combs, Id; Nai Brushes. Ul ; 'lootli Blushes, Gd ; Kits, 3d, Id and od; Ejhj,, and Mustard Spppns, 2d Knife Boards, Is ; Toilet Sets, 10s ; Box-Irons 33 3d : Skewers, Cd the set ef 12-At Dampier'i Hobaon-atreet Shop WANTED.Two Good Painters.—Apply at once, new job Royal Mail Hotel. ANTED, a Married Man for a Farm. —Apply Newmarket Hotel. WANTED, two Carpenters for the work (only) of two cottages.—Apply Cottage at back Malvern Villas, Newton Road North. WANTED, a Labourer for two .or thvee daya, atMrCulpan'anewhouse, Selwyii Terrace, Parnell. WANTED, 7 a.m. sharp to morrow, 4 good Barrowmon, to wheel coals.— Mechanics' Bay Brickyard. WANTED,- a Manager for the Boot Factory.—Apply VV m. McArthur & Co. WANTED, a good Restaurant Cook.— Apply Blue PoU, Victoria-street. TTr'ANTED, a good Cook. — Apply at II once to VV. Lynch, Aurora Hotel. ANTED, a Smart Improver to the Carpontcring.-Apply to W. H. Fort, Napier stroot. ANTED, an Errand Boy.—Apply F. C. Sharland, Shortland-street. WANTED, a Boy.—Apply C. Canning, St. Mungo Cafe, WANTED, Three Lads not under 14 years of ago at Gledhill's Cordial Factory, Wellcsley-strcet. W ANTED, a respectable lad.—Apply to Wm. Leys, Bookbinder and Paper Rulor, 3 doovs above Star Oiilce. WANTED, a sharp, active Lad as shop boy ; must luivo refei-encea.—ll. L, l'oafiunißkie, Tailor, Shortlqnd-strect. WANTED, Apprentices and Improvers, also a Young Person who would assist in hpusework. — Mra Crocombe, "Dressmaker, near Mr Liunbourne'a Karangahapo Road, "\II7"ANTED, a first-claBS Barmaid for VI Upstairs Bar; good references required. iVpply Greyhound Hotel. WANTED, by a respectable Woman, Washing; plain, 1b :td perdoz.; starch, 3s pei'doz.—Apply M. W., Stak Offlop. WANTED Situation; an experienced Cook, or Housekoeper and Cook, will be rcnilv for engagement after March 18 (no hotels). —H.B , Star OlHce. ANTED, a good General ServantApply to Mrs Rprrie, ftdjolnjng Reinuera Station. WANTEP, a good Gpnerq} Servant.— Apply at qnepn'p Ferry Ilptel, Vplcan LanPj WANTEp, a Strong Girl as General Servant.— Apply onppsito l^rnc-strect Hall. ' " ' "tTirANTEP, a House and Parlourmaid, Vl and reapvctable Girl to attend to children and sew.—Apply to Mrs Ivey, Bank New Smith Wales (prlvato entrance), between 3 and 6p.m. \irANTED, a tidy, respectablo Girl, TT from 11 to IB.—Apply between 12 and 2 on Tuesday, to Mrs Farrington, Lincoln-streot, Ponsonby. WANTED, a Gaa Engine ; two-horse, or over.—Apply Box 2fll. "VI7"ANTED, a Partner with £300 to join II a B'isincss established for 4 years. This la an oligiblc opening for an energetic man. who can either take the insido or outside department. Principals only need apply to J. H. Kaudprson, Financial Agont, Mercantile ChamborS; WANTED, a l'artnor in a long-estab-lished Music Business. — Mr Webb, Lyceum Hall, wishing to retiro, is desirous to flhil a Hentjutnan to join hjs son. WANTED, a Loan of £100, repayable at £10 per inonfh ; satisfactory socurlty and good interoat,—A4drpss ''t A]phft," STAR o 11160 _ WANTED, Tenders for Lining tho Catholic Church. Takapuna.—Apply at St. Mary's L'ollogo, Takapuna, after Tuesday, 18tli March. WANTED, Mullet and Schnapper; Highest price given by tho Kaipara IJnrveyinglJnrveying Finn —J. and C. Gardner, Kaiparu. ANTED -When yon are in Hobsonstreet cull and see the largo and chcice stotik of Moagicl Tweeds just oponed for the ooming spitson. at Mnnrp and MilUgan'6. ANTED, the Ladies to know that M-inro and MlHigan'a Millinery Department is now reploUl with all tho latest Englieh and Kronch noveltiea for tho present season. WANTED.— Do you want Money on Frpphpld, Perao l!a } qp R thpraepnrity 1Apply tp J. H- Jtoprtppcon, Jnetcjuitile Ciiainbera. Bjlla dlspouiuud. WAITED.— Use only the "Brilliant" Ink for Rubber Stampa; any colour; is per bottle.—Murray, Rubber Stamp Manufacturer, Coombos' Chambers. \TSTANTED, 4 or 6 Gentlemen to form a T V Bachelors' Homo j laß housp, cloao tp the water, Poii9onhy.—"X.," Stab oftice. \VTANTED, liy a Gontlemaii of steady II habits. Private Hoawl and Residence; tho neighbourhood of NoUon-stroct proforred; references if I yen and nwintrrt'.—AddToss, U.S., care of Mrs Carey, corner of Nelson and CookBtreeta. WANTED, a Cottngo in Parnell or Ponsonby tp Rent for a small family (3); rent. Us to lOi per week.—Address "Home," Siaii ofllcc. WTANTED, a small Unfurnished CotTT tage. or two ropms with fireplace, by three young men; Mount Eden diatrict pic-ti-rred.-S.M.P., Star Office. WANTED, 2 respectable Single Men as Boarders in'vrlvato family ; terms;, Ug Od per wpp.|E.-'Apply in My& ' YtfAiig, G^Pcor, Grfy : stybdt. ' WANTED. — A Delightful Home is ofl'ered to a Lady and Gentleman near tho aea; IS minutes walk from town.—" Ponsonby," Stak Ofllcc. WANTEP, sufficient Oenrugated Iron to covor roof 15 x 0 foot; good, secondhand, and ohoap —State price, tea., to "T.F.R., Stak oillco. WANTED, in the lower end of QueenBtrcot or near tho Wharf, a Shpp and prpiniacs suitable fpr a Cpnfcctionpry and Dining-rooms.—Apply to J. M. and J, Mowbray, Land Agontu, Fort-street. WANTED to Rent, House of 7 or 9 rooms, 15 or 20 mlnuten' walk from Genpral Post-pillcc.—Address, W.A.R., Stak Offlco. \\T ANTED TO SELL, splendid Cab, II Harness and Pair, In thorough ordcK— Apply J. iT.Teirney. lit Mr Greyld Mineral Water Works, j|!lbort;atr-oe|. ' " WANTED to Sell, cheap, Day and Martin's Blacking, 6 dozen cakes in box, little dry, only 6d box: Janancsp Glpss, 6d bpttle, two bottlPS fpr lOd; Mixed Spipp, eight packets for Cd; Blue Sjprig Clips" ahfl Saiicers, small sizo, oply ia; LW'gP Cups and Saucers, is Od dozen; Waaji-Bfla'fSß, fid; Whjpa.lotei Washing Powders, 6djper dozen; Shop Bruahca, 2s Gd set-H. Wait, Pitt-stree^. \\T ANTED KNOWlf—That the balance VI 'of and Bpya' Clothing tha(. nfit4oldntßitotl°li uiin now bp hud at auction prices at tho Npw Zealand Tweed" Company, ShorUand-street,- lat« Mr Hampton's.—Josopb Moaos, Manager, VV ANTED KNOWN—China (white and t » geld), Us 6d tho sot; Broad Tins, 9d; Billies, is; Patty Tins, Id; Tin Meat Dishes, laid; Woed-bpwls. Is lid; Candlftßticks. Cd; Zinc Baths, ss; at Dampier's Hobson-Btreot Shop. , 4 WANTED KNOWN—Cheap Timbbe ! Cheap Timber I And all other kinds of Building Materials, can be purchased cheaper and better than anywhere else at the yards of D. Gourg. Albert-street. WANTED KNOWN—Tin Saucepans, lid; Tin Kottles, 2a 6d; Tin Dippers'. Is; Milk Skimmors, lid ; Graters, 4d; Towel Rollers, la 3d; Knives and Forks, (W the pair; Bellows, lsCd; Window Sorcensf, Hd ; Splush Mfltq (for vyaslistandal, $t:\ f\t pfifinpie^a Udbflpn-atrpct Sliqu, ' WANTETJ KNOWN, —Fire 1-40,000 yards Cream and Colpurcd Laces, from the Salvage Stock, at Id poryard, at S. Coombes & Co.'s. WANTED KNOWN-Tho Fresh Drapery inoludos Men's Dungaree Panta, 23: Drill do., 2a 8d; Men's and Beys1 Hard Black Felt Hats, Is Cd; Men's Fronch Peak Caps, nuporler quality, 9d; Bpys' Joan Hats, 9d; Men a Tweed Hats, Is Gd: Mon'» Shirts, Is 2d; White do., 2a Od.-At Dampior's VYaktifieldatreot Shop. '' " WANTED KNOWN— Button Hooks, Id each ; Hunthway's celebrated Peerless Gloaa'J 6d the bottlo: Ladiea1 Cork Solea, 2Jd the pair; Leather Boot LaceS, Id tho pair; Cptton dp.. 2d dpzpn; superior1 Shoohbrns. 8d; Bpot Protectors, 33''per card —a't'D'irtiipior.'B Boot 3hop, VjptorJß-affeet ' ' . ..' ' ' ' WANTED KNQWJf—AH the Innnense StpcU of *Rlbbonß, ab'mit B,<oo yarda, saved front tho uroat fire, to bo seld at 3 yards for Is Id, worth la yard.—S. Coombea and Co. WANTED KNOWN—That Willia^s's Circassian Hair Renowor \i thp only reliable preparation for Renowing vlw? Hair and beautifying if j-aap^tcfteiYuly flSßahy \XiV celebrated Cirpaesian" Beauties, — Prepavod by A.M. \yilllnmq. affl, Qiteen-atrcet. W ""ANTED SEEN—Tho Bargains in Pictures; Good sizo Pictures. 2d each ; very large superior Pictures' (mounted), 6u; grand line Elegant. Gilt-framed Pictures, is 2d, no htghcr pripe. and the'elhpr lot ftE BaVKaiHS^ At PampiCr.'s Shf.p. 10 WANTEP KNOWN —More fresh Driinory. incllullnK Prints, 3!d; Green Window Holland, laiStriped Tick, 6d; Grey Calico,' 2Jd ; Whlto Calico, 2Jd ; Hollahd, Jtd ; Lustre. 8d; Tweed, lid: Dress Tweed, SWI Printed Muslin,' 3jd ; Printefl Piroilj;., »J" ! Black VolVoteen. Is Bd| OlHJto no, BJd,—At Damijipr'a Wakßfleld-»troot shOji. WANTED KNOWN —Kapk Combs, 4d; Book Combs, 2d and 3d; grand line of Tooth Combs, 2d; Glycerine Soap, 7d p.ofUM Brown Windsor Soap, eight cak^, iaiVU I Hah' Pads, 3d per pair; M,\nHi Hbllahd Coata(Binall Size): *] 1U : *njartt«V«ootoes, 3d; VVadding, Id ffi ■md MdoUvorraMols, 3d; Toilet Fringe, foa:— At'DamptOr's Wakefleld-atrcct Sh,gp, TSTAIJTEn te>}O\VM ril VV '^StXpelffiiliWUnS infents'- Bonnofs. la ■BiV; Infant? Mothey'ltubuartl Bonnets'. 2s'9d ; Saco fcurwiai) -'s'M'j White TplleVQuilts, 5a Gd; I'Uowers, 3d. and Gd per bunch ;Black'Hair Oc^. Cd peryarfi;tiadles'-Whltp dvM paij,a:eil' Ilpjie WANTEP ■"»«* 3jjljdiCpUd^pfl^^te^ea.3^ iargp Bi*e, Mi&ii^mafilf Caflmiorp Capoft 9s lid; Men's Regatta ahn _.ww W^rs. 1 W Men's Linen Collars. Od—At DanjrfeftWafcg JhjltotrootShop^^^^^^^^^^^

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4315, 17 March 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4315, 17 March 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4315, 17 March 1884, Page 3


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