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City council.

The ordinary meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Present : His Worship tho Mayor, Crs. Stevenson, Field, Dacre, Devore, Marshall, Montague* Aickin, Offer, Fleming; La Roche, Burns, Garratt, Holland, Masefield; Mackechnie. .

COKRESI'ONDENOK. —Letters W6f6 received from W. J. Elliott, complaining of the Council filling up Nenl's property, Rokebystreet, with earth ; " the earth belonged to the ratepayers, and the Council had all the loafers and old soldiers in Auckland in their employ, with Derrom in command." Council considered the letter disrespectful, and did not receive it.—From F. D. Woodrifle, asking permission to connect with the I'Diisonby Boad main i Rotoi-red to Streets Committee.—From S. White, complaining of the bad state of the road leading to the nightsoil depot: Referred to Streets Committee.—From Mrs Short, roExmouth-street footpath : The Engineer reported that plans for raising the footpath hud been made — From E. Muhoney, juu., requesting cfc'fttiiii sloping in tliis stieot : Request to be complied with.—From T. Runciman re water supply for Dundonald-strcet : Referred to Streets Committee.—From the Secretary to tho Freezing Company to the ellbct that the trustees of St. Paul's had hot signed tho deed he was unablo to forward it. Ho asked payment of the following:—Onethird of £4,000 on account of tho purchase oE Farmer's property ; one-third of £101) to the Jewish Synagogue ; one-third of £2CO compensation to Mr Lawford; and onethird of £300 compensation to Mr Wright: Referred to Logal Committee.—From tho lessoo of the Markot re the granting of permission to erect a small ongine for tho purposo of cuttingtirowood : The Engineer reported that ho considered tho presence of tho engino would bo objectionable from tho noise that would be occasioned thereby; The Mayor moved tho reference of the mattor to the Finance Committee. Carried. —From Arch. Campbell, complaining of the existence of a large tree on a vacant allotment next his in Liverpool-street. It was over 100 feet high, and branches from it fell frequently. It was ■ a sourco of danger to the neighbourhood. The Town Clerk stated that the matter had been reported by tho Sanitary Inspector, but the tree being on private property, it appeared that tho Council could tako no action. Referred to Streets Committee.—From E. Smith, solicitor, on behalf of J. K. (Gilbert, complaining that the main fewer would injure his property in Baker-street, and asking that a covered drain bo carried through tho property. An o;ien drain running alongside Mr Gilbert's property in Morton-street was also complained of, and the writer concluded by offering tho two allotments for salo to the Council for l'2oo, The Engineer reported that before ho could report, the exact loculity of tho allotments referred to would require to bo ascertained. Reforred to Street* Committee.—From tho Secretary to tho Tramway Company reporting that the Harbourßoard had completed thoconncction between thu l'onsonbv Wharf and Woltangi Road. Ho asked the Council to do 1U share of the work. Decided to inform tho writer that tho work was being proceeded with.— From tho Socretary to tho Mount Eden District Board In reply to one from the Council demanding payment for tho services of tho Fire Brigade at the lato fire. The writer stated that the Board did not admit any liability. Tho Mayor: I movo the loltor bo received. Wo liavo no other alternative : Kccoived. — From G. Tibbcts, requesting a permit to erect steps in front of his property in Wellington-street: Reforred to Streets Committee.

Putitio.vs — Cr.- La Uocho presented a potition from residents In Kybor Pass, Arawa-street, and Sjafield View, aeking for the services of the dust contractor at least onco ft woek : Referred to Streets Com-mittee—-Cr. Holland presented a petition from residents in Kyber I'oss, asking that that thoroughfare bo watered onco dally during hot weather: Referred to Streots Committee. — Cr. Mnsofiold prcsonted a potition from tho Auckland Timber Company, Now Zoaland Timber Company, and others, applying for increased water supply in Customs-street West: ltcferrcd to Streets and Water Committee. — A petition from residents in Sussex-street, ro culvert, presented by Cr. Stovoneon, was referred to Streets Committeo.

Finance Committee's Uki-out. — The Comniitteo roported:—(l) That it ia not desirable niiy alteration bo now made in the accoptcd design for tho Library and School of Art, and that Mr Grainger bo instructed to prepare working plans and specifications for advertising tondor. (2) That on tho tender being within tho limit iixed by Messrs Grainger and D'Ebro 2\ per bo paid on the amount for plans and specifications. (3) Deposit on contract to be plnced at interest, and 5 per cent, be allowed to accepted tenderer, and that tho amount of deposit be £I,OIW. (-1) With respect to the motion of Mr Montaguo ro allotments, section 31 : That Mr Busby bo communicated with, to ascertain what ho will take for surrender of his leano within three months. (0) With rcspoct to clause in finance Committee report ro sitofor baths : That no allotments in section 31 be reserved for fresh-wuter baths site. (6) In respeot of S. D. Hanna's letter ro increase of pay : That Committee cannot recommend tho increase—Tho roport was adopted. Skrbbt.s CoMsimKH. — This Committee recommended:—(l) In respect of tho letter from \V. Edgar ro nulsanco West-street: That reply bo sont to tho effect of the City Engincor'a roport, viz., that Mr Edgar should lay pipes for his own convenience at presont, tho tamo as his neighbour. (2) In reference to tho lotter of Adam Brook, on bohalf of Mrs Anno Blagrove, re Mountstreot works: That tho Council's usual consent to romovo or slope tho earth, as roquosted, bo given at tho risk of tho ownore. —Tho Mayor intimated that Cr. Fleming had boon appointed Chairman of the Streets Committee —The report was adopted.

Lhoal Committhh. —Tliis Committee reported—(l) With respoct to tho City Engineer's report ro Clork of Works : That the Council authorise the employment of two skilled accountants to examine pay sheets, Ac., At a cost not exceeding £'/0. (2) Re Auckland Domain i The Committee request authority from the Council for the Committee to frivmo and forward an application to the Government asking that tho Governor's power rhould bo delegated to tho Council to control and hare the management of tho Auckland Public Domain. (3) Eo moino. from Town Clerk (permits from Surveyor for buildings fronting rights of way): That Building Survoyor be instructed not to issue any porrnit for buildings fronting or adjoining rights of way.— Theadoptionofthoroporthavingbeen moved, Or. Masofiold moved that the following addition be made to thefirat clause i—" Ana that Major Derrom's suspension be withdrawn." He said that as two skilled accountants wore to be appointed, they might assume that the investigation would occupy somo time. Belioving that Major Derrom was a conscientious officer, he did not think that they should prejudge the oase by keeping him suspended. Besides, ho was on pay, and would bo during tho investigation, and he did not think thoy should doprivo the city of his services.—Cr. Oiler seconded.—Cr. Garratt expressed regret that Cr. Maseiield should have taken tho stop ho had. Tho Council, in suspending Derrom, had gone too far to retire now beforo the matter had beon fully investigated. If Derrom was cleared thoy would then have to make the amondo to him.—Cr. Aiokin said that if Cr. Mascrtiold had boon on tho Logal Committee ho would not havo made the motion. Dorrom had unreservedly admitted to tho Logal Committee that mistakes had been made. They wanted to find out the extent of those blundors.—Cr. Montaguo objoctod to £'20 of the ratepayers' monoy being expended in this manner, and urged that the Council should proceed to appoint a competent person in Major Dorrom's place. The Engineor should discover tho errors and report to tho Council.—Cr. Dovore said tho question was simply this :It would tako Mr Anderson three weeks to go into the accounts, and would it bo botter to let him give his timo to that or omploy the accountants ? Ho belioved that the result of this investigation would be a saving of ratepayers' money, and in a direction that was little Buspocted at present. Cr. Masefield's motion almost coinpellod the Legal Committee to give their reasons, but this would be very undesirable. Though ho was almost persuaded to state one reason, he would retrain.—ln answer to Cr. Montague, the Engineer said he did think the works would suffer from the suspension of Major Derrom.—ln reply to Cr. Crowther, Mr Anderson stated that he had himself inspected the works this week.—Cr. Burns stated that the Engineer had already stated before the Council that he considered Derrom incompetent to act as Clerk of Works, and he asked how, in face of that, the Council could reinstate Derrom.—The Engineer stated that his report would be ready by next meeting, and perhaps then tho sorvicot- of tho accountants would not be required. He believed that they would not.—A Councillor said that then it would not bo necoss..ry to vote the I^o for the accountant*. — The Mayor, after remarking that . this showed ■ a Avnut of confidence in the Committeo, put the amendment, which was lost.—Cr. Crowthor then moved a further amendment that the £20 bo not voted,

pending the receipt of Mr Anderson's report. He eaid the Committee, in recommending the voting of the money before Mr Anderson had reported that it vras necessary had acted with precipitancy. He thought that the officials of the Council, tlie City Treasurer for instance* might have been trusted to make the investigation.-— Or. Mase'ield seconded. — Cr. Montague dgain urged that they should find a substitute for tho Clerk of Work*.—Cr. Aickin supported the recommendation of the Committee. He said that he did not know of a matter of more importance than the matter now before the Legal Committee regarding contracts, etc. It was a matter that would run into hundreds of pounds, and a paltry £■20 should not stand in the way of a complete investigation being made outside the Council officials. He understood that it was proposed to appoint the City Auditors to make 'the investigation.— Cr. Garnttt could not understand the position taken Up by Cr. Crowther, seeing that less than a month ago ho had voted for tho handing of Ll2O to the Water Committee to •to prospecting with. He thought it would pa unfair to IJcrrom that tho officer making thS charge against him should be called to look into tho evidence and report. — Crs. Oiler and Ma'ckcchni* took the same view, the latter remarking thfit the Committee's recommendation was made in Major Derrom'fl interest.—The amendment was then put and lost, and tho report was put and adopted. The Hakdouk Boakd Oi'J'ICEM. —A letter was read from Mr i>. Ross, architect for tiro .Harbour Board Ofliccs, stating that tho City Building Surveyor had objected to the building as not complying with tho Building Regulations with respect to tho thickness of tho walla. If the Building Surveyor had brought the matter of tho di«puto nnder tho notico of tho Council, he asked to bo heard in tho matter. —Cr. Bacre suggested ths reference of tho matter to the Streets Committee, No time would bo lost, as it appeared thafi there was also dispute between the architect aud the contractor. The City Engineer pointed out it was with the contractor, and not with tho architect,' they had to deal. Tho permit was issued to the contractor —Letter referred to Streets Committee —architect and con' tractor being requested to attend. Jkksiyx-stkebt.—Cr, Aickin asked what \ra.« the present position of matters with respect to proposed works in this thoroughfare.—The Sui veyor naid that the drainage v orka were now close up ori tlie list, and would be commenced shortly. Drainage was the ouly work passed. No permanent formation works had been assented to.

Livkei'OOL-stbkiet.—ln reply to Cr. Crowthoi'i tho Surveyor stated that ho would take the Liverpool-street drainage works in hand in tho course of two or three weeks. Svmosds-stkkkt.—Cr. Devore asked by whoje authority tho Government officialshad been prevented from placing scoria in Symonds-street. It had been the custom for tho Government to metal this thoroughfaro once a yoar. Some local official had stopjxjd the Government official, and the metal had not been laid.—The Engineer replied that what lie know about tho matter was merely hearsay.—Cr. Devore asked Hint the Engineer should ascertain the facts and report at next meeting. — Cr. Burns said that the work had been undertaken by Mr Hales, District Engineer. While the spreading of the metal wns In progress, tho City Clerk of Works asked the foreman in charge of the work under whose instructions the work was being executed. He replied, "Mr llaleaV," whereupon the Clerk of Works in effect ordered him to desist, and the work wuu siißpondod. Cit. Tiiomfhon's Seat.—The Mayor reported thatCr. Thompson's seat was vacant, and in reference to statements that had been made in the paper he pointed out that had Cr^ Thompson taken part in the proceedings of the Council it would havo been at his own rink. Proceedings of the Council would not have been violated through his taking part in them. Cr. Thompson had been in town three weeks after the accident, and he had himself to blaino for losing the seat.—Cr. Muckechnlo agree with the Mayor that no blumo Mas attachable to tho Mayor, Town Cloi'k, or tho Coßncil. It was absurd to supposo that anyone but Cr. Thompson was to blaino.—lt was then decided to take the necessary steps for filling up the vacancy. Lo(;k Hospital.—-The report on this institution showed that there were now nine inmates.

Telescope Fikk Escape.— Tho Superintendunt of tho Fire Brigade reported tho arrival of tho telescope firo escape, and that it, was in good order and condition.—On the suggestion of tho Mayor, it was decided to have a public trial of tho escape at an early ilatc.

CoNckai.kd FIRE Plugs.—Tho Superintendent reported that at tho lato fire in Franklin Road considerable delay had been occasioned by tho casing of tho ball hydrants being covered with scoria. This was through the carelessness of contractors for corporation worko, etc. Ho recommended that the stone casings bo taken up and woodon casings placed round the plugs. A Bimilar report was received from tho turncock. A memo, was recoived from tho Town Clerk stating that tho plates indicating the positions of fireplugs were not properly looked after, and suggested that the inspection of these plates should be placed under the Firo Inspector, with instructions to place platen whore necessary.—A resolution embodying this suggestion was carried.—Cr. Laßocho mentioned that though they had wator-pipes in Seafiold View, Gaol Road, and other streets in Grafton, they had no firo-plugs. Ho supposed ho would hove to rnoro in tho Council before anything was done.—Tho Mayor mado a memo.

Tkndeiw.—Tenders for formation in Karangaliapo Ward—Hopotoun-stieot and two new streets in section 53—were rocoivod as follows :—Archibald, £4,455 ; Seymour, £4,487; Knight, £4,477; Blewdon, £-1,020; Elms, Pascoe, and Co., £4,371; Irwin, £4,247. —The tender of the last-named being the lowo»t, was accepted. The Engineer's estimate was £4,500.

Motions.—Cr. Devore moved, " That in future tho Town Clerk, during all Council meetinga, ait at tho reporters' table, and Micro transact his business of Town Clerk." —Carried by a majority of one — Cr. Marshall moved, "That tenders be called for tho korbing and channelling in Graham and Hardingo atroeto, and that the work be at once proceeded with.—Cr, Aickin euggostcd that tho following worda be aubstituted i—-"That the work be considered ' urgent,' and that tho Engineer prepare the necossary plans and specifications."—Cr. Marshall accopted tho amendment, and the motion, as mnonded, was carried. Tho Council rose at 9 p.m.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4309, 14 March 1884, Page 4

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City council. Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4309, 14 March 1884, Page 4

City council. Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4309, 14 March 1884, Page 4


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