The ordinary weekly meetiDg of the City Council was held last evening. There were present—His Worship the Mayor (J. M. Clark, Esq.), in the chair, Masefiild, Garratt, Burns, Bell, aickin, Montagne, Thompson, Woddel, Crowther, Devore, Phillipps, Dacre, Field, Fleming, Mackechnie, Stevenson, and George. Loan Bill.—His Worship intimated that he had received a telegram from Mr Peacock stating that the Loan Bill had passed through the House of Representatives with but trifling amendments, which would not affect the intentions of the measure. SherIDAStSTREET,—Letter irom Arthur Wood drawing atteution to the state of ho embankment in Sheridan-street, ami asking that attention bu paid to the matter.— Letter received. England-street.—Letter from James McMa'h, stating that during the heavy raias of the 25tn the xratings in Englandstrecs culvrrt were choktd with rubbish, caiuing the water to How through bia garden, and carrying away timber protection.—Tue City Surveyor reported that the had >cut a mail over to put the aboot right, CtfSTOMHOUSE-STIiKET EAST.— Arnold Hines aud Co. wrote stating that they had i suffered to o considerable exteut tliruugh i having their kauri gum cellar flooded with water by the bursting of a water main through the street being blocked, and drawing attention to the fact that Customs ■ street East is being narrowed by deposits of ballast, &c., on the Bide towards the reclamation. — 'ihe Surveyor reported that 14 days' notice to remove was given to owners of ballast, &c, at the beginning of the month by the Clerk of Works*—Agreed that a reply be sent stating that proceedings would be taken to compel removal, YVATKR CHANNEL,—Messrs B. Tonks and Company drew attention to the dilapidated state of the water channel opposite their store, Brunxwick Buildings.— deferred to Streets Committee. KIOHMOND i>OAD. -J, Woodhead, Richmond Koatl, Fonsonby, complained of a culvert under the footpath in this thoroughfare which drained the water from the road on to and ov.r his allotment. — Th 6 Surveyor reported that he had instructed the overseer to examine and iuform him of the particulars —Agreed to defer the action pending Survey or's report.
BtJILDIuG REOIULATIONS. —K. McMillan, Vulcan Lane, applied for permission to er*ct a corrugated iron shed in Gore-street, on allotment adjoining the of D. H. McKeunie, in terms of building regulations ; dimensions to bo 40 x 20.—The Buildiug Surveyor reported that the application was not in accordance with tbe regulation*, which provldud that no forge be allowed. — Application refused. Lbass.—flan Cameron wrote accepting offer of £30 to determine lease of allotment in Mount-street held by the writer. -A memo, appended stated tbat the lease had been surrendered, and the Council could no at have possession. Clyb»-STRE»t.—Krnest Butler, Angie-sea-street, wrote, askirjg if it vras possible to bave a sewer put from Clyde-street through to Sullivan's gully, as the water tie got on his property was something dreadful. He had twice had his ftucu smashed and bis gardeu ruined from this came, —The JCu^iucer reported that this gully was a natural watercourse, and in milking gat duns provision bad not bo*n nude to take the storm-water. This was no fault of the Council.—Agreed to send an answer in accordance with Surveyor's memo, allbgkd Nuisance. — George Stainea wrote complaining that Mr Levy, cordial manufacturer, Upper Queen-street* had lo drainage of any sort to carry the water off his premises, and hence it and rotten filth was drained into the writer's yard,—Tim Inspector of Nuisances reported that he had laid information, and the Court dismiised the case with coat*, on the ground that horse manure was not a nuisance. — The following memo, was appended : -"Late decision giving costs against the Council hai betn brought under notice of Minister of Justice, with a view to Sanitary Inspector being placed on the same footing with these cases as the police prosecutions, viz., no costs being for the public benefit."—Un the motion of the Mayor, the Inspector was instructed to inspect the premises again, and if the nuisance is Dot removed, to take proceedings again with the assistance of the Uity (Surveyor. Gbafton HoAq})— William Isaac, Grafton Koad, complained of the state of the road at the entrance to his residence.— The Surveyor reported tbat instructions had been given to have the matter attended to.—Answer to bo sent accordingly. DAY-STKKEr Drainage.—Messrs Hesktth and Richmond wrote on behalf of Mrs Eastwood, of Day-street, complaining tbat tbe drainage work which sno had been compelled to carry out was wholly unneceswry, and calling upon the Council to make a substantial refund. jkcc> ipis for £27 and £5 paid to contractor were appended.-In answer to questions put by tho Mayor, the City Surveyor said there had been no schedule price of drainage beyond tbe street boundary.—Mrs Eastwood had not been ordered to do this work, and instructions had beea given by the owner to tho contractor.—The notice served was only the ordinary one to drain, — Agrsed to defer action until tbe Engineer's report is received. Claim for Building. — WesirsHesketh and Kichmond, on behalf of Mr Andrew Bell, conifucor, wrote, pointing out that after the fire he had been compelled to erect brick premium at a cost of £300, instead of wooden ones costing £150, and asking tbat bo be allowed tne difference in price.—Keferred to the Legal Committee. LAUrfi. —H. Brttt wrote, offering to erect iv connection with his new office, two lamp-potts of ornamental design, one in front of the Shortlaud*stnet entrance and the other outside the premises in Fortstreet, provided the Council would supply th» aame with gas. -Kefoired to the Streets Committee, Kichmond Road Work*. — Kobert J, Warnock, on bebalf of the Newton Board, complained that the iiiohmond lioad works had not been carried out, the Board having carried out its part ot the Bgietment.—The Surveyor r«ported that it bad been found impostible to get the metal over this road beyond a certain point, owing to tbe ioft wet surface caused by the winter rains. Tho contractor bad been inshucted to proceed, and would continue until completion. Bayfiild.— E. E. Townshend, Bayfield, drew attention to what he called the disgraceful state of East-street and Bendigostreet, off Wharf streot, PonsoDby ward, and asked for an approach to his house. ~ The Surveyor reported that on his trip through the wi>rd, these streets existed only on the plans. A few houses had now been erected, and ho would make another search.—Further consideration was deferred pending Eogineor's report. Patteson-Strkrt. -Alfred Hemingway complained of tbe state of (he drainage :i' tbe foot of Union-street at its junction with Patteson-streot. With evory heavy rainfall his (hop front was flooded,—The Surveyor reported that an extra crating would not remedy the evil. The sower required extending up Union-streut, with gratings fixed to intercept the water. He would see what was b:ac to bo done in tho circumstances, Iden-STKKbt.—B. Berry wrote asking what conclusion the Council had come to concerning fden-itreet, and inquiring re agreement.—Mr Cotter telegraphed from the Thames ihat the matter would be finished before Ist Damage to Whakf Water Pipes, - The Harbour Board wrote declining to recognise any liability in the matter of the damage by tbe s s Australia to the water pipes on the Kailway Wharf, and refusing to pay the amount of £12for the damage.— Refoired to L'gal Committee. COLLI!> QWOOD - STREET. —Cr Phillipps presented a petition from the residents of Collingwood-street re drainage.—hef erred to Streets Committee. Hotel License —Petition received from ratepayers on the reclaimed land to tho westward ot the wharf, protesting against the transfer of the license of tbe Waverley Hotel to an hotel on the reclamation. —The petition was signed by J. C. Firth, J. H. Hall, and 190 others —Received and reforred to the Legal Committee.' Legal Committee.—'J his Committee recommended :— (1) Ke . letter irom S. I>. Uuima concerning nuisance from Tallow Company's works at "Western Springs, that Mr banna report again if the practice is continued,fancl forward report thereon, with evidence of witnesses for immediate action: (2) memo, from Town Clerk, report from 0.-;*-.- !„,.„„„»„- „_ ji n. t « _ f a"»itery Inspector, and letter from buperintendent of Police re removal of street refuse, that no permit be authorised to be uged for EUCU purp()ges . (3) memOi from Town Clerk re rkht-of-way Army and Navy Hotpl ttint Mm Fnoinppr lm in ,f ? i V •kg t , "tiuctid lo close the right-of-way for 48 boura from Queen-street; (4) memo, from Town Clerk re leases (rota aod Connop), rafarroA tn onitnit,.. i n «/,(■ ik\ »,,,>,. (- T.U referred to solicitor to act j (5) memo, from , Town Clerk re Punakitere Block, tbat
tenders be asked for leasing same for gumdigging; (6) letter from P. W. (Jlayden, forwarding two books for presentation to i Free Public Litany, that tbc same bo accepted with thanks ; (7) letter from solicitor re New Zealand Timber Company's brick kiln, that action be deferred, but if the olience is repeated the solicitor to proceed against the Company j (S) re asphalt crossing, north side of Victoria-street to Park entrance, that the same stand over until building adjacent is completed, and the road settled ; (9) memo, from Park gardener re drainage Western Patk, that the ntcessary work be done at the Engineer's estimate of £15 ; (10) same re Mr IV-ssell's gift of plants, that same be accepted with thanks ; (11) re ccmeteriep, that applicutiou bi mude to the Government for a Crown Grant for cemetery site at Waikomiti; (12) re Lock Hospital, Committee report, after inquiiy, that the cost of furnishing the building (excepting two •wards) will not be less tban £150, and the annual cost, including medical uilicer, i resident mation, and assistant, provuion>, ' fuel, etc . will not exceed £600; (13) later from J. E. D. Spicer, ie offering books for sale, Committee caunot recuinujeud the puichusc, the buoks not beiug suit.ible for a Free Public Library; (14) letter from Superintendent of Fire Brigade re bell, etc., that Engineer prepare f-pecificatinns for bell tower, and call for tenders; (15) that a canvas fire-escape be procured for a three-story building in height, and the superintendent to report on the best desenptiou of lire-escape apparatus j (16) te lire escapos at hotels and other buildings, that the Governmeut be requested to have included in Municipal Coiporations Act power to make by-laws enforcing fire ladders and other means of fireescape. Appended to the report were the estimated salaries, etc., at proposed Lock Hospital, as follow*:— Medical officer, £150; matron, £100; servant, £50} six patients, Keep, £180; matron and servant, keep, £70; drugs, £25; gas, £18; coal, £15 : total, £60i.— A report from Mr Pond, giving the results of analysis of water from Western Springs, was also appended. He considered the water was very pUto for drinking purposes. —All the clauses, with the exception of that (12) referring to the L ck Jbospital were adopted without discussion.— Speaking iv reference to clause 12, Cr. Waddel said the doctor considered it would be insufficient to fit up two wards.—The Mayor moved that clause 12 be adopted, and immediate steps be taken to carry the Contagious Dheases Act into force in Auckland. The iirst step, the speaker said, would be to order the finishing of the hospital, and the next to engage a medical officer, following It up by advertising for a matron aud ratioos. He did not thiok the aunual cost would amount co £600. The average number of patients at Ch istchurch was two. Many people,. h« added, imagined that the Act was repealed in England, but it was not so. It was only a scratch vote, Plymouth and the other large towns, he Bald, had petitioned against the repeal of the Act. Quotations on the subject from various Home papers were read by the Mayor in support of his statements.—Cr. Montague seconded the motion.—Mo other member spoke, and the motion was carried without opposition.—The report, as a whole, was then adopted.— On the motion of the Mayor, thetegal Committee wa» authorised to engage a medical officer to take charge of the Lock Hospital, and alto a matron.— Cr. Bell thought this matter could very well have been managed by a small branch of the Lunatic Asylum or Hospital.—Cr, Devore said the figures regarding the cost had been put down on a most extravagant basis, and he believed the cost would not, in any case, exceed £450.
Finance Committee.—The Committee recommended as follows : (1) Letter from W, AicUin, offering Mr Russell's land, Chancery-street, for sale, that Curnmittee cannot recommend the purchase, they being ascertained that,it is impossible to obtain the allotments right through to Chancery-street, to enable it being widened, at any reasonable price, (2) Letter from H, C Wiae resxeavation and lowering of house, the proposal is reasonable, and when the time arrives for the cutting, will make the arrangement with him. (3) Memo, from Town Clerk re properties, Ktraugahape Koad and section, 51, 52, 53, deferred. (4) Committee has fixed upset price for ullotments in Selwyn-street, The Mayor reported that the purchase of Mr Russell's property would iuvolvs the purchase of that underneath.—Report adopted.
Sireets COMnrrrßE.— Thi3 Committee recommended - (1) Letter from W. Levy re footpath in W#llesley-street, that no action is necessary. (2) Letter from Branston and Foster, re offer of pig lend for sale, the Committee do not recommend to purchase at present. (3) Re gas lighting and. mains, that tbe Gas Company's attention be called 10 the repeated complaint* of the poor light thrown from the gas lamps, which the Committee believe is mainly attiibutable to the regulators fixed by the Company becoming choked with dint, etc.; a request made that name be removed. (4) Be mains on ro»d, that the streets be lepiired by the Council at tbe expense of the Gas Company, the Engineer to intenl carefully to tbe matter in accordance with arrangements now in existence. (5) Letter from secretary of the Harbour Board offering to trant-fer weighbridge, Committee does not recommend acceptance of the offer. (6) Letters from Mesrs Gillies, Hay, Sinclsir, and Russell, re removal of fence, Kymondsstreet, and asking for retaining wall, that the prop'ietors have been requested to remove their fence and the Engineer put a one-rail fence where required. — Report adopted,
Fire Brigade.—lt was agreed that the maintenance of the Fire Brigade bo reported upon by the Finance Committee a fortnight benct, owing to the Insurance Companies having withdrawn their contributions.
OBSTRUCTION.—Cr. Phlllipps drew attention to the obstruction caused to the footpath in bymonds-street by vehicles on the occasion of concerts in the Choral Hall.— Agreed that the attention of the Inspector ot Police be drawn to the matter,
MQHT-SOIL,—Cr. Devore drew attention to the f»ct that the night-soil dep6t at Point Chevalier would be cloaid after next Wednesday.—Referred to the Legal Committee with power to act. 11 in urns. "I ho Fire Brigade Superintendent reported seven falsa alarms, and ono fire.—The Inspector of *bb»toirs reported having vinited 42 butchers' shops, aud fud condemned one piece of meat.
Kbwahd. — Agreed to givo Sergeant Gamble a reward of £6 for securing a conviction against f-aadell for illegally slaughtering animals. GAOL KOAD.—Agreed that the levels as submitted be advertised.
Bell Tower,—The cost was estimated at £UO.
Emily Place.—Agreed that the levelß of one in ten be advertised. - The Harbour Board wrote notifying its willingness to join the Freezing Company in catting down Kniily Place as soon as the levels are fixed.—The Legal Committee was authorised to confer with the Harbour Board and Freezing Company if necessary. —His Worship moved the motiou of which notice had been eiveo, " That the City Eugiuecr be instructed to report on the practicability of cutting down Princesstreet and Kmily Place, so as to get a gradient to Customhouse-street of 1 in 13." Ho said that evervoue would admit th it if it was possible to get a grade of 1 in 13 it would be desirable to do so, as the whole of the heavy traffic from Great North Road and Kybor Pass Road wou'.d be diverted from Queen-street, which was often crowded with traffic. Hobson-street would be another means of relieving the Queenstreet traffic in the future. - Cr. Garratt seconded the motloD, which was agreed to. —Cr. Montague said wheu the question came up again he would oppose compensa» tion, while Crs. Waddel, Aickin, and Crowther spoke in favour of the work.— Motion agreed to.
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Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 2
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2,705CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 2
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