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J Wanted., » *7 ANTED, a Bteady Man to take charge V? ot cows, work in Rarden, _md make hirflself generally useful— Apply to 0.. Alexander7lns«r<irioe Bnlldln«s. between 0 and it) o'ftlook moriii- g; ■ , I AifiED, 8 good General Servant; copd wiigesi Bfiaa'l f/jmlly; leference required.-Apply at once to Mrs I. Levy, 2U, Q'ueen-Btrei-t ; . .■ t .; , t, &TANTED, a Storeman f mtist be ttsed W to drlviue.-Apply to H. Halt and Gj., CltyjMarketj . WANTED KNOwN-^SliksandSa'los In gcoat varietr, at J, Smitls'a. QueenBtreet. ■ — WANTED, a! Youug Man to ride for orflßrfl.-ir.- liaHKloy, Butoher, HobsanBtreet, _^,_ i ... ANTKD, agential, smart,gdod flaifl Cook; references reauired.—Apply' to the grltointtrt Hotal. Oustom-houae-streer. ' AnTED* "ltiteti Keapectablo Young Men as Bosfflers;' bath room and every oonvonlenee. Terms. 203 per wflek; - Mra Jeff eys, Vinoent-Btreet. . ._ W' aIT TED, a smart Craft to carry about 20 ton'v lief draught when loaded not "> exooed 5 feet; must be in Kcod orfler.-Apply T. arid sVMorrin&Oj. (Umitod), SJhlpohanalery DapiiTtaerJt. irinrtrD k h vw nHundbkdS oi1 ... 3IBIW LKGHOKV. MANILI.A CHIP. ABfD FaKCT HATS, It MRS BUT I'SmWOKTH'd, Williner, Qobkn-stbkbt. opposite the Pity Market. AN 'JED K.« 6WK — Money advanced on personal security, reparable by weekly or monthly instalments, or in fin? way to suit borrowers.—Hart's London Loan, tfndof Theatre Royal, Victoria-street. \\T ANTED KNOWN to Laaies of » » Auckland' and District, especially to Milliners and Dressmakers, that Mrs W, M. Tench is prepared to Toach only a Hrcftea nuM; ber of Lauiea tha Art of Feather Dressing.—For ; tarrno, &c, apply Mrs W. M. Tench, Feathor DrcdsEr, oppoalto Princo Arthur Hotel, Hobsoni stroot.

WANTED, Cash Buyers for l'resh Kme, Choicest Fresh Butter. IHaest Walroa Cheese, and Prlmo Canterbury Hams And Bucoo. Lowest Wholeealo Prices and Saeolal Terms to abops, Boardlnif-houaes, and mrK31 Bujorß.-UOBKBl1 lIHi W,'City Tea Mart; Vlotorlii-Dtroot. • ANTED KNOWN — Men's Good Tweed Suits at Cl fa 66, at J. Smith's, Qooan-t treat. ____, AwTJiD KNuWN—That S. Suriitan has n fow of hla Cheap BuMdinu Lota left, wiilch he will dispose ot on very easy Sri' Price; from IDs per Hoot-Apply S. Sar mon. Mount Kden Koad. _ APTtBD1 KNOWN* - Sel% on Selling or; CheapertbSn. 6ver: To new arrival" and the publlogeno'raliyi-W; and G. China BVeaßfßStOups and Sancers, fid) Toa0; 7U; goo'a delf ditto, ll;odd W. and G. Cnpp, Od; Kkk Oupa, Set Glass Sugar Ba'sina, 9d; Hnttdr Coolers, 91 Kngravcd Wino Glasses, 3d; 4am Dishes, 03; Bvtloit Loaklrjg-GHaesee. 4b Bel; fall (.(sii 'lolMßetd (s ptouos),1 12s; Meat Dishes, 8d j Pad ding Bowls, 3d; Hie Dishes. Gel; and every description oC China, Glaes, Barthonware ami F«n'oy Goods at equally low prloeß. Noto|the add'ess; F. A. Henman, K&rangahapo road, opposite Nflwtqn Hotel. \A7AKTBD.KN(?\yN-Black anct Blue W Fancj Coatiuß Salts at J; Smith's for Rl Us Cd. vifANTED TO SKIL CHEAJfW, Good Rloo. sibs tor is; Good Pickles, only 01 per bottla l white and Gold Cups aad Siucers. 01 cd'oU. Bi Od the d< zon; Bpeotao'es If,1 3 for 2* 6. Wanted to flail ~lot oJt tfieap Toyc, for Christmas tioos, from 101 per doson; Tin Toys, 2i 6d to 7a per dozen; Violins, with tnaos and bow, /rein lis to 25a j Toy Watches, with Jewels In tham, only 6d: Musical popgun?, 8d eaob, it 6 1 ttS doeen; 300 Rtoss bsxea ot Pens, Id per dozen, only Cd thajftom b?x; Penholders 2s the frroas, 2 Rroes f.r & Bd ; ISO sets of Vfato late. 2j the set of 3» another lot ot, Cheap Sponge, from 2d to 2s: 12 dozen (riovfi-PpW only 'is each; 15 dozin Sash Brushos, from i<x to i 161 : 3 dozen Ontsh Boxes from 2i fid to Is fid ; 13 dozon Largo Pictures, ODly 8d caoh: 21 dozon Sraa'.l PlctartA only U cacti, Is 6d the dozen; 0 do«en Ballß-eie Lanttrnn. only 101 each, 8s 01 thd dozan; i 8 dcr.On Nail Brußhee, a for Is, 2a 31 thedoZm: 3 Kress of.Oflrpeiitm-'s Penolls, Id each. 104 the dozen j IB doian Vaees. ouy lOd oaoh 2 for Is Od ; Large Plotnree; in glit frames, oaly's:ie<ch, 2 for Ba; £0 dozen Wine Qlasßes, onlj 2d each, la lO'l per dozen, Be In timr, S5 coziuCut sherry Glasses, 31 each. 2a ud the dozen: £0 dozen fruaH Coloured TumblerP, oUy !d. ur li IQI the demn; SO dozen Largo Tumblers. Siesch, it 8d tno dozen; 12 dozen Engraved Deoan'flrs; only IB 8d each, 2» 6d the pair; LvgoSiz? DBoarterS. enßravert, 2icac]i, 3iGd tha pair; Bread Trajß, 10-l and is 3d| wioweia and F.guree; ur.aor t, lits anodef,' Jffom it 6d to 5< Od, and a vwioty ot other thing'; Chrlhtmas Candlec, 8 for fid; Si box of £6; 2 boxes for 5s 6d. Bo In time aad do not come lato.—lf; WATT, FUt-aireot.

\\f A N"TBD .KN <> WN-M USIC. VV MUSIC. MUSIC. Tho G5 cases just received from.Englnnd includo an immense quantity of Piano Mtislo. junking my Stock about Fifteen thtWsund Copies* nil ONLY SIXPENCE EACU, lncHld^ ing Sacred Songs, Sentimental Songs (English, Irish; and Scotch), Comic Souks, Dunces, Pieces; Music ill Books; &pi, &c, Also, Czornoy's 101 Kxercises, Is; Ilomy's Tutors (tlip now edition), 3s: Violin Duets. Is; A'iolin Tutors, 13; Tiolin tjtriuKa (Ist, 2nd, 3rd, and lib), 3d; Superior do., Id and Gd.-N.8.-A large quantity of the above ■ Music for tho Piano arc arranged os Ducts by tl'.Q celebrated Julius Benedict.—A Üboral allowitnfco to tlio trdtlo and profession;—DAMPlEU'S Hobson-street Shdp; .... \\7 ANTED KN " \V"-T CHEaP V* BOOTS! CHEAP BOOTS! FOR CHRISTMAS, including Ladis' Prize Medal High Heel, High Leg. Kronen Sel* Sown PrunoHa Boots, 6s Gd; Ladies' High Heel, French Sole, Evening Drees Shoes, is (id; Large lot of Cliildren's Dress Shoes, si/.o 6 to 13, very Cheap« Ladies' House Boots, 2s fid; Grand Lino of Youths' Elustic-sidoßoots, 8s Gd; Gontlomens Derby Cut Shoes (our own make), 10s &c, &c.: nlso a job lot of Men's and Women's B-ots; (odd sizes) very Cheap; about 50 gross of Leather Laces, which average 3G inches in length, Id tho pair, or Od the dozen pairs; much cheaper by the gross. -W. H. DAMPIER. Boot Manufacturer, lato W. Johnstono. Victoria-street.-N.U.-Ploaso obsorvo that W. H. Dampier is written at tho bottom of tho shopirout. W'aNl'Ku, the Inhabitants of AuclcianQ to Patronise tho Noted Prlnoo Arthur I Hotol, and its SPARKLING ALK9. On the Bar Connter and Pnbllo Rooms taateita BAOS iCtK ROLLS, PORK PIKS, and other little Deltcaolee, supplied Gratis.

WEDDING BRKAKFABTS ARRANGED AT THK SHORTKBT X OTIC if. PICNIC PA 11TIE3' H AMPBRB nicely arranged from Ten Shillings and upwards, HUBERT OKAM, FfedPßlETO*' y*T ANTED KNOW*. GIVING UP THE UIIiUNKRI BUSINKtS TO MAlnt RIOM FOB CHRISTMAS STOCK HEM'S OIOIHIIja 3000 Ladles' Hata at half-price 20 Boxes Flowers at half price 2(0 Feathers and Tips at half-prloe TRIMMINGS OF ALL DESBORIPXIONS AT LESS THAN COST. N.B.—Must bo Cleared by Oth December. BR*NNAN'S CHEAP DRAPERY WARKHOU3B, Foot of Vlotorla-Btreet. ANTED KNOWNMRS. BUTTERWORTH, Millings, Is Now Snowino » Largo Assortment 01 LONDON AND PARIS MILLINHBY. In all the Newest Styles Also, FKATHBRF, FLOWBRS. RIBBON?, SILK, IjAOKS ( NUTS, &0. QUEK N~slr R X E T, Opposite thfl City Market. 1 n 'O PAINT* KB.— Wanted, a good Brush B Hand; alro, a Paporhanger.—J. B. Smith, gybor Pass Koafl. BOTTLES. — Wanted to Buy, Pint Bottles in any quantities; highest price oiven.—Aroly to Marks & Beaumont, Amorlan Hop Beer Co.. Aloert-atreet (Market entrance), W HOLES ALE BOOT TRADE.— Boys wanted in every department; opportunity to learn a good paying trafle.—MoArthurs Factory. Tenders Lunatlo Asylum, Anokland, Ith December, 1882. SEPARATE TENDERS for the Supply of tho under-mentioned Articles to the Auokland i,unatlo Asylum, for the year 1883, ■will be reoelved np till noon of the 20m instant—

Bread, Meat, Qrooerles, Bedding and ClothHiK. Boots, ct'j. Tender forms, oondltlons Of contract, eto., con bo obtalnod on application to the Asylum, ALKX. TOUNG, M.D.. Medloal Superintendent. Money A\ TO £1.0,000 LENT on Building Booieirprlnolplas,oronotherteimß to ouis t'nrrovrera. Allotments bought and Houaen oaUt on weekly payment Bysfcam. Mortgages and Loans negotiated, aoo List of Properties for sale on 4th paae, S^ cor cent, sllowed on money deposltotl tor Investment.— O. WitHAMBOS, Land. Itatnte and Pinanola' Ag""« ""'' Valuator. 3. Vnl(»n lanna ". JSUUSTKIAL AND PItOVIDBKI L PERMANENT BUH.DING, LAND, AND INVBBIMKNT BOOIKTY OF AUCKLAND. INVESTING SHAKES. This Society Is now Issuing a limited number ot Investing Shares as follows :— INVESTING SHARKS, Ordinary, carrying fall late of interest and profit. Members paying subscriptions in advance for a period of 6 months and upwards secure corresponding advantages. PAID-UP SHARES of the value of £20eooh for limited, periods, carrying 7 per cent. Interest, payable halt-yearly in c&Bh and participating In profits. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. ! The Soolety is also prepared lo receli?e Money ; on Deposit on the following rates o£ interest I— For 12 months, at 7 per cent., interest payable h» If yearly. For 6 months, at 6 per cent. ■ Forshorterperlods^pe^oen^^^ i Manager, i offices I Comer of Queen-street and Vulcan l ane,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3840, 4 December 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3840, 4 December 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3840, 4 December 1882, Page 3


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