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Wanted' < lay ANTED, good Laundress for hotel, f* country; also, elderly woman as working housekeeper, samo place.—E. Henrys Registry. .■ WANT c I), two CarpenU-rs.—Apply on job, Franklin Road, or F. R. Aldorton. O7 ANTED, good Oook, Young Man * T preferred.-Apply Coffee Palace Dining Rooms, Theatre Royal Buildings. . ANTED, two respettame young men Bosrdsra fa a qulot family, where no others aro kept.—Mrs aeor«e Payne, top ot Franklin Iloud, tho third house off Ponconby Road, on the right hind side. ANTED KNOW;I* -That the Comet Christmas Card, with Viewß otAuoßland erd North Bhoro, may bo had ut lisnnoxu, I ito Woyte'a, for le, poet free. W ANTE U.for Country Store aDd Hotel, a pooa Man Cook; must be sober.— Apply oa board tho uohooner Glstorno, alongside' (jaeec-^lTtes Wharf, bofore Wednstday nighty Ti/ ANTttD, a GmeiMl Servant tor small VV family; good wagos.-Mi.-s Levy, 214, Queen-street; !\)»AANTED KNOWN-Gocdson's Lon- '** don Arcade will Closo at fi p.m. up to Friday evening in this week to Unpack and Arrango_Novv Goods. «V ANTED, throe go?d Assistant DressJJ m&kern.-Mra La»gfor». P«rne». \h ' ANTTd, a lcspectahlo Boy, about 15 v r years ot oae, to maio himself useful and drive a >iorß?.-App)y tt-la ofllce. WANTED, n Boy for tho shop.—<*pply M. J. Moore, Bootmaker, Viotoriastrect. ■a RANTED, a Ocntlemanlv Youna Man Vy of good ntldrcss as a counter hand, Fir.t-class oliaraoter- indespensatlo. — Chai-les Kelsoy and Co., Queen street. . «»7 A N tlsu, Uabißetmakers, Snipyy wrlKhts. Blaekamlthn. Cowhbnlldera, Tailors, Sadaltra. Printers, P.umberp, Stonemasons, Boilermakers, Monlders. ana otberr, iv t now roiirerpnted ontbo El.-bt HonisDsmonstratlon Oommittse, to loeet ana elict two Colecates to represent thsru at ih'i next meeting, to be tield at iho Working Men's Club, on ri-lday, 17th lnsr, at 7.30 p.m. WANTED KNOWN, that Mrs Gussoott ia now 6ol1ln« oil hor pressnt larso ttocfe ot Medicol Herbs j>t a great icdnctior, tome ev.n bolow oost prloa,owldk to nor shortly ramovinx to her tew rctldence at Mount hiien. ANTED KNOWiV—lmpoitant to Proprietors of Hot>lP,Koetaurttnw, and HoJflsof FdinilUs-thdtLawi/ and MoKeczlo, 37, Queon-strMt Wharf, a-o prepared to supply Urocorlen, Prodnoa ond Geceral Provlalots thlpplns BUPDliedi «JH4t3tnow waited on tvr ordeis, and rooSb delivered free ot chargp. mirADESMEN~"or others .desirous of JL having; tboir books effloiently kept by sesrly oon««ot, oan arranso for vary moierato terms with J.J.T., oare 'tab Offloo. Auotlonrt. N,n.-Arranßemaat3 cl^oted wiih credltow. loangntgo'lute'. Aoioantsooli-ctea. BOur TltAL>K.—- Good Clickers wanted a'. MoArlhm-'a Faotory, Upper QueenBtrest. . rffO BAKERS.—Wanted, a competent, 8. steady Man as First Hand, to fill a per manent situation; also, a Soeond or Junior Hand.—Apply (with references) by letter or otherwise, to Mr E. Waters, Queen-street, or John Hall, Otahuhu. ,i,O PmINTSkS.-Wanted, Two Good | llande.-Q. Bishop, Nowmnrket. i-iS-0 BUILDKUS AND PRINTERS.— P Young Man, handy with Paint Bi-übJi, eeeks Employment. - Apply by letter to "Handy," Btau olllcc.

For Sale. IfiOß SAL.E—A rare cbatce to secure a 1 P/onwty uncnnalled for mannfaoturlnz purposes. »hat possibly oasn-jt bo mat Wtn oialainthla pretly enfl thriving dlstrlot; ennkt.tlne of 66 ac-cs ot Improved Level uno. Honßoa Stublea, &<r. ;-.ew 1-ynn sutlon ana •uub tormlnuß la on the propertr. and abultoß on main stono real, cear navigabie rtver. Too whole of tho Umt U e»poola\ly adapted for cuttlogup for oiy nod every purpese. w«li w*"h rower in four btreonw, wd railway me tbroneh tho estate, with oaYoral railway sjainna. Pr'CO and torraa wsy.- G, «. host, Upstairs, nez« Union Bank, Qaocc-Btreßt. - ' I"TI0H S*l.E, a Well-established Hair- . dremer's Btulnesn in Auokland; aftocd chuooe tor a umart man; terms ea»j\— »pply 'by letter tor particulars to Ba'rdrestor, Utab QJlco. TCnOK Lls#St", terra of years, on fftvourH" Bb.'o tcrma, Bel:e Vaa jjoneo (26 rooms), Wharf-street, T*urango.—Apply to J. Bode)), Tauraoiw. SjKWR IMMEDIATE SALE. -Chopel- * ' streot: Nico Six-roomed Houso; chejip. Commercial Road : FoUr-roomod House. Wfiliam - street: Five-roomed House. Seafleld View : a Six and a Four-roomed Houso. Cdl-lingwood-stpeot: Allotment, 12 x 120. Mt Eden Valley Road : BuildhiK AHotmonts, from 60 to 200 leet x 108. Wollesloy-Btrcot: Allotment 24 x 120.—11. Pftrtinßlon, House, Land, and Kstato Agont, Stichbury'a Buildings, Queen-atroet. '{H) IN V II. IDs AND UTHEkS.—Kor * Sale, on main roid and volcanic land, in a healthful locality (Rocky Nook), naav Mount Kdcn, a Now Six-roomed House, with bay window f.nd every convonionco, viz., cupboards, pantry, tcgistor Brat'") ooloninl ovon, blind rollers, two 1-irgo tank', out-housee, &c, &o.— F l>. liwinston, EsUito Agent, next "Herald office. . OTSt.—FOK S*LE, that superioj freehold property in the flourlfhinß town ship oC Palmcrston North oaliea the Olub Hotel, now bolDg crcoted; will bo rondy for openisg on tfce Ist December toxL Istholarßoai and b»BC arranged homo between Yaratiikl ar.d Wol'JcgtOD. L'OdnßO granUd &n lifla'^ntiat oinb hiis bson o:gat.i3od,for which a aut;o ot rcomih-Qbeon arracgnd. 'tho I oa«e contains la a 1 10 rooms, with bath-rnoru. stable, oanohhoiiso. Sic. PUno maj bo so«n and ptrtioulara had fiom tho undfitbtgusd ony. To a person wiih o«pi(al thlv pre'ents «n oppar^uoity foi matina an neau. cd tortunp.—Uav'd T., CoiQiiileßlun Agent, llnnter-itrott. Wu'Jington. VCANS X L L, B. on vory esey torm?, an JI&HT-RO jWil) HOUSIC. with wash-house, rear Kybsr Pasp, having gas »cd water lain on, and ag"*d(?aT•nn buoK and front Price, £1)0. Trrma : fit per week down nnd interest quarterly at 8 per cent, on onch qaartet'd balsnoe. 11 c pron»vty Is leadOhnld, and exoiro" in Septemb»r 3895 when the Grammar Sohosl Governors will allow halt the value ot tfce propotty. orovidod tho wholu Talne di»6 not excood £3IK) at that time. Thij is n raro chunoa to prosure n oomfortablo homo in a hoslihr locality, on a m&in rout o!o-o to fchoolil, Sro. Tbeiw.ars rexittor nratßK. isrßo •rrsser nndnlnk in kitobon. rlrbs oftsea for tiookn In dining-room, nnd iwiDg for 'children at the back. F. G. WWINUTON, ' Kgt.tLte nt inott v Herald")

B_"LEJ.i>il> VILLA SITES tOii RALK. "WOODLi T-TD3, "OBTWCOTK (bettor known bs thoßdßl-Slx Very Choioo^nlldioß AUotmPßin. Mich 68 it 132, qntte level most dcstrsblr, avi coir to beaoh. Prloa, only £35 e_oh. Terrn* WW . _,_ F> KVAN3j - Jfßtato Agenti F~~OR SALE (a Bargain)," The Avoaue, »do»d_lo-_ nlo& new Verandah Cettoge oflrooroßttnrt scullery, reßlstsr Kiato, runye, tank, &o. allotuwnt S3 x I*o : a very deaiyihie Itttla oroporiy; tcrois only £20 o*<"h, balane eby w««bly paymenta It desired.—l) F. avaus Bttata Afegnt Queen-street next HeraH offloe. '*-O INVKSTOIt-.—For Sale, on Ion«- --'« donby KOBd, corner of Duke-Biraet, a J.l»stiacov.t, Uußlnops faito Allotment 15 x 107. together with a nioo Cnltace ot Four »oou>a and Scullery oreotod on b»ck end ot the allotment; wall buiit_nd flnlehsd off; good w»wc supply.—Apply to D. F. Hivons, itstftte AR»nf. _eu''HoraM" office. 088. TTLOTMKN J S 1 ALLOTMENTS 11 NKV7TON ROAD—Two First-class almost Lave! Allotments. 83 x t9, 8132 each ■ MOUNC K.DKM—Sclandld t^evel Allotmonts . (mala roid (rontaxo), flrat-olaas Bnelnees dUoi; aojat threu mlaueea'walk PMC Tol MOUNT EOraN—Very durable Villa Sltea about 66 x 130. at from <UOO eaoh ONkHUKGA Two Choloo Allotmentßj £SC NOR I'HOO TK—Sovoral Choloo Allotm.-nta In tbto do'lghMnl ioonllty, from filO o&aix ANQIiKa?B/»-STKKKT-it)x 130, for £100 GKAOE-SlltSifiT— Very Choice, at from 45s ST!?ART?STRRBT—BeautifuI VillaSit«!,at 50s SPfilNQi'jTßKWTCf'oiisonby)-Cheap Building Sites. S3 x &9. at filß enoh POX 3 liOAl) (8a*tlold)-OuO nice Lot, 40 test frontago, for £60 AUBtJRN-3TRW«T (Kybcr Paess — Choice Eulldloa Sltas. nloaly planted, good well, and many appliances for balldlng, £130 v. I*. EVANS, ESTATK AGENT, QUKKN-STRKKT Kext •' Horald.T >fnO INVusTOKS ajsXj OTHEI'S.----!d For Salo, Valuablo City Property; Grand Business Sites ;in most central position. Honsohold Allotments about 28 by 109 ; ground rent I low; situated in Elliott-street. A flrst-class - investment. Also at Penroso, a valuable little lot of 7 acres within a few yards of Railway Station. Grand corner for an Hotel or Bnsiness Site, being situate on Great South Road. This opportunity to sccuro valuable sites should bo embraced at onoo. - Full particulars from>D. F. KVANS, Kstato Agent, Queen-street, next Herald (613.) '

Gazette m .Bankruptcy. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NORTHKRN JUDICIAL DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In tho matter of "The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1876," and tho amendments thereof, and of tho Bankruptcy of Thomas Sokrbli. Jackson, of Charlesstreet. Mount Roskill, in the Suburbs of Auckland, Plasterer, a Debtor. Notice is hereby given that at a First Meeting of tho Creditors of tho above-named Thomas Sorrell Jackson, held on Monday, the thirteenth day of November instant, in the Supreme Court Building, Auckland, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Thomas Macffarlane, of Auckland, Certificated Accountant in Bankruptoy, was ■■ elected Creditors' Trnstee of the property of tho aaid Thomas Sorrell .Tacksnn; and that tho said Thomas Macffarlane has intimated to me, in writing, his acceptances of the said trusteeDated this thirteenth day of November, 1882. HENRY C. BREWER, Registrar. William Thorne, Auckland, Solicitor to* the Debtor.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3825, 13 November 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3825, 13 November 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3825, 13 November 1882, Page 3


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