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Hon. J. Bryce, Native and Defenco Minister, arrived from (ho S.uth by the Stella this aftcrnoou.

Three prisoners of uusouud aiind were examined this morning by Dr. Uoldsbro' and Dr. Harries, viz , Win, Judd, a young man from Kaipara, Jamo.) faton, and Alice Burns, and on their medical testimony, were committed by Mr Mncdonald, KM., to the Luuatio Asylum. Mr Gwynne's hotel ut Hamilton bad n narrow escape from lire, through the overturning of a candlesllok, Mr Gwyane extinguished Hit llaiues with a band-engine. At the weekly meeting of tbe French Literary Society tbia evening, Mr Llould will Ifcmre ou " The Sours of Berangcr," while Mr E, W. Burton will read au essay. Tho steward of the schooner Clarinda, while fixing the vessel's riding light last ovening, lost his footing, and fell overboard. One of the .seameu oq btiad perceived tho

accident, and threw his companion, ti rope, ; by which ho was hauled safely on diCK again. The Takapuna Jockey Club baa decided to erect a n«w one-rail feuce around the racecourse, which hits uuw been efficiently drained, and otherwise placed in excellent order. A grand ataud, Btiilicicnt to accommodate four hundred porous, will bs commenced on Monday next. Undernoath tho stand will be refreshment booths, committee room, and ladies' loom. Tho bookmakers aro reported to bavo fared well at Wangauui, as the favourites failtd to M'in. Tliere weio £400 in the totalisator on tho Maiden Plato, and a dividend of £8 Ssjwns paid on the winner. Tho Tarannki "Herald" say: "With referinco to tbu intciuted removal cf tur-geaut-Mnjor Gnooall to Auckland, L'r. u'Carroll, Cor.stabnlary surgeon, has represented to the Government that the olimute of Auckland together with th« largo amount of ollico duty to bo performed there would bo too trying tn Mr Goodwill's health, which ot late has been imiiflerent. The mullet presorting industry carried on by the Kaipara Canning Company is

becoming a very important one. Since operations were commenced, 40,u00 cases or about 20 tons of Iho canned tish have been sent to market, and t':c demand is (juitu equal to the supply, The managing director, Mr Wilson, purposes oiccting a brunch establishment at Otnmatea ami a freezing chamber in connection with the woikv. About 40 bands arc now employed iv connection with the industry. Tho monthly inspection pirado t.f the Auckland Naval Urigado was held in tbe

Drill-shed last uighs. The evening was moony and bright, and the men, i-istty or more, in fact there wore fully three icoro. The gathering was plena tut and largo, with Captain Lo Hoy In charge, Lieutenauts Chapman and Parker and Smitb, who drilled all tbe members forthwith. A"t tho close of the drill, tlie Brigudo marched 'tween the light and shade, and tho band played Home tx([iii«ito airs, aud parted to rctt above staire, Tho ordinary nicotine of tho members of the Auckland Intlitutc, Museum Buildings, will bo hold on Monday next, when tho following papers will bs pirsented by tho under-mentioned gontlomui :—(1). "New Species of Coleopkra," l>y Captain T. Broun, M.E.S. (2). ''On tho Pres-nco of Platinum in the Quartz Lodet at the

Thames," by J. A. fond, Esq. (3). "The Visionary I'aculty of Miod, by E. A. Mack»chnie, JKsq. A b«ihman named PatrickMullampy fell from tho box tf Miller's cab on tho Oneh'uijja Road on Thursday evening, and sustained rather kcrioua mjurio*. Ho »ni taken to the Hospital.^where the wouuds were dreESod.

In the match—Tuakau Cricket Club Eleven v. tho next .Eighteen, tho Boorcs were !—Klevcn, 118 ; Eighteen, 123. For tho Ulorcn, G. P. Ejvlng, with 12 lo tho lirst inni«gs, and 38 in tiic Bccond, and J. Pola&d, who made 18 in tho second inuinafl, wore tho highest scorers. For the Eighteen, Hollns with 21; McMillan, 12; Hampton 7 in fir>t innings and 10J in the Beoond, n nd S. Elliott, wita 14 in tho secund innings, coutabulcd most. The pathway of Mount Victoria, Devonport, has just dcois completed by tho Local Domain Board, and r-llTts great credit <m the committee, who were entrusted with tho carrying out of the work, but to Mr Bartley more especially is credit duo, a« bo has devoted a gi-od deal of time and attention to the matter. 'Ihe piih is w!do enough to admit of a trap reaching the signal station, and is metalled the whole length. A meeting of ladie^convoned fur the purpose of takiug " furthur steps regarding the present public opposition io the Contagious Discuses Act," was held, yesterday afurnorn, in the V.M.C.A. rooms. Tho attendanco was Dot lur^c. Copies of Dr. Wallis'n lecture on the C.D. Act, printed through subscriptions contributed by tho ladies, were reoaived, and alter sorno discus-

sion it was determined to dutiibuto them. Six ladies were also appointed a committeo to securu as largo au attendance as rossiblo at the meeting to be held at Dr. Wallis's residence, ou Thursday evening next. This was about nil that was dune.

„ , , , , Sunday nerviccs arc announced in tbo usual co num. Evening spec'n! discourses, ?,«« P «• byiKCßartOnSi?V*, >, } "The Heavenly Banquet," Choral Hall, MrSpnrKcon;Ath eO ajum,Dr\Vallh,«'rho Intcru.c&iato State of Souls ;■ Abtott. 1w m 7.' ■ ,H A; Br°JV% Is ho World trowing Better? or Is Christumity a Failu.e? St. Lukes, Mount Albert, morning. Vcn. Arcbdo««m MaunPell, tho**. K. H Gullircr, M.A.; DoronportWcsloyani Sunday-school annifonary services, preachors-Mr Spurgeon, Mr Geo. Hcmytfi, and the mini-tor of the church; evening services at the *noaire« . Tho Ecoond anniversary of tho Star of Eden L.0.L., No, 36, was celebrated in the dutrict ball last cveniug by a social gatheri«g of members and friends. After tea, the usual toasfug was done, songs, re«diugs, etc., being introduced at intervals to enliven the proceedings. The W.M., J3ro. Jjmes Donaldson, who occupiod the chair, in faia opening remarks expressed uwish that ill profont wonld enjoy themselves. The lodge, ho said, was s'arted with four members and worked twelve months with ssveu. They could now ciunt thrice that; number, and be hoped they would continue to p-o-cress. Songs were given by Bros. Black, Harris, and Wm. Donaldton, jun,; and readings by Bros. McMasler, Harris, and Black. Proceedings concluded with a select dance, and olt;>gothar a very pleasant evening was spent by those prcr ent. Abbot's Opera House was well filled last night, considering that "Mankind" hud boen prceented raccemively for setoral night,. Tho final performance elicited deserved approbation. This evening the management will put upon tho etago Bland Holts fourth dramatic novelty, viz, " Taken From Life," composed by one o the authors of tho "World." Great proparations have been made for tho due reoiO" sentationof the forthcoming drama, wiih new appropriate scenery and effect.. The drama ism five acts, and hits been wonderfully succcsstul in London. The cast of characters appears in another column. We notice that a late train will leave for One? hnnga at 11.15 p.m. for the convenience of country settlers. i I The usual fortnightly meeting of the City Schools Committee was held last eveniug, Mr Schmidt presiding. Letters were read from the Board, intimating (1) that Mr Cronin had been removed from Wclleslcystreet to the Beresford-street school; that Mr Ross had ceased to attend the Bere-ford-streetschool; that Mr J. McKenziehnd been attached to the Wellosley-street school as pupil teacher ; (2) tint a'rangementa would be mado for tbe removal of Miss f pence from Wcllcsley street school; ami (3) the question of curtailing the ealaile's of teachers in case? of absence. These letters were received. Mr Worthing1 on furnished a statement lowing how the wet weather affected school attendance, but the matter was allowed to stand over untilnsxt meeting. Un the motion of Mr Thwaite3, it was decided, ' that tbe teachers of the city schools be reqMcsted to furnish relurnsehowiugschoolattendauce." He wished for some information as to the number of pupils refused admittance dur. ingthe last quarter. Mr Thwaitts gave notice that he intended at a future meeting to move a resolutiou in favour of separnting the sexes in the city schools. This ! concluded the business,

Captain Hargrave, who met with an | accident recently, is slowly recovering, but i is yet unable to leave his bed. j The following tcudtrs woro opened at the ' ofliea of Mr T. It. Turnbull at noon to I day for Anglican Church ac Avondalo :— J 11. B. Brabazon, £740; A. Bcntham, v £495 10s. Inspector Goldie haa in his possession a buoch of keys, found in the city, which may bo worth tho owner's while to enquiie after.

On Monday night Mr J. L. Kinsella will deliver his promised lecture on " The Wits of the Last Half Century,'1 befere St. James's Mutual Improvement Association.

A German sailor named Bauder died at the Hojpital this morning from dysentery. Ho had run away from some ship.

Sergeant Anderson, tbe marker at the Mouut Kden ran^e. is progressing favourably at tho hospital, aud hopes arc now entertained tint he will recover his eyesight. We notice that at St. Matthew's to* morrow evening tbe venerable, the Archdeacon of Waimate, its announced to preach. As he is a universal favourite here there will doubtless be a very full attendance. At the Police Court on Tuesday next, several owners of drays will be charged with overloading their vehicles while employed on tho (jueon-strect Wharf. Two tons is the limit, and we understand that some thuya, when placed ou tha weigh bridge, were fouad to have nearly, double that amount. The ordinary monthly meeting of tho Mount Eden Isiuid of Hopo was held hut

evening in the Mount Eden fchool-room. The meeting was opened with prayer, and afier a few remarks from tho chairman, Mr Cole, songs wcro well rendered by Miss Peace snd Mr Worrall, speeches foru Messrs Phillips aud French, aud recitations from inoinlcrs. An enjoyable evening was passed, and brcugut to a close in good lime, Mr E. Bartlcy, architect, has received the following tenders for factory sheds at Unehungi: U. Khodoj, £203; James and Dcnizc, £270 ; J. Morris and Co., £215 ; 11, Shophurd, £191; Smith and Kowe, £17S; P. Maguiro, £171; D. Muir and fc'on, £165. Tho Devonport Literary Association, under tho presidency of tho Rev. Joseph Bate?, is steadily going abend. An excellent papor oa "' Land Tenure " was given at lust meeting by Mr Gerald Peacock, and listened t.i and discussed by tho numbers. On Monday evening next an csssay on "Gossip" will be reud by Mr Thomas Leigh White. Tho meetings of the society aie open to tllß public, buc, at the samo time, tin Rucretnry will bo gkd to receive the Dames of any desirous of joiiiiyg an active members.

Tho hinikins appear to bo still playing their mischievous pranks at will. An old woman named Mr* liurke, who lives somewhere about Cook-street, and who maintains herielf by charring, was brought to the Hospital on Wednesday, suflering from a severe judged wound ou the back of her heid, which bled copiously. She stated the injury was causod by a ctono. She left the institution early on Thutsdny morning, being unwilling to Rtop longer, but she had to return to-day for treatment, the pain

having increased. 'Ibe Victoria Park estate, situato at Dcvonport (not fur from May*1 and Duilcr'a storea) and occupying a commanding position, v to be put np to auction at Siobin'a Auction Mart oh Monday. Jt has b«eu cut up into good-sized villa sites, many of them bavins Una s>i!a froaiaficw, and all of thaw nlFording n maj:nifico»t view »f tbe harbour and circumjacent country. Tio bsocb in firm ivnd slivlly, aud thoro is n good depth of water when tho tido is full. Tho site-} fronting Victoria Avcnua ore splendidlj adapted for villas, and tho lots at the side of the Lake Road ore al«o very eligible To-duy volucloiwercconroji»f»vuitors freo of charge iroui the Notth Shore wharrea to tho property under notion, and it appeared t) find geuural favour.

The cost of telephonic conimuuicaton with the Notth Sbon.- is half as much again as by tct'graph, By tlia Utter means a me.'i-n;;o can be aeui without coarse fur (lulivcry for ono kliUling ; to U6C the telophone, however, tho cout is a shillUg with iixpeuce extra for delivering tbe message. No reduction is allowed to thoso subscribers to the exchange

who pay for tho' nsa of their instruments £17 a year, lh«y aro on exactly the tamo footing as the gMioral public. But thu it not the whole of this anomalom bußiDcss. The charpo for telojihoninf; to the Northcoto bureau la only a shilling (the same as by lcleuraph>, that is, Mxpence less .money for a longer distance. Practically the I»orlh Sioro bmeau is useless. It i« cheaper cither to telegraph, or to send a messenger across by the ferry steamer. Wore the charge lowciod to something rcatouab'u, with a less rate for subscribers, who ought surely to ba allowed some small privileges, then there is little doubt that ninch great«r jutronago would result. The whole m»tter is ore railing for tho attention of the proper authorities. The first number of "Picturesque Tscw Zealand," a journal which carrier its character iv ilic title, has come to hand, and we venture to predict that if it maintains Iho excellence of tho first number it will moat with a largo sale throughout thn colony. Th: work is meant to ilhiHtiate, with pen and pencil, the wonderfnJly diversified scenery of New Zealand. Tho views in tho went number are : Sccno in Tikitapu Bush, near Obinemutu, Lako Tarnwera, tho Crater at Hotomnhana, and tho Dripplrg Fa'l, near

Lak<: Tarawer.v. Tho letter press, which is from tbe psnofMrC. O. Montrose, comprises ii dedication to Sir Gcorgo Grey, an iutrodnotory description of New Zeslann and its rcources, and an account of its flora and fauna, with »ome general remarks on New

Zealand scc»cry. It is wcli-writtou and appropriate to tho general purpose of iho w Vrk. Tho illustration* l>y Mr Unwlings are IIU admirably executed both by tho ttrUat ftUcl lithographer-Schmidt & Co. Ab a aO uvonir for tourists, or to send to friondß al)ro!vd , nothing could bo better conceived, and wo have no doubt that foi . this purpo!O it will meet with a largo fa l e . Bringing, as it doe*, fto attractions of N Zo Z u * d , ccn ,- lto tsr minenco, "Ficturcsquo Aow Zosknd'Ms a venture that may be safely welcomed among tho literary and artistic productions o f this colony To the "Editor: Sir,-! ho letter of the Ktv. Mr Hodg-on is simply a gratuitous pewnal inailt, and reflects sadly up-m tho sacredness or the "cloth." In my lotter of wbicb that Rentlcinan complains I bed a special roason foretnploying (he term, " exrev.," and in not writing the iro-d •• reverend "in full, I but adopted tho nsual custom (see reference to tho Bishop of Auckland in the same papot). Punning is oat of my lino, but as Mr Hodgion U so jealous of his full h- nonrs I will just remark that his adoption of the title JRcv. is no lojs than a wicked assumption of a Divine title (Psalms, cxi. 9.) And »ince Mr Hodgson is not afraid to rob Jchovih of one of His titles, it i» not surprising he should viciously attempt to cheat me out oE the Initial letter of my proper name, in tho fixing of which I hnd no ssy, and in tho altering of which Mr Hodgson has no claim J° 1 0*IS) Mli|y» *>»»* °$r. »hows *° what despcrao straits orthodoxy is rediiced when iv ablest weapon is low abu.e. The f.ct Ktho Key. Mr Hodman Is wnth»g under tho galling yoke of incapacity fyom wl?!?h. hls "V^R 00"* m uocul.tvated lla\Vl 11 m no.d«greo rehwo him. Let s*f Hodg'on read mj personal challenßO in thw evening b Stab, and take courage.-I ani'. m' t^ss. Mr Ibomas bpurgoon delivered the last ?' tho fM se.r'c. 9 of .Jocture, B at. the Youn? Mo, n s Chn^ n Association, before a fall ™d appreciative audience Mr bourgeon a ■? bJc, et was "Lcf'"^nded Men, «s preI lloa,s}/ -a™o?™"*- P.° Kc*- T ( 10m. aa ' IJ-ad? le TUpu Cd **o chair, ,au f f aftf tho w»fi, n S °E a bYm.n introduced the lecturer Mr Spargeon informed the audience that i this was his first venture as a lecturer. He ! then proceeded, basing his remarks upon i Genesis, cb. 35, quoting tha passage in which it is stated that Jacob called little | Benjamin the eon of his right hand. The lecture occasionally, was Spurgeonic and ' amusing. The moral delineated was, that , although "kfthanded" was a terra im- - plying awkwardness", a Uft-handed man might surmount many difficult'es and become a very useful membsr of ttciely. The left hand often did good ter- , vice when the man was deprived of the . free u?e of the ritht hand. A sketch of the 700 skilled lett-hauded men of the Inaelitish army was given, and seveial eminent persons referred to who bad laboured under this physical disadvantnge. The lecture thioughout was gratifying and instructive, and at its clorc votes of thanks were uranimous'y given to Mr Spingcon and others, to which the lecturer briefly teplied. Mr Hampson presided at tho harmtnium, auddutingthe evouing several hymns wore sung. Mr Buddie, the lion, secretary, announced that on Friday next, Mr Joseph Neil will give a lecture on " Keminiscen^es of the Anierican War,"

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 2


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