I ProspectusS~T. HELTERS LANDj BUILDING, AND JCTVS3TMKNT COMPANY (UMITSDh CAPITAL ... £50,Mu in w.Oco 3 hares of £5 each His payable oa application, iOs on allotment, and the balance as required. Dihectobs: "William Altfcon, Eaq. Thos. Lindcsay, Eda. J, Bennett, Kss. Thcs. ilorrin, Ksq. Captain J. L. ijlask E. Mitcheison, KCq. J. UlSTord, Eso. Dr. PurcSaS William Coleman, Esq. Secretary: T. W. Hickson. Baxkers : The National Bank oJ New Zealand. BHOKKB3! T, W, HiofcsCn and Authorised Agents. Few claaa«B of Investments can be namcu < which have, aa a ruls, proved 80 largely and 1 Certainly remunsritl7o &a the, pnrchaaa, in whol^sals blocks, o.f suburban lands, and their sab-diviaion and sale in sections auit:£S to the requirements of the general public. ! Lands purchased within tho - last ten or fifteen years, at from £10 to £20 an acre, In the neighbourhood of Poneonby, Mount Eden. Epsom, Remnera, and North Shore, are now realising from £100 to £700 and £SOO an acre. Kven at Onehanaa (seven milea from town), quite recently, ;and for villa aitea has changed handa a: £-0u to £300 an acre. Tho St. Heliera Company has been fortunate in securing the fee simple of an eatate within twenty minutea journey of town, and possessing unrivalled natural advantages for the formation of an exceptionally attractive seaside Bubuib, and thia on terma which willenable tha Company to offer cottage, viila, and.country residence si tea at Driet-3 and on terms v:hich ici/.l defy campedt'on, end icill, ct the same time, secure to SK'..riMldcr3 r.r. '."iivxdw.f.t, certain, ahd nighty satis/actor!/ return. The eatate consiata of the three propertlea, recently belonging to the Auckland Stud Company, Messrs Gilford and Evan*, and Meser? Gollan, containing some 551 acres (and including the whole of the lato General Taylor's " Glen Orchard " property), situate at the entrance of tho Wattemaca Harbour, to which it haa an extensive frontage, es well aa to roada in the vicinity of St. John'a College. To many the place is familiar. To describe anddo ju3tlce to in manifold beautiea within the.limits of a prospectus, even if desirable, would scarcely bo practicable. Suffice it to cay that experienced travellers have gone bo far aa to declare that ita scenery surpasses anything they have ever seen in other parta of tho world, and to predict for the undertaking a future of unrivalled prosperity. It is within such easy reach of town tiiat anyone desiring to satisfy himself of tha truth of the assertion c<in have r.o difficulty In doing so, to which end every facility will be given by the Directors or Secretary. The distance by road can be cosered with ease in a trap in forty-five minutes from town. Tho route U by l\ ewmarket, Remnera, and St. John's College. The Directors hare entered energetically Into tho work of openiua tha placa ap without loss of Uiim, and, to thl3 end. have irade arrangements for the erection of a pier, at which law steamers may land passengers in comfort and tafe'y. They have also in contemplation the purchase of a flrst-claas naisofiger steamer, to run reguUrly between tha pier and Queenetreet Wharf, a trip which (being under ij miles) may bo cone in from 20 to 30 minutes. Steps have also beon taken foropeningupanew and more direct road through Orattei, which will considerably lessen the distance by road. Tho survey of the estate is being vi^orou^ly pushed on, uecesaary reserves beina made for recreatioc and other public purpose!, including an eopl-inade along the whole length of the water frontage. A portion of the native bush,, several acres in extent, will be ca^efally preserved, and roadi. and sections will be lal<i oil ia men a w»y as to give ea^-y access throughout all parti ot tha property and to toe many b3*utiful fcitej ita verdure-clad slopes afford. Tho Company his been formed under very favourable auai/io»B. a la-ge number of shares bavin* been alraudv taken ud, the Comcany regiatered, and the purchase of tne property completed. The Articles of Amsciation, together with maps and photographs of the eatatfl. are open for inspection at the Keiiistered Otllcj of tr;e Compsny, Grea'. Northern Land xVgency Kooma. Applications for Shares can be made to the Secretary or to any member of the Auckland Brokers' Association. DROSPKCTUS OF THE %VESTPORT COAL COMPANY, LIMITED, NEW ZEALAND. (To bo RcftMtered nndcr the 'Joint Stock Companies Act, 18W.T CAPiTit. £100.000: In SO.GOO Shares of £3 each. Of which 30.000 Shares will bo taken by tho present owners aa part payment for the properties. 25,000 Shares are r.ow offered in New Zealand, and 2.5.0C0 Shares in Victoria—which will be payable us follows, viz.: oi On application; 5a oa allotment; biinnco at intervals of not less than three month?, and in amounts not exceeding 103 prsr Shire. It ia not antic'pa'.cd that more than £2 10a per share will require to'be called up. The present owner 3 take theirSharea paid up to £2 10a each, and will be liable with omer Snarebolders for the remaining £2 IGa per Share. PiioviaiosAi. Directors: Dunedijt: A, J. Burns, Ebo., Manufacturer John Davie, Esq. iMacUndrea, Hepbnrn & Co.) Ko'jert unties, ksq. lUillic* & Street) Allan Holme?. Ktq., Solicitor Ueorgo Joachim, Keg. (Carfrill. Gibba fc Co.> W. 3. M. Barnach, Ksq., C.M.C., Preaident Chamber of Commerce John McGregor, Esq.. Civil Engineer Robert Pateraon, Esi. (Paterson &McLeodj Evan Proeser, Esq. |Kempthome,Prois«r&Co, Mblbocrsk : Tho Hod. Jamea Baltour, M.uC. C. J. Ham. Erg., Mayor-Elect Kobert Harper, Keg. (K. Harper b Co.) The Hon. K. Largton, Temple Court Thomas Loader, Esq., Chairman Melbourne Harbour Tnut John Mcllwraith, Esq.. City Councillor James Orraond, Kaq., (Jamea Service & Co.) George Kobertaon, Keg., Publ sherand Importer K. Murray bmith, Hiq., M-L.A. - J. H. White, Kaq., Shipping Agent BANKBRB: Tho Bank of New Zealand, Dnnsdln and Melbourne Solicitors : Allan Holmes. Esq., Dunedin Messrs Maileson, England and Stewart, Melbourne GESERiL MANAGIB AM) BKCBETIBT: W. Hay Dickaon Bkokekb: Measrs Lyell and Gowan, Melbourne Messrs Clark and Co.. -Melbourne Messrs Gillies, Street and liislop, Dunedin, Now Zealand, This company has been fonnfd for the purpose of acquiring and wurkinsr upon an extended basis, the well-known coal mining property at.Westuort, New Zealand, now owned by tho VVestport Colliery Company, Limited. Thit property consists of ieaaes, covering areas of over JOjO acres, all coal-bear-ing, held direct from the Government for a term of 09 years, with mine.', railways, and other works thereon, in active operation, and is one of the most magnificent properties in any of the Australian, colonies, whather as regards the quality of the coal, the extent and thic&n»ss of the seams, the economy of working, or tha facilities for output and shipment. Prospectus, containing tho fullest particulars and any further information, my be obtained on application to the local agents, Mr Chas. Aloxanderand Alexander Saunders, to whom applications for shares should bo made. '■naertaJiers Established 1860. HENRY P. HAYWABI upholsterer, Matt vbs Maker, anb Ftob Urdertakeb, GRKY BTKKKT AUCKLAND Mattresses Ke-made. Furniture Re-etutfed and Repaired at tho Owner's Residence, or at tha Workshop, Qrey-etreet. Saddlery. T*T 8. J O N JE S ii • Has Just landed ex 'Hennlone, 'Ashmore, 'Halcione,' ' Avona,' 'Coronllla,' 'Oxford,' and s.s. 'Norfolk, a Large Assortment of Seasonable Gooes, comprising Horse Covers, good durable articles lined and shaped, from 14s j Waterproof Loin Covers, Aprons Horse Clothing, Clipping Machines j B ugg), Gig, and Carriage Lamps; Baoe Saddles. &c, Jnst Arrlyed, per 'Hermlone,' my Beoond Bhlpment of Yaunar Ss Presfs Celebrated New Patent Oil, MOLLISCORIUM, for Harness. Carriage Tops, and Aprons, to., very economical, and suporloT to Neatafoot Oil, because it la perfectly waterproof, readily penetrates the leather, effectually prevents cracking, does not evaporate or dry oat of the leather, will not come oft after application, and harness may be polished with, oompo immediately after Ward. WATERPROOF RIDING APRONS Our own make, best quality, and latest improved shape, W.3.J. naa always a large general stock, com prising HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, Racing, Steeplechase, and Hunting Stock Bad dies, and Bridles, Stable Requisites, Summer and Winter Horjeolothing, Valises, Portmanteaux, Courier Bags, Waterproof Pasta for Baddies and Harness Compos, Oils, &c. KLLIMAN 8 EMBROCATION, JDST ARRIVED, A large stock of latest Improved extra trona PACK SADDLES always on hand. From 80s. Five per cent. Discount allowed for Cash W, 8. J O N E 8, QUKK'-T-STRKKT. AUCKLAND. TVTKW 'BUS FOR MOUNT ALBKRT J3I AND WHAU. From Anckland— From Whan— 11.30 am Bam 1.30pm 230pm On Saturdays aa follows :— 1.3) ]) m 8 a in 10.39 p tn spm W, FQIIBR, Proprietor,
Mecucal. , FEW Olf THE WONDERFUL ! CORE 3 BY pROFSSSOH /"U'SSCOTT. Professor Gnsscatt, Soutii TuvVn Hilt. BeM Sir —I hove been tronbled with nervous ueSilitT for'the past ei«nt years, brought on as you have explained in the " Canterbury Times." by the indiscretion of early youtb. 1 have spent scores ot *:oands first with one nnd then with another, bat neter received any psrraacenS benefit. Sorua Daid that I had hoart disease, others that I wiia consumptive, but wbon I wroto to 7OU from the Kakaia yon explained my symptoms bo exactly t-hRt t wai indacsd to oomo to town at once. Ih ough you told ttw you co:Utl went niß equally as well by atopuinKand attending to my Work as in losing time by coming to town. I was unnt for wort ao decided to como to town tor a BpeU, ai I could neither oat nor sleep. My nilnci wandered; 1 tad ?. drslre to be away from company, and yet when alone my OT?n company was hatelnl to me. I was troubled with the mo 3» hideous dreams, and was in that low. nervous "taSi nklvh niado ma sometimes feel as if death would baa hi;p* re'easa, .My headaehed, my heart palpitated violently, I V72u!d start almost at my own shadow. My mind, in faeJ, was v<A my owe. I saw you on my arrival in town, vhen yon wera la Manchester-street, and you then tola rio that it would take three months at tho very least to eflect z perfect oure, and that I must comply axaoUy with your infractions: if not, you would not guarantee a core. lam nffv? happy to say that I did as you told me to tee | very regulating my hoars and habits, and that ( now, after the lapse of fifteen weeks, my memory | ia restored, my sight has become strong again | my mind has ceassd to wander, can enjoy , company, and, in short, litchard's himself i again. I ohooM not go to the trouble of descnb-1 ing ao minutely my suffering?!, but that I know of ao many roans; men who are iiring secladed lives, whose sufferings are precisely what m? own were be.'ore I came to yon, and who. althotwh in health, woold be really amiable and estimable persons, a?<? looked upon as gloomy, morose, and unsociable men simoly because of that phase of the disease which 1 hava named, a hatred for company. If this should be read 0J any of thozo persona, B-znVring as I did. and they are induced to apply, » . you for relief, I will guarantee tiiat they wiil ear after a few nve<;k3 that they never lai4 out a more profitable sum of money than when they came to 'Jrofea<?or (inaecott.—Believe me, youra faithfully, Kichard D^bson. P. 3. — I return to my work to-morrow, and I know my friends will be agreeably astonished at my present appearance, Victoria-street, Chiiatchurch, Jan. 20.1880. To Professor Gusscott, =outh Town Belt. Dear Sir.—When I app led to you I had been suffering with the dropsy for this last four years. Before I left Wellington I had been under three different doctsrs, but cover received any benefit from them. I waa advised to come to Christchuroa for a change of climate, bat finding there wa3 no change for the better, I was saviicd to be tapped by the doctors, wht told mo that wa the only hope there waa for me. 1 have always heard it said that when anyone is tapped there is no cure ; but 1 am happy to say thit when I aopii-id to yon, you said you could cure me in six weeks, providing that I went by your instructions ; alao, when yon showed ns the different assortments and tho quantity that yon have, my husband made np his mind at once, and being a boliever in herbs and the many hopeless cases they have cured in tho part of Lancashire that I cima from, I know that I could not do any better than come tinker your treatment. I feel it my duty to pubiieiy aoknowkdgo the great benefit that I have derived from your treatment! —I am, voora ever grateful, Sarah Petch. To Professor Gos'cott. South Town Belt. Sir, —I think it my duty to give you mr testimonial in rrrspect of the curative treatment of your Herbal Tonic. I have been euflering from liver complaint for several years; in fact I was so bad that 1 was not able to attend to my business. My faoo waa as yeLow as gold. I could not eat —not sufficient fora child. When I did, it lay in a hard substance in my a'omach. I was centlnuailr rifting wind and s?as. always constipat d. pilpi-atjon of the heart, with a continually burning pain. I had co;d chills running down my back. I could not sleep on my lett eidfi. It w quite ncnec».j«"ary to t<;ll you that I have tried several things in the chemists' shops, but I found it waa only money thrown away; but hearing of so many who h»ve been under your treatment, and all ot them speaking so highly of you, I though', it better to give you a trial, and I am happy to siy that after two months of your treatment lam a new man. I now ea" heartily and everything agrees with me. With many thanks, I am yoara respectfully, William Jenkins, Armagh-street. February 1331. To Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt. Dear Sir,—Permit me to tender my grateful acknowledgments to sou for the benefit I have received from your herbal treatment. Although I have been under the care of several doctors, I never received any benefit from them, but got weaker both in body and mind daily, so much so that I waa almost worn to a skeleton; bat bearing o£ tho wonderful cures you had made, I made up my mind that I would come and consult you. When I camo to yon. yon explained ail my symptoms ao minutely that I was perfectly satisfied to place myself under your treatment. You told mo that you would make a perfect cure of me for fire pounds, for which I gave yoa a cheque for tha amount. At that time everything that I ate went sour on my stomach, and waa constantly rifting wind and gas. I had a continual palpitation, and violent pains under the left breast, pains between the shoulder blades. I had always cold chills, cold hancs and feet, and felt as if someone w&s pouring cold water down my back. I am happy now to inform you that 1 am free from all my former complaints. I can now ea t well and sleep well, and I shall always be happy to recommeni anyone suffering from tho game. Believß me to bo, yours ever grateful. Mr* Hirme. Kaiapoi laiaad, Kaiapoi, November 13th, 18S1. To Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt Christcaarch: Dear Sir,—l have long beeu wishing to give you a testimonial for the successful way in which you treated me, I have been under several doctors ia this town, and I never received any relief until I applied to you, and in four days I found relief, thanks to your herbal treatment. I lived with Dr Campbell as farm manager for one year and six months in the district of New Brighton, Chrktchuxch. I waa bad off and on for four years; but when I came to yon it was a very difficult job for me to get in and out of the cart, my wife having to assist me. I have been a great martyr, but, tt-anks to Providence, in two months you restored me to perf«cS health. Witnessed by George Newton, who was staying at my noose. Believe me to bo yours, ever grateful, Robert wiidsmtth. Crescent-road, Knightetown, December 22.1550. Professor Gusscott, Christclraich, Sir,—l have great pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy of your tonic for curing fits. My wife was for two years subject to that distressing complaint, but after naing your tonic for tha space of two months, I am happy to say she has found herself thoroughly cured. She has not had an attack for six months. She also suffered much from spasms of tho stomach,and I am happy to say the medicine baa been beneficial in curing that also, which gives me great confidence in your herbal treatment. I shall i recommend your tonic as jnperior to anything i my wi/e has tried before. The cure that yoa hare performed ia a blessing to her and I, and I fheifamily. Believe me to bo yours ever gratotni, Thomas Coleman, Pott Lyttelton. Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt. Sir,—l am happy to present to yon tape-worm 87ft. long. When I came to you, you told me you could cure me in 13 hours, but I was rather doubtful, but hearing yon were rather hasty, I dared not tell you I doubted your ability to cure me in such a short time, having been treated by many of the homoeopathic, allopathic, but none ever effected a cure. Yon told me that you would charge me £1 for a cure, which I was mo»t happy to comply with your wishes on those conditions; alio you told me you would refund my money back again if you did not do so in the presence of Mrs Gray and Mrs Adams, but I am nappy to say that I prefer presenting yoa with the monster in preference of the money. I have shown this to many of my lady friendß in this neighbourhood.—l remain, youra truly, Mrs Kliza Thornton, Victoria-street. To Professor Gusscott. Sir,—Having been troubled with asthma for the last seven years, on several occasions I have been propped up in oed, and many times I had to get up and walk to get a breath of air, and had become so bad that I was not able to attend to my business; in fact, 1 had become a burden to myself and tho people with -whom I was ■stopping. When I came to yon, you told me all my symptoms, ■which gave me confidence to place myself under your treatment, and being a believer in herbs, and seeing the large assortment in your establishment, and also the references from other sufferers the same as myself, in looking back to the time of my suffering so long and spending bo much money without receiving any benefit from the treatment until I applied to you. I remain, yours ever thankful, Donald Smith, Great King-street, Dunedin, May 30th. To Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt. Sir, —I have been troubled with qenritlgia for this last twelve months, and suflered the most excruciating pain. I have tried everything that is advertised in the newspapers, besides medical aid. I was told that it originated from decayed teeth; that I know to be wrong, for my teeth are perfectly sound. When I cime to you, you told me that you would cure me, and that you would sell me a bottie for cix shillings, and that you would guarantee a perfect cure, and I am nappy to inform you that two applications ftflfilled your guarantee.—l am, yours ever truly, Miss M. Davidson, Colombo-street. October Professor Gusscott would impress on this who may do him the honour to consult him,that the utmost secrecy can be relied upon moreover from long experience, and a careful study of the human system, he can decide almo st at a jlanca the diagnosis of the case, thereby relieving the patient of a great deal of nervousness and hesitation. Profeasor Gusscott invites the confidence of either box suffering from functional derangement spermatorrhoea exhausting dreams, &c. Professor Gusscott has made nervous debility and loss of power his special study, from whatever causa arising. He would earnestly impress upon those who do suffer to seek immediate advice and counsel, if they desire " an old age, serene and bright." Let no false delicacy deter suffering victims from removing the cause of thia blight to manhood, Tho strictest confidence may be relied upon. i CONSULTATION GRATB, ' Can be consulted by letter. Pnblic inspection invited to the large assort ment of BRITISH and AMKEICAN aaBBS, Note the Address— Professor Gtusscott, Next Door to Messrs Winks and Hall Establishment. Shoetlanb-steeet, Auckland, Hours': From 9 a.m. to 8 pjn. IJIKEKMAa'S BAY STEAM AND FLOUR MILLS. JAMES SOPPET AND CO. Hats on hand at their Mills and Store, No Lower Qneen-Btreet :— Fine Flour and Household (auallty guaranteed Also, Bran, Sharps, Fig Meal Maize, Oats, Wheat, and Barley, Cracked and whole All excelled quality, at very low rates. noAii co a ITi ooa i. "WHAtT WHATJ COAL MINES, WHANG ABEI, OFFICK : NO. 3, LOWER QUEEN-STREET. W. S L OAN E, AGENT,
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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3540, 10 December 1881, Page 4
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3,533Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3540, 10 December 1881, Page 4
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