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Laud and Estate Agents ] HIIAS, \r ILLIAMSON, HOUSE, LAND /.KD FINANCIAL AGENT, Vuloam LiiiK, Auckland. RKNTS ami IHTKKICiT Collected. MONKY Invented for Capitalists on flritclacw Bi'.OUl'i'.iOH, WITHOUT CIIAK'.iK. SIX ]lOr allowed ou depot-its uiil,il invented, MOUTHAUKS ami LOANS KoKOtlutoi. SHAWM Ho;!f,'l)t or Sold la order. ESTATES Managed for Absonteos. BUILDING ALLOTM HINTS KOU SALE, AT PICK TOOT !— Birosford-ntroet, 0(1/ Duke-stroof,, 28/ Viow Road, 35/ Claivinont-Blreat, 00/ Percival Parade. 35/ Cook-street. £'J Uokeby-stroot,, 10/ Kdwin-strcot, 21/ Cilßlom houso-st ,£l3 Victoria-street. £10 Willlain-stroot, C(7 Urafton Koad,ss/ Kussoll-strcot, 7/ Nelson-street, 10/ Reclamation, 70/ "Vine-street, 10/ Ilowe-aueot, GO/ Bhull> Beach Koad, 30/ Haokctt-stroeUo/ Kyber Pas3,!W/ Noi'folk-streot, 35/ Also, in various other Btroots at low ratoß, POaaa TO IjKND, In Sams of £10 and up3ja\J\J\J wards, on good securities. nS, WKEKLY.—Now Houso /or Salo on dc- " ferrcd payments; largo ullotmont; fine viow. r« >O LET—Two Large Floors, suitable for A manufacturing purposes. IJONSONHY— Now Six-roomed Houso and Workshop for salo; two allotments; two frontnges; easy torms. o±) 1 iy— iiow Fivo-roomr.d llouso and Two XwlU Allotments forBalo: good garden. Pl«n— Nsw four-roomed Houso for Bale, in x-iuu Nowton; cjnn.ll deposit, and weekly payments taken. po on—Vory convenient lionno in Dublin-fit., Jjiiov Uowlon, for bhlo ; wiihuliouso, garden. n i |-,n—House, aim K'U'id is'ni'don f.,r haio i<car Xi 1 •>W m-i«iit Hdon Hallway Ma:ion (ter.iuj). /., »)a_^(mv )('nnr ro uned iluiuio for Balo near .OIOV n,1,... Vino Hotel. li.ii»y li-rms. UPPItR QIJKKN-STHItIST—Kino Corner Allotnu'iit, lo leai-o for foiin Of yoarw ft o(l—Nnw b'our rooiiii d Houso, near Karnn- * ' °1' KUliapo Koad, for sulo on onsy toi ma IJIAK.M ill, Long llav, nuiir tlm Lake; under 1 culiiviition (cheap) CO in—New li' roomed Co!(. ;('<>. oil' I'on*alU iiniliy lio'id for saloj moo pirdcn. p-i br.-Six-roomed luiuao mow) fur Halo, (ill A'J-'U North Koad. A buwuin. Vina viow. ANdliK-iltA-S'l'ltlClL'l. — Now Ki\ e-ruoined Verandah (!ol tngo; two large oorni r nllulniinlH, planted willi fruit and on.ninental trees. To bo wild cheap. Owner Icavlllir. Vjonrt—Now I'ivu-roomed llouso far salu In 3^*j.)U |) o iiaouby, Kroubtiuo lo iwo HtrooU, i.iOR HA I,It:, Stock, Lcuum of Promises, and Uondwill of a Chcmiut's HusinoKß, in excellent position. (i k »C(i— Now live-roomed Houso for salo in t L-tl)\> Kiii^-Ht.rcit; lino gai'dou. Alho additional allotment it' M KWMAKKH I1.—llouuo and !■ tabling, with 1^ lantonllotnioni, fomale (chonp). WKLI.INUTON-STKIIICT. -Pretty CotlaßO for iinle, near St. J.imun'a Church; i;a3 mid water laid on : garden, &c. I>AHNKIjL. — Nowly ■ llnlßhud Blx-roomnd 1 loimoforBiilo; pleasant viow; it'SSO. Also one at £310. jy I i>r -Four-roomed IIODSK for Halo, in tho 3j*--jO olty, on oiißy toriiis. <'~\ ax—Koiir-ruomud lIOUSIE for uulo o/r Col*iuu legii Hoad ; Btuliliiu:. etc. ON 10 TUK'.C 1111,1,.-: Seven roomed Hmsofor nalo; with aero of ground fully planted, •f'7'i I;ASll.—tfor aalo a Now fclx-rooinuil **-" " lloiuio in I'onnonby — owner leaving. Prlco £22,1, IJAFAKIJKA.— Allotmonts 1 and 2, oppOflito Hunter and Nolan'd Ynrds, for Balo. '•Qftn.— Six-rooni'jd House mid I'our-Httilled XOUU Brnblu for Halo, In llatit, Btrool, Nowlou jy-l r\(\— IIUUKIC feir uulo near Mount H'.dotl J*/X\J\J Kn.ilway Station; also, nnont .C2OO. ALLOTMKN'I'H lioimht and IIUUHK3 liuilt on tho Weekly I to paymuntiryatoni. i'i(\r.[) -VILLA ICHSIDICNCK fur .Salo, nt ** IV<JU M() , lnt Alliert, possuHalni," on.) of Ilio llnont vlowa In tho district. (••>(U>-New I'ive-ioonicd lini/HIC In Kern , .L^Wl i l .|, < | l .BLru..t for anlo; iMi'dm, fire. .(• | m—Now it()i;.SK, four rooms, in Kmsell,^i..m; Rtreet, forbulo. pqirr.-Ncw Hlx-roomivl llohhb for >:nk\ in J-'JI •' l'onsonby, with two ullotmentH. Hplfiulid view of Imi'lioiii1, ("UHl— -i-t-roonicid llohho, all llnlalieri, for XOV\J b . lk . jn j jilllo i, H ,|,.,.,., . hrKniUlntnimit. .(>•) 1 A->ow Houso In Hrown mivot for Hale, *"> lw near l'on.wnliy Hoad ; two lituufl /^OI.LKUK HO \1) l.ommodioiw Kainily Uesi V/ <l, for Sale ; fS.-is and U au-r luid on. piiKKKOHIc UA«l'.-*ino Farm of 107 acres 1 for Salo. Hour lUilwuy-silalioii. Comfortublo homealiud ; liltlu bimli; JM IUD per sere. UlCAl<'llCi,l) ItOAl). — Comfortable ColtnßOfl O (newl, for tfnlo, on easy tnriiu. / IUICY-aTKIUCI'—.-'ix rooired llouRO(now)for \X Hale. Lar^e allotment, .\isci, two S-'hops, dotachi'U woi-ki-linp &0., on vory i-any torniH. 81Uil'S in Uuceii-.-tr.'i-t, (ircy-sti eel, Freeman's Hay, and North Ito.ul. for salo. MOUNT KKICN-Law. New lloiiHe, fitted with overy conyutilonco (two acres of land), for sale. Kino view. FAHMH ulco Kor Salo at Hunua, Mount Kdon' Wiiiliomill. Richmond, Kninokonki, MauKoro, I'ai-emoromo, Stokes'a Point, Wailakorei, Hunderson'H Creek, Itomncra, Camhridtre. Hi« 'iml Little Omaha, Karioi, ltlverliead. Jlornin^Hido, .\lahuran;:l, Wainni, Oinarn, Aranmil, Uoromandol, Okailiu, North Blioro, O.vhiwlia, I'apulciua, fee. Also, SCO list in A'tio Zealand StraM and n'ctklt Vei«. C II A S. W I L L I A M S () N, KS'IV.TK AGENT. VVWAN Lank J. Ml. I'j *"" ° x IfBTATB AOCNT AND VAUTATOH, (JUKKN-HTltttlCT, AUOKI.AND, MONKY LKNT OUT KOK CAPITALISTS ON FIRST - CLASS SICGUKITIICS, OH IXVKSTICU IN HANK. INSURANCE, OU OTIIICH ,-niAUKS. NO CIIAUQK TO LKNIJIUI OH INVEBTCH. QUnUKHAN ALLOT.V.KNT - One of Iho 0 Choicest Allotments in the Suburbs, near tho I'arnell Unimmar .School, JU x J',o. Can ho had in one or more lote. Prieo, £2 OS por foot. A niO't beautiful view ot Hie harbomv-J. I\l. Lennox. Hatato AKeut, Auckland. 8!)lj. iT>s/X C\SII, balaucii on KUildinK Fociely VV»^ principles-lloiifle in the Cily, with freehold alloimeiit. l'rieo j;l7,"i. payablo as above.—J. il. Lennox, Ksiatu Aguut, Auckland. mo FAinnCUS.—A raro opportunity of purX cha-iiiK one of tlm Uncut farms in tho province at a low price. Thin is a really lirst-il.iss farm of 3US acres, mostly fenced and in k'nis-, a few minutes walk from a church and railway station. Thin ii«a properly i< situated in tho li.Mirt of one of tho most prosperous) lOW»shl]M in the Waikiito, and luim a eommoJious House of olKht apartnmnta erected upon it. l'riec, .C-.V0.-J. AI. Lennox, Kblate Akcul, Auckland. 'I'OFAUMUns.-A Rood littlo Farm of 50 » acre?, 10 acres fenced and in K'r«S3, with Dwolllng-liouse. This property is near to a niilwuy nation and public B'.'hool. Price, £IX.—J. Jl. Lonnox. Kstnto Agent. BiL. If OH SALK(a liarKiiiiii— Two I'wolliiiff-hou3e3 with Uwko orchard. I'rice, 4':lM,—J. M. 1 ennox, Kstato Agent, Aucklaad. S2L. nOTKU— Country Hotel on the main South Hoad, with l( acreß of freehold. I'ricc, JwUO.—J. 11. Lennox, Kitato Agent, Auckland. l-'i)f)Z—A HnrKiiin—A Fivo-roomod CoUasc A^-~" J with largo f eohold allotment, in tho city, l'rieo £-'-'j. il~,i cash, balance can remain on tho property.—j, M. Lonnox, Jtstato A^ent, Auckland. CtU * HKAUTIKUIi New Five-roomed CottaßO in -ci. Lower Mtt-Btreet, newly built and taatefullF unislicd. A most d nimble home for any peMon wlthinx to livo near the city. I'riee £300. forma 1 can urranoo to suit tho purchaser, cither by weekly pay moms or otherwise —J. M. Lennox, KstatcAfjent, Auckland. 7GIj. mo FAHMKKs Kor Bale, a bargain, a Fine JL Compact Llltlo Farm of 100 acres in one of tho beet farming districts in the Waikato. Tho farm ia all fenced, and baa n dwelltUß-boUBO utmn it; in grass. Is ollered at a vory low price, owitiK to the owner leaving tho district. Price, £IOi); S.[tt) ea3h, balanco can remain upon tho property. I.L QUBUHBAN UKSIDKNCK and 2 aorea of KJ rich volcanic land, all planted with rr lit and ornamental trees. This lino littlo homoal'.'ad luua four-roamed cottago upon it, and is only five niiies from tho rity. FriOO, fiJSO. Terms cau bo nrrauco I.—J. JI. Lennox, Kstato Aroul, Auckland, 7UL. I^OH salk (a barwi n)—A Kino iSTow Doublo JL Window-d Store iv tho rising subuib known aa Kdon Tcrraco, with iix-roomod cottak'O behind, all in flrst-chisa n pair: freehold allotment, 33 x 120. Price, £150; £50 cash, balance can lomainon tho property. Thia is a llrst-claes Invcstmout.—J. M. L.'unox, Kstate Acent, Auckland. }^OK S • JjlC—A liarßain—Suburban Villa containing tcven rooms, with 35 acres o( volcivnio land. All fenced and subdivided intonlno paddocks. In addition to tho llouso, th'T'> are Rhods, stables, dairy, See. Tliii lino property :s only five minutes' walk from tho railway station. Price, £2.000.— J. AI. Lennox, Kalato Agent, Auckland. 711.,. l^Oll SALE, a Kami of BO acrrs-70 ncro3 of A which are laid down in English brasses— only 1J miles from a railway station. Pi-ice. £100. —.7. M. Lennox, Kstatc Auont, Auckland. (J7I-. 1^ A KM of 125 acres, nt Hunua, about one milo from tho Hunua Katlwuy Hiation. Piice, £750.— J. M. Lennox, K3tato Agent, Auckland. CSL. r«^O FAUMRIIS, for immediate salo, a Good X Farm, o( 1117 ucros, all under cultivation or m Rrass, with a Lir^o and Commodious Family I (evidence erected thereon. 'J'ho farm is only 15 miles fioin the city by a (,'ood McAdaiuiacd read. Price, £l,2iiO.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Atient. Auckland. CIL. COTTAGK, ivith half a aero of freehold, In Papakma. Price, £7li.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato A(,ron(, Auckland. ra\O Hargain.— Farm of 101 A acreainlCtiHt Pukokoho. Sub-divided,and about, 30 acres in grass, Tho land is part bush, iB well watered, has a cnttamo upon it, nnd is only twenty minutes' walk from tho railway Btfition.—J. M. Lennox. mo KAUMKRS.-For salo, a First-claps Farm X of 202 acres on thoKustTamaki:allinnrass well watered. Prioo,£7per aere.-J. M. Lennox Kst,atoAp;ont. 3IIj. £1 7 5~ A Harcain-OOTTASB! in Coolc-strcot, M*■ * v wtlh freehold allotmont. Price, £175----£ao cash, balanco can remain upon tho property —J. M. Lennox, Kstato Agent. "810 FAKMKHS-B'or Palo, a First class Farm i. of JSOnorop, 19 milo'i from tho city, with eight-roomed house, foitv stall stable, und ovorr convenience. Pric3, £1810. 2L. r|io FAKMKItS—A HariTatn,—A Farm of 107 J. acres in liast Puknkohp, about 50 acres in ffi-ass; a 5-roomed llonso and every convonionco. Prico. £l!)o.—Torma can bo arranged — J. M. Lcmicx-, Kotato A Rent, Auckland. IJGK. PUKKKOHK WKST.-Farm of 200 Acres X adjoining Buckland and Shepherd's; good land. Prico, 60a por acre.—J. M. Lonnox. 117K ■-6 O FAKMKR3 pnd Othorß.-Ono of tho i. Choicest Farms in the I'rovinco. There »ro 217 acres within S miles of tho city ; quality of land cannot bo oxcellod: largo nine-roomed resifleneo.—J. M. Lonnox, Bstato Aj^ent. 731 C. Air For Houses, .Karma, and Allotments, see my long advertisement la ' Wookly llorald." J M. LENNOX, Estate Agent. Auckland. _ . , , __ THE TIKI OOLDFIELD, JU3T PUBLI3IIKD, " A PLAN OF THK TIKI GOLDFIELD, Compiled by C. F. 11. Lloyd, Surveyor, j Showing l.ho position of nil tho Claims at tho 5' Tiki Ooldiield, both on Government dl and Alra Jiiiiintoijh'a property. r,l l'o bu Iwid at Mr K. Wayta's, Auckluud, or M 'j' Hilk'u, Stationor, Oorciuuudul. * oi riilCifi, 2a 6n. st

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 4


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